After the soldiers negotiated in advance, the cruise ship docked at the port without any obstruction.

Stepping back on the land of the Dragon Kingdom, Qin Lang stretched his waist, took a deep breath of fresh air, and sighed sincerely.

It's still the fragrance of your own country!

There is really no way to compare the realm of Sakura with the Dragon Kingdom!

Not to mention the small area, even some customs, it is not so attractive.

If it wasn't for the Son of Luck on Sakura's side, it would be absolutely impossible for him to go to that kind of place.

As for travel?

The Dragon Kingdom is so big!

My home country has not changed completely, what cherry blossoms are you going to?

I have only seen the tourism boom in the Dragon Kingdom to go to the cherry blossoms, but I have never seen the tourism boom in the Dragon Kingdom set off from the cherry blossoms.

How about rushing to increase GDP for people?

People are not polite!

Looking at the luggage being hauled down from the deck, Qin Lang looked at Su Xiaoxiao and said seriously, "I've been in Sakura for a while, so hurry up and go home."

Su Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, wanting to speak, and then glanced at the girls beside her, hesitating to speak.

Qin Lang guessed Su Xiaoxiao's thoughts, and went forward to comfort him, "The principal's grandma has been presiding over the trivial affairs of the orphanage by herself during this period of time. I guess she is too busy. You must not visit her?"

Su Xiaoxiao nodded sensible and acquiesced.

Lin Youchu said with a smile, "My family is still in the capital. They said that they should focus their business on Tianhai City. They talk like a fart, and there is still no movement."

In fact, after getting on with Qin Lang, the Lin family gave up the idea of ​​shifting their business focus.

In the past, it was a place where there were hidden dragons and crouching tigers like the capital. When there was a business dispute, I was worried about the energy behind my competitors, and I was afraid that one day someone would eat all the bones.

Now, her daughter has already approached Qin Shao, what are you doing away from the capital?

Not to mention bullying others, with the name of Young Master Qin, who would dare to bully their Lin family?

Mu Yuyan nodded, "My mother is also recuperating at the Xiangshan Sanatorium, and her health has improved a lot, but she has been staying in the capital recently to recuperate, and has no plans to come to Tianhai City."

The meaning of the two women is self-evident, it is nothing more than that they have no relatives here, no elders to visit, and want to pull Qin Lang away together.

"What about Mu Ren International's business? There are a lot of messes waiting for you to deal with. There were other things in Sakura before, and now they have come back, how can you still be so indulgent?"

Qin Lang sternly glanced at Lin Youchu's body, "Especially you, besides eating and sleeping all day long, you don't do any serious business at all, learn from Yuyan and learn how to manage the company, sooner or later one day. Useful for your place!"

If you swear, you must catch someone who doesn't hold grudges.

Just like a girl like Lin Youchu, no matter how fierce you scold her, she is furious in her heart, and desperately wants to take revenge.

But as long as a private suppression, the anger in his heart will completely disappear.

Even, with the blessing of hidden attributes, she may feel that she can scold again!


Lin Youchu pouted, and responded a little unhappily.

Let her run the company?

That sow can climb a tree!

Instead of cultivating her, it is better to step over her and cultivate her daughter directly!

It's more reliable that way!

Mu Yuyan hummed without refuting.

As for the blood mandala?

She also has a sister to visit.

Not to mention Lin Xi'er, bringing Duanmu Lan home will not only startle the cheap old husband and his wife, but may also make the noodle restaurant a hit!

You know, Duanmu Lan's popularity in the Dragon Kingdom is not a blow.

That is a diva who is second only to Shi Ya!

Nearly 100 million fans!

If the noodle shop visited by Tianhou at a level, if it brings a fan effect, it is quite terrifying!

It is estimated that Lin Xi'er will be busy for a while.

Soon, under the arrangement of Qin Lang, Su Xiaoxiao and the girls got on a special car and went back to their respective homes.

And he took the Maybach and left in the opposite direction.

It's not that I'm tired of staying together for a long time.

But at such a time, it is not easy to say who to go back with, there is a feeling of favoring one over the other.

Simply beat him to death with a stick, and no one will accompany him. It will be more worry-free for those who want to come, and it will not cause imbalances in the hearts of everyone.

"Master, where are we going now?"

The soldier in the driver's seat recorded something with a pen on the notebook, wrote a long list, and then stuffed the notebook into the inner pocket of the suit, and turned around to ask.

"Queen's Bar."

While Qin Lang spoke, he looked out the window at the familiar scenery, his mind moved slightly.

Qiu Jiuer's side has indeed been neglected recently, taking Lin Xier away, but not Professor Zhou and Qiu Jiuer.

If you don't go there again after you come back, it's really unreasonable.

The soldier was operating the central control at the front desk, and quickly replied, "Miss Qiu is not at the Queen's bar now. Today, Professor Zhou received an invitation to go to Qiu's house for a family dinner. The two young ladies are together."

"Then go to the enemy's house."


Tianhai No. 1 Courtyard.

As the behind-the-scenes boss of the Black Dragon Society, the assets of the enemy family are definitely worthy of a name in Tianhai City.

And this No. 1 Courtyard, in recent years, has been fired to a sky-high price of more than 200,000 square meters!

The Qiu family's villa is located in the best Fengshui location in the No. 1 Courtyard. It covers an area of ​​over 500 square meters and has three floors. It has its own garden and swimming pool. The price it bought a few years ago was over 100 million yuan.

Nowadays, it is estimated that a set of real estate can be worth hundreds of millions!

Zhou Zeqing sat in the seat of the guest and glanced lightly.

In the splendid living room, the maids brought delicious food to the dining table in an endless stream. There was a butler in a tuxedo, who opened the wine cabinet with a respectful look, took out a bottle of red wine with exquisite carvings, and poured it into the table. In the decanter, let the wine fully contact the air to emit fragrance and precipitate the sediment in it.

She asked herself that the Zhou family in Tianhai City could be regarded as a family that could be called a name.

But just a simple contact, they found a huge gap with the enemy.

Just like the bottle of red wine taken out by the housekeeper, if she remembered it correctly, she seemed to have seen it on a piece of news on Tianhai. It produced a wine estate with a long history. Shot at a high price.

A bottle of wine, 35 million?

Zhou Zeqing felt that he could not afford this bottle of wine even as a professor for two lifetimes!

Qiu Jiu'er has a quick mind. As the head of the Rose Hall, he must be able to see through the minds of the members under his hand.

Years of experience as a hall master has helped her develop excellent observation skills. Seeing the restraint in Zhou Zeqing's eyes, she sneered, "Dad, you're saving face, knowing that Zeqing is here, I deliberately photographed you. brought out the red wine for her to taste?

Also, this kind of red wine is a waste for you to drink. He is a rude man who fights and kills all day long, and pretends to be a foreign gentleman.

Instead of drinking this expensive red wine, I think grape juice is more suitable for you. "

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