Imperial Bay.

It is a famous mansion on Ludao.

Dijing Bay, whether it is its own structure or the surrounding environment.

In the entire Ludao, and even in the entire country of China, it can be regarded as the top existence.

At this time, Ji Yun's family went downstairs and wandered in the garden of Dijingwan.

This garden covers a large area and is planted with various rare flowers and plants.

As night falls, the lights come on.

The bunches of lights illuminate the garden and at the same time bring a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

When Tuantuan comes outside, he is always very excited.

At this time, Tuantuan's two fleshy short legs were kicking back and forth in Ji's mother's arms, and her body was constantly swaying.

Tuantuan is now eleven months old, so her strength is really not that small.

Being tortured like this by Tuan Tuan, Ji's mother almost couldn't hold her anymore.

"Tuantuan, be good, stop making trouble."

Seeing this, Reba reached out and rubbed Tuantuan's head to make Tuantuan calm down.

Then she said to Ji's mother:"Auntie, why don't you put Tuantuan down?"

"Judging from the appearance of Tuantuan, he probably wanted to come down and take a walk by himself.

Ji's mother asked worriedly:"Can Tuantuan walk now?"

Reba smiled and nodded:"Auntie, as long as you hold Tuantuan's hand and give Tuantuan a place to draw strength, Tuantuan can walk for a while.""

"When Ji Yun and I usually take Tuantuan out for a walk, we hold Tuantuan by one hand and let Tuantuan walk on his own."

Hearing this, Ji's mother nodded, and then put Tuantuan down.

"In this case, let us baby walk for a while"

""923""I didn't expect our baby to be so powerful and now he can walk.""

"It seems that grandma still underestimates you."

Ji's mother held Tuantuan's little hand and said with a kind smile.

However, in fact, Ji is too cautious. It

's not that she has no experience in this area.

After all, Ji's mother also raised Ji Yun to such a big age.

How could Ji's mother possibly Don't you know that children at this age already have some ability to walk?

It can only be said that facing this granddaughter who has been looking forward to for a long time,

Ji's mother is really afraid that she will be hurt in the slightest.

"By the way, Reba, you and Ji Yun often go out with groups, right?"

As if thinking of something, Ji's mother turned to Reba and asked

"Hmm... not really."

Reba replied:"After all, Tuantuan is still too young, so I worry about being in danger if I take her out."

"So Ji Yun and I took the group for a walk around the manor."

Ji's mother nodded lightly. Of course she had been to Yangyiju and knew that there was a luxurious manor in Yangyiju.

And her son lived in that luxurious manor.

"That's almost it. The manor is so big. Taking a group around the manor is considered a trip."

Ji's mother said:"I remember the last time I called Ji Yun, I heard a child's voice on the other end of the phone."

"At that time, you should just take a walk outside, right?"

Reba thought for a moment and soon knew which time Ji's mother was talking about.

It was also the first time she heard Ji's mother's voice, and she was so nervous that she didn't dare to breathe.

"Yes aunt."

Reba nodded and said.

Ji's mother smiled and said,"So, at that time I heard my granddaughter's voice."

"Lao Ji, come here, hold your granddaughter's other hand, and we'll take her for a while."

Ji's father, who was standing aside, seemed to have had this idea for a long time.

After hearing Ji's mother's words, Ji's father quickly came over and took Tuantuan's other hand.

Then the two elders held Tuantuan's hand and led Tuantuan to the garden. Walking inside.

The original position of the four of them was Reba standing next to Ji's mother.

Ji Yun and Ji's father walked behind them.

But now Ji's father walked next to Tuantuan.

Reba could only step back a few steps. He stepped forward, so he retreated to Ji Yun's side.

At this time, Ji Yun was quietly looking at the scene in front of him. He neither spoke nor quickened his pace to follow, but there was a touch of relaxation in his eyes.

Ji Yun was a person without What a person with mood changes.

