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"What are you going to drive! Your personal trafficker can't die!"

The trafficker woman was pushed back, and someone had already stepped forward two steps and wanted to fist her.

Suddenly, a person jumped into the circle.

There was a bright light in his hand.

The person next to him took a look and quickly took a few steps back.

The man carried a dagger in his hand,

The others are tall and majestic, full of hostility, and the dagger in his hand is particularly dazzling.

"Don't move! Who dares to move Lao Tzu to stabbing someone!"

The man was obviously in the same group as the trafficker woman, and immediately pulled the woman up.

Then the two were about to escape through the crowd on one side.

The people around quickly moved away.

If someone has a knife, this can't be helped.

Don't be brave enough to do what is right, and become a ghost under the sword.

However, as soon as the man with the knife took two steps, he felt that his shoulder was slapped.

Looking back, it was the young man who saw through the trafficker woman.

Li Tianyu is called a bold person.

If he had no power to bind a chicken, he would definitely not provoke this man.

However, he now has five fighting skills, even if the man has a knife, he is not very shocked.

The crowd onlookers boiled.

Some people who were deterred by the man with the knife, who were preparing to stay away stopped one after another.

In today's society, I did not expect such people.

The other party was holding a murder weapon, and this kid dared to stand up.

However, many people were worried. This young man didn't look very strong, so he was obviously not the opponent of the man with the sword.

Some people started yelling.

"Young man, don't stop him, he has a murder weapon."

"Don't chase the poor, and the child is not taken away. Don't take your own life."

"Yeah, these people are desperadoes, don't stand up against them! Wait for the police to come and clean them up!"

Although the man was not a real desperado, he was also quite vicious. He took the knife and walked two steps towards Li Tianyu.

His intention was not to poke Li Tianyu, but to scare him away.

Li Tianyu did not retreat but moved forward and greeted him.

The assailant crossed his heart and stabbed with his hand.

Li Tianyu's reaction power and dynamic vision are already quite powerful, and the murderer's stabbing is like slow motion.

I saw him move sideways, dodge, and grab the murderer's wrist.

Push your hands hard.

With a "click", the dagger fell to the ground.

Then, Li Tianyu took advantage of the assailant's momentum to directly over the shoulder.

"Oh! Nima!"

The assassin was conceited, and landed on the ground with his back, and there was a stone road on the ground, which directly smashed him.

Exclamation, applause, and applause sounded around, one after another.

"Fuck! I said, this kid knows martial arts!"

"What martial arts, it is a shoulder throw, like a taekwondo movement."

"Raise the fart, it's a loose throw, taekwondo can only kick wooden boards!"

Some people even took out their mobile phones and filmed the process.

There were also courageous people who rushed up and pressed the man who fell to the ground.

When Li Tianyu turned around, he was thinking not to let the trafficker woman run away.

Unexpectedly, someone kicked her to the ground and made a "Hey Hey" sound.

Trafficker woman: "Don't fight, don't fight!" Watch the Chinese website

Crowd A: "It's you, you shit traffickers, isn't it really something!"

Crowd B: "Do you really want to cut off the hands and feet of this bastard!"

Crowd C: "Who has the rope, tied her up!"

Trafficker woman: "Isn't it just a child? What's the big deal! If you lose one, you will be finished!"


Wang Shujing stepped forward and decisively slapped the trafficker with one hand. Now she is still holding the child in the other hand and dare not let go.

"Why don't you give birth to one and sell it? You bastard, you can't die!" Wang Shujing shouted.

This remark caused a lot of applause.

People really hate traffickers with other children, and they want to be put to death immediately.

Not long after, the police arrived and the crowd moved back and dispersed.

A police officer asked his companions to handcuff the two traffickers away.

The police officer asked Wang Shujing again: "Didn't there just be a good young man who was brave enough to fight for justice? What about others?"

Wang Shujing stretched out her finger to point to the location of Li Tianyu just now.

However, I don't know when, Li Tianyu actually left.

"Huh? How come the one who was here just now disappeared in an instant?"

The police officer smiled and said, "Yo, old girl, then you really have met a good person who does good deeds without leaving a name."

A voice came from the crowd.

"Sister Shujing!"

Wang Shujing looked back and waved quickly.

After a woman saw it, she ran over.

The woman is about thirty years old. She is beautiful, has a good temperament, and wears a professional attire. She is quite capable.

But her hair is a bit messy, obviously running fast, her face is full of anxiety.

"Sister Shujing, children, are children okay?"

The woman's name is Sun Ling, and she is the child's mother.

After the baby was born, Sun Ling discussed with her husband to find a babysitter, but worried about outsiders, she invited Wang Shujing from her hometown.

Wang Shujing is honest, hardworking, and has a kind personality. He did a very good job, so Sun Ling went to work with confidence.

After Li Tianyu stepped forward just now, Wang Shujing took the opportunity to call Sun Yuling with her mobile phone and asked her to come quickly.

Wang Shujing handed the child to Sun Ling, and said, "It's okay, but I was a little scared."

Sun Ling first took a closer look at the child and saw that he was safe and sound, and then relieved her heart.

"Thank you, you are still reliable."

Wang Shujing had lingering fears: "But it was too dangerous just now. The child was almost taken away. The trafficker had an accomplice with a knife! Fortunately, there was someone who was particularly nice. He saved us."

"Who is it? Then we have to thank them well."

Wang Shujing said: "Go away."

Sun Ling was startled: "Are you gone?"

Wang Shujing: "Yeah, I don't know when I left, it was gone in a blink of an eye."

Sun Ling was completely stunned.

There are such people?Do good things without leaving a name?This is too vigorous, right?

After a long time, Sun Ling said, "How can this work? For such a great help, we must find him. Thank you very much!"

In fact, Li Tianyu really did not have the lofty consciousness of doing good things without leaving a name, mainly because his mobile phone rang just now, so he pulled the crowd away and found a quiet place to call.

Guo Guang said that they had ordered a batch of goods and they would be able to ship it tomorrow, and asked Li Tianyu if he could make it through today.

Li Tianyu thought there was nothing wrong now, and the two human traffickers had also cleaned up, so let's go.

At this time, things like human traffickers, Li Tianyu did not really care.

Li Tianyu went to the parking lot and drove to the bar.

At this time, Guo Guang, Han Lei, Zhang Mingwei and Fang Tao were all busy in the store.

The cleaning of the cleaning, the cleaning of the table, the cleaning of the table.

Guo Guang was sorting out the wine utensils he had just bought behind the bar.

At this time, a car stopped outside.

That is a sky blue Porsche Cayenne.

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