As the most expensive TV series to produce in recent years,

《"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" can be said to have attracted much attention in every move.

Fans are not the only ones paying attention to the situation of"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia".

There are also many people in the industry who are also secretly watching the progress of"Huang Quan Tian Xia".

In order to ensure that this publicity event can be held smoothly,

《The crew of"Phoenix Powers the World" also made a lot of preparations.

The audience at the event at this time.

Naturally, he is not a fan who just comes in casually.

Rather, they are drama critics who have been carefully selected.

There are also the standing sisters of each starring fan group.

"Huangquan Tianxia" is not the only one to do this kind of operation.

Basically the first promotional event for a TV series or movie.

The crew will arrange it this way.

Because these people are more stable than ordinary fans.

They are experienced.

Understand what can and cannot be said.

What questions can be asked and what questions cannot be asked.

Such stability can ensure the smooth conduct of promotional activities.

At the same time, the crew of"Huang Quan Tian Xia" also specifically explained to these audiences again.

Anything about Reba’s last scarf incident.

You can't even mention it in a public place like today!

If anyone doesn't obey the command.

Huayi Brothers will use all their energy.

Make it impossible for her to survive in the entertainment industry in the future!

But at this time.

When wearing glasses, the look tends to be sweet.

However, the fat female audience member stood up.

Asked Reba a question

"Teacher Reba, what do you think of the recent scandals about you?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire event site fell silent instantly!

The audience sitting in the auditorium and the starring actors on the stage were all stunned!

And the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room also launched frantic barrages.!

"Damn it, this girl is so awesome, you dare to ask this question!"

"Are there really warriors at the scene?!"

"Who knows, I was ready to quit the live broadcast room, but if you show me this, I will be energetic instantly!"

"The leader asked our group to go over for a meeting, but when this happened, I didn’t even want to go to the meeting!"

"This is what makes it interesting. The questions I just asked were all rehearsed questions in advance, as if I were acting!"

"Have you noticed that everyone on the scene is stupid now?"

"Hahaha, the host’s face turned green!"

"Host: I didn’t say anything during the rehearsal that there would be such a play!"

"Azhen, are you serious?"

"I’m also curious about what Dilireba thinks about the rumors!"

"What else could it be? Aren’t the facts before our eyes? Definitely in love!"

"But how would Di Lieba respond? I just want to know whether she will admit it or refuse to admit it!"

"If she admits it in public, she will be labeled in the future and her filming will be restricted!"

"But if you insist on refusing to admit it, then the capital behind it will be so angry? She did so many things for Dilraba, and she didn’t even get a title!"

"I think Dilraba will pretend to be dead, neither admitting nor denying, letting fans guess."

This is a common method used by the entertainment industry to deal with such matters. As long as you don't answer, you can be invincible and gain some popularity."

"Ah~ This is indeed a dilemma...but what does it have to do with me? I just came to watch the show!"

"Watching the show +1!"



The entire live broadcast room was excited!

At this moment, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room is rising rapidly!

In a short time, the number of online users exceeded 7 million!

And it continues to grow at a rapid rate.

It’s like running for ten million!

It can be said that when this problem comes out!

The attention of the whole network went straight to the top!

It’s so hot that it’s hard to believe!

Similar to Reba's situation.

It’s not like it hasn’t happened in the entertainment industry.

Capital falls in love with female celebrities.

This kind of thing has become very common!

Female celebrities marry into wealthy families.

Such things are also not uncommon.

But why only Reba.

Will it attract so much attention?

The reason is that Ji Yun is too mysterious!

Almost half a month has passed since the scarf incident.

Under the blanket search of netizens.

Ji Yun's identity has not yet been found out by netizens!

And still don’t even have a clue!

This is a very rare thing.

How terrifying is the investigative ability of netizens.

That is obvious to all!

How many wealthy bloggers on the Internet have been cracked down by netizens.

How many charity anchors have been found out by netizens?

Even a previous unsolved case.

Netizens can also guess who the murderer is.

And also guessed how the murderer committed the crime.

But this time.

Netizens, who have always been successful, were frustrated by Ji Yun.

This kind of failure is enough to arouse the curiosity of netizens!

Not to mention Ji Yun's shot.

Let the official announcement be made directly!

They also banned those users who slandered and slandered Reba.

This kind of operation has made netizens’ curiosity reach its peak.

There is a lot of capital in the entertainment industry.

There are many wealthy families in this world.

But the existence of giving orders to the bib.

But there are very few!

And people with such abilities are all known to the public as big shots!

That is to say.

The boss behind Reba is very likely to be one of the top rich people on the rich list.

Characters like Ma Yu and Xiao Ma!

Let’s talk more generally.

If people like Ma Yu and Xiao Ma fall in love with female stars in the entertainment industry.

Can the heat not be too high?


At this time, faced with this audience’s question.

Reba was also stunned for a moment.

Then she came to her senses.

Looking at the audience with some confusion


Reba was speechless.

How to answer this?

Her mind went blank!

Fortunately at this time.

Others on the stage also came to their senses.

The host responds the fastest.

Plus he's experienced.

I immediately had a solution in mind.

He smiled and replied:

"Haha, it seems that Reba’s incident has attracted a lot of attention on the Internet recently."

