Hearing Wang Zongjun's words.

Wang Zonglei's face also changed instantly, and a touch of excitement emerged.

"Assistant Chen? She...why did she call you? Didn't she refuse to invest in our Huayi Brothers? Wang

Zongjun shook his head:"I don't know what's going on.""

"Don't talk, I'm on the phone."

Wang Zonglei nodded and immediately shut his mouth.

When Wang Zongjun answered the phone, the expression on his face immediately became respectful.

Even though Chen Momo was just an assistant, Wang Zongjun knew very well how powerful Chen Momo was.!

Chen Momo is the assistant to the boss of Chuangji. Chen Momo’s thoughts also represent the thoughts of the boss of Chuangji!

Let alone the boss of an entertainment company, even many big guys in the business world would not dare to offend him easily. Chen Momo!

What's more, Chen Momo's own abilities are also extremely outstanding and he is qualified for the position of president of most listed companies!

"Assistant Chen, yes, it’s me. I’m Wang Zongjun. What are your instructions? Wang

Zongjun asked in a respectful tone.

"Boss Wang, we at Chuangji have reconsidered and agreed to your investment from Huayi Brothers."

On the other end of the phone, Chen Momo's cold voice came over.

Hearing this,

Wang Zongjun was stunned for a moment, and then said incoherently:"You, are you telling the truth? Is Chuangji really willing to give us an investment?"

Wang Zonglei on the side was also shocked.

Is Chuangji willing to invest in Huayi Brothers?!

Chen Momo said calmly:"Don't be excited yet, Chuangji is indeed willing to invest in you, but at the same time, Chuangji also has a request.

Wang Zongjun nodded and said,"I understand. If you have any requests, Assistant Chen can ask for them.""

"As long as it can be done, we Huayi Brothers will definitely do it. Even if it can't be done, we Huayi Brothers will work hard to do it. Chen

Momo said:"It's not a big deal. Chuang Ji needs you to move the crew of"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" that is being filmed to the film and television city in the Magic City."

Hearing this, Wang Zongjun was shocked, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Move the crew of"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" to the Magic City?

What is going on?

Why did Chuang Ji make this request?

Just when he was wondering , Chen Momo asked in a slightly cold voice:"What? Can't you fulfill this request? Wang

Zongjun came to his senses and hurriedly said:"It can be done, Assistant Chen, don't worry, our Huayi brothers can definitely do this!"

Chen Momo said:"Then it's settled. The sooner this matter is done, the better. How much investment Huayi Brothers can receive depends on the speed at which you do it." Wang Zongjun looked solemn:"

Assistant Chen, I understand!""

Chen Mo hummed, and then hung up the phone directly.

Wang Zongjun breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense emotions were finally able to relax.

"Brother, Chuangji is really willing to invest in our Huayi! ?"

Wang Zonglei on the side immediately came over.

"it is true.

Wang Zongjun said:"With Chuangji being such a big company, investing in Huayi is just a drop in the bucket.""

"Not to mention that Assistant Chen called us personally, so he would definitely not fool us. A look of joy appeared on Wang

Zonglei's face:"That's great. Doesn't that mean that our Huayi School will be close to the giant Chuangji?""

"But why would Chuang Ji make such a request to move the crew of"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" to the Magic City?"

Wang Zongjun shook his head, with a curious look on his face:"I don't know either."

"Chuangji is willing to invest in us, which is a strange thing in itself"

"Lei Zi, do you still remember why Chuangji came to us?"

Wang Zonglei nodded:"Of course I remember that in the first season, we were asked to inquire about the drama"Phoenix World", and they checked very carefully, from the producer to the staff."

"Now we have to move the crew of"Phoenix Power to the World" to Shanghai. Bro, do you think Chuangji invested in our Huayi Brothers because of"Phoenix Power to the World"?"

Wang Zongjun said:"It is possible."

"So I'm wondering if there is someone from Chuang Ji in the cast of"Phoenix Power", or maybe... someone who Chuang Ji's boss is interested in."

This kind of thing has not happened to the two brothers Wang Zongjun and Wang Zonglei.

