In Kong Zhiyuan's script, what he envisioned was that when Su Lang heard about his position, he should immediately kneel down and lick it.

But what he never expected was that Su Lang not only did not kneel and lick, but threw out a "" identity.


, even if you brag about it, you can't brag like that, right?"

"Then it's a joke. Su Lang shrugged his shoulders and said lightly: "But these things, I think your woman should know."

Su Lang suddenly remembered, wasn't the woman in front of him one of the few women standing at the door of Lin Xiaoxiao's company that day? At first, Su Lang didn't

recognize it.

Kong Zhiyuan: ???

he looked at Li Ying.

I saw Li Ying nodding silently: "I don't know if it's a charter company, I only know that he has a supercar."

At this moment, Kong Zhiyuan felt speechless.

Originally, he also used his identity to put a little pressure on Lin Xiaoxiao's boyfriend, which could be regarded as a small interest.

But who would have thought that his identity would be a scum in front of others...

If Li Ying had told himself these things earlier, he would not have come to Su Lang to pretend to be forced by anything.

But now, the force has been pretended.

He could only pretend to be stubborn.

There is no way to compare with Su Lang in terms of financial resources, so he can only surpass Su Lang in other aspects.

Kong Zhiyuan sneered and said, "Heh, young man, you are still too young, money is not important these years, what matters is ability."

"Only the ability to create wealth is the most important capital.

"Young man, although you are rich now, it does not mean that you will continue to be rich in the future.

"Sooner or later, I will surpass you. Hearing

this, Su Lang nodded with a face full of agreement.

He felt that Kong Zhiyuan's words were very reasonable.

In these days, money is all empty, and the most important thing is the ability to earn money.

Just like now, he only has 600,000 yuan in rent, and no other income.

"Mr. Kong is over 40 this year, right?"

"Not much, just 40."

"I really admire Mr. Kong's strong self-motivation at the age of 40.

"It's like me, I'm only in my 20s, and I want to live by collecting rent every day. "

Mr. Kong, you're right!"

"I really lack the ability to earn money.

"From today onwards, I have decided that in addition to collecting 600,000 yuan in rent per month, I have to open up other channels to earn money. Su Lang said with a serious face.

Kong Zhiyuan: "..."Looking

at Su Lang's serious expression, and then listening to Su Lang's understatement of 600,000.

Kong Zhiyuan has the heart to die.

He worked hard for half his life, and finally sat in the position of Minister of Investment.

When he climbed to this position, it was the end.

Until now, he has only earned an annual salary of more than one million.

But what about others?

He collects 600,000 yuan in rent every month alone! That's

less than 7 million yuan

a year! Speaking of ability,

he can't do as well as others who collect two months' rent after working hard for a year.

was crushed by Su Lang in all directions, which hit Kong Zhiyuan hard.

He glanced at Su Lang deeply, and then turned his gaze to Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Manager Lin, I heard that your speech is Internet finance?"

"That's right.

"Coincidentally, my speech is also Internet finance, so let's see whose speech is more exciting..."

"Husband, why are you leaving?"

"Don't go, don't go, wait for being slapped in the face."


..." "Don't worry, when it's time to give a speech, I will definitely let Lin Xiaoxiao know what ginger is called old and spicy..."

"It seems that he wants to beat you in a speech, can he do it?"

"I haven't put him in my eyes yet..." Lin Xiaoxiao's head raised slightly, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

"By the way, I did a good job today, and I pretended to be a charter company, and it was quite like that..."

You may not believe it when you say it, but I am acting in my true colors.

"It's okay..."Su Lang smiled: "By the way, tell me, how did you squeeze Li Ying away?"

"I look at her, it seems that I have a deep hostility towards you..."


Actually, it's not impossible..."

If you are really a charter man, 600,000 yuan per month rent, then I can barely think about it..."

"Okay, I don't pretend, I am actually a charter man, and that Pagani Huayra is also my own.


Just when Su Lang and Lin Xiaoxiao were chatting with each other, the time had already come to 10 o'clock in the morning.

The Financial Conference officially began.

The first speaker was the moderator.

Tall, beautiful, and dressed in a black dress, she added a bit of elegance to her.

After a brief speech, the CEOs of major financial companies began to speak one after another.

Then ask some questions and reflections separately.

Lin Xiaoxiao held a pen in one hand and a notebook in the other, and from time to time she was still writing and drawing in the notebook, listening very seriously.

And Su Lang is also very serious, but he and Lin Xiaoxiao are serious in different directions.

Lin Xiaoxiao was serious about absorbing knowledge, while Su Lang was serious about not letting himself fall asleep.

HSBC, Rongtong....

Representatives of major financial companies took the stage to speak one after another.

After a while, it was Lin Xiaoxiao's turn.

"Dear directors and friends, hello everyone! I am Lin Xiaoxiao from Haicang Finance, I am very happy to participate in this financial conference, and I am honored to share with you some thoughts and some views on

"Internet finance"..."The biggest difference and advantage between him and traditional enterprises is that it has very low risk and high efficiency, in fact, everyone is always worried about the risk of Internet finance, and the real Internet finance is not so risky. "

What is Internet finance? Internet finance needs a data-based credit system, a data-based risk control system, and it needs to have strong data..."

But as the speech continued, everyone's eyes gradually brightened, and they nodded and shook their heads from time to time...

On the other side....

Looking at Lin Xiaoxiao, who was talking eloquently on the podium, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Kong Zhiyuan's mouth.

It is undeniable that Lin Xiaoxiao's speech is indeed wonderful, but she has a fatal flaw, that is, she is too far away.

What to build a credit system, what big data risk control, these are still too far for today's financial system

, but he is different, his speech is based on the present.

In the future, Lin Xiaoxiao's speech may receive more praise, but now he has won...

"Husband, can you compare to Lin Xiaoxiao?"

"Don't worry..."

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