Now that Reba has finished putting on makeup.

In addition, it was already getting late

, so Reba and Zhao Liying brought their respective assistants.

Leave the dressing room.

Prepare to participate in the promotional activities of"Huang Quan Tian Xia".

And at this time.

The elevator door opposite the dressing room suddenly opened.

Then I saw Li Ya walking out of the elevator quickly

"Sister Ya."

Seeing Li Ya, Reba and her assistant Xiao Yang immediately said hello.

They are all employees of Jiahe Entertainment.

It is normal behavior to see the leader taking the initiative to say hello.

And Zhao Liying and her assistant Xiao Xu are also polite Smile and say hello in the same way

"Sister Li."

Although Li Ya is not their leader,

Li Ya has a lot of qualifications.

In addition, she is a gold medal agent in the entertainment industry.

So even a popular female star like Zhao Liying takes the initiative to say hello to Li Ya. very normal thing


Li Ya smiled and nodded, her attitude seemed very humble.

"Reba, Liying, have you both packed up? Zhao

Liying nodded and said,"Yes, Sister Li, I am now going to take Reba to participate in the"Phoenix Power World" event.

Li Ya said,"Li Ying, please wait a moment. I have something to tell you.""

"I'm so sorry, God, you may not be able to take Reba with you to participate in the"Phoenix Power World" event."

Zhao Liying couldn't help but be a little confused.

"Sister Li, what happened? Li

Ya smiled slightly:"Don't think too much, nothing happened.""

"I just can't take Reba to participate in the"Phoenix World" event, but I can still share the stage with Reba"

"Because someone is waiting for Reba at the 490th floor, he will accompany Reba to the event."

Zhao Liying frowned. She still didn't understand what Li Ya meant.

But then she realized it.

A look of surprise immediately appeared on Zhao Liying's face!

It turned out that the big boss behind Reba was following Reba We came together!

If this is the case, then Li Ya is indeed right.

She really has no way to attend promotional activities with Reba!

"Reba, Mr. Ji is waiting for you in the reception room."

Li Ya walked up to Reba and told Reba again.

"I know."

Reba nodded.

In fact, there was no need for Li Ya to say it specifically.

Reba herself knew that Ji Yun was still waiting for her in the reception room.

But Reba was a little confused.

How did Li Ya know that Ji Yun was in the reception room?

They both How did we meet?

"Sister Ya, let me tell Sister Li Ying first, and then I will go downstairs.

Reba said to Li Ya.

Li Ya nodded repeatedly:"Okay.""

How dare she have any opinions.

She just came to convey the news.

Reba walked up to Zhao Liying and said apologetically:

"Sister Liying, I'm sorry, I have something to do here, so you may have to go to the event by yourself. Zhao

Liying smiled and shook her head:"It's okay, I can understand.""

"I was originally worried that you would be nervous, so I wanted to come over and stay with you."

"But since you already have someone to accompany you, I can rest assured (abef)"

"Go quickly, I can’t wait to see you like this. Reba blushed and said shyly:"No way, Sister Liying, you are making fun of me again.""

Zhao Liying smiled slightly.

At the same time, there was a bit of envy and curiosity in her eyes.

Zhao Liying did not expect that the big boss behind Reba would be so kind to Reba!

Will she accompany Reba to Jiahe Entertainment in person? Said.

Next, I will accompany Reba to participate in promotional activities.

This can be said to be pampering!

And why are you curious?

Needless to say, the big boss behind Reba, recently It has caused widespread discussion on the entire Internet.

But no one has ever seen her true face in Lushan!

Not only those netizens who have eaten it!

Even Zhao Liying has only seen an outline from a distance.

So Zhao Liying I have always wanted to know what the big boss behind Reba looks like!

"Reba, when will you let me see the true face of the person behind you?"

Zhao Liying asked Reba.

In the past, her relationship with Reba was not that good, so she raised such an opinion, but with her current relationship with Reba, it should be no problem to raise such an opinion.