Maybe it's because he was born like this. Ji Yun's eyes are too deep, and he seems to be thinking about things at all times.

But when he returned home, Ji Yun seemed to finally relax.

Reba retreated to Ji Yun As soon as she was around, she kept walking at the same speed with Ji Yun.

Since Ji's father and Ji's mother liked Tuan Tuan so much, let them play with Tuan Tuan for a while.

Otherwise, as soon as she walked over, Tuan Tuan would come looking for her after not playing for long. she

"It seems that uncle and aunt really like Tuantuan."

Seeing Ji's father and Ji's mother happy, Reba was relieved.

Originally, what she was most worried about was that Ji's father and Ji's mother wouldn't like Tuantuan.

Or maybe they didn't like Tuantuan that much.

After all, strictly speaking, Tuantuan can It was said to be an illegitimate child.

And a famous family like the Ji family would probably not accept an illegitimate child.

But now it seems that her worries are obviously unnecessary.

Ji's father and Ji's mother are very fond of each other.

It can be said that they are holding each other in their hands. I'm afraid it will fall, and I'm afraid it will melt if I hold it in my mouth.

"They have wanted a granddaughter for a long time, and now that they have one, they will naturally like it."

Ji Yun still looked forward and replied casually.

Reba nodded slightly.

Then looking at Ji Yun's calm and handsome profile, she thought of one thing. After hesitating, Reba couldn't help but ask. :"Ji Yun, can I ask you something?

Ji Yun glanced at Reba and said calmly:"You tell me." Reba asked in a low voice but full of curiosity:"Uncle and aunt, did you often urge you to get married in the past?""

Hearing this, Ji Yun frowned and couldn't help but be a little confused.

He didn't understand why Reba suddenly asked this question.

However, this is not something that needs to be hidden.

Ji Yun said calmly:"I am almost thirty years old. At this age, most people are already married"

"So do you think they often pushed me before?"

"It was just that it was at the time when I was starting my own business and I was too busy with work, so they couldn’t say much."

"During this period, they began to urge me to get married again, but now that I bring you and Tuantuan back, they won't say anything anymore.

Reba screamed:"That's it.""

Then, Reba stopped talking. She looked forward, not knowing what she was thinking. After walking for a while, they caught up with Ji's father and mother.

At this time, Tuantuan was tired from walking and was in Ji's father's arms. Tuan Tuan lay down to rest.

Seeing Reba coming over, Tuan Tuan immediately opened her hands towards Reba.

As expected, she still wanted her mother to hug her.

Reba stretched out her hand to hug Tuan Tuan over and said softly:"Baby, you are tired from playing. no? Tuantuan let out a cry, rubbing his head in Reba's arms.

Although he is tired, his heart is not tired yet.

He still wants to continue playing.

"Reba, my dear, you are still very energetic. You have walked such a long way alone, and your uncle and I didn’t really help you much just now."

"I think if I walk a few more times, the baby may gradually learn how to walk."

Ji's mother said with a smile.

Seeing how powerful Tuantuan was, Ji's mother was very happy.

At this time, they walked into the garden, and there were more people walking around.

At this time, there were several ladies in gorgeous clothes. Passing in front of them.

The lady standing at the end seemed to see something and suddenly stopped.

Then she turned her head and looked towards them.


The noble lady looked at Ji's mother and shouted with some uncertainty.

Ji's mother looked at the noble lady, obviously knowing her, and smiled:"What's wrong? I haven't been out for long, so she doesn't recognize me anymore. ?"

"Oh, it’s really you, Suyin."

The noble lady was startled. After she realized what she was doing, she walked towards Ji's mother.

At this time, several other noble ladies also discovered what was going on here.

Then, they stopped one after another and walked over.

"Suyin, are you back?"

"I just said why this person looks so familiar, it turns out to be you!"

"The lighting here is not very bright, so I’m a little bit unsure about recognizing it."

"Suyin, it’s true, why didn’t you say hello to us when you came back?"

