Exited the coffee shop.

Reba and Yang Mi put on thick coats, glasses and masks, wrapping themselves tightly.

As celebrities, they have to be very careful when traveling to prevent being photographed by the paparazzi.

Their car was parked in front of the coffee shop.

A white BMW 7 Series

"Well... let's go."

I don't know whether it was out of guilt or politeness, Reba stepped forward and took the initiative to open the door for Ning Cheng.

"No, I drove here."

Ji Yun shook his head gently.

After the words fell, a Maybach S680 slowly drove over and stopped in front of Ji Yun.

Chen Momo got out of the car and respectfully helped Ji Yun open the door.

"I'll meet you at the door of your company in ten minutes."

Seeing this scene, Reba and Yang Mi were both stunned.

Before they could react, Ji Yun had already got into the car and left.

"Let's... leave too.

When she came to her senses, Reba and Yang Mi also got in the car. Yang Mi sat in the driver's seat, and while driving, she couldn't help complaining:" I said why Ji Yun is so arrogant, it turns out he has some status."

Reba was a little confused:"Sister Mi, was the car he took expensive?""

Now Reba is just a third- and fourth-tier star who is not very eye-catching in the entertainment industry, so she doesn't know much about luxury cars.

Yang Mi explained:"If I read it correctly, that car should be a Maybach s680, and it is also a Maybach s680. Limited high-end edition, one can buy six of us"

"So expensive?"

Reba's eyes widened and she was a little frightened.

"Not only that Maybach, but also his outfit should be pretty cheap too. Although I didn’t see which brand it was from, I feel like I’ve seen similar ones somewhere."

"The most important thing is, didn't you notice that his face didn't change at all when he saw us?"

"If it were an ordinary person, he would have been so excited and incoherent when he saw the two of us."

Hearing these words, Reba opened her mouth slightly and was extremely shocked.

The person who had sex with her that night was actually so powerful?

"But don't feel any pressure.

Seeing Reba's nervous expression, Yang Mi comforted her:"Although he is not simple, we don't have to bow our heads in front of him.""

"It’s not certain who is more powerful."

"It’s not like I can’t afford that Maybach. In terms of income, he doesn’t necessarily have more than us."

"Your conditions are so good, you just lack a chance to become popular. Once you become popular, you won't be much worse than him."

Now Yang Mi has just founded Jiahe Media.

From an artist to a capital, she is called Boss Yang by many people.

Therefore, this is also the stage when she is most confident and proud.

"Sister Mi, as long as I can reach half of your level, I will be satisfied."

Reba said with a look of longing.

At this time, Yang Mi is definitely an idol for Reba.

…… after awhile.

A few people came to Jiahe Entertainment

"You sit down for a while and I'll bring the baby over."

Reba poured Ji Yun a glass of water and was about to bring the baby over.

But Yang Mi held her down.

"I'll just go and bring the baby over. You two can sit here for a while."

As she said that, Yang Mi glanced at Ji Yun.

The intention was obviously to let Reba chat with Ji Yun more and explain the matter more clearly.

Reba thought for a while and nodded.

After Yang Mi left, Reba sat on the sofa next to Ji Yun


She opened her mouth, but she felt extremely embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

When she saw Ji Yun, she would think of what happened that night.

That night, she was in the dark and drank again, so she She has no memory of Ji Yun's appearance.

Now that she sees Ji Yun, she will subconsciously put Ji Yun's face into it.

"We don't need to have awkward conversations."

Ji Yun looked at the water glass intently and said calmly:"If you don't know what to say, you don't have to say it."

"Just let me ask you. Reba nodded repeatedly:"Okay, okay, what do you want to ask?""

Ji Yun said:"You said you have something to be busy with during this period of time."

"So, what is it that makes you rather leave your baby and do it?"

A trace of shame appeared on Reba's face.

"I think you should have guessed that I have a movie to shoot, and this movie is a big production that requires several months of filming."

"During these few months, I couldn't take care of the baby, so I thought of leaving the baby to you."

Ji Yun nodded lightly.

He leaned back on the sofa, crossed his legs, put his hands on his knees, and looked at Reba with a little scrutiny.

Reba couldn't help but become nervous,"I know, you must think that I am not like this. Responsible"

"But I also do this for the sake of my baby, so that she can live a better life."

"Now the baby no longer needs to drink breast milk. Even if I join the set for filming, it will not have any impact."

"And I can take time out every week to come back and see the baby."

Everyone says it's easy for celebrities to make money.

But those are famous stars.

The income of third- and fourth-tier stars like Reba is far less than expected.

And during the year of pregnancy, Reba gave up all her jobs..

All the savings that I had accumulated have been spent long ago.

If I don’t work hard to make money, I really don’t know how to raise a baby.

Hearing these words, Ji Yun nodded lightly, but did not speak.

Reba looked at Looking at Ji Yun's face, he tried to find some response from Ji Yun's face.

But Ji Yun's face was extremely cold, as if he didn't care about what she said.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Ji Yun shook his head.

Reba snorted and sat on the sofa dejectedly.

This person is so cold, like an iceberg.

Is it really okay to leave the baby to him to take care of?

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