Yang Tianbao and Lu Han are the promotional ambassadors for Ji Sining's other two items.

Both of them are first-line celebrities in the entertainment industry, and both are at the top level.

Although Yang Tianbao is slightly less popular, because he has no representative works, there is a slight gap between him and the two popular stars Yang Mi and Zhao Liying in terms of fans and popularity.

But relying on being a first-rate running boy has made Yang Tianbao very famous in the country and gained thousands of fans.

As for the road letter, there is no need to elaborate too much.

The most popular celebrity in the entertainment industry today can be said to dominate the entire entertainment industry in terms of traffic and fans.

A scarf once issued even broke the Guinness record.

Even Yang Mi, who is known as the queen of traffic, is slightly inferior compared to Lu Han.

That's not to say that Yang Mi is not as good as Lu Han.

It’s just that the environment in the entertainment industry is naturally like this.

In the entertainment industry, male stars themselves have more advantages than female stars.

Because most of those star-chasing fans are girls, so they will naturally be more likely to like the opposite sex.The idol originally fantasized about her boyfriend.

Listen to Yang Mi's words.

Reba nodded solemnly with her little face:"Okay Sister Mi, I understand."

Originally, she was thinking of just wearing it.

But after hearing what Yang Mi said, she felt that it was indeed necessary to dress up.

In other words, our traffic now is comparable to that of A-list celebrities. We can no longer be as casual as before.

"Then hurry up and put on your makeup, I won’t waste your time"

"Although it doesn't matter when you come, if you can avoid being late, try not to be late and leave a good impression."

Yang Mi warned.

"Now that I know Sister Mi, I’ll die."

After hanging up the phone, Reba sat in front of the dressing table.

Although she was already beautiful in her casual outfit, it was Sister Mi who she was going to meet later. I won't mention Sister Mi, but Yang Tianbao and Lu Han is also a very good-looking person.

In this way, 03's casual dress will look a bit plain.

After a while,

Reba put on a light natural makeup, and put on a white dress and a figure-fitting skirt. Jeans.

Coupled with her face full of collagen, and her clear eyes with a hint of stupidity.

A youthful and lively feeling exudes leisurely.


Looking at herself in the mirror, Reba nodded with satisfaction.

After putting away the cosmetics on the table, Reba was ready to go out.

At this time, Ji Yun was sitting in the living room playing with Tuantuan.

The floor of the living room A layer of carpet has been laid on the floor, which is soft and warm.

So you can put Tuantuan on the ground without worrying about her catching a cold or getting injured.

The little guy is holding a little rabbit doll in his hand, and there is a mechanical machine in front of him. The little yellow duck.

The little yellow duck moved forward in a straight line while shaking its head.

After a while, it ran away


Tuantuan shouted excitedly and threw the little rabbit doll aside.

Then he crawled over with a hum, trying to catch the little yellow duck.

Seeing this, Ji Yun got up and followed him.

However, , since Tuantuan had already gone to catch the little yellow duck by herself.

Ji Yun did not help her, but silently squatted beside her to protect her, letting her play by herself.


At this time, the door next to the room suddenly opened, and Reba walked out.

The little yellow duck happened to run under Reba's feet, and was blocked by Reba's feet.

"She pushed forward with a buzzing sound, but couldn't push it away.

Reba glanced at the little yellow duck under her feet, and then looked at the little guy crawling toward her with a humming sound.

"Baby, are you playing? Reba smiled softly:"

Come here quickly, mom will help you stop it.""


As expected, Tuantuan climbed faster, and soon he climbed in front of Reba.

He picked up the little yellow duck, and Tuantuan smiled happily.

"Our family group is awesome. Reba squatted down and touched Tuantuan's head tenderly.

Then she raised her head and said to Ji Yun:"Ji Yun, it's almost time. I'm going to Ji Sining's place to take promotional photos.""

Ji Yun agreed.

Reba had already told him about this a few days ago, and he naturally agreed.

Reba said:"I will be back soon, and now I have to trouble you to take care of Tuantuan."

Ji Yun didn't say anything, he just got up and walked over, hugging Tuan Tuan into his arms.

"Tuantuan, dad bought you a new toy, shall we go and take a look?"

""Yeah (Okay!)"

Tuantuan nodded happily, extremely curious about the new toy.

But when Ji Yun was about to carry her into the room, she suddenly became unhappy again.

Her big eyes looked at Hot Ba, and waved to Reba, which obviously meant that she wanted Reba to go with her.

Reba said softly:"Baby, mommy has to go out for something."

"Just go out for a while and come back soon, and then mommy will play with your new toys together, okay?"

Tuantuan:"Ah woo (bad)"

The little one is now nine months old, and she is getting smarter and smarter. She can tell clearly whether the adults are going out.

So her little face shrank, and her eyes It was as if she was about to cry out of grievance.

Seeing this, Reba immediately felt embarrassed.

How could she have the heart to leave the little guy like this?

Originally, when she went out, she would always take advantage of Tuan Tuan to sleep, or Tuan Tuan. She was playing.

She sneaked away so that Tuantuan wouldn't see her and wouldn't cry.

But today the little yellow duck stopped under her feet.…

"If you don’t want to cry, then come here and let mom give you a hug. Reba opened her arms and hugged Tuan Tuan over:"Baby, can mom discuss this with you first?""

"You heard your mother say that she will come back after going out for a while. When she comes back, she will buy you a stuffed bear."

"A very big one, bigger than mom, do you think it’s okay?

Tuan Tuan burst into tears with a cry of"Wow". Look at how the baby looks like now, does he still want a teddy bear?

Reba had no choice but to say:"Okay, mom, let's play with you for a while, and we'll go back later."."

