You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Zhao Hongda: "I think it was opened in the suburbs, so there is still a possibility of losing it."

Zhu Jiang: "There is a bar in the suburbs of the imperial capital? Then you can't drink northwest wind?"

Wu Mingzhe: "What suburb? It's on Hootun Road, over Wulitun."

As soon as the words came out, the people in the group went crazy and typed two words one after another-don't believe it!

Neatly and uniformly, in unison.

Wulitun is a prime location in the imperial capital. Let alone open a bar, if you just rent a private house, the rent will go up.

Zhao Hongguang was the hardest toss, not only that Wu Mingzhe was a "liar", but also @ several times.

However, Li Tianyu is busy now, where would he go to see his classmates?

Zhao Hongda: "Have you seen Li Tianyu himself dare not come out. Obviously it is fake, Wu Mingzhe, it's past April 1st this year. What are you still cheating on here? Interesting?

Wu Mingzhe became angry: "What did I lie to you? Zhao Hongda, if you don't believe it, then come with me to see if it is true."

Zhao Hongda: "Okay, what if it's not true?"

Wu Mingzhe: "If it's not true, I live upside down eating instant noodles, what if it's true?"

Zhao Hongda: "If Li Tianyu really opened a decent bar on Hootun Road by himself, then I would stand upside down and drink preserved egg and lean meat porridge!"

Wu Mingzhe: "Deal!"

The college classmates are boiled up, all of them are the masters who watch the excitement and are not too troubled, this time waiting for the good show.

The third day was when Li Tianyu’s doll bar opened.

Wu Mingzhe drove his Accord with his girlfriend Jiang Lan to the outdoor parking lot No. 2 in Wulitun. He and Zhao Hongda had an appointment to meet here.

Zhao Hongda drove up soon.

The three of them didn't say much, and walked directly to Hootun Road.

Why walk?

Because today is the weekend, any road in Wulitun is particularly congested, and the possibility of finding a parking space is slim.

As for the parking lot of the bar, it is estimated that there is no space long ago.

Fortunately, the parking lot was not far from Hootun Road, and it was only ten minutes away.

Jiang Lan glanced at Zhao Hongda: "Are you sure Li Tianyu really opened a bar?"

Wu Mingzhe raised his eyebrows: "Can this kind of thing lie to me?"

Jiang Lan: "What if he is joking with you?"

Wu Mingzhe was startled, this possibility is not without it.

In the past, Li Tianyu and Wu Mingzhe often joked with each other.

Like this kind of illusion, the joke of pretending to be a wolf with a big tail has indeed been played.

For example, Wu Mingzhe once told Li Tianyu that he had changed to a new car and planned to let Li Tianyu drive for two days, but Li Tianyu rushed over to see that it was a new tricycle.

For example, Li Tianyu told Wu Mingzhe that he had found a girlfriend, and he found it on the Internet, which is so pretty, but when he ran over to see it, he downloaded a small movie. The heroine is really pretty.

Although it was a few years ago, the two had a heavy-handed play, but it is difficult to guarantee that Li Tianyu is still childish and has come back again.

Wu Mingzhe was really worried about this.

If you can't find the doll bar in the past, or if you find it, it was not opened by Li Tianming, then...

Jiang Lan added in a low voice: "Husband, have you ever practiced the technique of eating instant noodles upside down?"

Wu Mingzhe shook his head blankly.

Jiang Lan: "Then I suggest you go back and practice, and I will buy you a few more packets of instant noodles."

Wu Mingzhe whispered: "Whose wife are you anyway?"

Zhao Hongfei, who was walking at a later position, seemed to feel a little uneasy Wu Mingzhe, and his expression suddenly relaxed.100% Novel Network

If he is not worried, it is false.

It has been several years since graduation. Zhao Hongfei has not seen Li Tianyu in recent years. Who knows what he is now?

If he really mixed up and opened a bar, it would not be impossible.

However, how likely is it to open a bar in a prime location like Wulitun?

What did Zhao Hongfei think, how he felt impossible.

This is simply a fantasy.

Then I waited to expose Wu Mingzhe's lies, and then waited to see his handstand eating instant noodles.

The three of them were speechless all the way, and finally walked to Houtun Road.

At this time, the street was full of traffic and people came and went, so it was so lively.

However, after walking for a while, I didn't see any bars, all restaurants.

Wu Mingzhe couldn't help taking out his cell phone and started calling Li Tianyu, but he couldn't get through after a long time.

Zhao Hongfei laughed: "Wu Mingzhe ah Wu Mingzhe, what else do you have to say?"

Wu Mingzhe wiped the sweat from his face: "What are you anxious for! This street hasn't gone far yet!"

Zhao Hongfei: "Okay, then continue walking and finish the whole street."

Wu Mingzhe felt a little guilty, thinking why Li Tianyu didn't answer the phone, wouldn't he be kidding me?

After walking more than ten meters, the three suddenly found that there were more people in front of them, and they were all concentrated in front of a store.

The storefront is an independent white small western-style building, which looks very unique, with red banners hung over the signboard.

Jiang Lan pointed to the store and said, "My husband, will it be there?"

Wu Mingzhe quickly took Jiang Lan's hand and walked forward.

Zhao Hongfei was startled, followed behind, and at the same time had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Wu Mingzhe walked up to Xiaoyanglou, saw the very dazzling sign, and was happy: "It's a real doll bar!"

I saw that the entrance of the bar was quite lively, and many people were coming in and out.

There are a lot of large flower baskets on both sides, and the formation is really not small.

Wu Mingzhe looked inside and said, "I seem to see Tianyu. I'm very busy. No wonder I didn't answer the phone. Zhao Hongfei, let's go in and check it out.

Zhao Hongfei's expression changed, and he took a few steps back quickly.

"I, I won't go in, I have something to do, you go first."

With that, Zhao Hongfei was about to turn around and leave.

Wu Mingzhe shouted: "Zhao Hongfei, practice more handstand and drink preserved egg and lean meat porridge. Would you like me to order some copies for you?"

How dare Zhao Hongfei turn his head and ran away like a dash.

Wu Mingzhe smiled triumphantly, and took Jiang Lan into the bar.

At this time, Li Tianyu was really busy. It opened on the first day today. I didn't expect someone like me to come.

Those big flower baskets at the door are the most outrageous.

Except for a few sent by Ai Baoquan, the others were all brought by unknown persons and units.

In other words, Li Tianyu didn't know them at all.

Most of them were sent here because of the video and the interview.

Li Tianyu himself does not have deep roots in the imperial capital, nor does he have a wide network of contacts, so he simply puts on a ceremony and the opening is over.

Now it is forbidden to set off firecrackers.

Or just pull the whip to finish things as he wants.

Now there are some big things to do.

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