Now that Ji Yun has spoken.

Xu Qing naturally did not dare to refuse.

I quickly arranged for Director Na Xu to inspect Tuantuan.

"Mr. Ji, Miss Reba, please come with me."

At this time, Director Xu had vaguely guessed Ji Yun's identity and respectfully led the way.

On the way to the department,

Reba's eyes kept glancing at Ji Yun.

She looked at Ji Yun's arms. There was worry and self-blame in her eyes.

When she looked at Ji Yun again, she felt a bit timid and nervous.

"See what I do?"

Ji Yun glanced at Reba and said lightly

"I have a question for you."

Reba said softly

"You always seem to have a lot of questions. Ji

Yun frowned slightly:"If you have anything to do in the future, just tell me directly. You don't need to ask me.""

"Ouch, good. Reba nodded, and then asked a little cautiously:"I just want to ask you, are you angry?""

"For example, if you are angry with me..."

Ji Yun was a little confused.

"It's my fault and I didn't take good care of Tuantuan, so Tuantuan got a fever."

Reba said with self-blame.

Hearing this,

Ji Yun was really helpless.

This person is really... very stupid.

"Why should I blame you?"

Ji Yun said lightly:"You are Tuantuan's mother. Before contacting me, you were always taking care of Tuantuan."

"This shows that you love Tuantuan very much and take good care of Tuantuan."

"Babies are inherently fragile, and it is normal to get sick."

"Neither you nor I want to see Tuantuan fall ill."

"To say the least, we are all responsible for Tuantuan's illness."

Hearing this, Reba gradually breathed a sigh of relief.

The big stone hanging in her heart suddenly fell.

"Ha...I thought you would be angry"

"As you know, I am an actor, so I have acted in some idol dramas, and I have also read some idol novels."

"In those idol novels, great people like you attach great importance to their children, ha, ha, ha..."

Reba laughed twice and explained a little embarrassedly.

Ji Yun did not speak, holding Tuantuan in his arms and speeding up, The distance between Reba and Reba was soon widened.

Seeing this, Reba couldn't help but cover her forehead.


So embarrassing.

What kind of idol novel? This example is too bad.


After a while, they arrived at Director Xu's department.

Director Xu took the initiative to bring two chairs and said respectfully

"Mr. Ji, Miss Reba, please sit down first."


Reba expressed her gratitude with a smile, and then sat down.

Ji Yun was still standing next to her.

A sense of oppression came over her face, and the compliment that Director Xu was about to say was instantly swallowed back in her stomach.

"Miss Reba, I just heard you say that the baby seems to be 37.8℃, right?"

"You don’t have to worry too much. Babies’ body temperatures vary greatly. Sometimes they are higher than our adults’ body temperatures."

"I would like to ask if the baby has any other reactions besides having a fever, such as feeling uncomfortable or crying more easily.

Reba said:"There are some. Tuantuan's appetite has become smaller recently. She used to have a good appetite, but recently she has eaten half less than before.""

"Then she would wake up again in the middle of the night. Originally she could sleep through the night now, but these days she would cry again in the middle of the night and it was harder to coax her than before."

"Then, he seemed to get angry more easily than before."

Reba takes good care of Tuantuan.

Since Reba arrived, Lan Yun has played a supporting role.

So Reba is very aware of Tuantuan's changes.

"Is that so..."

Director Xu thought for a while, and already had the answer in his mind, and said to Ji Yun:"Mr. Ji, um... could you please hold the baby in front of me?"

Ji Yun hummed and then sat on the chair.

Director Xu took a small medical stick and gently opened Tuantuan's mouth.

After looking carefully, Dr. Xu smiled and said:"Mr. Ji, Miss Reba , don’t worry, it’s nothing serious"

"The baby is currently in the teething stage, so these situations occur."

Hearing this,

Reba's eyes widened.


It turned out to be teeth!

She was scared to death. She thought Tuantuan was sick, but it turned out that she had teeth.

So you can rest assured.

"Director Xu, is there anything we need to pay attention to?"

Director Xu replied:"When the baby is teething, the baby's gums will be itchy, so he will like to bite things."

"You can prepare teething sticks and let your baby bite them in his mouth. This can relieve discomfort and improve the chewing function of the teeth."

"Then give your baby more vitamin C and vitamin D, which will help the development of teeth."

"In terms of eating, include more dietary fiber and harder foods, such as corn. Reba nodded repeatedly:"

Okay, we understand.""

