at the same time. the other side.

Ludao Airport.

Ji Yun and the other three got off the plane.

Reba followed Ji Yun with Tuantuan in her arms, pushing a suitcase in her hand.

Ji Yun walked in front, carrying a black bag behind him and pushing two suitcases in his hands.

And there was a handbag hanging on each of the two suitcases.

Ji Yun was surrounded by several luggage, and it looked like Ji Yun was moving.

Seeing this scene, Reba felt a little embarrassed.

Originally, she thought that this visit to Ludao would be like the last time she went to Suzhou and Hangzhou.

After arriving at the airport, someone will drive to greet them.

But now it seems that Ji Yun didn't arrange for anyone to pick them up, so they have to hold everything by themselves.

If she had known this was the case, she wouldn't have brought so many things here.

Ji Yun's face was very calm.

Although he usually works, Ji Yun also squeezes out some time to exercise.

After all, only a good body can work better.

When you are energetic, you will not make wrong judgments.

I dare not say that his whole body is full of muscles, but Ji Yun also has a strong figure when he takes off his clothes.

Therefore, it was just a few suitcases, so Ji Yun didn't find it difficult to pick them up.

Soon after walking outside the airport, Ji Yun took out his mobile phone and called Ji's mother.

After making the call, Ji Yun turned to look at Reba and said,"Wait here for a while. The airport is very close to my home. My dad will be here soon.""

"Ouch, good."

Reba nodded, suddenly feeling a little nervous.

""217" I'm about to meet Ji Yun's father.

I don't know what kind of person Ji Yun's father will be.

But to be able to cultivate a person like Ji Yun, Ji Yun's father must be very serious, right?

Tuantuan is not the same at all. There is no nervousness.

After all, Tuantuan doesn’t know what nervousness is.

There are many people around the airport at this time.

But Tuantuan is not afraid of strangers. Watching the scene of people coming and going, it feels very fresh.

His eyes are following those Passengers, from the time they walked out of the airport to getting on the bus, and then looking at another passenger.

This cycle is endless.

After a while, a Hongqi H9 parked in the parking lot.

A tall middle-aged man stepped out of the car.

"My dad is here, let’s go."

Ji Yun hooked Reba's hand, and then walked towards the middle-aged man.

Ji Yun's father is here?!

Reba was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes quickly searched the crowd.

Just one glance, Reba I saw the middle-aged man in the crowd.

And I immediately knew that the middle-aged man was Ji Yun's father.

There was no other reason, because they were so similar!

Not just in appearance and figure.

The temperament was also very similar. , indifferent and silent, looking like she didn't like to talk.

Reba was stunned for a few seconds.

After reacting, she followed her with a ball in her arms.

Ji's father saw Ji Yun coming over, with a look on his face. Only then did he show a smile.

Seeing Ji Yun carrying so much luggage, Ji's father stepped forward to help.

"Why did you bring so many things back?"

Ji's father asked with some doubts.

This is not like his son's style.

Even if he has to stay a few more days this time, his son can only push one suitcase back.

This is several backpacks and two more. A large suitcase.

It looks like it's about to be moved.

"Things that others bring."

Ji Yun replied casually, opened the trunk and put the suitcase on it first.

"Anyone else?"

Ji's father put several backpacks on the back seat and frowned slightly when he heard Ji Yun's words.

"Who else did you bring back? Is your company silent? still?"

Hearing this, Ji Yun raised his eyebrows and a slight smile appeared on his face.

The moment he closed the suitcase, he saw that silly woman running over with a group of people.

"People are there."

Ji Yun said with a chuckle.

Ji's father followed Ji Yun's gaze and immediately saw Reba and Tuantuan.

Ji's father hesitated for two seconds, then turned to look at Ji Yun.

Seeing his son gently Nodding.

The calm look on the face of the man who trained Ji Yun disappeared in an instant.

It was replaced by disbelief, confusion, doubt, and even a trace of... confusion.

What's going on?