At this moment,

Ji Yun, who was standing nearby and kept silent, suddenly said:"Since you have made an appointment, don't break the appointment."

Hearing this,

Reba's little face shrank and she felt aggrieved:"Baby, you see, mommy has been criticized by daddy."

"Mom really needs to go, otherwise it will be too late, so please be accommodating."

Tuantuan is still unwilling, and her little hands are tightly holding Reba's clothes.

Ji Yun said calmly:"Let's go, I will take Tuantuan and go with you."

"ah? Reba was stunned for a moment and looked at Ji Yun in disbelief:"Ji, Ji Yun, you have to come with me.""

Ji Yun asked:"Otherwise?"

"Tuantuan doesn’t want you to leave, so do you want Tuantuan to cry all the time?"

"Moreover, I happened to have something to do and planned to go to Ji Sining."

"The weather has turned cold recently, so it's time for Ji Sining to make some autumn and winter clothes for Tuantuan."

Speaking of this, Ji Yun frowned slightly when he saw that the silly woman in front of him hadn't reacted yet:"Aren't you leaving yet? Reba then came back to her senses.

She nodded like a chicken pecking at rice:"Oh... ok, let's go, let's go""

"Baby, daddy is so kind to you, so let’s go together."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tuantuan sniffed and saw that Reba was really carrying her downstairs.

Then the little drama queen's crying gradually stopped.

…… at the same time. the other side.

In Ji Sining Building.

Wearing a small black suit and having big waves, Yang Mi, who has an elegant yet cool temperament, is sitting in a lounge.

Next to her, assistant Xiao Yang and manager Li Ya sat respectively.

At this time, Yang Mi looked a little anxious and looked at the watch on her hand from time to time.

"What's going on? Why hasn't Little Reba come over yet?"

Yang Mi frowned and muttered.

It looked like the appointed time was coming soon, why hasn't Reba arrived yet?

It was obvious that half an hour ago, little Reba had already said that she had finished putting on makeup.

Logically speaking , It’s only 20 minutes away from Yiju to Ji Sining.

"Sister Mi, do you want me to call and ask Reba?

Assistant Xiao Yang asked. Yang

Mi thought for a moment and said,"It's okay. I guess she should be on the way now." Li Ya , who was next to her, also said,"Xiao Yang, go out and see how the preparations are going in the studio, and then leave this matter alone.""

In the entire Jiahe Entertainment, only Yang Mi and Li Ya know about Reba's marriage and childbirth.

Xiao Yang doesn't understand the secret, so don't make Reba unhappy by being stupid.

Then there will be Trouble

"Okay, Sister Ya, I'll go out first."

Although Xiao Yang was wondering why she was not allowed to call Reba.

But after Li Ya said this, she could only be obedient and go out to check the situation.

At the same time, Yang Tianbao and Lu Han stayed by themselves in the lounge.

The two of them also felt very strange

"Sister Tianbao, why haven’t Ji Sining started filming yet? The time is coming soon."

Yang Tianbao's assistant complained.

"Don't worry, there's still...five minutes left before the shooting time."

"Those five minutes are also time, right? Maybe something happened to Ji Sining's side"

"We just need to stay here and wait until the shooting time. If no one comes to call us, you can go and ask about the situation."

Yang Tianbao said this, but he couldn't help but feel curious in his heart.

Ji Sining Studio can ask others to be on time because Ji Sining Studio itself is very punctual.

This is not the first time that Yang Tianbao has been Ji Sining's 217 publicity ambassador.

But I have never seen this situation before.

So... what could happen?

On the other side, in Luhan's lounge.

Luhan's assistant just came back from outside and hurried to Luhan's before

"Brother Lu, I went to inquire about it, and it seemed like someone hadn’t arrived yet, so Ji Sining was waiting for her to arrive, so we could shoot together."

Listening to the information brought back by the assistant,

Lu Han couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and said in surprise:"Is anyone not there?"

"Really or not, it's almost time for filming. Who dares to be so brave? He hasn't come yet."

The assistant said:"I took a look and found that Yang Tianbao has arrived. It seems that the newcomer named Dilraba has not arrived yet."

Lu Han frowned:"Dilraba?

The assistant explained:"Brother Lu is the little star who became famous at Ji Sining Fashion Night a few days ago." Lu

Han said:"I know her. When she was taking pictures that night, I was watching her the whole time.""

"It's strange. Although she is a newcomer, she is still an artist under Yang Mi. Didn't Yang Mi tell her about Ji Sining's rules?

The assistant chuckled:"Maybe it's because she suddenly became popular, and Yang Mi was afraid that she wouldn't be able to suppress her in the future, so she deliberately suppressed her.""

Lu Han nodded with some agreement.

This is possible.

In the entertainment industry, this kind of thing is not uncommon.

It is precisely because of this that it is very difficult for newcomers to get ahead.

"It's a pity, because Dilireba's appearance is very good, and today she has to take Ji Sining's promotional photos."

"Once the promotional photos are released, she might really be able to get into the forefront."

"But there is no hope now. Ji Sining is afraid that someone will need to be replaced. Lu

Han said with a sigh on his face.

Lu Han was very clear about how strict Ji Sining was.

As for why he knew it, it was because the young guy who used to be a big star in Ji Sining, was late on purpose, and was dismissed as the first bird..

It was one of his former teammates.

You know, that teammate was a top idol like him. As a result, Ji Sining changed the team without any hesitation.

So, now this one is not even Dilireba. , what qualifications do you have to let Ji SiMake an exception for her?

(I’m adjusting my schedule, and there will be another chapter later. You guys can read it when you get up the next day. Also, please ask for a monthly pass and automatic subscription. I’m here to thank you!!!).

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