After leaving Jiahe Entertainment, Ji Yun took the car home.

Ji Yun's home is in Yangyiju, which is the most prosperous villa area in the entire Magic City.

Even the cheapest villa there is worth hundreds of millions!

Ji Yun's villa is a manor located behind Yang Yiju.

The manor covers an area of ​​5,000 square meters, all of which belongs to Ji Yun.

As early as three years ago, Yanglili was not the best villa area in Shanghai.

It was Ji Yun who invested in Yangyiju that made Yangyiju achieve its current status.

And that manor was specially built for Ji Yun by Yang Yiju.

If calculated according to the current market conditions, the value of this manor would exceed 10 billion.

And that doesn’t include the various constructions on the estate.

Ji Yun looked at the little one in his arms, she was still sleeping soundly.

From time to time, he would squeak his mouth, as if he had eaten something in his dream.

Ji Yun's eyes gradually softened.

Seeing this scene, Chen Mo Mo, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Following Ji Yun for so many years.

Chen Momo knew Ji Yun's character very well.

Ji Yun is particularly cold, and he is not the kind of person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, Ji Yun seems a bit arrogant.

But I didn't expect that when Ji Yun faced the child, he seemed to be a different person.

"Momo, I remember some time ago, there seemed to be a hospital that wanted to seek cooperation with Chuangji?"

At this time, Ji Yun suddenly turned his head and asked Chen Momo

"Yes, Mr. Ji."

Chen Momo replied:"Although that hospital is one of the top private hospitals in Shanghai, Chuangji has not been involved in medical care."

"Moreover, Chuangji, the largest private hospital in the country, already has shares. In comparison, the scale of that hospital is a bit underwhelming."

Ji Yun said:"You make a phone call and tell them that Chuangji has agreed to their cooperation."

"Then ask them to send a few doctors over now, and I will do a paternity test."

Although Ji Yun has basically believed the little guy's identity.

However, the necessary procedures are still indispensable.

"Good job, Mr. Ji."

Chen Momo took out his mobile phone and made arrangements.

…… after awhile.

It’s time to become livable.

Tuantuan was still sleeping, so Ji Yun took her into his room.

The doctor sent from Aoki Hospital also rushed over at this time.

"Hello Mr. Ji."

Three doctors came, all around fifty years old.

This is the most experienced doctor in Qingmu Hospital in paternity testing.

Ji Yun looked at the tools they brought, including needles for blood drawing.

"Need to draw blood?

The leading doctor nodded and said,"Yes, Mr. Ji, drawing blood can ensure the accuracy of the test results to the greatest extent.""

Ji Yun frowned.

He didn't care.

However, he didn't want to cause pain.

But since the doctor said so, Ji Yun had nothing to say.

"Then let’s get started."

One of the female doctors first drew a small tube of blood for Ji Yun.

Then she walked to Tuantuan, took out a smaller needle, and gently pricked Tuantuan's fleshy arm.

Tuantuan frowned.

But okay It didn't hurt much, and the female doctor was very fast.

So before Tuantuan could react, the needle had been pulled out.

"How long does it take for the identification results to come out?"

Ji Yun asked

"Mr. Ji, under the premise of ensuring accuracy, it will take at least one day to get the test results."

The leading doctor replied.

One day?

It's not that long.

Ji Yun nodded lightly:"I understand, you can go back."

"Mr. Ji, farewell."

The three doctors left.

Chen Momo sent a person to follow them back to Qingmu Hospital and keep an eye on the test process.

After all, this is related to the future heir of Chuangji Group.

So be cautious and you will never go wrong.

After they left, Ji Yun also walked out of the room.

He closed the door gently, leaving a gap in case there was any movement in the room and could not be heard outside.

"Mo Mo, the company will leave it to you during this period. It's not an important matter. You can make your own decision."

"Then you have to come over every week and report to me on the company's status. Chen

Momo said respectfully:"Okay, Mr. Ji, don't worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations.""

Ji Yun agreed.

He has no doubts about Chen Momo's ability.

Although Chen Momo is his assistant, in fact, Chen Momo's ability is enough to hold the position of president of his superior company.

Moreover, Chuangji has developed into what it is today. The foundation of the business empire has long been solid.

There is no need for him to keep an eye on it like before.

"Please help me investigate again, what drama Dilraba is filming recently."

Ji Yun said:"I want detailed information, specific to the director, producer and investor of that drama."

Chen Mo nodded and said:"Okay, I will investigate when I get back and report to you tomorrow."

"Then go ahead and make arrangements."

Ji Yun leaned on the sofa, preparing to rest for a while.

But at this moment, a burst of crying came from the room.

Ji Yun's eyes that had just been closed immediately opened them again.

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