Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 104 Doll Bar, It's You

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"But not all bars make money, it still depends on the location and decoration environment."

"The location must be good, like the bar in Wulitun, which basically didn't lose money."

"Also, even near the university, the bar will not be able to lose money, and it will make more money."

"But the rents in these areas are too high. If you add the decoration and design, you can't afford it without a net worth of tens of millions."

Seeing Li Tianyu's dazed appearance, Guo Guang thought he was hit.

"Brother, I'm telling the truth, don't mind."

Only then did Li Tianyu come back to his senses and waved his hand: "It's okay, I'll think about it."

Guo Guang patted Li Tianyu on the shoulder: "If you think about it, I still have work. I'll go back first. If you have anything to do, please call me."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Okay, Brother Guo, you go first, I'll sit down for a while."

Guo Guang glanced at Li Tianyu again, and walked outside the door.

To be honest, Guo Guang felt that Li Tianyu was too simple.

Whether it is opening a western restaurant or a bar, the imperial capital has invested heavily.

For example, Guo Guang, who has a small one million in his hand, still dare not think about starting a business.

Especially in those good locations, the rent is expensive.

Now employee wages are rising again.

Don't say one million, even if there are several million, it will be a bottomless pit, and most of it will not be heard.

After Guo Guang left, Li Tianyu started thinking about going to the bar again.

The high consumption of bars is a well-known thing.

Of course, on the other hand, the initial investment of the bar is also high.

But Li Tianyu is not afraid, he has a system blessing that can wipe out the rent investment completely.

Rent accounts for the bulk of the operating cost of the entire bar, and after removing it, the profit is even higher.

But as Guo Guang said, the rent of shops in Wulitun is too high. Even if it is a small bar, the system tax rate is estimated to exceed 500,000 yuan.

But let's take a look first.

Bragging to pay taxes in two steps.

Let me say that I am the boss of Saba in the Imperial Capital.

Then, open the system interface as usual and enter the order center.

Sure enough, Li Tianyu saw a series of bar tax information.


[Bar Name]: Night Cat

[Bar location]: Sanfeng Pedestrian Street, Wulitun, Imperial Capital

[Bar Scale]: 180 square meters

[Number of bar employees]: 20

[Bar profit rate]: 350%

[Tax amount]: 800,000 soft sister coins


[Bar name]: Qiaoxi Bar

[Bar location]: Yingguang Bridge, North Fourth Ring, Imperial Capital

[Bar Scale]: 200 square meters

[Number of bar employees]: 25

[Bar profit rate]: 80%

[Tax amount]: 400,000 soft sister coins


[Bar Name]: Doll Bar

[Bar Location]: Houtun Street, South Renmin Street, Imperial Capital

[Bar Scale]: 220 square meters

[Number of bar employees]: 20

[Bar profit rate]: 200%

[Tax amount]: 500,000 soft sister coins


[Bar name]: Don’t want to come out

[Bar location]: Emperor Wulitun Jiangming Street

[Bar Scale]: 150 square meters

[Number of bar employees]: 17

[Bar profit rate]: 250% Ranwen Novel Network

[Tax amount]: 700,000 soft sister coins


Li Tianyu quickly browsed the contents of the list while drinking coffee.

In the eyes of outsiders, Li Tianyu seemed to be looking out the window blankly.

Like an infatuated man who is broken in love.

The profit of the bar is really against the sky!

Although it is calculated without rent, the double and triple profit margins at every turn are too exaggerated, right?

However, the tax payment of bars in Wulitun is too high, and tax payments of less than 500,000 cannot be taken down at all.

And the other bar shops are not in the prosperous area...

Suddenly, Li Tianyu saw the "doll bar".

It was actually on Houtun Street, South Renmin Street, Imperial Capital.

That place is also nearby!

Hootun Street is also a pedestrian street, two streets away from here, Li Tianyu has been there.

There are many restaurants in Hootun Street, most of which are crayfish shops and barbecue shops.

In addition, there are some Internet cafes.

Although Hootun Street is a bit narrower, the place is quite bustling, especially at night, not much different from the night market.

The profit margin of the doll bar has reached 200%. Although it is not as profitable as the other Wulitun bars, it is twice as profitable.

Compared with Chinese restaurants and western restaurants, this profit is already considerable.

The more important point is that the tax amount is exactly 500,000!

This is incredible.

500,000 for a bar, with such a high benefit, it is definitely a bargain.

Li Tianyu hesitated, do you want to choose this directly?

After all, Li Tianyu's current level has only one business industry quota, which needs to be used carefully.

But think about it carefully, there should be no other better industry with such profits.

Li Tianyu no longer hesitated and chose the "doll bar".

The second tax payment confirmation box pops up.


Deduction Information

500000 deduction successful

Industry Obtaining Information

Successfully obtained the doll bar

[System Assistant]: Host, your business industry has reached the upper limit.

Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally implemented the matter.

How do you feel about becoming a boss?

Li Tianyu has no feelings yet.

However, Li Tianyu really wanted to go to his own bar to see what it was like now.

But according to past practice, you should wait for the call first.

Waiting left and right, half an hour passed, but there was still no call.

Li Tianyu was a little worried whether the system crashed.

You won’t deduct money, don’t you give me anything?

After another half an hour, Li Tianyu couldn't sit still, so he asked the system assistant.

The system's answer is very stiff.

[System Assistant]: The industry is delivered randomly and cannot answer the host’s questions.

Okay, if you don't answer, then I will go over and see for myself.

Without saying anything, Li Tianyu walked out of the cafe and drove to Hootun Street on Renmin Avenue South Road.

Wulitun block has always been a heavily congested area.

There are many pedestrian streets here, and the streets are generally narrow.

Fortunately, it is not the peak time, and there are not many traffic jams.

Not far from him, Li Tianyu quickly reached Hootun Road.

Li Tianyu found a place to stop, and looked left and right. He didn't see any shadow of the bar.

Later, when I looked across the road, there was a small western-style building.

Isn't it there?Li Tianyu's instinct told him that there is a play.

He trot over immediately, and he really saw the sign-"Doll Bar".

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