Shenhao: I'm Really A Big Villain

Chapter 823 Pure Love Warrior Is Invincible


Qiu Long hesitated.

In front of his daughter, he was inconvenient to mention some words.

What's up with him?

When he was young, he dared to fight and dare to kill. Now that he is older, he is not as hard as when he was young. Isn't that normal?

Body bones get worse with age, isn't it reasonable?

How could it be so hard all the time?

"Eat your food!"

Fang Chunya took a piece of steak angrily and stuffed it into her man's mouth, trying to block his mouth.

Mentioning these sad things in front of Zhou Zeqing made his mind feel like a club.

Qin Lang smiled bitterly as he looked at the noisy old husband and mother-in-law, shook his head helplessly, then turned to look at Zhou Zeqing with soft eyes.

Zhou Zeqing shook his head gently, "I'm fine, all these things have passed, and I don't have anything to do with the Zhou family now. I'm happy to listen to their bad words."

Qin Lang didn't speak, he stretched out his hand and squeezed slightly on Zhou Zeqing's palm.

This intellectual and elegant beautiful professor is just like this. If there is any sadness or pain, he will swallow it all by himself and never reveal it to the public.

Some things are not very convenient for him to deal with.

The Zhou family should go in, they have already gone in, and the old man is already sick in bed, and it is more uncomfortable to live than to die.

As for Zhou Zeqing's soft-ass father?

Qin Lang is not a shot, and it is not a shot.

Only through the passage of time, let Zhou Zeqing slowly forget everything about the Zhou family.

At the next family banquet, Fang Chunya served Zhou Zeqing vegetables from time to time. With her enthusiastic appearance, Qiu Jiu'er, who was beside her, doubted whether she was her daughter!

Even more diligent than taking care of her own daughter!

Qiu Long kept eating, gagging his mouth, but after a short pause, a word or two came out, which always made the atmosphere stiff and weird.

Qin Lang saw it in his eyes and knew it in his heart.

He understands how his cheap old man has achieved the status of the president of the Black Dragon Society.

Totally forced!

With the character of a cheap old man, if he encounters people and troubles outside, if he is not the boss, if he is not in power, he will be killed sooner or later!

It's so fucking offensive, I can't see it at all.

Compared with Junzi, it is completely two extremes!

Satisfied, Qin Lang took out a few beauty pills and cleansing pills from the system space, handed them to Fang Chunya, and said with a smile, "Aunt, these are products that can be used for beauty and beauty, and the other ones can be excreted from the body. The toxins in the body can make the body regain the vitality of youth within a certain period of time. When I came back, I thought that I had never given you anything, and I brought it for you specially. It is different from the one sold by Mu Ren International. It is a special product."

"Really? You kid, come here, why do you bring gifts? These pills are not cheap, right? I heard that the special edition of Muren International Beauty Pills can't be bought with money! Really, then Aunt won't waste your kindness."

Fang Chunya took the Meiyan Pill and Xisui Dan with a smile on her face.

A woman of her age, although properly maintained, looks like a beautiful young woman.

But my heart has always been concerned about the growth of age.

To her, nothing is more attractive than beauty products.

Looking at the pills in her hand, Fang Chunya felt satisfied for a while, and she became more and more satisfied when she looked at Qin Lang, the prospective son-in-law.

Qiu Long, who was beside him, pouted.

Are you just taking care of your mother-in-law?

His father-in-law has no sense of existence at all, does he?

Be kind!

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't speak ill of people in front of people, he would want to pour out the bitterness in his heart again.

Qin Lang took a panoramic view of Qiu Long's small eyes, took out a few precious medicines that increase qi and blood, handed it to Qiu Long, and respectfully said, "Uncle, these plants are treasures that cannot be bought in the market. Medicine, which increases qi and blood, can make men improve their physique, increase qi and blood, and renew their youthful blood!"

"And this kind of baby?!"

Qiu Long stared at the few precious medicines on the table with fiery eyes, swallowed, looked at Qin Lang subconsciously, and whispered, "Is there any side effect?"

These days, people of his age who take some medicine with serious side effects can't stand it.

Eat one and get dizzy for days!

"Those that have no side effects are completely rejuvenating. They are not on the same level as those that squeeze the energy in the body." Qin Lang explained without hesitation.

"That's good, that's good!"

Qiu Long didn't want to speak ill of his prospective son-in-law anymore. He stared at the few precious medicines with his eyes fixedly, and stretched out his hand to collect them as if they were precious.

"Take it out and give it to me!"

Fang Chunya glared at Qiu Long coldly.

Qiu Long said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Fang Chunya snorted coldly, "I'll give you something good, I don't know what kind of trouble I'm going to cause outside in the future, I'll keep it all with me, and I'll give it to you when you need it!"


Qin Lang, who saw this scene, froze in his heart.

good guy!

I didn't see it!

How clever is the means of the husband and wife of your own mother-in-law?

Dareqing intends to let the old man eat it and use it, and never leave a little bit to let him be unrestrained outside?

tsk tsk!

I really didn't expect that my cheap old husband, at such a great age, is still a pure love warrior!

Jue's mother opens the door for Jue - Jue is home!

"Mom, let's go back first."

Qiu Jiu'er said, and then pulled Qin Lang and Zhou Zeqing away from the Qiu's house, got into the car, and rushed towards the Queen's Bar.

Qiu Jiu'er, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at Qin Lang and said with a sneer, "When you were at home just now, you looked at my dad with a hint of pity in your eyes?

What, do you think that my dad is useless, and without you, he can play tricks outside, right? "

Qin Lang shook his head decisively, "What are you talking about? Uncle has a noble character, which I admire very much. These outstanding people should be promoted and admired by everyone!"

Qiu Jiu'er sternly snorted, "Speaking human words, what Wen Ping do you mean to me? I'm not Zeqing, I'm a literature professor, I don't understand!"

Zhou Zeqing on the other side smiled bitterly.

She didn't know what was going on with her, but she was attacked suddenly. Just as she was about to explain, Qin Lang took the lead and said with a serious tone, "The warriors of pure love are invincible, the tauren must die!"

Looking at the receding scenery outside the window, Qin Lang asked curiously, "What are you doing at the Queen's Bar now? Isn't it the same at your house? Anyway, Uncle Aunt already knows it, or should I say, listening to the recording of love words? Exposed, are you worried that the soundproofing of the bedroom is not very good?"

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