He is a very nice person.

Be good to me... when Reba said these words.

The entire event fell silent for an instant.

Falling into dead silence!

Zhao Liying's expression also changed again and again.

She regretted not stopping Reba.

But then she looked at Reba's determined look.

But she couldn't help but shake her head and smile bitterly.

Maybe she couldn't stop Reba at all.

At this time, in the live broadcast room online.

Also because of Reba's words, there was a wave of craziness, and the live barrage briefly stopped for a second.

The screen is flooding the sky and the earth!

"Damn it, Dilraba really admitted it?"

"So awesome, you actually dare to admit that you are in love!"

"I have to say that this kind of courage is top notch in the entertainment industry!"

"What's even more commendable is that she is a female star, and she is also a female star who wants to take the idol route."

"If she admits that she is in love now, her future will not be easy."

"This time, I want to give Dilraba a thumbs up. She could have not answered because this is indeed her private matter."

"Just now I made a bet that Dilraba would never admit it. Now I have lost, and I am convinced that I lost."

"Oh my God, I didn’t expect that Reba would actually fall in love. I can’t accept it!"

"The same goes for Jimei. When the rhythm was so big before, I didn’t believe in those rhythms either."

"As long as Reba doesn't admit it, I will always believe that Reba is not in love"

"But I didn’t expect Reba to admit it on the spot. It seemed like I had turned into a clown."

"I'm convinced. I finally found such a good-looking star, and now you tell me she's in love?"

"I just don’t understand, why are these good-looking female stars in the entertainment industry so bad at finding partners?"

"That is to say, I can’t accept Reba falling in love with a capitalist"

"I don’t know who to look for. I have to look for those old men from the capital. I feel physically unwell."

"Pink turns to black"

"It is because there are too many girls like Dilraba that we girls are labeled as money worshipers."

"From now on, whenever I see Dilraba, I will scream, she is the black sheep among girls!"

"I don't care about anything else. Now I just want to know where is the guy who just said that Dilraba admitted to eating shit? Come forward quickly"

"I remember your ID, Super Invincible Mini World King"

"When will the live broadcast start? I squat on you"


There are more and more barrages in the live broadcast room.

There are so many that the entire screen is covered and the live broadcast cannot be seen!

Moreover, the number of people online in the live broadcast room is also rising rapidly.

From the original more than 9 million, it exceeded the 15 million mark in the blink of an eye!

To know.

This is the real number of people online!

Basically no moisture!

It can be seen from this.

How much attention are paid to Reba's romance by netizens now!

And those voices on the Internet.

It can be roughly divided into three camps.

The first type is passers-by and netizens.

They only care about whether Reba will answer.

And how Reba responded.

Seeing Reba finally admit it.

The curiosity of these netizens has also been satisfied.

Some netizens will also praise Reba.

After all, Reba's courage is indeed very rare in the entertainment industry.

How many celebrities have been involved in scandals?

All they did was pretend to be dead.

No response, no clarification, no acknowledgment... even real photos were taken.

They still pretended not to respond.

While also maximizing traffic.

Compare this.

Reba's approach is obviously very pleasing!

And netizens in the second camp.

They are some of Reba's original fans.

There are also some female netizens on the Internet.

Seeing Reba admit that she is in love.

Every one of them was furious.

Especially those female netizens.

They all felt that Reba should not fall in love with a capitalist.

Let's be more straightforward.

They just felt that Reba should not fall in love with an old man.

Why an old man?

This is also easy to understand.

After all, in terms of stereotypes.

The capital in the entertainment industry is all about greasy old men.

Or he just wears glasses and smiles crookedly.

Or he has a big belly and a wretched temperament.

No one would be willing to imagine that the capital of the entertainment industry is like a handsome guy.

In fact, the capital in the entertainment industry is indeed dominated by older middle-aged men.

This is why female netizens are angry.

They felt that Reba was in love with such an old man.

It tarnished the reputation of their girls.

As for the third camp.

They are netizens who just enjoy watching movies.

They were playing tricks in the live broadcast room.

It's like having fun.

Whatever happened had nothing to do with them.

Anyway, as long as you have fun.

What kind of opening bet?

Reba admitted that she stood on her head to wash her hair.

Reba admitted eating shit on live broadcast.

They are all from this group of netizens


Event site.

The female audience member who asked Reba a question.

I saw Reba admitting her love affair.

A look of exaggerated surprise appeared on her face

"Oh my God, it turns out that Teacher Reba, you are really in love"

"I thought the rumors on the Internet were all false."

"That being said, netizens’ detective skills are quite good."

"With just a few photos, the truth of the matter was deduced."

The female audience member was smiling.

It was the smile of a successful conspiracy.

However, she did not give up just like that. She continued to say to Reba:

"Teacher Reba, first of all I want to thank you for your willingness to share your private life with all of us."

"But my problems don't stop there"

"You only answered part of the question. We know you are in love, but who is your partner?"

I have to say.

This female audience member is indeed well prepared.

As soon as she said this, the curiosity of netizens who had gradually calmed down was aroused again.