His son actually I brought back a young and beautiful girl!

And that girl was holding a cute child in her arms.

It couldn’t be…

"Hello uncle!"

At this time, Reba had already run over with the ball in her arms.

After running for such a long distance, Reba was already a little out of breath.

Coupled with the nervousness in her heart,

Reba swallowed several times and then spoke. Hello.

And bowed slightly


Ji's father was stunned and glanced at Ji Yun. He obviously meant to explain quickly what was going on.

Ji Yun chuckled.

Ever since he was a child, Ji's father had always been the same in his impression. He looked serious.

It was rare to see Ji's father so shocked, and I have to say it was quite interesting.

However, he did not show off.

He suppressed his smile and said:"Dad, let me introduce to you, this is Reba, and then this It's your granddaughter"

"His nickname is Tuantuan, and his nickname is Ji Letong."

Father Ji felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

In fact, as a smart man, Father Ji had already vaguely guessed the identities of Reba and Tuantuan.

But when he heard Ji Yun's confirmation, Father Ji felt a little out of control.!

His son’s wife... and his daughter!?

His son has never said anything about this!

Ji’s father was a little stunned.

But fortunately, he still had his concentration, and it took him a few seconds to suppress the surprise on his face.

"Reba, nice to meet you."

Father Ji smiled politely.

"Uncle, I'm glad to meet you too! Reba immediately responded with a big smile and said,"I came here suddenly this time and didn't say hello to you in advance. I'm really sorry.""

"Tuantuan, come and say hello to grandpa"

"This is grandpa, please call me grandpa. Mom taught you this yesterday."

Tuantuan is looking at Ji's father curiously.

As long as he meets a stranger, Tuantuan will feel very curious.

Moreover, his father looks very similar to this"stranger".

Tuantuan can't help but become even more curious.

"Yaya (Grandpa)" looked at each other for several seconds, and then shouted to Ji's father.

Ji's father didn't know what to do for a moment. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Live I haven’t been called grandpa in more than fifty years, and I feel a strange emotion in my heart.

"Tuantuan, hello."

After a long time, Ji's father suppressed a kind smile, said hello to Tuantuan, and touched Tuantuan's head.

Tuantuan made a noise, not afraid, and even smiled.

"Uncle, do you want to give her a hug? Seeing that

Tuantuan was not afraid, Reba smiled and asked Ji's father.

Ji's father opened his hand, but after thinking about it, he took it back:"Let's go back and hug him again.""

"There are many people outside, let’s go home first.

Reba nodded:"Okay uncle.""

Then, a few people got into the car.

Reba and Ji Yun sat in the back seat.

Ji's father sat in the front and drove.

The moment he fastened his seat belt, Ji's father suddenly remembered something, and the expression on his face changed instantly. Get up.

When I saw Reba and Tuan Tuan just now, I was enveloped in surprise and joy.

I even forgot that Chen Xinru, the child of the former homemaker, was at home.

Originally, this was an insignificant matter.

Although I could see that Chen Xinru seemed to have some purpose. , but Ji’s father didn’t like to care about it.

But now... the situation is different!

Suddenly there is a daughter-in-law and a granddaughter. Wouldn’t it be great if he went back and met Chen Xinru?…

"Dad, are you okay?"

At this time, Ji Yun's voice came.

Ji's father came back to his senses and said:"It's okay, you guys sit still and watch Tuantuan carefully, I'm driving."

There is no other way. We can only wait until we get back."

…… the other side.

In the large flat floor.

Ji's mother cooked a few dishes and a pot of soup was simmering in the pot.

After bringing the dishes to the dining table, Ji's mother said,"Xinru, come out and sit for a while. Xiaoyun should be here soon.""

"Ok aunty."

Chen Xinru nodded obediently and sat on the sofa in the living room with Ji's mother.

Ji's mother poured Chen Xinru a glass of water and asked with a smile:"Are you hungry? Chen

Xinru smiled and said,"Auntie, it's okay. I just feel a little hungry when I smell the dishes you cooked."

