After a while, Ji Yun returned to Yang Yiju.

As soon as he got home, Tuantuan gave Ji Yun a big surprise.

That's right, Tuan Tuan is having fun.

No wonder Ji Yun saw this little guy's dull expression when he was in the car just now. It turned out that he was planning this big move.

"Tuantuan, are you shitting? Tuantuan was still confused, and her big eyes seemed to have no focus and were floating around.

Looking at his daughter's expression, Ji Yun couldn't help but smile softly.

Then he turned around and said,"Lan Yun, go get ready. I'll wait." Will wipe Tuantuan's butt"

"OK Mr. Ji."

After saying that, Lan Yun went to prepare.

In the past few days, when Lan Yun wiped Tuan Tuan's butt, Ji Yun would study next to her.

So Ji Yun also gained some experience.

After a while, Ji Yun was helping Tuan Tuan. After wiping her buttocks, she put on a clean diaper.

At this time, Lan Yun also made milk, handed the milk to Ji Yun, and left on her own initiative.

At noon, the sun was shining brightly but a little sultry.

But There was a breeze blowing, and the old tree at the door was swaying in the wind, giving off a sense of peace and tranquility.

Inside the house, Ji Yun was feeding Tuantuan.

The little one was tired after playing all morning, and his eyes were closed on the way back. They were fighting. At this moment, he lay directly on Ji Yun and fell asleep, but his mouth was still moving, sucking the pacifier vigorously.

Ji Yun raised a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth and gently rubbed the little guy's head.

This leisurely atmosphere made him feel a little tired


Nothing happened today.

After sleeping until two o'clock in the afternoon, Ji Yun was woken up from his dream by the sound of cries.

Ji Yun got up and made Tuan Tuan milk, and then played with Tuan Tuan in the manor for a while.

In addition to the artificial lake, there are many interesting places in the manor.

We played like this until the evening.

When Ji Yun was about to take the group to rest, Ning Wei made a phone call.

"Ji Yun, I have designed the first version of Tuantuan's clothes and sent them to your mobile phone. Go and take a look."

Ning Wei sent a file to Ji Yun's WeChat.

Ji Yun clicked on the file, and several photos came into view.

This is a one-piece suit, the color is mainly light pink, and there are some embroidery on it. The butterfly pattern looks cute.

Below the picture, there is a brief introduction to this jumpsuit.

The fabric used in this jumpsuit is a combination of silk and cotton.

The silk was independently developed by Ji Sining The products are extremely expensive, with one kilogram worth millions.

Ji Sining only uses this kind of silk when customizing clothes for private individuals.

Among them, most of Ji Yun's clothes are customized by Ji Sining.

So Ji Sining Yun knows very well that although the price of this kind of silk is slightly higher, the clothes made of this kind of silk are extremely comfortable.

"I checked some information and found that Tuantuan is still young and is not suitable for wearing cashmere clothes."

"Whether or not you are allergic is another matter. The little guy also likes to bite things. If he accidentally eats cashmere in his mouth, it will be troublesome."

"So I weighed it up and finally decided to use cotton. Although cotton is not as delicate as cashmere, it is stronger and more breathable."

Ning Wei's attitude was very serious.

She had never made children's suits before because Ji Sining did not have a children's business.

But this was not a problem. She immediately learned a lot of relevant information.

This is why Ji Yun felt relieved about her.

After the introduction , she asked:"How is it? Ji Yun, are you satisfied with it? Any comments?"

Ji Yun said calmly:"I have no objection, just make it according to the first version in your picture."

"good. Ning

Wei said:"Well...I calculated the time, and it will probably be ready the day after tomorrow. I will have someone deliver it to you then.""

"I have to keep up with the progress now, so I won’t chat with you. You can also go and accompany me."


After that, Ning Wei hung up the phone.

Ji Yun was about to put down the phone and go over to continue playing with Tuantuan.

But at this time, the phone vibrated again.

Ji Yun took a look and saw that it was Reba who made a video call. come over

"Tuantuan, my mother has made a video call for you."

Ji Yun said to Tuantuan.

But Tuantuan was concentrating on playing with her doll rabbit and didn't hear Ji Yun's words at all.

Ji Yun smiled helplessly, and then connected the video himself.

In the shot, Reba was still wearing clothes A scene from the crew.

Wearing a long white dress and a wooden hairpin, she is beautiful and a bit cute, as if she is a heroine who has just entered the world.

"The crew finished work late today, and I'm still on my way back. I'm afraid you'll sleep with Tuantuan when I get back, so I didn't change my clothes. Reba explained.

Ji Yun hummed, and then turned the camera towards Tuan Tuan.

"round and round!"

When Reba saw Tuantuan, a gentle smile immediately appeared on her face, and she shouted.

After hearing this familiar voice, Tuantuan raised her head and looked over.

The next moment, the toy in her hand immediately lost its smell, and Tuantuan huffed. Crawled over with a huff.

"Tuantuan, I thought you wouldn’t need a mother now that you have toys."

Reba said pretending to be disappointed.

Tuantuan immediately let out a babble.

If Tuantuan could talk, then this sound must be saying, I will never forget my mother.

"Haha, mom is just kidding, I know you are mom’s good daughter!"

"Aren't you having fun playing with your dad these two days?"

"I also heard from your godmother that your father’s friend gave you a jade pendant?"

After dinner at noon today, Yang Mi made a call to Reba.

She told Reba that she met Ji Yun at Ji Sining today, and that she relied on Ji Yun to become Ji Sining's brand ambassador. They had dinner with Ji Yun.

Reba never expected that Ji Yun was actually Ji Sining's core executive.

The Ji Sining brand was so famous that Reba had naturally heard of it.

When she attended an event, Reba even rented a Ji Sining The dress cost Reba a month's salary!

Therefore, Reba's eyes became more curious about Ji Yun!

Tuantuan heard many people say the word jade pendant to her in the past two days, so Already understood what the jade pendant refers to. When Reba said this, Tuantuan immediately raised the hand with the South China Sea Ice Beryl and shook it desperately in front of Reba. With that look, he obviously wanted to get what he liked. Share with Reba

"Okay, okay, mom has already seen it. It’s really beautiful. It looks so good on our hands."

"Okay, don't show it to mom anymore, your hands will hurt from shaking later."

After a pause, Reba showed a gentle smile on her face and said,"Tuan Tuan, mommy wants to tell you some good news today!"

"Do you miss your mother very much? Mom can come back tomorrow!"

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