Shenhao: I'm Really A Big Villain

Chapter 829: Gathering Seven Swords

"It's annoying!"

Qin Lang shook his head angrily, and threw both 'little people' out of their heads.

Kneeling, Qiu Jiu'er raised his head in confusion, looked at Qin Lang, and asked in confusion, "I... what's wrong with me?"

"Cough cough, I didn't tell you, I encountered a little trouble." Qin Lang smiled awkwardly, reached out and patted Qiu Jiu'er's head, "It has nothing to do with you, you continue."

Then, looking at the remaining three million destiny villain value, he made a decision, "Draw! Continue to draw!"

There are still more than 3 million destiny villain values ​​left!

If you don't ask for anything else, you just hope to get other versions of the Ice Spirit Sword!

These seven swords were tailor-made for Luo Qingyu and other seven senior sisters.

Once the seven senior sisters are given the Transcendent version of the physique potion, their physiques will reach 3,000 points, combined with the Ice Spirit Sword Formation, plus these seven Divine Armaments, even Liuli may not be able to easily take these seven disciples beat!

This is the top combat power, and it is the most lacking help he currently lacks!

When it's time to spend, don't be stingy!

"Ding! Congrats to the host for getting the Heart of the Sea Soul +1!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Ice Spirit Sword +1!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting +10 in the Transcendent version of the physique potion!"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Ice Spirit Sword +1!"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Ice Spirit Sword +1!"

Half an hour later, the 200 draws ended, the destiny villain value was consumed a lot, and there were only more than one million in stock left.

But at the same time, the remaining six Ice Spirit Swords were all drawn.

In terms of squeezing the destiny villain value, this dog system has reached the point of madness, but fortunately, as long as you are willing to spend, the treasure that should be born will still come out!

With these seven Divine Armaments, it means that the combat power of Luo Qingyu and other women has been greatly increased!


Qin Lang, who took a sigh of relief, looked at the few remaining destiny villain values ​​and felt a pain in his heart.

He turned his head and glanced lightly, set his eyes on the beautiful professor beside him, silently stretched out his hand to pick up the red-rimmed glasses on the bedside table, and thoughtfully helped Zhou Zeqing put them on, saying solemnly,

"After a few days, I don't know what the cold air in your body is now. This disease has plagued you for many years, and it is difficult to eradicate it with one or two treatments. I'll root it out for you!"


Zhou Zeqing wanted to explain that what kind of cold had never erupted and had been eradicated.

But before he could say anything, his mouth was blocked.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the destiny villain value +1000!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the destiny villain value +1000*2!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the destiny villain value +1000*3!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the destiny villain value +1000!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the destiny villain value +1000*2!"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the destiny villain value +1000*7!"

"Ding! Passive boost is on, congratulations to the host for getting the destiny villain value +9000!"


For the next three days, Qin Lang didn't wander around, just stayed at the Queen's Bar, ate and slept, slept and ate, accompanied Qiu Jiu'er and Zhou Zeqing from morning to night.

Some time ago, he went to Sakura and left the two girls in the cold. He felt bad about it, and when he came back this time, he made up for it.

This behavior is necessary to bring the distance between each other.

It's not that the destiny villain value is consumed too much, and you want to earn it back.

During the compensation process, Qin Lang accidentally discovered the usage of passive boost!

This increase is actually when the destiny villain value is obtained, and the double destiny villain value is randomly generated! The explosion rate is over 90%!

As for why not 100%?

Qin Lang knew very well that he was worried that when the daughter of luck first provided the destiny villain value, there would be a huge bonus.

Such as Liuli, it may even provide more than 10 million destiny villain value. Once it is doubled by 100%, wouldn't it increase tens of millions of destiny villain value for no reason?

This kind of bug, the system has given him a preventive shot in advance in this regard.

"Are you leaving again? Why are you so busy? After a few days back, you're going to another place, this time to the capital, or where?" Qiu Jiu'er lay in Qin Lang's arms, weakly 's mumble.

She wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead, raised her head resentfully, stared at Qin Lang, and waited for an answer.

"Go to the northern border and do some things. If you handle it well, it may take a while. You can just stay in Tianhai City and coordinate the mining matters." Qin Lang patted on Qiu Jiu'er's heart, tenderly. of appeasement.

Zhou Zeqing did not speak by the side, and he was very tangled in his heart.

As a professor at Tianhai University, she takes many more courses than other professors, and every public class is full of seats.

I have been in the Queen's Bar for three days, and I have taken three days off. I don't know how many students complained that she was a professor who was not worthy of her name and was a lazy guy!

Even she herself felt that as a professor, her words and deeds were very unqualified!

She is a dignified professor of Tianhai University. In three days, she changed a total of six sets of black and white stockings, and lost three lenses!

It's ridiculous!

"There are a lot of things, like the north side, it is very likely that some changes have occurred, just like that cherry blossom girl, maybe there are many people from the north, all of them have been upgraded, if you want to find out the truth, at least It takes a month to start!

Moreover, because of confidentiality, you may not be able to contact me at that time. I will tell you in advance to save time. "

Qin Lang specially emphasized that the plot of Otherworld was also included in it.

Otherwise, if you leave for such a long period of time without saying hello, and you won't be able to get in touch at that time, wouldn't that add to Zhou Zeqing and Qiu Jiu'er's heart for no reason?

"Starting in a month?" Zhou Zeqing froze in his heart, hesitated for a moment, and said slowly, "When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow." Qin Lang exhaled a cloud of smoke.

Zhou Zeqing leaned against Qin Lang's shoulder, rubbing his ears, and did not speak, but his meaning was clear.

Qin Lang patted his arms with a wry smile, and said with emotion, "Let's take a night's rest."

Zhou Zeqing put his hand on the drawer under the bedside table, and murmured like a mosquito, "There is also a pair of gradient stockings, or..."

Qin Lang didn't answer, and silently put out the cigarette butt.


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