Hearing Ji's mother's words, Reba couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, my aunt still has such a family status at home.

No wonder every time I hear my aunt talking to Ji Yun on the phone.

Ji Yun, who has always been aloof, seemed very obedient in front of his aunt.

Then, Reba secretly glanced at Ji Yun.

Ji Yun is still sitting next to him making tea.

His face was calm, as if he hadn't heard the conversation.

Looking back, Reba shook her head and said,"Auntie, Ji Yun is very good to me and has never been harsh to me."

Well...even if he was, he couldn't just say it.

Although Ji's mother said she would support her.

But just listen to what you say and don’t take it seriously.

Ji's mother has such confidence because she is already the mistress of the family.

But what is her relationship with Ji Yun?

Said Potian is just a neighbor living under the same roof.

Confidence must be built on the premise that the other party is willing to tolerate.

Obviously, she doesn't have such confidence

"That's good. Ji

's mother had no doubts and said,"Reba, Ji Yun's personality is a bit cold, but he is still good to people.""

"If you two are unhappy with each other, you should be more tolerant.

Reba smiled and nodded:"Yes, auntie.""

"Ji Yun, did you hear that?"

Ji's mother asked Ji Yun again.

At this time, the tea had been brewed, and Ji Yun was making tea. Hearing this, he hummed softly.

"Okay, don't sit there alone making tea, come over and chat together."

Ji's mother waved and said.

Ji Yun didn't say anything, but poured a few cups of tea.

Then he took a sip from the tea cup and then sat over.

As for the remaining three cups of tea, he quietly placed them on the table. Up there, no one touches it.

To outsiders, this mother tree Dahongpao can be said to be worth thousands of gold.

But here, this mother tree Dahongpao seems so insignificant.

Ji Yun just sat over and was hugged by Ji's mother. He made a noise.

Then, the little guy opened his hands towards Ji Yun and asked Ji Yun to give him a hug.

"Baby, do you want daddy to hold you?"

Ji's mother had no choice but to reluctantly hand Tuantuan to Ji Yun.

Ji Yun stretched out his hand to scratch Tuantuan's nose, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

It seems that this period of time was indeed not in vain.

Although it is not as good as Reba. 023 status in Tuantuan's heart.

But besides Reba, he is the person Tuantuan relies on the most

"Ji Yun, our family is the only one left here, so I’ll just say some things directly."

"It’s really not what I want to say to you. You are such a grown-up person, why don’t you know how to behave at all?"

"Why didn't you say a word when you brought Reba and Tuantuan back this time?"

Ji's mother began to complain.

These words had been held in Ji's heart for a long time.

Because Chen Xinru was still here just now.

The so-called family scandal should not be made public.

Ji's mother is the kind of person who does not speak ill of the family outside.

But now she is locked up When the door comes, we have to settle the accounts carefully.

"Auntie, Ji Yun..."

Reba was startled. Unexpectedly, Ji's mother suddenly started to blame Ji Yun.

She was about to explain a few words for Ji Yun.

But before she could say anything, Ji's mother interrupted her.

"Reba, you don’t have to protect him."

Ji's mother said angrily:"You kid, don't fool me by saying that you are afraid that your father and I won't accept it."

"I don’t think you don’t know the attitude between me and your dad."

"Your dad and I are looking forward to it day and night, just hoping that you can start a family soon."

"If you bring Reba and Tuantuan back, it will be too late for us to be happy."

Ji's mother became more and more angry as she talked.

It was because Ji Yun didn't say hello in advance that it led to such an embarrassing situation just now!

The daughter-in-law brought her granddaughter to the house for the first time.

It turned out that there were other women at home..

If this matter spread, I would think that the Ji family is bullying others!

Facing Ji's mother's reprimand, Ji Yun's face looked very calm.

Indeed, today's situation was a bit unexpected.

He did not expect that there would be someone at home. Yes.

But it doesn’t matter. As long as Reba and Tuantuan are here, my mother won’t be too angry.

"Mom, I just want to give you a surprise. Ji

Yun said:"When you open the door and see Reba and Tuantuan, don't you think this is a surprise?""

As soon as these words came out, Ji's mother's attitude softened a lot.

"Surprise (bjbb) Of course it's a surprise, but you also score occasions.

Ji's mother said,"Tell me, what kind of surprise is suitable for an occasion like today?" I didn't even have time to prepare."

If I had known earlier that Reba and Tuantuan would come together today.

No matter what Chen Xinru said, she had to pay Chen Xinru out

"I think you are well prepared, and there is no shortage of food and drink."

Ji Yun said calmly:"Of course, if you are referring to the woman named Chen Xinru, then that is a different matter."

"Mom, did I tell you on the phone not to introduce any more blind dates to me? I’ll talk about everything later when I get back."

"If you had listened to me, how could this happen? Ji

's mother's face suddenly changed,"What kind of blind date are you talking about?""

Ji's mother's face turned green!

If Reba hadn't been here, Ji's mother would have really wanted to ask, Ji Yun, are you crazy? You shouldn't pick up the pot, right?

Then looking at Reba, Ji's mother hurriedly Said:"Reba, don't listen to Ji Yun's nonsense."

"If Xinru is not Ji Yun's blind date, I never thought of letting Ji Yun go on a blind date."

"Xinru was the child of a neighbor who used to have a good relationship with your uncle. They still keep in touch after so many years."

"This time I learned that your uncle was back, but he was not in Ludao, so I sent Xinru to visit."

"We didn't know about this beforehand, otherwise we would have told her not to go to such trouble."

Although Chen Xinru came uninvited.

But in order to make this reason more real, Ji's mother decided to drag Ji's father out to take the blame.

Ji's father was silent and didn't want to get involved in these things.

