Sometimes, calculated data is calculated data, and the actual situation is the actual situation.

Taking Shengchun Smart Travel Company as an example, based on the operating data once published by Shengchun Smart Travel, it is actually easy to speculate on the future potential of Shengchun Smart Travel.

But the problem is that the results of speculation are only the results of speculation. When the facts actually emerge, it is still shocking!

Shi Huashi, who was preparing to discuss in depth why Shengchun Smart Travel's stocks are selling so well, said that after reading the operating data released by Shengchun Smart Travel's official blog account, he also understood the reason.


Shi Huashi said:

Now everyone knows why the high-priced stocks of Shengchun Smart Travel were sold out at"603"?

Key data: The total number of Shengxing Ping An smart taxis operating in 19 cities is only 8,128.

Shengchun Smart Travel Company has announced expected operating data for 19 cities. They plan to invest at least 360,000 Shengxing Ping An smart taxis in 19 cities.

What is this concept?

We only need a rough estimate to calculate that the final result is that the single-day gross profit exceeded 500 million Xia Guoyuan, and the net profit also exceeded 475 million Xia Guoyuan.

In fact, the final net profit of Shengchun Smart Travel will only be higher, because their operating costs will be further reduced when operating in large-scale clusters.

However, even based on the daily net profit of 475 million Xia Guoyuan, the annual income of Shengchun Smart Travel exceeds 170 billion Xia Guoyuan.

Pay special attention to this!

The Shengxing Ping An smart taxi operated by Shengchun Smart Travel is an absolutely in-demand business, and the probability of this type of business being impacted by market changes is low.

In addition, everyone has been restricted by Shengchun Smart Travel in a mental fence.

Shengchun Smart Travel has set up a nineteen-city ideological fence for everyone.

But who actually stipulated that the Shengxing Ping An smart taxi project of Shengchun Smart Travel can only operate in 19 cities?

The National Taxation Department has set up a new tax category for Shengchun Smart Travel’s Shengxing Ping An smart taxi. What signal does this reveal? Do you still need me to interpret it?

I personally think that Shengchun Smart Travel is currently only operating in 19 cities. That is because the travel service market in 19 cities is large enough to facilitate the development of Shengchun Smart Travel.

When the market of 19 cities is captured and firmly controlled by Shengchun Smart Travel, Shengchun Smart Travel will definitely expand.

Whether it is the expansion of business territory or business scope, this is what Shengchun Smart Travel Company will definitely do next.

In addition, after crossing the ideological fence, we can take a longer view.

For example, Shengchun Smart Travel Company promotes Shengxing Ping An smart taxi services to overseas markets.

This is a promising development direction.

I suddenly began to wonder whether the investors who had previously purchased Shengchun Smart Travel shares on a large scale were from overseas?


Shi Hua Shi Shuo's comment quickly became the most popular reply, and a large number of people liked it, thus agreeing with Shi Hua Shi Shuo's analysis.

The discussion about Shengchun Smart Travel is very lively on Weibo, and it is also very lively in the Tiantian Baiyujing Club.

Lin Yili: Have you seen the analysis on Weibo?

Ye Xiangyu: I’ve been paying attention!

Ye Xiangyu: This Shi Hua is actually quite good.

Zhou Ronghua: Hu Xiaoyu: Xiaoyu, have you bought the shares of Shengchun Smart Travel?

Hu Xiaoyu: Of course!

Pang Zhengfeng: How many shares did Xiaoyu buy?

Hu Xiaoyu: Shengchun Smart Travel position record: 124.000.000 shares.Jpg (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hu Xiaoyu: Not more, not more, just 1.24%..

Pang Zhengfeng:? ? ?

Zhou Ronghua:? ? ?

Lin Yili: Am I dazzled?

Qian Xiaogang: Damn it?

Ye Xiangyu: No...small fish...Why did you buy so many?

Li Cunyuan: So there was an order bought by Xiaoyu just now?

Cloud Ocean:...

Hu Xiaoyu: I bought the 545 order. I originally wanted to buy the 550 order, but when I told the trader, the other company sold it in seconds.

Hu Xiaoyu: Didn’t you buy it?

Lin Yili: You guys have bought it all!

Ye Xiangyu: I hesitated for a moment, and then you snatched it away.

Zhou Ronghua: I am raising funds. I originally wanted to see the market situation in the afternoon, but you guys acted too fast?

Li Cunyuan: Brother Haiyang and I were still playing outside. I thought that the sell order of 300 million shares would not be able to sell out all the 4.6 shares.

Qian Xiaogang: I am busy with school matters. It seems that I have suffered a big loss this time.

Li Cunyuan: An Liang: Brother Liang, are you still selling stocks this afternoon?

An Liang: We won’t sell it for the time being. We recently sold 4% of our shares. The funds we have raised so far have exceeded 211 billion Xia Guoyuan, which is enough for our development.

An Liang: Our next step is to quickly build ultra-large comprehensive service stations in 19 cities and expand the scale of Shengxing Ping An smart taxis in 19 cities.

An Liang revealed the next development plan of Shengchun Smart Travel.

As for selling stocks again?

No need for the time being!.

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