These ladies are friends of Ji's mother.

We usually play mahjong together, go shopping and have afternoon tea together, so they are very close.

Ji's mother smiled and said:"I just got home yesterday evening, and then started to pack things. I didn’t tell you anymore"

"I originally planned to visit you today, but I didn’t expect to see you here..........."

A lady said:"We are going to Xiaozhen to play mahjong."

"Since we met here, let's go together."

Several other ladies also invited: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, Suyin, let’s play mahjong together."

"During this period of time, without you here, no one can suppress Aegean. You are winning against us every day."

"Hey, your husband is here too. Did he go downstairs for a walk with you today?"

"You two are still in love as a couple. I haven’t gone out with my wife for a long time."

"Isn't this your son? Is your son back today too?"

"Who is this little girl next to me? There is a child in his arms, but he looks a bit strange."

Several ladies looked at Ji's father and then at Ji Yun.

Finally, the eyes of these ladies focused on Reba.

They looked at Reba curiously and asked.

Listen. Seeing their doubts, a smile instantly appeared on Ji's mother's face.

With a raised eyebrow, Ji's mother's expression became proud.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my daughter-in-law Reba, and this is my granddaughter Tuantuan."

Ji's mother planned to go find these friends. She originally wanted to show off to them.

Unexpectedly, she met these friends here by such a coincidence.

That's just right, she can start showing off right away.

Those ladies Listening to Ji's mother's words, everyone's eyes widened.

"Suyin, are you serious?"

"Are you hiding it too deeply? In the blink of an eye, he even had a daughter-in-law and a granddaughter!"

"Ouch, no wonder you look so good, it turns out you have met something happy! Ji

's mother glanced at Reba and then said,"Reba, these are my friends. Say hello to them.""

Reba raised her head and looked at these noble ladies with some shyness.

She could feel that each of these noble ladies had a noble status.

They looked like they were out of this world.

"Hello, aunties."

Reba shyly greeted


"Your name is Reba, right?"

"Why are you wearing a hat and a mask this late at night?"

"Um? This name sounds a bit strange. Where are you from?"

"It should be an ethnic minority, right?"

Several ladies looked at Reba and asked curiously.

Gossip is a woman's nature.

These ladies are no exception.

Normally, they may have to pay attention to the size of their words and be restrained.

But they and Ji's mother Now that they are so familiar, they don’t care about so many etiquettes.

Questions came one after another, which made Reba confused.

For a moment, Reba didn’t know which question she should answer first.

"That's enough for you. Fortunately , at this time, Ji's mother 3.1 stood up with a smile and curse:"What are you doing? If you don't know, you would think you are checking your household registration.""

"My wife here is shy, don't scare her."

Several ladies couldn't help laughing:

"Suyin, look at how you protect the calf."

"Why don't we care about it?"

"Although we don’t count watching Xiaoyun grow up, we also regard Xiaoyun as a younger generation."

"Xiaoyun now has a wife and children, so naturally we have to ask more questions."

"Xiaoyun, why are you silent? You brought the child back when he was already so old. He must be almost one year old, right?"

"I used to listen to your mother talking about it every day, but now your mother can finally be happy

Those ladies said to Ji Yun

"Almost one year old, now a little over eleven months old. Ji

Yun smiled slightly and said casually:"A few aunts were too busy some time ago, so they didn't have time to come back.""

"Now that I have some free time, I will take them home immediately."

The ladies nodded and no longer suspected anything.

"So that's it"

"Let me just say, Xiaoyun is not the kind of person who doesn’t know what’s important."

"I can't help it if I'm busy at work"

"Xiao Yun is promising, and my family member even told me that Xiao Yun will definitely become a legend in our country in the future!"

"By the way, Xiaoyun, I hear what you mean, you were so busy some time ago, doesn’t it mean that the wedding hasn’t even been held yet?"

"When will the wedding be held? Are you planning to get married when you come back from this trip?"

At this time, an aunt asked curiously.

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