Time flew by.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

At nine o'clock in the morning, after breakfast.

Ji Yun and Reba started to go upstairs to pack their things.

Today they are going to move everything in Ji Yun's room to the master bedroom.

At this time, Tuantuan was following the two of them.

Tuantuan can walk now.

There is no need to spare a person to hold her.

She walked around the living room by herself.

Although it looks a little shaky, it won't fall over.

Entering Ji Yun's room, Reba looked around.

I have to say that there is really nothing in Ji Yun's room.

The whole room was clean and tidy, and there was no smell

"Ji Yun, let's take your quilt and pillow first. Reba said and suggested taking away the quilt and pillow.

After all, there is only one quilt in the master bedroom.

But now that the weather is getting cooler, one quilt is definitely not enough to cover two people.

There is no need to fight for one quilt to cover one person. No need to fight, everyone can sleep comfortably


Ji Yun naturally won't have any objections.


After putting both things in the master bedroom.

The rest are Ji Yun's personal belongings.

For example, work documents, computers and other things.

It is worth mentioning that it also has Ji Yun’s watch.

This should be regarded as Ji Yun's only decoration.

There are several watches in the drawer, with different styles and brands.

However, Reba knew all these brands.

As a female star in the entertainment industry, Reba has no experience.

But Reba still knows more or less about those famous luxury goods.

Just like these watches.

Two of them are Patek Philippe, which ranks first among famous watches.

Although these two Patek Philippe pieces look plain and simple.

But inexplicably, 797 feels ridiculously expensive.

Except for these two Patek Philippes.

Next is a piece of Richard Mille, an Audemars Piguet, and two pieces of Vacheron Constantin.

They are all top-notch luxury watches, very famous, and the prices have been sky-high!

Reba had reason to suspect that the combined price of these watches might exceed 100 million!

You know, expensive watches are inherently expensive.

It’s not surprising that limited edition watches sell for millions or even tens of millions.

Moreover, Ji Yun's identity is there.

As a big boss who can make millions with a wave of his hand.

The watch Ji Yun wears is definitely more expensive.

Maybe breaking 100 million is an underestimate!

Thinking of this, Reba didn't dare to take it.

If she accidentally breaks a piece, I'm afraid I won't be able to afford the compensation if I sell her!

"Reba, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Yun was packing his clothes.

Seeing Reba suddenly stopped moving, Ji Yun asked with some confusion.


Reba shook her head, but she didn't hide it and said half-jokingly:

"I was just thinking, what if I accidentally broke these watches?"

"Maybe if you sell me, you won’t be able to afford any of it, right?"

Ji Yun glanced at Reba, with some thoughts in his eyes.

Don't say it.

If you put aside Reba's other identities and only look at the identity of a female star!

Selling Reba is indeed not enough to buy any of them. Watch.

However, in addition to being a female star in the entertainment industry, Reba has many other identities...

Add those identities together.

Even all these watches are not as important as Reba.

"If it breaks, just buy it again, it’s okay."

Ji Yun said nonchalantly.

I have to say, it has to be Ji Yun... if it breaks, just buy it again.

This sentence is simply too arrogant!

Shaking her head, Reba put these thoughts aside for the time being..

Then, Reba took these watches to the master bedroom and carefully placed them in the drawer.

Then she returned to Ji Yun's room.

She found that there seemed to be nothing left to pack.

The only thing left was…

"Ji Yun, do you want to take your towels and stuff over there too?"

Reba said subconsciously.

But after saying this,

Reba regretted a little.

Ji Yun just came to sleep.

It made it seem like she really wanted to live with Ji Yun.

There are some things that you can't be too anxious about.

Now. Use the same bathroom as Ji Yun.

This development speed is still a bit too fast


But what Reba didn't expect was that

Ji Yun nodded calmly.


Ji Yun actually agreed?

And... and he agreed so simply!?

Reba was a little confused.

However, since Ji Yun Even if Yun agreed, Reba would be even less likely to be coy.

"let me help you!"

Reba beamed with joy and immediately went over to help Ji Yun get toiletries.

…… after awhile.

Ji Yun and Reba finally packed everything in the room.

This is a neat and tidy room with nothing in it.

Now it has become even more empty, as if there is no trace of life.

After packing up things.

Ji Yun and Reba immediately went to find Tuantuan.

