The night passed quickly. the next morning.

The sound of crying woke up Reba.

Tuantuan always wakes up very early, and she basically needs to drink milk once at 8:30 in the morning.

And if you sleep all night, you will wake up earlier, maybe after six o'clock to drink milk.

Reba fed Tuantuan breast milk while she was half asleep and half awake.

After a while, he finally got up from the bed.

There is a bathroom in this room.

Reba went to wash up and picked up Tuantuan from the bed.

"Come on, baby, mommy will take you to find something to eat."

Reba didn't feed Tuantuan much breast milk just now because she was going to get some complementary food for Tuantuan. She pushed the door and walked out.

Reba found Ji Yun standing in front of the French window in the living room.

Ji Yun was holding a glass of milk in his hand, and another In one hand, he was holding a half-eaten sandwich.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Ji Yun turned around and looked over.

"woke up.

Reba nodded timidly:"Well... I just woke up for a while.""

Ji Yun said calmly:"Breakfast has been prepared, as well as various complementary foods, all in the living room downstairs."

Reba was still thinking about making something for Tuantuan to eat, but she didn't expect that Ji Yun had already prepared it.

"Okay, do you want to go down together?"

Ji Yun hummed.

The three of them went downstairs.

When they came to the living room, Reba couldn't help but be stunned when she saw Lan Yun standing in front of the dining table.

Reba was already very late when she arrived at Yang Yiju yesterday, so naturally I didn't see Lan Yun.

Who is this person?

Could it be...

This idea just popped into my head.

Ji Yun had already said:"Her name is Lan Yun, the nanny I found for Tuantuan"

"Professional things still need to be done by professionals, so Tuantuan’s food supplements are all made.

Reba suddenly realized it and said hello with a smile:"Hello, Sister Lan.""

"Hello Miss Reba."

Lan Yun said with a smile.

At this time, Lan Yun had a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Lan Yun also likes to follow dramas, so she has some understanding of the entertainment industry.

Lan Yun knows that the Reba in front of her is a member of the entertainment industry. A female star.

Although Lan Yun is a little confused about how such a not-so-famous female star met Mr. Ji. But

Lan Yun knows how to write the word"rules", the richer the Family, the more emphasis is placed on rules.

She is just a nanny, and it is her task to take good care of Tuantuan. Everything else has nothing to do with her.

"You go to eat, I'll feed Tuan Tuan."

Ji Yun had almost eaten, and reached out to signal Reba to give him the tuan tuan. Of course Reba would not refuse.

Not only did she give the tuan tuan to Ji Yun, but she also sat down honestly.

Reba's breakfast was a portion. Sandwich, a fruit salad, and a piece of pasta.

After hesitating, Reba decided to start with the pasta.

Opposite her, Ji Yun was holding a bowl of egg custard and was feeding Tuantuan with a spoon to eat the egg custard..

When Reba saw this scene, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

She didn't expect that Ji Yun could be so gentle sometimes.


Finished breakfast.

Ji Yun took the group for a walk around the manor.

Reba followed, already deeply shocked by this manor!

When I arrived last night, it was already dark.

So Reba didn't quite know what this manor looked like.

But when she saw it now, Reba was immediately frightened.

There is an artificial lake over there.

There is a garden on the other side.

A little further away, there seems to be a garden!

Oh my god, how big is this estate?

Moreover, this is a place like the Magic City where every inch of land is at a premium!

The housing prices in this prosperous area have now reached as high as 100,000 square meters!

Not to mention that this is a livable place, it is the most famous luxury community in the entire Magic City!

Even if we only take the average price of one hundred thousand square meters, how much would it cost to buy such a manor! ?

Reba quietly calculated in her mind.

She didn't know how much it would cost.

But she knew that even if she filmed movies in this life, she would not be able to buy such a manor.

Ji Yun took Tuan Tuan to the artificial lake to feed the black-white koi.

Although the manor is large, Ji Yun feels that no other place can make Tuantuan as happy as here.

The garden over there is quite nice, but it’s too small now, and I don’t know if I might be allergic to pollen, so I’d better not go there.

Ji Yun was thinking about whether to redevelop the manor and build some places suitable for groups to play.

Like building a smaller zoo.

Or a private playground.

Reba sat on the stone bench next to her, watching the father and daughter get along intimately.

I also saw the black-white koi in the lake emerging from the water and swimming towards this side!

"Oh my gosh, there are so many koi!"

Reba's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

When those black-white koi carp swam over, they looked like an ink painting, so beautiful!

But soon the fish food was eaten, and those black-white koi carp came back again. Into the water.

Reba looked at the fish food in Ji Yun's hand, looking a little eager to try it.

Ji Yun glanced at Reba:"Do you also want to feed the fish?

Reba asked tentatively:"I, can I?""

Ji Yun said nothing and placed the bag of fish food on the fence of the artificial lake.


Although Reba was not very clear-headed, she still understood what Ji Yun meant.

She immediately took the fish food over with joy and sprinkled a handful of it out.

The next moment, those black-white koi came out of the water and came to Reba one after another. Bian swam over!


Reba jumped up and down happily.

Tuantuan saw that her mother had attracted all the ink-white koi fish. The little guy screamed and asked Ji Yun to give her some more fish food, and she spilled it out unwilling to lose. So, the ink-white koi fish was thrown out.

The white koi swam to Tuantuan again

"Tuantuan, do you want to compete with mom?"

"Then let’s see if these koi would rather eat your fish food or their mother’s fish food!"

Reba said with high spirits.

At the age of twenty-three, although she was already the mother of Tuantuan, she was actually a little girl who had just entered society.

The mother and daughter seemed to be competing.

For a time, in this manor, Full of laughter and laughter.

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