Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 132 I'll Eat For Free, I'm Happy

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Hu Yuanyuan: "In fact, Wang Jie is working on the mountainside now."

With that, Hu Yuanyuan also pointed to it.

Li Tianyu: "He is a belt buckle?"


This sentence actually amused Zhang Yuna.

Wang Jie frowned, his face a little uncontrollable.

Hu Yuanyuan waved her hand: "Li Tianyu, why are you still like before, speaking so unreliable, Wang Jie is a successful person, and he works as a sales manager in Qiyun Villa."

Li Tianyu suddenly realized, no wonder he was working halfway up the mountain.

Li Tianyu replied: "Being a manager, that's great, it's a good mix."

Frankly speaking, if you are a sales manager in a group of high-end villas like Qiyun Villa, you are really good.

The reception is all rich people.

The unit price of a house is high, and if you sell one, it is not a problem to pay a commission for one or two years.

Of course, that is only relative to ordinary people.

No matter what job Wang Jie does, that job is just work, after all, it is for someone else to work.

Now Li Tianyu is different.

Putting the system aside, even that bar alone would be enough to make Li Tianyu's worthy increase.

Hu Yuanyuan said again: "By the way, Li Tianyu, have you ever heard of Qiyun Villa?"

Li Tianyu: "Slightly heard."

Hu Yuanyuan: "Let me tell you, that Qiyun Villa is not an ordinary villa area. It is decorated like a scenic spot and is very luxurious."

Li Tianyu was happy: "That's not bad, then I have to go and see."

Hu Yuanyuan: "Then you are lucky. Outsiders can't enter the luxury villa area of ​​Qiyun Villa. They must be brought by insiders. We contacted Wang Jie today and asked him to take us in for a tour. "

Li Tianyu suddenly realized again: "So that's it, then classmate Wang Jie is pretty good, this is to be picked up by car and sent off."

When Wang Jie heard it, he was proud and proud.

Li Tianyu joked: "Student Wang Jie, you took the two girls to visit the villa area, which one do you see?"

No one thought Li Tianyu would ask such a question.

Hu Yuanyuan was so careless, just listen to it as a joke.

Zhang Yuna, who had never spoken much, was even more silent.

Wang Jie didn't speak, but his eyes betrayed him, and it was Zhang Yuna that he squinted.

It seems that this Wang Jie is really a dull gourd.

This kid probably has a crush on Zhang Yuna for many years. Now that he has become a young man, he feels very hopeful to catch Zhang Yuna and he is bound to win.

But this is also human nature, and Li Tianyu doesn't want to bad others' good things, so he doesn't say anything wrong.

But Hu Yuanyuan owes her mouth.

"Li Tianyu, what are you talking about, I remember you even dated Nana when you were in college, not only once."

Li Tianyu smiled and shook his head, and poured tea for the three of them: "Don't mention anything about the past. Besides, both of them are beautiful girls. It's normal for men to look at you."

Hu Yuanyuan and Zhang Yuna looked at each other and smiled. Li Tianyu, like before, dared to say anything.

At this time, the two dishes that Li Tianyu had ordered before came up, and he just remembered that these three people did not order.

So Li Tianyu called the waiter and asked her to add dishes to the menu.

The waiter took it, but Wang Jie snatched it.

"I'll take this meal."

Wang Jie's tone was very blunt, and Li Tianyu was startled.

What's the matter with this kid?

Could it be that when I heard that Li Tianyu had pursued Zhang Yuna?Haoyi Novel

Not so, that's how many years ago.

But Li Tianyu didn't speak either.

I eat for nothing, I am happy.

Zhang Yuna: "Li Tianyu, did you come here alone?"

Li Tianyu smiled and joked: "Yes, I can't compare with you, you are both in and out, I am still alone."

Hu Yuanyuan: "By the way, you haven't said yet, where are you taller?"

Wang Jie and Zhang Yuna both raised their heads, both seem to care about this issue.

Li Tianyu: "I have opened a small bar, and you are welcome to come over for a drink and play at any time."

The three of them were stunned, and reacted the same as the group of students in the classmate group. They did not expect Li Tianyu to open a bar.

Hu Yuanyuan: "Opening a bar? Is it in the imperial capital?"

Wang Jie immediately answered: "How is it possible? Do you know how high the rent of the Imperial Capital store is? Unless he runs a bar in the suburbs."

Hu Yuanyuan: "It's definitely not possible to open a bar in the suburbs, no one will go."

Wang Jie: "That's right."

Seeing that the two of you said each sentence very well, Li Tianyu first shouted two sips of tea.

When the two of them finished speaking, Li Tianyu explained: "It's in the imperial capital, Wulitun Houtun Road."

After saying this, Wang Jie's face froze.

Hu Yuanyuan: "Really? How high is the rent in that place, not hundreds of thousands a year?"

Wang Jie glanced at Li Tianyu: "In a prime location like Wulitun, the rent of one or two million a year is unstoppable."

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "Perhaps."

Wang Jie was disdainful, he concluded that Li Tianyu was bragging.

Bragging that this kind of thing happened to Li Tianyu, it is really normal.

Not only Wang Jie, but even Hu Yuanyuan and Zhang Yuna didn't care about Li Tianyu's so-called bar, just as he was joking.

However, Li Tianyu's temperament has changed a lot. Compared with the school days, there is a huge difference, which makes the two girls look at each other a little.

The four of them finished their meal and set off to Qiyunshu.

Walking outside, Li Tianyu was about to walk towards his Porsche Cayenne, but was held back by Hu Yuanyuan.

"Don't you also want to go to Qiyun Villa Realm? Just follow us, or you can't get in either."

Li Tianyu glanced at Wang Jie, but he didn't say anything.

Originally, Li Tianyu thought that it would be okay even if he couldn't get in. He took a look outside, and then the system would pay taxes directly.

But looking back, the architectural designs of villas in this villa area are all different, including high, medium, and low-end.

It’s a good thing to go first to see the room type, and then pay taxes absolutely, so as not to get caught up in time.

"That's OK, let me go together, how can I go up?"

Zhang Yuna: "There is a path up the mountain just behind here. The scenery is good. You can walk up slowly."

Li Tianyu looked up, and did not see the villa.

Because it is facing the lake, it should be on the side of the mountainside, now blocked by leaves.

Li Tianyu nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Wang Jie seemed a little reluctant to bring Li Tianyu, but he couldn't say anything. He just led the way.

Now it feels like a mountain outing.

Li Tianyu followed, occasionally joking with the two girls in front of him, but he didn't feel tired.

Indeed, as Wang Jie said, this path up the mountain is a shortcut to the villa area.


Introducing a fascinating city book-"My Life Starts With Money", the author is very resounding, and those who are interested can go and read it.

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