The awkward atmosphere lasted for a long time.

Ji Yun didn't want to speak.

Reba didn't know what to say.

Xiao Lin did not dare to speak.

As a result, only the lovely laughter could be heard in the car from time to time.

It was also because of the laughter that the atmosphere in the car was not too quiet.

It's just that children don't have much patience.

After playing with the toy for a while, she gradually lost interest in the furry toy.

Throwing the toy aside casually, she raised her head and looked at Reba:"Mom~"

"Baby, mommy is here."

Reba smiled softly.

She also knew what kind of character her daughter was.

So she reached out and hugged Tuantuan into her arms and asked,"Do you not want to play anymore?"

"Okay, then we won’t play anymore. Tell your mother, are you crying and looking for your mother today?"

Tuantuan blinked, with a cute expression.

The little guy had no idea that his father had tricked him. He couldn't speak yet and couldn't explain himself. He could only bab a few times.

So 08 Hot Ba took it for granted that Tuantuan was really crying and looking for her.

The smile on Reba's face suddenly became sweeter.

After all, no mother doesn't want her child to rely on her.

"Well, you are such a good baby. Reba kissed them all over.

However, she did not encourage this behavior and added:"But wasn't dad right next to you at that time?""

"Dad will also take care of you. Next time, just follow him, okay? Tuantuan made a noise, remembering that his father was still there, and turned to look at Ji Yun.


At this time, Ji Yun's finger tapping on the window edge had stopped.

However, his eyes were still looking out the window, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Hearing Tuantuan's soft and waxy voice, Ji Yun's eyes The emotion disappeared instantly.

It was replaced by a touch of tenderness, and Ji Yun asked softly:"What's wrong, baby? Tuantuan opened his hands and asked for a hug from his father.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Ji Yun's mouth, and he reached out to hug Tuantuan.

Seeing that it was getting late,

Ji Yun stretched out his hand to scratch Tuantuan's nose and glanced at Reba again..

Then he said:"Xiao Lin, drive back to Yang Yi Ju"

"Good job, Mr. Ji."

Xiao Lin, who was sitting in the front, felt that the oppressive feeling that spread in the car finally disappeared.

She couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that she has to rely on Tuan Tuan.

Only Tuan Tuan can be the leader of President Ji. He spoke out when he was angry.

Only Tuantuan could make Mr. Ji stop being angry in an instant.

…… after awhile.

The car drove back to Yang Yiju.

When he got home, Ji Yun happened to see a Porsche parked in front of his house.

Ji Yun has a very good memory. He has seen this Porsche several times and knows that it is Yang Mi's car.

"Did you invite Yang Mi here?"

Ji Yun asked Reba.

Reba's heart skipped a beat.

Originally, she didn't want to let Ji Yun know so quickly. She was going out to buy things for Ji's father and mother today.

But Sister Mi's car was parked at the door. , now I can’t hide it even if I want to.

"Well, today I went out to buy something with Sister Mi and Sister Liying."

"Didn't you come to me with a group of people, so I didn't take Sister Mi's car back, and Sister Mi sent my things home."

Reba explained.

"So, you went out with Yang Mi and the others at noon today?"

Ji Yun asked, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

"yes. Reba nodded, smiled awkwardly and said,"I didn't mean to hide it from you, it's just that I..."

Ji Yun waved his hand and said calmly:"No need to explain, it's your right not to tell.""

"Get off the car and see if Yang Mi needs help."

After saying that, Ji Yun got out of the car with Tuantuan in his arms. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Reba followed her immediately.

She looked at their backs through the rearview mirror. , Xiao Lin couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

Well, it turned out that it was all a misunderstanding.

On the other side, Yang Mi was standing in the hall, holding a box of beautifully packaged tea.

Behind her, there were workers from the villa helping Take everything else out of the car

"Sister Mi."

At this time, Ji Yun and Reba walked to the hall. Reba immediately smiled and said hello to Yang Mi.

"came back."

Hearing the call, Yang Mi turned her head and looked over, and then put the tea leaves on the table.

"Why did you get home just now? I even slowed down the car on purpose. I didn’t expect you to be slower than me."

Seeing Reba approaching, Yang Mi asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Well...something happened on the way, so I was delayed for a while."

Reba smiled, but didn't say it directly.

Knowing that this was most likely Ji Yun's fault, Yang Mi couldn't ask further questions.


"Everything has been taken down for you. You can take it upstairs later. I won't go upstairs.

Reba nodded and said:"Okay, I will move slowly by myself later.""

"Maybe two people moved together at 030."

Yang Mi smiled teasingly, and then said:"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, it's getting late, so I'll go back first.

Reba was stunned for a moment:"Sister Mi, are you leaving so soon?" Let's stay and have dinner together."

Yang Mi shook her head and was about to refuse.

But at this time, Ji Yun came over with Tuantuan in her arms.

Looking at Yang Mi, Ji Yun said lightly:"Since you are here, let's finish the meal before leaving."

When she heard this, Yang Mi was stunned.

She looked at Ji Yun in confusion, wondering if there was something wrong with her ears.

Ji Yun...

Ji Yun actually let her eat together?

"Ouch, good."

Anyway, since Ji Yun has spoken in person, Yang Mi will never dare not give him face.

Yang Mi nodded in agreement and smiled awkwardly:"In this case, I won't be polite."

Ji Yun didn't say anything, and carried Tuantuan upstairs.

Tuantuan's urine bag was a little bulging, and it was almost time to change her diaper.

Reba did not follow her, because Ji Yun could do it alone now. It was time to change the diaper.

At this time, Yang Mi suddenly pushed Reba’s shoulder and said with a smile:

"Little Reba, your Ji Yun is in a good mood today."

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