"Mr. Chen, next I will cooperate with Mr. Ji to create a complete production chain in the Magic City!"

Ma Cisco didn't show off, and directly told his plan.

After hearing this,

Master Chen's face couldn't help but change slightly.

This time, Ma Cisco came to the Dragon Kingdom, and

Master Chen naturally understood in his heart that Ma Cisco was bringing It was planned.

However, Master Chen did not expect that

Ma Cisco’s plan was to create a complete ecological chain in the Magic City!?

"Mr. Masco, do you really mean what you say?"

This matter is of great importance, and Mr. Chen cannot help but confirm it."

"Mr. Chen, do you think I am joking?"

Masko said with a smile:

"I called you here today, and Mr. Ji is also here, just to discuss building a production chain."

"Although Mr. Ji and I have already cooperated, in order to build a production chain in Magic City, your support, Mr. Chen, is also crucial!"

"Without your support, Mr. Chen, my cooperation with Mr. Ji might not be possible.There is no way to proceed smoothly."

Master Chen is the master of the Magic City.

In the Demon City, Master Chen really has unparalleled rights.

As the saying goes... what the master wants to do may not be possible.

But the master doesn't want to do it. It will definitely not be done!

Therefore, Ma Si Ke’s words are also very correct from a certain perspective.

"Mr. Masco joked,"I don't have that much ability.""

Master Chen smiled slightly and looked very gentle.

Then, Master Chen changed the topic and said seriously:

"Of course, if Mr. Masco really has this plan, I will naturally support it!"

"I will even say thank you to Mr. Masco when the time comes."

If Masco really builds a complete Tesla production line in Shanghai.

As the head of Shanghai, Mr. Chen can really say thank you to Masco.

You know, a complete Tesla production chain means There are so many things!

With this production chain, the economy of Magic City will see a big increase!

With this production chain, it can also bring at least thousands of jobs to Magic City!

In addition, There are many other benefits, so there is no need to give examples one by one.

In short, with this production chain, for the Magic City, there is basically no harm at all.

It’s just that...

Mr. Chen is a little curious.

With such a production chain, Ma Cisco Why is it built in the Dragon Kingdom?

Moreover, why can it be built in the Dragon Kingdom?

Let’s not talk about the first doubt for now.

Let’s talk about the second one!

Ma Si Ke wants to build such a piece of cake in the Dragon Kingdom.

The official website of Beautiful Country Can Bian agree?

This is a complete production chain!

This is not a trivial matter!

Even though Tesla built several factories here in Shanghai in the early years.

But compared with the factory and the production chain, then They are two completely different concepts!

The difference between them is not exaggerated to describe it as a world of difference.

With the urine of the beautiful country, how can it be possible to allow Masco to build the production chain abroad?

Especially in the Dragon Kingdom?

The beautiful country If the other side doesn't agree, what we are talking about now is just talk on paper.

Ma Si Ke seemed to have noticed Mr. Chen's concerns and said:

"Mr. Chen, don’t worry"

"This plan is already being prepared and will be implemented soon!"

"As for the official ones from Beautiful Country, we have already taken care of them."

"Having said that, the person that Mr. Chen should thank is actually not me, but Mr. Ji!"

"If it weren't for Mr. Ji, then my plan would probably have been strangled in the cradle!"

Hearing this,

Mr. Chen raised his head and looked at Ji Yun.

There was a hint of surprise on his face.

If Ji Yun was dealing with it, it would be normal if there was no reaction from the beautiful country!

As for Ji Yun's energy, Chen The leader also knows something about it!

If there is anyone in the Magic City that the Chen family cannot see through!

Those families that have been passed down for hundreds of years can be counted as one of them!

And as an individual, Ji Yun can also be counted as one of them!

"Mr. Ji, it seems I owe you another favor."

Mr. Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Chen, there is no need to be so polite between us."

Ji Yun said:

"If you really want to count, you already owe me a lot of favors."

Master Chen smiled bitterly:

"Don't worry, Mr. Ji. I will keep all the favors I owe you in my heart."

"As long as it doesn't violate the principles, I will definitely compensate you one by one. Ji

Yun smiled and said:

"With Master Chen, your words are enough."

Ma Sike stood aside.

