Chapter 857

That’s it.

Although Chen Guoxing did not directly explain.

But Su Lang already understood the meaning of his words.

Chen Guoxing wanted to invite SMIC to participate in the expo.

“Xiaosu, you also know that our country’s technological level is still a little bit behind compared to some other countries.”

“Especially in the field of semiconductor chips, in recent years, only 3nm chips have been available.”


Seeing Su Lang silent for a long time, Chen Guoxing couldn’t help but speak up.

SMIC, after all, is a private company.

They also have no right to force Su Lang to participate.

Whether to participate or not, you have to ask for Su Lang’s meaning.


“Old Chen, you are serious, I will definitely participate in such good things that are famous all over the world.”

Su Lang smiled and replied: ‘Speaking of which, I’m still taking advantage. ’

Su Lang had also heard of the World Science and Technology Expo.

It is held every two years.

Those who can get admission tickets are all the world’s top technology companies.

In the past, China’s technology was slightly backward, especially in the field of semiconductor chips, which was even more discriminated against.

At the moment, Su Lang is fully capable of changing the status quo. In addition, the current high-tech expo is a local script, and Su Lang has no reason to refuse.

“Very good!”

“I really don’t know how to thank.”

Chen Guoxing said sincerely.

What is famous in the world, what is taking advantage.

Those are all excuses from Su Lang.

With the advent of 3nm chips, today’s SMIC, whether it is domestic or foreign, is unknown to everyone.

Su Lang does not need to use the platform of “Tech Fair” to make publicity.

The reason why he agreed to come down is largely because of the country!

“Old Chen, you are too polite. I am also a native of China. This is what I should do.”

“Furthermore, this sci-tech expo is held in our homeland. There is no reason for people to be at their doorstep and to see our own jokes.”

Su Lang responded with a smile.

In the past, Su Lang was incapable!

And now, he has the ability to make changes and will definitely not refuse.

It is my duty to reshape China’s glory.

“well said!”

Chen Guoxing clenched his fists heavily, tears running on his face. .

For a long time, because of backward technology, China’s chip industry has been scorned.

As a researcher, Chen Guoxing has also been looking for ways to change.

However, due to the shackles of various technologies, Chen Guoxing has been unsuccessful.

However, the emergence of Su Lang changed this status quo.

SMIC’s participation in this time will definitely be a shame in the “Tech Expo”.

Thinking of this, Chen Guoxing’s eyes were filled with dissatisfaction.

“Xiao Su, I will have someone send you the admission ticket later.”

Wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes, Chen Guoxing said.

“Okay, then I will trouble Old Chen.”



After a brief chat, Su Lang hung up.

The World Science and Technology Expo, he has set it up!

It is not only to reshape China’s glory, but also to give a sigh of relief to seniors like Chen Guoxing.

Don’t you look down on China’s “chips”?


Now he wanted to see who looked down on who.

Among the crowd…

As the number one horse under Su Lang, Xiao Yu has always fulfilled his duties as a “little brother”.

His eyes were on Su Lang from beginning to end.

When Su Lang called, he was responsible for helping Su Lang stop the turbulent crowd.

When Su Lang put down the phone, he naturally wanted to help Su Lang’s worries.

“Brother Lang, here I am!”

With excitement, Xiao Yu made two steps in three steps and went straight to Su Lang.

But at this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly saw a flower.

Then a figure directly passed him and came to Su Lang.

Take a closer look, it’s Morgan Pierre!

“Su Dong, is something wrong?”

Morgan Pierre bowed his head and asked respectfully.


I don’t know why, at this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly felt speechless.

Is this guy a special dog?

The reaction is so fast!

Can you point your face? You are the president of JPMorgan Chase.

Xiao Yu’s expression was not good, and his eyes fluttered with cold light.

At this moment, Xiao Yu felt a strong threat from Morgan Pierre.

Yes, you read it right, it is a threat.

Xiao Yu feels that if this continues, his position as the number one horseman is likely to be replaced by others.

Gritting his teeth, Xiao Yu took out his mobile phone from his pocket and clicked on a certain treasure app.

“Why isn’t it shipped yet?”

“Dear, Hong Kong Island has a special geographical location. We are making preparations here. Please be patient…”

“I add money!”

After thinking about it, Xiao Yu added: “Ten times!”

“My dear, your parcel has been handed over to the courier, and he is rushing to Hong Kong Island…”


Sure enough, money can make the ghosts…


After confirming the time several times, Xiao Yu then hung up the phone.

Although it’s not very cost-effective to increase the money more or less, Xiao Yu can’t take care of that much.

Now he desperately needs knowledge!

For knowledge, he was willing to pay no matter how much he paid.

Taking a cold look at Morgan Pierre, Xiao Yu said with a sneer: “Pierre, when the book arrives, I think you are still fighting with me like this.”

Now here, the haze on Xiao Yu’s face was swept away, replaced by a bright smile.

The position of the number one horse: stable!

With cheerful steps, Xiao Yu went straight to Su Lang.

Learning or something, that’s a story.

The most important thing right now is to keep up with Morgan Pierre’s footsteps, at least not too far away by Morgan Pierre.

“Brother Lang, what happened?”

Of course, Su Lang didn’t know what Xiao Yu had in mind.

If he knew it, Su Lang would probably laugh out loud on the spot.

He has heard that the industry is rolling.

I’ve heard of the education scroll.

I have even heard of introductory work in the workplace.

But this flattering is also inward, which Su Lang never expected.

“In fact, it’s nothing. Mr. Chen called just now and invited us to participate in the World Science and Technology Expo.”

Su Lang said with a smile.

“Science Expo? This is a good thing!”

Morgan Pierre hurriedly said.

“Brother Lang, what do you mean?”

Xiao Yu asked immediately.

“I have no reason to refuse.”

Su Lang smiled and said.

Regardless of whether it was for himself or his country, Su Lang had no reason to refuse.

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