After a while, it was time for dinner.

After eating, Ji Yun and the other three sat under the old tree at the door.

The evening breeze blows away the heat, making people feel cool and refreshing.

Tuantuan sat on Reba's lap, playing with the South China Sea ice beryl given to her by Chen Ning.

Reba knew that the piece of South Sea ice beryl her daughter had was extremely valuable.

She heard from Sister Mi that it seemed like it could be sold for millions or even tens of millions!

In other words, such a piece of jade is more than the money she has earned since her debut!

But my daughter held it casually in her hand, risking it falling to the ground at any time.

Reba looked frightened!

She just went to Kyoto for a few days, and her daughter suddenly became a princess!

Live in this castle-like manor.

Enjoying the care of a gold medal nanny.

A jade pendant is worth thousands of gold!

In addition to the change in identity.

The little guy's physical changes have also been quite big.

Reba obviously felt that she had gained weight and her face had become cuter.

As she watched, a look of discoloration gradually appeared on Reba's face.

Because Reba will leave soon.

Reba's only day off is today.

If we rush there tomorrow, it will definitely be too late.

So I can only take a flight back to Kyoto tonight.

As we all know,"Huang Quan Tian Xia" is a big production.

The entire show, from the director to the screenwriter to the actors and other staff, are all very famous in the industry!

Although Reba is not the heroine of"Phoenix Power".

But as the second female lead, she has more scenes in the early stage.

Moreover,"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" is known as a turnaround for Huayi Brothers.

Therefore, it can be said that Huayi Brothers put a lot of thought into"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia"!

Huayi Brothers not only wants to make"Phoenix Power" into a popular masterpiece.

What's more, I want to make"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" into a big hit, and it has to be a big hit with both popularity and reputation.

This person was invited from Huayi Brothers, who had directed"The Ming Dynasty 1566"》,《Zhang Li, who has worked on classic masterpieces such as"The Righteous Way in the World Is Vicissitudes of Life", comes to direct"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia", you can see the goal of Huayi Brothers!

There is no way, the Huayi Brothers have been in such a difficult situation in recent years.

If we don't fight for a turnaround, we will really have no choice but to sit and wait for death!

Under such circumstances, Huayi Brothers' requirements for"Huang Quan Tian Xia" can be said to be extremely strict!

All actors who participate in"Phoenix Power", regardless of the size of their roles or the proportion of their roles, must receive professional training from the program team during the filming process.

Such as appearance, appearance, temperament, accent...

These are already the requirements for filming"Phoenix Power in the World"!

This is also the reason why Reba is obviously only the second female lead, but it takes several months to shoot.

Reba glanced at the time. It was already seven o'clock in the evening.

As the sky darkened, street lamps lit up in the manor, illuminating the entire manor.

"Ji Yun, I'm almost going to the airport."

Reba hesitated and whispered to Ji Yun.

Ji Yun was not surprised by this.

On the phone before, including when she first arrived yesterday, Reba said that she only had one day off.

"I'll have someone come and see you off."

Ji Yun said calmly

"Okay, thank you."

Reba expressed her gratitude with a smile.

Ji Yun asked someone to take her to the airport, so that she could play with Tuantuan for a while.

Naturally, Tuantuan didn't know that her mother was leaving soon.

Sitting on Reba's lap, she looked curiously Looking at the rows of street lights


The little guy grabbed Reba's clothes and pointed at the street lights, wanting Reba to watch them with her.

"Mom saw it, it’s so bright, isn’t it?"

"That's called a light. At night we have to turn on the light, otherwise it will be so dark that we can't see anything."

Reba said softly


Tuantuan imitated Reba's words. Originally he wanted to say"light", but because of his unclear speech, he changed to"ah".

Reba couldn't help but feel a little funny and rubbed Tuantuan's head:"Baby, no. , say with mother, light"


Tuantuan pondered for two seconds, then slowly opened his mouth:"Ah! Reba smiled helplessly:"

Forget it, let's not talk about lights. This seems a bit difficult.""

"Baby, then mom will teach you simple things, such as how to call mom"

"Say it with mom, mom.

Tuantuan opened his mouth:"Huh.""

The word"mom" seems to be a little simpler for the little guy.

Although it is still not standard, it is very close.

This is not surprising, after all, the words the little guy hears the most every day, besides her own name, are Mom and Dad.

The more you listen, the easier it will be to learn.

"Haha, that’s so well said! Reba stretched out her hand and gently touched her little nose:"Baby, when mom comes back next time, mom hopes you can call her mom in a standard way.""

"Mom will teach you how to say it on the phone these days, you have to learn it quickly."

Ji Yun sat on the stone chair next to him, quietly watching the mother and daughter get along.

When he heard Tuan Tuan say"Huh?", Ji Yun couldn't help but feel a little expectant.

Is it time for him to teach Tuan Tuan to call him dad? ?

I want to know what Tuantuan will shout like at that time?

Will it be the standard shouting of dad, or baba, or daddy?

But no matter what Tuantuan shouts, Ji Yun feels that he will be very happy.

Ten minutes Later,

Xiao Lin drove to Yang Yi Ju.

Xiao Lin was the female employee who brought Lan Yun here.

"Mr. Ji and Sister Momo had a meeting to attend, so they asked me to come over."

Xiao Lin stepped forward and explained.

Ji Yun nodded slightly:"I know, she has already told me that I asked her to attend that meeting."

Chen Momo is now managing all the company's affairs, so he is naturally busier than before. But at first, Chen Momo postponed the meeting.

But Ji Yun didn't want her to go through all the trouble, so he let her attend the meeting directly.

"Miss Reba, let's go."

Xiao Lin said to Reba.

After hearing this, Reba nodded.

She handed Tuantuan to Ji Yun and prepared to get in the car.

She did not dare to say goodbye to Tuantuan, fearing that Tuantuan would cry.

But even so, Tuantuan Seeing that she was about to get in the car, I still noticed something.

The little guy immediately started babbling, tears welling up in his eyes!

(Please give me flowers, review votes, monthly tickets, rewards, all kinds of things. , I’m here to kneel down and thank you!!!)

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