At this time, Tuantuan was sitting in the playpen in the living room playing

"Baby, mommy is here."

Reba walked over and sat down next to Tuantuan.

Tuantuan glanced at Reba, and then concentrated on playing with her toys.

Reba couldn't help but feel a little funny:"Baby, you are ignoring mom now. ?"

Tuantuan made a noise, and

Reba touched Tuantuan's head. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But you are great today. You are becoming more and more sensible as you grow up."

"Knowing that mom and dad are working, just play by yourself so that mom and dad can work with confidence."

When Reba and Ji Yun were packing their things just now,

Tuantuan's performance was also very good.

He played by himself and did not disturb Ji Yun and Reba.

Ji Yun also did not hesitate to praise Tuantuan:" Mom is right, you did very well today!"

Although Tuantuan didn't know what Reba and Ji Yun meant.

But she could feel the emotions of Reba and Ji Yun, so she laughed loudly.

Ding ding ding - at this moment, a cell phone suddenly rang. Reba got up.

Reba took it out and took a look and found that it was a call from Yang Mi.

Sister Mi?

Reba was a little confused and didn’t know why Yang Mi called at this time.

This time is during working hours. Could it be that Yang Mi is calling today? Did not go to work?

"Sister Mi, what’s wrong? Something?"[]

After answering the phone, Reba asked

"Yes, there is business."

On the other end of the phone, Yang Mi said in a serious tone:"Reba, tomorrow is the first promotional event of"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia""

"Do you have time tomorrow? Do you want to participate?"

《Promotional activities for"Phoenix Powers the World"?

Hearing this, Reba was slightly startled.

After reacting, Reba's expression also changed.

Counting the days, it’s really like this!

《It has been several months since the filming of"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" was finalized.

There was naturally no problem with the review and it passed very smoothly.

Now there is only some post-production work left, and once completed, it can be released directly.

As a big production, it is natural to promote it well before it is released.

It is a very appropriate time to start publicity at this time

"Sister Mi, I will attend."

Reba thought for a while and said.

After all, this is the first promotional event for"Phoenix Power".

Although she is not the heroine, she is also the second female lead in many roles.

It may be a bit inappropriate to miss this promotional event.

"Okay, then I will reply to the crew of"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" later.

Yang Mi added:"However, you also need to discuss it with Ji Yun and see what Ji Yun's attitude is."

Reba nodded and said,"Sister Mi, of course I know this. I will discuss it with him later.""

Yang Mi said:"That's OK."

"I won’t tell you anymore. I still have a lot of things on my hands right now. I have to attend an event tomorrow."

"After you discuss it with Ji Yun, send me a message directly and I will reply to you when I see it."


Reba nodded.

Then she asked curiously:"Sister Mi, you are so busy, why did you call me specifically?"

"Where is Sister Li? Is she busy too?"

Logically speaking, Li Ya should be the one to talk to her about this kind of work matter.

After all, Li Ya is her agent.

"Sister Li didn't want to call you because she was afraid that you would be embarrassed, so she came to me specifically and asked me to call you. Yang

Mi was a little helpless and said,"It's better now. I'm so busy myself and I have to be your agent.""

Hearing this,

Reba couldn't help but dumbfounded.

Reba also didn't expect it.

It turned out that it was for this reason that Li Ya didn't call her.

But, logically speaking, Li Ya is not the kind of weak person!

Even a weak person cannot be an agent

"Okay, sister, it’s really hard on you today."

Reba said

…… hang up the phone.

Reba put down her phone, then turned to look at Ji Yun

"Tell me what happened."

Ji Yun said calmly.

He already knew that Reba had something to say.

"It's like this..."

Reba didn't hide anything, so she told Ji Yun the situation in full.

Listen to the whole process.

Ji Yun's expression was still very calm, and he nodded and said:"Okay, I have no objection."

"However, I have a question. Your promotional event should be here in the Magic City, right?

Reba nodded and said:"If there are no accidents, it is here in the Magic City.""

"After all, the crew is here in the Magic City, and the first promotional event is usually held in the Magic City."

Ji Yun hummed, and then didn't say anything else.

Reba added:"But I should go to Jiahe first tomorrow."

"I haven't been to the company for a long time. I have to go to the company first to confirm my work and bring my assistant with me before I go to the event."

Ji Yun still nodded slightly.

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