Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 148 See You Again With Her Mother (7 more)

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Meng Jian: "Boss Zhou's Sunshine Bar, and Boss Li's Doll Bar. Your two bars are almost 200 meters apart, right?"

Zhou Zuoshan: "Yes, not far away."

Meng Jian: "Then Boss Zhou, I heard Boss Li say that you went to make trouble when the doll bar just opened. Is there such a thing?"

After hearing this, Zhou immediately waved his hand: "Dr. Meng, what's this? My sunshine bar has been in business for seven or eight years, and business has been good. I shouldn't have to go to a new bar to make trouble, it doesn't make sense! "

At this time, Zhou Zuoshan's swollen face finally disappeared, and his energizing energy was restored.

Meng Jian nodded: "It's true. The Sunshine Bar is very famous in that area. Boss Zhou has a big business, and there is no reason to pay special attention to a newly opened small bar."

Li Tianyu: "Director Meng, what you said, Boss Zhou visited on the day we opened. This is evidenced by video surveillance."

Zhou Zuoshan: "I've been there, but I just went to drink and didn't plan to make trouble."

Li Tianyu cursed secretly, Zhou Zuoshan, an old fox, does have a certain way of doing things.

If you lie, your face is not red, your heart is not beating, and you pretend to be wronged, no less than those professional actors.

And this Meng Jian, this is where mediation is, obviously it is adding more vinegar to pull sideways.

But Li Tianyu is not unprepared, but it is a bit early to take it out now, let's take a look at the situation first.

Meng Jian: "Boss that week, Boss Li told me just now that it was also because you found a group of people to go to the doll bar to make trouble. He just wanted to reason with you. Isn't that the case?"

Zhou Zuoshan curled his lips disdainfully: "I think Boss Li may suffer from...what's the name, yes, persecution delusion!"

Li Tianyu sneered: "There are always people who want to harm me."

Zhou Zuoshan's expression changed: "What do you mean? Who do you say is the Diaomin!?"

Meng Jian waved his hand: "Well, I also know our situation. Now that I have such a mediation plan, the two bosses might as well listen to it first."

Zhou Zuishan immediately changed his face and said with a smile, "Director Meng, just say it."

Meng Jian: "Li Tianyu, the owner of the doll bar, suspects Zhou Zuishan, the owner of the sunshine bar, instructed others to smash the doll bar, and caused harm to the bar staff..."

Zhou Zuoshan was about to speak, but Meng Jian raised his hand to stop him.

"Boss Zhou, listen to me first." Meng Jian continued, "but Li Tianyu, the owner of the doll bar, has no direct evidence to prove that the incident of smashing the doll bar was instigated by Zhou Zuoshan."

"Mr. Li Tianyu, if you have evidence, please submit it to the Service Management Committee as soon as possible."

Li Tianyu opened his mouth, but finally did not speak.

Zhou Zuoshan smiled: "Where does he have evidence, if he has it, he would have taken it out long ago."

Meng Jian: "Then, Mr. Li Tianyu harassed and smashed the Sunshine Bar at about 4 o'clock this afternoon, and even injured as many as a dozen bar employees. This is an established fact. There are no two bosses. Opinion?"

Zhou Zuoshan smiled and said, "No opinion."

Li Tianyu still had no words.

Meng Jian: "So, the punishment for the doll bar is as follows."

Li Tianyu was stunned: "What? The matter has not been investigated, you have to punish my bar?"

Meng Jian said solemnly: "It's not me, it's the service management committee. I have already said that if you have no evidence that Zhou Zuoshan instructed others to smash the doll bar, and you Li Tianyu smashed the sunshine bar If it becomes a fact, then our service management committee can only punish your doll bar."

"Do you have any questions about this?"

Li Tianyu: "Of course there are questions."

Meng Jian: "Please speak."

Li Tianyu: "How do you know that I have no direct evidence to prove that Zhou Zuoshan is a spoiler?"


Zhou Zuoshan couldn't help but patted the table: "Li Tianyu, what are you talking about!?"

Meng Jian waved his hand: "If you have evidence, you can submit it later, but before that, let me talk about the penalty decision first. Please listen patiently to see if you can accept it." Hot e-book www.huoretxt. com

Having said that, Meng Jian and Zhou Zuoshan looked at each other.

Li Tianyu thought to himself, Meng Jian had obviously discussed it with Zhou Zuoshan and wanted to fix me.

Even if he has some evidence, it is not iron proof, and it will inevitably cause Meng Jian to deliberately distort it when it comes out. This matter is really difficult to solve.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, Director Meng, then you can talk."

Meng Jian cleared his throat and began to announce.

First, Li Tianyu compensates Sunshine Bar for all losses and personnel medical expenses at the price. The specific amount of the expenses needs to be discussed by both parties.

Second, Li Tianyu, the owner of the doll bar, has taken extreme actions to harm competitors, so the doll bar needs to be closed for rectification.

Meng Jian: "The time limit for suspending business for rectification is tentatively set at one month. At that time, Mr. Li Tianyu will need to apply to the service management committee for opening, and the service management committee will send a special person to review and approve it before opening."

Li Tianyu: "Then what if the review fails?"

Meng Jian: "The rectification period will continue to be extended for one month."

Li Tianyu: "What are the criteria for passing the review?"

Meng Jian: "This requires a specific analysis of specific circumstances. There is no fixed standard. Mr. Li Tianyu, do you have any questions? You can raise them together."

Li Tianyu thought, why do you want to mess with me? Is there any difference if I have a problem?

Meng Jian saw that Li Tianyu hadn’t spoken, so he continued: “Mr. Li Tianyu, let’s rest for half an hour. You can think about whether you want to be punished or not, but I’ll talk about the shame first. If you don’t refuse to accept the punishment, we will The evidence will be submitted to the official department for enforcement against you."

"On the contrary, if you admit your mistakes and have a good attitude and get Mr. Zhou Zuoshan's forgiveness, then everything is easy to discuss."

After speaking, Meng Jian took a small notebook and left the meeting room.

Zhou Zuoshan smiled at Li Tianyu and went out.

Li Tianyu scolded MMP secretly.

It is more uncomfortable to make him subdued and admit his mistake to that Fatty Zhou than to kill him.

But if the punishment is allowed, I am afraid that there will be no opening day for the doll bar.

Li Tianyu was a little depressed and pushed the door to the corridor.

Smoking a cigarette, shocked.

Li Tianyu just took out the cigarette case, but he heard footsteps not far away.

High heels, is a woman.

Footsteps from far to near.

The one who came over was indeed a woman.

She was in her thirties, dressed in the black uniform of the Service Management Committee, and looked very capable. There was a young girl behind him who seemed to be her attendant.

This woman is not small, it is probably some kind of fairy from the service management committee.

Li Tianyu was about to light a cigarette with a cigarette in his mouth.

The woman let out a cry of exclamation, frightening Li Tianyu's cigarettes.

What happened?Never seen a handsome guy!?

The woman pointed over: "Are you... Mr. Li Tianyu Li?"

Li Tianyu answered strangely while picking up cigarettes, "It's me, who are you?"

The woman said: "Sorry, Mr. Li, my name is Sun Ling, and I am the mother of that child."

"That kid?" Li Tianyu was confused.

Sun Ling quickly explained: "It's the child you saved from the trafficker."

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