Watching the exchange between Ji Yun and Mr. Chen.

Ma Sike also felt more and more that the relationship between the two people was not simple.

However, this is also a good thing for Ma Sike!

Ji Yun and Mr. Chen The better the relationship, the easier it will be for Ma Cisco to develop in Shanghai!

"Mr. Ji, Mr. Chen, let’s discuss how and where this production chain should be built.…"

…… the other side.

Keep and liveable inside.

At this time, night falls.

It's already six o'clock in the evening.

Downstairs, Reba is having a meal with the group. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ji Yun is not at home today.

So naturally it was Reba's turn to do the job of feeding Tuantuan.

Don't tell me... since you can eat in groups.

Reba has never fed Tuantuan before.

For a moment, Reba was not used to it.

"Baby, open your mouth."

Reba followed Ji Yun's previous behavior and fed Tuantuan.

Fortunately, Tuantuan never made much noise when eating.

She opened her mouth very cooperatively, but she didn't stop eating or anything.

After feeding Tuantuan, she ate. Reba also started to eat.

After all, she had to take care of Tuantuan later.

So Reba did not eat as much as before.

After a while, Reba finished her dinner.[]

Then I took Tuantuan and strolled around in the yard at the door.

Tuantuan wants to come down and walk.

The two short legs kept fluttering in the air, struggling to hold Reba's arms.

"You little rascal, you really can’t sit still."

Reba smiled helplessly, and then put Tuantuan down.

Now Tuantuan can no longer be held by others.

She can walk for a while by herself.

Just pay attention to safety and don't let her go to dangerous places.

Reba followed Around Tuantuan, he seemed a little uninterested.


Ji Yun wasn't around.

He was really not used to it.

It felt like something was missing.

"Tuantuan, I don’t know when your father will be back tonight."

Reba touched Tuantuan's head and said with some melancholy.

Although Ji Yun said that he would come back early tonight.

But Reba felt that Ji Yun might stay a little longer tonight.

After all, Ji Yun Now Yun can go and have dinner with the master of Magic City!

Such an opportunity is hard to come by, and Ji Yun must cherish it.

"However, your father also wants to make money to support the family, so it doesn’t matter if he comes back later."

"We already rely on your father to support us, so we can't cause any more trouble to your father."

Of course, Reba is also determined to be a good wife.

Not to mention it's only after six o'clock.

Even if it's already ten o'clock, she can't disturb Ji Yun.

The mother and daughter strolled in the yard for a while.

Winter is coming soon. , now the weather 773 has cooled down quickly.

The wind blowing was already a bit cold, so Reba took Tuantuan back upstairs.

She threw Tuantuan into the playpen, and then Reba followed and sat in.

Suddenly, she thought What happened? Reba's eyes lit up:"By the way, let's give your godmother a call."

"Today your godmother lent me one million, and I now have more than 400,000 left, so I have to pay it back to your godmother."

As she said, Reba immediately took out her mobile phone to play the video of Yang Mi being beaten.

Within a few seconds, Yang Mi's video was connected.

"Little Reba, what's going on?

Reba said:"Sister Mi, what are you doing?" I want to chat with you.

Yang Mi:"I'm on my way home. I just finished my work today.""

As the boss of Jiahe.

Even if she is not filming now, Yang Mi is still very busy at work.

"Sister Mi, thank you for your hard work.

Reba said:"I haven't used up the money you lent me today.""

"There are still more than 400,000 yuan left. Can I transfer it to you?

Yang Mi asked:"Is it because of this?""

"It’s okay, I didn’t use it up this time, just save it for next time!"

Reba thought for a moment, but she didn't refuse.


The money might be put to use next time.

Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to come to Yang Mi to borrow money next time.

"Sister Mi, one more thing, Tuantuan can now walk on his own."

As she said that, Reba turned the camera over and looked at Tuantuan.

"Tuantuan, come to mom."

Hearing this,

Tuantuan immediately walked towards Reba in a flattering manner.

"It’s true! Yang

Mi couldn't help but her eyes lit up:"Tuantuan can actually walk on his own. It seems that I have to come and see my goddaughter in the next two days!""

"By the way, where is your Ji Yun? Why didn't you see anyone else?".

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