"Yes, the identity of Dilireba’s partner is not known yet!"

"That’s right, I almost forgot about this!"

"I pay attention to the scandal of Dilireba, mainly because I am looking for someone to marry Dilireba!"

"Who says it's not, otherwise what's the point of paying attention to things in the entertainment industry? What does it have to do with me if a female star is in love?"

"Isn’t Dilraba’s target targets those wealthy old men in the entertainment industry? What's there to be curious about?"

"You know what the heck, there is so much capital in the entertainment industry, but which capital can give orders to scarves?"

"But it’s not just about scarves, Dilireba has been so close to Ji Sining recently, it’s obvious that her partner is also related to Ji Sining!"

"We have been digging for so long, but we haven’t even found out any information about Dilraba. This is definitely a boss-level figure!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I have a vague hunch that Dilraba’s partners may be those big guys we have all heard of!"

"Who could he be?"

"Tsk, it doesn’t matter who he is, no matter how powerful he is, it won’t change the fact that he is a greasy old man!"

"Dilraba is really a money worshiper and a man!"


Netizens became curious again.

Reba's scandal can be so big.

It was largely because of Ji Yun. otherwise.

A female star is in love with capital.

How could it attract so many passers-by who don't pay attention to the entertainment industry.

They also came over to eat melon.

It's just... such a question.

Naturally, it was impossible for Reba to answer[]

I just admitted my relationship.

It's just because he doesn't want Ji Yun to be criticized by netizens.

Now such risks are gone.

At least netizens won’t scold them for their excessive traffic.

I won't call Ji Yun a clown.

This kind of issue involves Ji Yun's identity.

There's no way she would let go no matter what

"Sorry, I have no comment on this question. Reba looked at the female audience member expressionlessly and said:

"I just answered your question just because I didn’t want to cause too much misunderstanding."

"Secondly, I am also a public figure myself, so I should also play a role in guiding the public."

"But your question is no longer my personal matter, and it is beyond my ability to answer."

"I have no comment and I have no right to comment."

Reba, who usually smiles naively, looks very cold at this time. And her appearance is actually more like Yu Jie.

So when her eyes slightly drooped, there was a sense of oppression instantly radiating out.

If you look carefully.

You will find that Reba and Ji Yun at this moment are actually quite similar.

Zhao Liying, who is standing next to Reba, can't help but be shocked by Reba's appearance. Zhao Liying has never seen

Reba like this..

The female audience member who asked the question couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

She was silent for a while.

Knowing that Reba would no longer be able to answer her question, she smiled and said:

If that's the case, then I don't have any other questions."

"I am still very grateful to Teacher Reba for giving us an accurate answer."

"I hope that Teacher Reba can get better and better with the people around her in the future, for a long time.

Rebapi smiled but said:"Thank you.""

Although the audience in the live broadcast room did not get the news about Ji Yun in the end, those viewers didn't say anything.

Only a small number of viewers might make some mindless complaints.

Other viewers just felt it was a pity.

Reba was willing to admit that she talked Falling in love is already rare.

And Ji Yun's identity is so well hidden.

How could Reba tell her?

"It's a pity that I didn't get the news about the big boss behind Dilraba."

"But today is not in vain, at least I saw Dilraba admit her relationship"

"Keep digging, I don't believe it can't be dug out"

"Yes, as long as the big boss behind Dilraba lives in this world, there will always be a day when she is dug out!"

"There are only a few people in the country who can give orders to scarves!"

"I'm starting to look forward to the day when the big boss behind Dilraba is dug out!"


After the female audience member sat back down in her seat.

Today's unexpected situation.

Even if it comes to an end for the time being.

The host is experienced.

The responsiveness is still very fast.

While others were still immersed in this sudden situation and had not recovered.

The host has already stood up with the microphone.

To warm things up:

"Teacher Reba has shared her private life with us"

"I guess everyone’s curiosity has been satisfied now, right?"

"Anyway, I am very satisfied. I would like to give Teacher Reba a thumbs up here and thank her for being willing to share these personal things with us."

"However, although Teacher Reba's problem is over, the promotional activities of"Phoenix Power World" will continue."

"Next, do you have any questions you would like to ask our leading actors?"

"Special reminder, please be sure to ask questions about"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia""

"If you ask other questions, it may embarrass our protagonists and affect the publicity effect of the event."

As soon as the host said this, other people at the event gradually came back to their senses.

Some of the crew invited professional drama critics to attend the event.

At this time, they stood up and followed the host to correct the deviated rhythm. Pull me back

"I have a question here that I would like to ask Teacher Ming."

"As we all know, Teacher Daoming has rarely filmed in recent years."

"But every time Mr. Ming films, it will definitely be a classic."

"So what is it about the script of"Phoenix Power" that most attracts Teacher Ming?"

Chen Daoming picked up the phone and smiled gently.

Then he began to answer:

"《There are many aspects of this drama that attract me"

"What attracts me most is the role I play"

"His identity is very similar to the roles I played before, they were both emperors"

"But in reality there is a big difference…thousands".

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