A few minutes later.

Ning Wei measured the size of Tuantuan.

"Okay, I will start work tonight. I will design the first version of the clothes and then send it to you to see if you are satisfied with it."

"If you are satisfied, I will start the formal production. After three days, it will be finished on time and I will have it delivered to your home. At this point, Ning Wei paused and said,"By the way, do you want me to make a few sets of clothes for your daughter every month from now on?""

"Didn't you say that when your daughter is growing, these clothes may become smaller every day?"

Ji Yun felt that this was possible, so he nodded and said:"Okay, then it's settled."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are not polite at all."

"However, it’s the first time I’m meeting your daughter today, and I don’t have time to prepare, so I’ll just treat this as a meeting gift."

"I think this meeting gift shouldn’t be too bad, right?"

Ning Wei's craftsmanship can be said to be outstanding in the entire fashion design industry.

Ji Sining has been able to reach today's position and become the top three global luxury goods.

Ji Yun and Chuang Ji certainly account for part of the reason.

But it is undeniable. Ning Wei's own ability is also a major reason for Ji Sining's rise. The reason why Ji Sining became famous in the first place was because Ning Wei designed a piece of clothing that was popular around the world.

That piece of clothing won various awards in the fashion industry. It is still very popular now.

Therefore, Ning Wei took the custom-made clothes for Tuantuan as a meeting gift. In fact, it was no worse than the piece of South China Sea ice beryl given by Chen Ning.

"By the way, Ji Yun, I haven't asked you yet what your daughter's name is."

Ning Wei asked

"You can just call her Tuantuan"

"round and round? Ning Wei was a little amused:"

This name is quite cute.""

Ning Wei leaned down and smiled gently at Tuantuan:"Tuan Tuan, I am Aunt Ning Wei."

"You can remember Auntie in the future. It is very tiring for Auntie to make these clothes for you."

Tuantuan stared at Ning Wei with those big eyes, and then let out a cry.

This look made Ning Wei's heart melt.

"Ouch, why are you so cute? No wonder you dote on your daughter so much. I almost want to get married and have a daughter."

Although Ning Wei is already thirty years old.

Most women of this age are already married and have children.

But because Ning Wei's focus is entirely on work, she is still alone until now.

"But forget it, other people’s children are naturally cute no matter how cute they are, and there’s no need to take care of them anyway."

"But if I really want to have a child, it will be completely different. I will still insist on not getting married. As she spoke

, Ning Wei raised her head and glanced at her watch:"It's getting late now, how about we go have a meal together?""

Ji Yun thought for a while and nodded lightly.

"It will be all right"

"Then let's go."

Ji Yun and Ning Wei left the office.

But they had just walked out of the office and hadn't gone far.

Ji Yun suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Ji Yun stopped and looked towards the source of the sound.

He saw In an office next to it, three women were discussing something.

The woman sitting opposite looked like she was in her forties, wearing an OL outfit, and had the same capable temperament as Ning Wei.

But because of her age , The reason is that in addition to being capable, she is also a bit more mature and stable than Ning Wei.

"Do you remember her?"

Ning Wei saw Ji Yun stop and followed Ji Yun's gaze, then smiled and said:"That's Ji Sining's design director, Sister Chen."

"When she came to Ji Sining, Ji Sining had not yet gone public, but her arrival won Ji Sining a lot of attention."

Ji Yun said calmly:"I have no impression.

Ning Wei was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully:"No impression?" Then why are you looking at Sister Chen?"

"Wait...are you looking at the two women next to you?"

Speaking of this, Ning Wei was surprised.

One of the two women next to Director Chen wore glasses and looked like a professional woman.

The other was quite beautiful, with painted faces. Exquisite makeup, with the temperament of a royal sister, and a charming feeling

"Do you know those two women? Probably not. I see that you have no interest in the entertainment industry."

"But since you have stopped, let me introduce them to you. They are from Jiahe Entertainment."

"The pretty one is called Yang Mi, she is the boss of Jiahe Entertainment and a popular female star in the entertainment industry."

"Then there is another woman who is Yang Mi's manager and a senior executive of Jiahe Entertainment. Her name seems to be Li Ya."


The familiar voice Ji Yun heard just now was the voice of Yang Mi.

"Why did Yang Mi come to Ji Sining?"

Ji Yun asked casually

"She came to discuss cooperation and wanted us, Ji Sining, to design a dress for her."

"The entertainment industry will hold an event in a while. It seems to be quite grand, and most of the stars in the entertainment industry will attend."

Ning Wei is in the fashion industry, so she also has some understanding of the entertainment industry.

At this point, Ning Wei suddenly reacted belatedly:"Ji Yun, you don't know Yang Mi, do you?"

Ji Yun's expression was cold.

Although he didn't answer, he didn't deny it either.

Tuantuan in his arms also noticed Yang Mi at this time.

The little guy was babbling, and his fleshy short legs were swaying in Ji Yun's arms. Kicking, it was obvious that she wanted to find Yang Mi.

Ning Wei looked at Ji Yun, and then at Tuantuan's reaction, and an idea suddenly came to her mind!

That Yang Mi couldn't be the mother of Ji Yun's daughter Right?

(The votes from the big guys are really awesome. Ten thousand flowers will be collected soon. The little brother who saw this immediately started to do it and updated another chapter!!!)

(Big guys, don’t stop voting, all go to me. Smashed in the face!!!)

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