Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 136 I'm Sorry, I Can't Buy This Villa

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In short, Li Tianyu should not even be able to boast this bull.

At this time, even Zhang Yuna and Hu Yuanyuan, the two girls, felt that Li Tianyu had a delusional attack, and it was still extremely severe.

Ma Xiaorong can't do it anymore: "Xiao Zhang, what kind of client are you looking for? He can't afford it, and doesn't let others buy it, right?"

Zhang Donghua looked embarrassed: "I'm sorry, Miss Ma, I will let him out."

Zhang Donghua turned to Li Tianyu: "This gentleman, you still don't want to make troubles unreasonably. You have to be responsible for speaking here."

Li Tianyu: "I will be responsible, I did buy it."

Zhang Donghua's face condensed: "If you talk like this again, I will call the security guard."

Li Tianyu: "I am the owner here, do you want to drive the owner out?"

Wang Jie saw that things were going to be bad, so he had to take Li Tianyu away quickly.

The company stipulates that sales managers cannot bring non-client personnel into the villa without permission.

If this happens, he will be involved, and he will lose his job if he fails.

"Li Tianyu, are you crazy? Stop talking and follow me quickly!"

With that said, Wang Jie would force Li Tianyu to leave.

At this moment, there was movement from downstairs, and someone came up from the stairs.

Wang Jie and Zhang Donghua turned their heads and couldn't help becoming nervous.

It's Chen Jianghaichen, the head of the sales department.

That is, the leaders of Wang Jie and Zhang Donghua.

"Minister Chen, what are you..."

Chen Jianghai was panting, and seemed to run in a hurry.

"I'm here to deliver something to Mr. Li."

Wang Jie was startled: "Mr. Li? Which Mr. Li?"

Chen Jianghai held a delicate file bag in his hand.

This is kraft paper, which is specially used to hold real estate-related documents.

Chen Jianghai glanced at the customer identification information on the file bag and said, "Li...Mr. Li Tianyu, which one is?"

When Wang Jie heard it, he was instantly petrified and dumbfounded.

His hand was still pulling Li Tianyu's arm, and he had already slipped down slowly at this time.

The two girls Zhang Yuna and Hu Yuanyuan looked at each other, they had guesses in their hearts, but they refused to make sure.

Li Tianyu, there really is a Li Tianyu here.

I just don't know if it is Li Tianyu written on the bag.

Li Tianyu smiled and responded: "It's me, I'm Li Tianyu."

Chen Jianghai let out an "Ah" and hurriedly said with a smile: "Mr. Li, I am sorry that I am late. I will check my identity with you first, so as not to have anything...any mistake."

Nonsense, it involves the purchase of nearly 100 million yuan, and everyone has to check it carefully.

Li Tianyu smiled and nodded: "It should be."

Chen Jianghai: "Then did you bring your ID card?"

Li Tianyu: "I brought it."

Chen Jianghai said happily: "That's OK, let's just check it here."

With that said, Chen Jianghai took Li Tianyu to the bar in the living room on the second floor, then opened the file bag and began to check basic information with Li Tianyu.

At this time, Wei Dahuai was still at a loss and didn't figure out what the situation was.

"Xiao Zhang, what's the matter? What are they doing?"

Zhang Donghua hesitated to say something but stopped, not knowing how to answer.First Reading Network

It took a long time before he whispered: "Mr. Wei, it is estimated that this man named Li Tianyu really bought this villa."

Before Wei Dahuai said anything, Ma Xiaorong jumped up in amazement: "What!? Xiao Zhang, are you kidding? Before you came, you said that this villa has just been renovated and no one has seen it yet. Why is it suddenly sold? out?"

"This..." Zhang Donghua looked at Wang Jie.

Wang Jie immediately shook his head frantically, meaning it had nothing to do with me.

"Perhaps, it might be the same name."

Wang Jie whispered, but knew that this possibility was actually very small.

Sure enough, Li Tianyu had already walked back with Chen Jianghai over there, and there didn't seem to be any abnormalities in that expression.

Not only that, Chen Jianghai was extremely courteous to Li Tianyu.

Seeing this, there is no suspense.

Li Tianyu is already the owner of this villa.

Faced with the strange eyes of Wang Jie, Zhang Yuna and Hu Yuanyuan, Li Tianyu laughed: "It's okay. It doesn't matter how long you want to visit, even if you live here."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart,

The second half of Li Tianyu's sentence is really just polite, but the two girls can think of going elsewhere.

Blushing, he left.

Wang Jie also followed without a word.

Now the three of them can be regarded as understanding Li Tianyu's true strength.

That's really scary.

Hu Yuanyuan couldn't help saying to Zhang Yuna: "I said, at the moment just now, do you regret it?"

Zhang Yuna was startled and asked strangely: "What do you regret?"

Hu Yuanyuan slapped Zhang Yuna: "You don't pretend to be stupid. Just now your eyes betrayed you. Li Tianyu bought such an expensive luxury villa. He must be a super rich man."

Zhang Yuna: "So, what about that?"

Hu Yuanyuan: "How about it? You think, if you promised Li Tianyu's date in college, then maybe you are the hostess of this super villa now!"

Having said this, Hu Yuanyuan took a look at Wang Jie and found that he was embarrassed at this time, but feeling helpless.

Just now, Wang Jie wanted to hop around in front of Li Tianyu twice, but he was not regarded as an opponent at all, let alone an opponent.

At this time, I only heard Zhang Yuna say: "In fact, I just felt that Li Tianyu is completely different from before."

Hu Yuanyuan: "Where is it different?"

Zhang Yuna: "It can't be said, but it just feels more likable than before."

If Li Tianyu had this feeling when she was in college, it would be difficult for Zhang Yuna to refuse his pursuit.

Hu Yuanyuan saw through Zhang Yuna's thoughts: "I think you like it more, right?"

Zhang Yuna and Hu Yuanyuan chase and fight.

At the same time, Li Tianyu was lying on the big bed in the master bedroom on the second floor of the villa, closing his eyes to rest.

Living in such a luxurious villa really made Li Tianyu's wealthy mentality much satisfied.

But this satisfaction is much weaker than he thought.

I don't know if it is the side effect of the system or the experience of "getting rich" during this period, Li Tianyu's psychological state has undergone tremendous changes.

He has a huge appetite now, and the idea of ​​Xiaofu Jian has long disappeared.

The next day, Li Tianyu drove to the doll bar again.

He now has to keep an eye on the operation of the bar and quickly absorb money so that he can upgrade the system again as soon as possible.

But the strange thing is that when Li Tianyu asked about the conditions of the system upgrade, he got the answer like this.

[System Assistant]: Host, you are still far away. When certain conditions are met, the upgrade task will be triggered. Continue to work harder.

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