"Sister Liying, wait until next time."

Reba pondered for a moment and replied.

It's not that Reba wanted to hide it from Zhao Liying or anything.

It's just that Reba is not the one who can make the decision on this matter!

Zhao Liying wants to take a look at Ji Yun, then Ji Yun must agree, right?

Moreover, if you look at Ji Yun, you will definitely see Tuantuan.

This makes it even more necessary to ask Ji Yun for his opinion!

Although Reba knows that Zhao Liying is not the kind of person with a big mouth.

But she She knows that she knows

"Okay, then I'll wait for your notification."

Zhao Liying smiled and nodded.

She asked casually, and she didn't have any expectations.

She was very satisfied with Reba's answer. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Reba, we've settled."

Zhao Liying said with a smile:"Now you go find him first, don't delay for too long."

"We will meet at the event site later.

Reba hummed,"Bye Sister Liying, see you soon.""

Then, the two separated.

Zhao Liying went directly to the event.

Reba took the elevator and came to the reception room accompanied by Li Ya. In the reception room,

Ji Yun was sitting on a chair with Tuantuan in his arms.


Hearing the movement, Ji Yun looked up and looked over

"Ji Yun, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

Reba said with some embarrassment.

"No need to say these words.

Ji Yun shook his head and asked,"You are going to the event now, right?""[]

Reba hummed and said,"Yes, Sister Liying has already passed by. I have to hurry over and join her."

Ji Yun said,"Let's go then."

Ji Yun walked over with Tuan Tuan in his arms.

Tuantuan opened her hands towards Reba, wanting her mother to hug her.

Naturally, Reba would not refuse Tuantuan, so she hugged Tuantuan over.

However, he moved carefully and warned gently:"Baby, mommy won't kiss you now that you have makeup on your face.""

"You can't kiss your mother either."

Tuantuan seemed to understand, but really didn't touch Reba's face.

"Let's go."

Ji Yun said softly.

Then they came to the basement, got in the car and headed towards the event site.


Event site.

Zhao Liying came here before Reba, so naturally she arrived at the event before Reba.

At this time, he was backstage at the event.

There are already many creators gathered here.

For example, the teacher Chen Daoming, who is the most popular in this drama.

Another example is Mr. Zhang Li, the director of this play.

There are also the investors of this show, the two bosses of Huayi Brothers.

They were also sitting backstage.

Although they don't need to appear today.

But the drama"Phoenix Quan Tianxia" is theirs after all. In addition, this drama has a season-long investment.

So no matter what, there can be no mistakes in today's promotional activities.

When Zhao Liying walked into the backstage.

The eyes of everyone present immediately turned to Zhao Liying.

This is because.

Everyone knows that Zhao Liying went to pick up Reba today.

And everyone also knows how noble Reba's status is now.

The two brothers Wang Zongjun and Wang Zonglei of Huayi Brothers are naturally no exception.

He also set his sights on Zhao Liying.

It was the two brothers' decision that Zhao Liying went to pick up Reba today. next moment.

I saw that only Zhao Liying came back.

The expressions of brothers Wang Zongjun and Wang Zonglei couldn't help but change.

Wang Zonglei has a more direct personality and immediately asked:"Liying, why did you come back alone?"

"Didn't you say you were going to Jiahe to pick up Reba, but she didn't come back with you?"

Although Wang Zongjun didn't speak, there was a sense of oppression in his eyes when he looked at Zhao Liying.

This was even more nervous than Wang Zonglei's question.

Zhao Liying was actually a little out of breath.

The looks in the two bosses' eyes , which made Zhao Liying feel that if she had not brought Reba back, she would have paid a heavy price.

Fortunately, Reba was just coming later.

Zhao Liying explained:"Mr. Wang, Reba is behind , she has something to deal with and will be here later."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of brothers Wang Zongjun and Wang Zonglei returned to normal.

They also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's wait a little longer."

Anyone can be absent from today's event.

But Reba cannot be absent.

Unless Reba doesn't want to come!"

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