"Director Xu, thank you very much. Director Xu smiled slightly:"

Miss Reba, you're welcome. This is what I should do.""

"Our department happens to have special teething sticks for babies, as well as vitamin C and vitamin D. I'll get them for you."

After that, Director Xu glanced at Ji Yun and walked out.

After Director Xu left,

Reba breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed completely.

"It scared me to death. I thought it was something. It turned out that Tuantuan had teeth. It was okay, okay."

"It’s also because I don’t understand it well enough. This is considered basic knowledge, but I don’t even know this."

"It seems that after I go back, I will have to read more posts shared by mothers."

"Otherwise, it would be too funny if something like this happens again next time."

Reba said minding her own business.

At this time, Ji Yun was also relieved.

He saw that Tuantuan was still sleeping peacefully at this time.

He was also biting his fingers vigorously, and his mouth was watering. Come out.

Ji Yun reached out and wiped it gently, his eyes full of tenderness.

After a while, Director Xu came back with a bag of things

"Mr. Ji, Miss Reba, teething sticks and vitamins are all placed inside. When the baby wakes up, you can give her a vitamin and let her chew the teething stick happily.

Reba nodded and said,"Thank you, Director Xu."

Director Xu waved his hand:"You're welcome.""

"Miss Reba, if the baby feels uncomfortable in any way in the future, please bring the baby to me."

"Here's my business card. Call me and I'll come downstairs to pick you up."

Reba took the business card and said thank you again.

"By the way, Miss Reba, your body should be recovering well, right? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Director Xu suddenly asked with concern.

This sudden concern surprised Reba.

Director Xu was her attending physician.

But from the few rare contacts, she could feel that Director Xu could She is not a person who likes to ask questions.

Even when Yang Mi came to see her a few times, Director Xu was only slightly more enthusiastic.

Because the doctors at Aoki Hospital usually have a wide network of contacts and are also high-class people in Shanghai!

Reba He glanced at Ji Yun, then replied with a smile:"Well, he's recovering quite well."

"Everything else is fine, except that my waist sometimes hurts. I could stand for a long time in the past, but now I feel uncomfortable after standing for a while. Director Xu said:"

Ms. Reba, this is normal because you have just given birth and all your body functions are still recovering.""

"Think about it, when you were pregnant and had a big belly, wouldn’t you be able to stand for a while?"

"Although the baby has been born now, it still needs time to adapt."

"If you are really uncomfortable, you can also come to our department. Our department has postpartum care services. We will give you a massage to relieve your pain. It will be much better. Director Xu said with a gentle look.

"Okay, thank you, Director Xu."

Although she had lived in Qingmu Hospital for a period of time, this was the first time for Reba to see such a kind Director Xu.

Reba originally wanted to chat more with Director Xu.

But then she thought that Ji Yun was still sitting next to her.

And it seemed a little embarrassing to talk about postpartum recovery in front of Ji Yun. So

, Reba stood up and said,"Director Xu, I'm sorry to trouble you this time. Tuan Tuan will wake up in a moment, so we'll go ahead first gone back"

"Okay, no problem, I'll send it to you. Director Xu said enthusiastically

"No, no, Director Xu, we can just go back by ourselves."

Reba declined with a smile.

"Well, that's okay too. Director Xu did not insist anymore and gave Reba the bag of vitamins and teething stick.

Then he said goodbye to Ji Yun and Reba with a smile:"Mr. Ji, Miss Reba, please walk slowly.""

"If you need anything later, you can come to me. If it's not convenient for you to come to the hospital, just tell me and I'll find time to come to your home for consultation."


Reba smiled and waved her hand.

Then she saw Ji Yun had already walked away with his arms in his arms, and quickly followed him.

At this time, Reba's heart could be said to be full of emotions!

When she came to Qingmu Hospital alone before , Director Xu’s attitude is still very normal.

He maintains a normal doctor-patient relationship.

But now...

Director Xu is completely different.

Not to mention this warm and kind attitude.

Just talk about it, you can come directly to see a doctor without registering, or even without She still has time to go to the house for consultation in person.

Even the"best doctor" would not do such a thing!

Thinking of this, Reba glanced at Ji Yun who was walking in front with a ball in her arms.

Although Reba had a brain It was not a good time, but it was clear at this time why Director Xu had such a change!

That is this time, she came here with Tuantuan's father!

(This chapter is 3,000 words)

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