In the entertainment industry, there are many people who have the capital to fall in love with a certain female star, so they create a role for the female star and provide various resources.

If the first season is like this The situation... is a bit scary.

Capital of Chuang Ji's size is enough to sweep the entire entertainment industry!

If any female star is lucky enough to be spotted by Chuang Ji, it would be... one step to the top!

"Brother, do you think it could be Zhao Liying? Wang

Zonglei suddenly asked

"I don't know either, I'm just guessing."

Wang Zongjun said with a serious face:"Okay Lei Zi, don't talk about this issue anymore."

"That boss's matter is not something you and I can speculate on. Don't ruin our chance of Huayi's turnaround just because of your curiosity."

"The most important thing right now is to move the crew of"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" to the film and television city in Shanghai as soon as possible"

"As long as this matter is done well, the benefits will definitely be indispensable"

"Go and call Zhang Li, several other people in charge, and the producer to my office. I want to discuss this matter with them.

Wang Zonglei nodded:"Okay, brother, I'll go right away.""

…… the other side

《Among the cast of"Phoenix Powers the World".

Reba, wearing a long white dress and a wooden hairpin, was sitting on a stool.

He was holding a simulated long sword in his hand, pouting his little mouth, and using the long sword to dig a hole in the land in front of him.

Reba was just filming a scene, but the effect was not very satisfactory.

Even after ten consecutive reshoots, the film still failed to meet the standards, the director finally rushed over to reflect on it.

But there is actually a reason. After returning in a hurry yesterday, Reba is still thinking about Tuantuan.

I don’t know how Tuantuan is doing now.

Are you still crying?

Do you miss her?

Did you have a good meal?

The more I thought about Reba, the more I blamed myself.

She's really not a good mother.

But fortunately, Tuantuan has a good father.

Ji Yun will take good care of Tuantuan, right?

"Reba, what are you doing? Are you trying to dig a hole to bury yourself in?"

At this time, a woman in a yellow dress came over and looked at Reba helplessly.

This woman in the yellow dress is also an actor in"Phoenix Power World". She is also an artist of Jiahe Entertainment, named Zhu Chudan

"Reba, what's going on with you today? Are you in such a bad state? This is not the performance you should show."

Hearing this, Reba looked back and saw Zhu Chudan. She sighed leisurely, but did not explain anything.

Although Zhu Chudan is also an artist of Jiahe Entertainment,

Zhu Chudan did not know that she had a child.

The entire Jiahe Entertainment , only Yang Mi and manager Li Ya knew about this matter.

Zhu Chudan sat next to Reba:"Reba, you have to work hard."

"That's Director Zhang Li, a well-known director in our circle. Not only can we leave a good impression on him, but at least we can't leave a bad impression on him, right?"

"This drama is a big production, and as the second female lead, you will also get a lot of attention. Plus, your conditions are so good, you may become a big hit after this drama is aired. Reba smiled helplessly:"Dandan, please stop making this joke with me.""

"Sister Li Ying is the heroine, and her role is so brilliant. After it was broadcast, the audience mainly looked at her, so why would they look at me. Zhu Chudan said:"

Don't say that. I think you are no worse than Sister Liying. I think you will also become a front-line person.""

"If I have your conditions, I will definitely give it a try!"

The entertainment industry is the place with the most stringent requirements for appearance.

Not only must you be beautiful here, but you must also be so beautiful that people remember it!

Although Zhu Chudan is also very beautiful, she is not the kind of face that can support the heroine.

Reba took the photo Patting Zhu Chudan on the shoulder:"Don't talk about these anymore."

"Why are you here? Isn't there a show for you today? Why don't you hurry up and get ready? Zhu

Chudan smiled slightly:"I came to see you because of this matter. It seems that something big is about to happen to our crew.""

"Director Zhang and the others were all called away."

"I heard from some people that our crew is moving to the film and television city in Shanghai!"

As he said this, Zhu Chudan couldn't help but feel a bit of surprise and exclamation on his face.

Hearing this, Reba was instantly startled and stood up in a flash!

"What? Are we going back to the magic city?"

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