Ji's mother laughed:"Xiao Yun should be here soon, and dinner will be ready soon.""

"There is also a bowl of green pepper beef, which will be fried when Xiaoyun comes back. It is Xiaoyun's favorite dish."

Chen Xinru silently wrote it down.

Ji's mother asked again:"Xinru, you are not young now, and you are so beautiful. You should have a boyfriend, right? Chen

Xinru smiled bitterly:"No, auntie, I'm still single." Ji

's mother was a little surprised:"You are still single. It seems that there are really fewer young people who are willing to fall in love now.""

"Xinru, auntie, please gossip, don’t be angry. You came to see auntie today. Do you want auntie to help you introduce boys to you?"

"If you say you're just here to visit your aunt, she still doesn't believe it."

Chen Xinru smiled shyly:"Auntie, I really came to visit you today."

"But at the same time, I also want to ask you about brother Ji Yun. Ji's mother asked,"

What's wrong?" Are you interested in our Xiaoyun?"

Chen Xinru blushed and said coquettishly:"Auntie, I'm just asking..."

Ji's mother narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Chen Xinru.

Although she always felt that the child who led the family was a bit insincere.

But her unfulfilled son was really He has been alone and widowed for too long.

If he is not allowed to have contact with girls, he is afraid that he will be alone for the rest of his life. He just needs to have contact with Chen Xinru.

Whether it will work or not is another matter, but at least he can let his son know that it is time to start a family!

So Ji's mother smiled and said :"Xinru, don't be shy. If you are interested, just tell auntie. Auntie can also help you."

"Xiao Yun has also been single for so long, and his aunt is still thinking of introducing him to girls."

"If you have this intention, then let's get in touch with each other. Didn't you go to the same school before? Chen

Xinru's face turned even redder and she said,"Auntie, I really don't mean that.""

"Brother Ji Yun is so outstanding. He was a popular figure in our school when he was a student. Now he will only become more outstanding."

"With my appearance and work, I am not worthy of Brother Ji Yun.

Ji's mother smiled and said,"In matters of love, there is no question of whether one is worthy or not.""

"As long as both parties have emotions and there are no problems with these aspects of character and morality, nothing else matters."

This is true.

This is Ji's mother's view of love.

Chen Xinru still hesitated:"Auntie, I..."

She was about to say something.

At this time, the doorbell rang with a"ding dong".

Ji's mother's eyes lit up. , a joyful look appeared on his face: 1.8"It must be Xiaoyun and the others who are back!""

"I'm coming!"

Ji's mother got up and opened the door happily.

Chen Xinru also followed her.

Ji's mother opened the door.

The first person to hit the scene was Ji's father walking in with a few backpacks.

"I brought so much stuff.

Ji's mother was startled, and then she hurried up to help get it.

Chen Xinru also wanted to go up and help get it. But Ji's father said,"It's okay, Xinru, I'll just come and get it.""

Immediately afterwards, Ji Yun walked in pushing his suitcase.

Ji's mother happily greeted him.

But the next moment, the smile on Ji's mother's face froze.

Because she saw Reba and Tuan Tuan following behind.

"This is?"

Ji's mother was confused.

Is this the person her son brought back?

What does it have to do with her son?

She was confused. At this time, Ji's father put a few bags on the sofa and then turned back.

He said in a clear and bright voice :"Tuan Tuan, come and give me a hug."

"Reba, come in and sit down quickly, don't stand outside."

After hearing these two sentences, Ji's mother was stunned on the spot.

This, this, this... turns out these are my daughter-in-law and granddaughter!

Wait a minute...

I don't care about the extra daughter-in-law and granddaughter coming out for now.

But since the daughter-in-law and granddaughter Here it comes.

Then Chen Xinru is here, wouldn’t something big happen!


No contact!

He already has a daughter-in-law and a granddaughter, why should he let his son have contact with girls!.

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