Reba called.

Ji Yun glanced at Tuantuan, then pressed the connect button.

"Ji Yun, what are you doing?"

Reba's joyful voice came from the other end of the phone.

Ji Yun's face remained calm:"I'm playing with Tuantuan, is there anything wrong?"

"Tuantuan is also next to you!

Reba said happily:"Yes, there is a good thing I want to tell you!""

"Well... I may be back in a few days. It's not like I'm coming back for a vacation, but I'm coming back so I don't have to go to Kyoto again!"

Ji Yun looked at Tuantuan happily playing with the embroidered fairy flowers in his hands, and said softly:"Okay."

Reba on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, her joy suddenly reduced a lot.


Ji Yun acted too calmly, didn't he? Wasn't he surprised and curious?

Okay, look But she was overthinking it again.

Ji Yun was such a calm person, and even smiling was considered a luxury for him.

How could he be excited about something like this?

"Well...that's it, I'm going back to Shanghai to film! Reba said:"

Our crew of"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" is going to move to Shanghai for filming."

"Mr. Wang came to our crew just now to make an announcement. It should have happened in the past two days."

"The specific reason is not clear. It seems that there is a boss who spends a lot of money for some reasons..." Before

Reba could finish her words, Ji Yun said in a cold voice:"The boss you are talking about is me."

"Oh ah! ? ?"

After reacting, Reba screamed.

Even through the phone, it can be imagined that Reba's expression must be full of surprise now!

"Ji Yun, it was... you did it! ?"

Ji Yun agreed.

He never intended to hide this matter from Reba.

Why should he hide it?

Could it be that after the filming of"Phoenix Power" is over, Reba will sigh about who the boss is? , did he stand up and admit it again, which surprised Reba?

Ji Yun was not that bored.

At this time, Reba on the other end of the phone was already stupid!

I never expected that this would make the crew of"Phoenix Power in the World" move from Kyoto to The bosses of the Magic City are right next to her!

But when you think about it, there seems to be a way!

Speaking of bosses.

Isn't Ji Yun just one of the bosses?

Ji Sining's core senior management, this is the person standing at the top of the pyramid!

Moreover, Ji Yun Yun does have a reason for doing this.

Of course, it is definitely not spending a lot of money just to win a smile from a beautiful woman.

She is self-aware, and Ji Yun does this for Tuan Tuan!

"Ha, haha, it turns out to be you."

Reba was glad that she didn't say anything about being inhumane and spending too much money just now.

If she had said that, she would be doomed now!

"Anything else?"

Ji Yun asked in a cold voice.

"It’s okay, I just wanted to tell you, but I didn’t expect that you were the one who did this, so I seemed a little stunned, haha."

Reba smiled awkwardly.

"Then I hang up the phone."

Ji Yun said lightly.

"Um...wait a minute, don't hang up yet! Reba was silent for a few seconds and said gratefully:"Ji Yun, um... thank you.""

"Although I know you are doing this for Tuantuan, I still have to say thank you."

"Because you did this, I can come back from Kyoto and stay with Tuantuan every day."

"That is, it costs you money."

Reba just heard from Zhu Chudan that the cost of moving"Phoenix Quan Tian Xia" back to the Magic City would be at least 50 million!

Moreover, it also depends on whether there are any vacant shooting locations in the Magic City.

If there are no vacancies , I'm afraid it will cost tens of millions more to rent a shooting venue. It may cost hundreds of millions!

Reba sighed in her heart and felt a little embarrassed at the same time.

"For Tuan Tuan, it doesn’t matter if you spend some money. Ji Yun thought of something and said,"

I have something to tell you.""

"After you return to the magic city, except when you need to be on the set, I hope you can maintain a livable environment at all other times."

"I mean, including keeping you in a livable environment"

"If you live in Yangyiju, you can accompany Tuantuan at any time. The privacy here in Yangyiju is also good, and no one will take secret photos here.

Reba nodded:"I understand.""


Although her apartment is not bad, compared with Yangyiju, it is not good at all!

First of all, in terms of privacy, it is far behind.

What's more, Ji Yun is in Yangyi There is such a manor, and you can play in the manor as much as you want.

You can go for a walk in the garden.

You can feed the black-white koi.

You can also watch the flowers blooming in the garden.

"Then I will go home first and then move my things to a place where I can live comfortably."

Reba said

"If you need help, you can call Mo Mo. You should have her phone number."

Ji Yun said:"If nothing happens, I will hang up the phone.

Reba nodded and said,"Okay, bye.""

After hanging up the phone,

Ji Yun saw the ball in his arms and suddenly picked up the embroidered fairy flower in his hand, as if he wanted to put it in his mouth!

Ji Yun was startled and hurriedly snatched the embroidered fairy flower.

"Tuantuan, what do you want to do? This flower cannot be eaten."

Ji Yun pinched Tuantuan's nose and said angrily.

However, Tuantuan didn't care so much. He only knew that Ji Yun had snatched her flowers away.

The little guy's face shrank and tears were about to flow out. Then He looked extremely aggrieved.

Ji Yun:"……"

"Dad is really afraid of you."

It seems that the garden cannot be decorated at the moment.

We have to wait until Tuantuan grows up.

(Everyone, can you please send some flowers and monthly votes? I'm here to thank you!!!)

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