Chapter 854 The Old Lady Gets Under the Bed and Smiles to the Lord

Who is Morgan Pierre?

President of JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Who is the person who can make him call “Dong”?

There is no doubt that that is definitely the chairman of JPMorgan Chase.

However, just now, Morgan Pierre said something “worry about Su Dong misunderstanding”

Su Dong?

Who is Su Dong?

Is his surname Su, the chairman of JPMorgan Chase?

Is it possible…

Suddenly, a possibility flashed in Jacob’s mind.

Could it be that Su Lang is the chairman of JPMorgan Chase?

Thinking of this, Jacob couldn’t calm down on the spot.


Jacob suddenly shouted.


Laura bowed her head and nodded.

“Check! Check it out for me! I want to know who the current chairman of JPMorgan Chase is.”

Jacob shouted sharply.

At this moment, the calmness on Jacob’s face was absent, replaced by an immense panic.

This time, he was really anxious.

In case, if Su Lang is really the president of JPMorgan Chase, the consequences are hard to imagine.

“It should be impossible.”

Jacob thought secretly in his heart.


Laura also seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem, and did not hesitate too much. When even she agreed, she initiated a relationship investigation into the equity changes of JPMorgan Chase.

JPMorgan Chase & Co., as the world’s top ten perennial top companies.

It has attracted much attention in itself.

It didn’t take much time for Laura to inquire about the recent situation of JPMorgan Chase.

Just two days ago, the board of directors of JPMorgan Chase started the equity transfer process.

Today, the chairman of JPMorgan Chase has already changed his face!

When this news came out, Laura was stunned.

However, the surprise lasted for a short time.

Soon, Laura came back to her senses, and at this time, she was filled with panic.

Yes, this time, Laura was completely panicked.

He heard the conversation between Jacob and Morgan Pierre before.

He heard clearly that Morgan Pierre called out “Su Dong”.

Under the combined view, the actions of JPMorgan Chase.

Although the specific identity of the chairman of JPMorgan Chase has not been determined, Laura, based on intuition, feels that this person is likely to be Su Lang.

“This is bad!”

There was something bad in her heart, and Laura ran towards Jacob’s office non-stop.


After a while, Laura hurriedly pushed open the door.

“what’s the result?”

“Who is the chairman of JPMorgan Chase & Co.?”

Before Laura could speak, Jacob had already asked eagerly.

“do not know!”

Laura shook her head.

do not know?

What are you doing back then?

Jacob’s face was dark and he was about to get angry, but in the next second, Laura said: “Just two days ago, JPMorgan Chase started the equity transfer process and has now elected a new chairman.”

“As for the specific candidate for the chairman, it is still unknown.”


Deathly quiet!

At the moment when Laura’s voice fell, Jacob was as if he had been subjected to a fixation method.

Wait, what is Laura talking about?

JPMorgan Chase started the equity transfer process two days ago.

And a new chairman has been elected, but the specific candidate of the chairman is still unknown?

Laura’s words fell in Jacob’s ears, and it exploded like thunder.

Today, Jacob’s mind is “buzzing”.

Although, at the moment, the choice of chairman of JPMorgan Chase is still unknown.

However, Jacob’s heart is like a mirror.

JPMorgan Chase’s change of chairman is in conjunction with the words of Morgan Pierre.

There is no doubt that that person is Su Lang!

JP Morgan Chase!

That’s JPMorgan Chase!

It is the top ten company in the world!

Was it just bought?

At this moment, Jacob suddenly felt a sudden realization.

No wonder, no wonder, Morgan Pierre would follow Su Lang with a shy face.

No wonder, Morgan Pierre will not hesitate to fight against himself to help SMIC raise the price.

It turns out that the root cause is here!

Su Lang is the chairman of JPMorgan Chase & Co., and the entire JPMorgan Chase & Co. is his property.


Jacob’s legs trembled suddenly, and his whole body fell to the ground in an instant.

“Fuck, fuck…”

“This damn guy.”

“Why did things become like this.”

No one can answer Jacob, Laura stood by, trying to say something, but opened her mouth and finally couldn’t speak.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to say, but she doesn’t know what to say.

Who could have imagined that the dignified JPMorgan Chase Company would be acquired.

Who would have thought that the person who acquired JPMorgan Chase would be Su Lang.

Before SMIC had no money, they could still use capital to kill SMIC.

But now, SMIC wants technology and technology, money and money!

How can I play this?

This all kills the game, okay!

Jinyue Building, banquet hall…

Morgan Pierre put away the phone, a scornful smile appeared on his face.


Ha ha……

Jacob dared to fight Su Dong.

That is simply the old lady who got under the covers and laughed to the Lord!

“Hello, Mr. Pierre, this is Lu Zhenghua, I am glad to meet you…”

“Mr. Pierre, if we have the opportunity, we can cooperate…”

“Mr. Pierre, do you have time anytime soon? I want to talk to you alone…”


As soon as the phone was put down, many dignitaries in Hong Kong Island’s business community gathered around.

After all, where is Pierre’s identity.

The president of JP Morgan Chase Company holds billions of wealth in his hands.

Let it flow out a little bit, that’s enough to make their mouths full of oil!

Morgan Pierre at this moment is the most dazzling star in the entire banquet hall, except for Su Lang.

how to say?

Seeing more and more people around him, Morgan Pierre couldn’t help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

If this continues, he will become the long protagonist of the banquet.

These people, don’t they put him on the fire and roast them?


Morgan Pierre covered his mouth with his right hand, coughed embarrassingly, and said, “Everyone, everybody, I’m just an ordinary beater.”

“It’s useless for you to find me. For specific investment projects, you still need to listen to Su Dong’s arrangements.”

“Mr. Pierre, you are so humble, you are a worker, so what are we…”

“Yes, Mr. Pierre, you are the president of JPMorgan Chase.”

“Listen to Su Dong’s arrangement, listen to Su Dong’s arrangement…”



Su Dong?

The voice stopped abruptly, and everyone’s eyes widened in an instant.

There seemed to be something strange in Morgan Pierre’s words.

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