Suddenly he was pulled into the situation. He couldn't help being slightly startled.

But before he could react, Ji's mother pulled him again:"Old Ji, do you think so? Ji

's father was silent for a few seconds and said calmly:"Reba, your aunt is right.""


Reba suddenly wanted to laugh.

Although her reaction is slow, it does not mean that she is stupid.

Ji's father and Ji's mother didn't cooperate very well, and she could tell at a glance that this was an excuse.

However, it doesn’t matter whether it’s an excuse or not.

After all, she and Ji Yun had nothing to do with each other.

Even if Ji's mother really introduces Ji Yun to a blind date, she can't say anything.

Quite the opposite.

The way Ji's mother makes excuses, and the way Ji's father cooperates.

It made her feel warm and valued

"Auntie, I believe you."

Hearing this, Ji's mother breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, what a good boy."

Then Ji's mother glanced at Ji Yun fiercely and said,"It would be great if Ji Yun could be half as sensible as you."

"They say he has a lot of potential, but I think that's all." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"When I look at him, he is really angry at me."

Hearing this,

Reba couldn't help but laugh.

In this world, Ji Yun can be said like this, and Ji Yun doesn't have any opinions.

I'm afraid Ji's mother is the only one.


Next, several people chatted in the living room for a while.

We chatted until about half past one.

It's almost time for Tuantuan to go to sleep.

Her energy was exhausted and she fell asleep in Ji Yun's arms.

"Ji Yun, the baby seems to be sleepy."

Ji's mother whispered:"You and Reba can go back to the room to sleep together."

"You guys are coming by plane today, so you should be tired too, so let’s take a nap together.

Ji Yun hummed, and then asked:"Which room?"

Ji's mother was stunned for a moment and said angrily:"Which room?" It must be your room. Don't you two sleep together?"

Hearing this, Ji Yun didn't say anything else.

He just wanted to confirm. It didn't matter which room he slept in, or whether he slept together or not.

But when Reba heard this, her face changed instantly.

With... Sleeping in the same room with Ji Yun?

Isn't that not good?

Seemingly seeing Reba's shyness, Ji's mother said:"Reba, don't be shy"

"You and Ji Yun even have children. Isn't it normal to sleep in the same room?"

"Moreover, your uncle and I just arrived home yesterday, and then Ji Yun didn’t tell us that you and Tuantuan were also here."

"So your uncle and I have tidied up two rooms in total, and there is no extra room."

Hearing this, a blush appeared on Reba's face.

If you say that, she will definitely sleep with Ji Yun today?

"Let's go."

At this time, Ji Yun came over.

There was no time to think too much, Reba had to follow Ji Yun back to the room.

Ji Yun's room was large and tidy.

There were not many things in the room.

There was only a wardrobe. , table, sofa, bed, bathroom and other simple furniture and arrangements.

There is nothing else.

After entering the door, Ji Yun put the ball on the bed.

Then he opened the suitcase next to him and took out a The little quilt was put on Tuantuan.

After doing this, Ji Yun did not go to bed, but sat on the sofa and said:"You go and sleep with Tuantuan."

Reba stood there, but she was a little at a loss.

"Do you have anything else?"

Seeing this, Ji Yun couldn't help but frowned and asked.

Reba shook her head:"No, it's okay.

Ji Yun said calmly:"Then you won't sleep?""

Reba looked bitter and didn't know how to answer.

How can she sleep like this?

Ji Yun was sitting on the sofa. This feeling was really strange.

It seemed that every move she made and even her breathing became heavier, Ji Yun Even though...she and Ji Yun did have children.

But she had almost lost the memory of that night.

In other words, in her brain memory, she and Ji Yun had a child together. No intimate contact at all

"Me, I'm not sleepy yet."

After hesitating for a moment, Reba could only tell this reason.

Ji Yun didn't say anything, and said calmly:"Since you are not sleepy, just sit still."

"I'm a little tired. I'll sleep for a while and call me if you need anything."

After saying that, Ji Yun leaned against the sofa and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Reba couldn't help but be stunned.

Wasn't it...

Ji Yun really slept?

And she slept so naturally?

After all, she was also a woman.

Being in the same room with her, Ji Yun didn't even change his mood at all?

Doesn't this mean he looks down on her?

Reba couldn't help pouting.

But then she looked at Ji Yun sleeping.

In Reba's eyes But a layer of complexity gradually emerged.

When she came to Ji Yun's house this time, she had never thought of calling herself Ji Yun's girlfriend or wife.

She just wanted to come as a guest as Tuantuan's mother.

However, Ji's mother did not Giving her a chance to explain, she immediately treated her as his daughter-in-law.

Ji Yun had no intention of explaining, thinking that there was no need to explain.

So, she became the daughter-in-law of the Ji family.

But she knew that this was not the case. Really.

One day, the truth about her relationship with Ji Yun will be revealed.

I don’t know what kind of reaction Ji’s mother will be when she finds out the truth.

She will be very disappointed, right?

Thinking of this, Reba suddenly felt confused A sense of guilt.

Ji's mother or Ji's father made Reba feel very kind.

It was like an elder around her.

At first, she was worried that when she came here, Ji's father and Ji's mother would not like her, and they would feel Her status is not worthy of Ji Yun.

But now she finds that Ji's mother is a warm aunt.

Although Ji's father is taciturn, he also gives people a gentle feeling

"Oh, if only it were true."

Reba sighed faintly.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think of the way Ji's father and Ji's mother got along. The lively and cheerful mother Ji could occasionally arouse Ji's father's emotions.

Although Ji's father was taciturn, he also Let’s talk.

Can she inspire Ji Yun’s emotions in the same way in the future?

As she thought about it,

Reba felt tired, fell down on the bed, and fell asleep...

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