"During our promotional activities for"Phoenix Power World", some people actually wanted to ask Reba her opinion on this matter."

"To be honest, I'm actually quite curious about this matter." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But after all, this is a private matter and should be discussed in private"

"During today’s promotional event, I think it’s more reasonable to ask questions about"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia""

"When it's private, I'll ask Teacher Reba for you. I'll help you eat melon."

"No matter what the outcome is, I’m not afraid to be a reporter and break the news to you secretly."

The host had a smile on his face.

It gave people a sense of humor.

He did not avoid the question directly.

After all, Reba's incident made such a big fuss some time ago.

It was almost known to the whole Internet.

In this case.

It's a bit too blunt to continue to pretend not to know.

Bringing this problem over in such a joking tone is actually a better way to deal with it.

At this time,

Zhao Liying also gradually came to his senses.[]

Then Zhao Liying held Reba's hand first.

Take two steps forward.

Stand in front of Reba.

Then he smiled and said to the host:"Teacher Xu, it looks like I'm going to disappoint you.""

"Reba and I often play together in private, but Reba didn’t tell me anything about what happened in the scarf last time."

"If you want to trick Reba, it's not an easy thing.

The host smiled and said,"Is that so?""

"Then I'll work hard. After all, this is also to satisfy the curiosity of netizens."

Originally, that's it.

This question is almost covered in one stroke.

But the female audience member who asked the question seemed to not understand the meaning behind what Zhao Liying and the host said. She continued with a smile on her face:

"Teachers, there is no need to wait until we talk in private, we just have a chat here."

"I believe everyone is also very curious about Reba’s opinions!"

"And Huang Xi is an important character in"Huang Quan Tian Xia""

"Reba's personal affairs will obviously have a certain impact on Huang Xi's character."

"I'm asking here, but there's actually nothing unreasonable about it."

Hearing this, the faces of several creators couldn't help but change.

The host's smile also dropped.

It was obvious.

This female audience member did not ask about Reba accidentally.

She did it on purpose!

It's just that...

What exactly is this female audience member doing?

Huayi Brothers has made it so clear!

Private matters about Reba are taboo in today’s promotional activities! They cannot be mentioned under any circumstances!

But this female audience member knowingly committed the crime.

This is something we don’t want to do in the future. Will she continue to be involved in the entertainment industry?

Although Huayi Brothers no longer has its original status!

It may not be possible to completely ban her.

But in the future promotional activities of the film and television industry, there is still no problem if she has no chance to participate!

Hosting The person bit the bullet and continued to respond:

"`~The actor and the character are indeed inextricably linked"

"But actors and roles still need to be separated and cannot be confused."

"I have seen some clips, and Reba performed the role of Huang Xi very well."

"After"Phoenix Power" is released, everyone is welcome to come and comment."

"Dear audience friend, let’s talk about"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" now."

This time.

The host didn't say anything about answering in a nice and appropriate way.

After all, he knew that the other party asked the question on purpose.

No matter how nice and appropriate the answer was, it would have no effect.

And the female audience member continued to be reluctant as expected. Rao.

Just skip the host and ask Reba directly:

"Teacher Reba, let me apologize to you first. Please forgive me for being rude."

"Maybe my question really has nothing to do with today's promotional event"

"But on behalf of the curiosity of millions of netizens, I would like to ask you what you think of those scandals."

"After all, your business has attracted a lot of attention online."

"Of course, if you don't want to answer, just treat it as if I didn't say it."

The female audience member smiled sincerely and kept her attitude very low.

But it was precisely because of her actions that

Reba couldn't answer without answering!

After all, netizens today are really extremely curious about Reba!

And people are here When you are curious, it is precisely when you are the most irritable.

If Reba is coy and refuses to answer this question head-on! (Yes)

, maybe she will be bombarded by netizens all over the Internet!



At this time, the two brothers of Huayi Brothers.

Wang Zongjun and Wang Zonglei are sitting in front of the computer.

They are paying attention to everything happening at the event!

At first, I watched the event go smoothly.

Relief was written on their faces.

There was also a cigarette lit in his hand.

It’s like seeing the revival of Huayi Brothers.

Return to the scene at its peak.

But after the female audience member's question came out.

Wang Zongjun and Wang Zonglei's eyes widened immediately.

He suddenly jumped up from his seat.

Wang Zongjun was calmer.

Not a few seconds passed.

Just suppress your emotions.

Wang Zonglei was very angry.

A look of rage appeared on his face!

Underneath that rage was an imperceptible hint of panic!

I was just panicking and didn’t know how to explain!

"Who is this female audience member?"

Wang Zongjun asked Wang Zonglei about the battle.

Wang Zonglei shrugged his head and fell silent.

Wang Zongjun was immediately furious:

"Didn't I tell you? Today's event is very unusual, different from every previous event!"

"Whether our Huayi brothers can turn around depends on whether Dilraba is happy on the set!"

"I just asked you to find out the details of the audience, but you couldn't even do such a simple thing!"

"Now that something like this happens, tell me what to do?"

"Let me ask you, if Assistant Chen from Chuangji asks, what do you want me to explain?"

"Even if the person who founded the season asks me, how do you want me to answer!"

"You really disappoint me!".

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