Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 156 What About Professional Drivers? Still killed

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"This kid ran well, and it was within 1 minute and 10 seconds."

"Nonsense, you don't look at what car he drives. It's a Lamborghini bull with a very strong performance."

"You don't understand that no one treats you as a dumb. Do you think someone can drive a bull to run this grade? I tell you, the last time someone drove a bull, they didn't even score in 1 minute and 20 seconds."

"That's a fool, I can score 1 minute and 15 seconds on GTR."

"Fuck! You drove a modified GTR, so it’s 1000 horses! It’s really shameful to run this result! Look at that guy just now, he drove a Ferrari 488, which is better than the Daniels. Didn’t it only ran for 1 minute and 15 seconds?"

The people here are all "insiders" who have mines at home and like to play with cars, and their theoretical knowledge is quite solid, which is really good.

Li Tianyu got down from Daniel and sat on a chair.

Ai Heping immediately came over and rubbed his shoulders.

While rubbing, he stretched his thumbs up: "The boss is the boss, and the first shot is a four-seater performance."

Then Ai Heping raised his head and shouted: "Haozi, press the leg for the boss!"

Hu Haoxuan hung up immediately, and his big hand was about to grab Li Tianyu's leg.

Li Tianyu jumped up in shock, and quickly asked them to stop.

"It's all right, you two big men give me something to do, go and play!"

Ai Heping stopped his hand: "That's what I said, we will find a girl for the boss when we look back, press it for you, and then let me have other services, right? Haozi!"

Hu Haoxuan replied stupidly: "Yes, yes, but there is one more game. That's the big boss..."

Ai Heping: "Isn't it Feng Hao? As soon as the boss makes a shot, he cuts under the horse, it's not a problem!"

Li Tianyu turned his head and glared at Ai Heping, who immediately shut up.

At the same time, Feng Hao is exchanging thoughts with Cheng Ken.

Although Cheng Ken lost the game, he was not too depressed.

He originally wanted to try Li Tianyu's strength, he won the best, and it didn't matter if he lost.

Feng Hao: "This kid named Li Tianyu is really a bit of a genius, not to mention that he won you, but he can still run out of one minute and nine seconds.

Cheng Ken nodded: "I do have some level, and I don't know where Ai Heping got it, but it doesn't matter to me if I win. I'm just a gamer. At his level, I can't beat you."

Feng Hao laughed.

What Cheng Ken said was in line with his judgment.

Li Tianyu does have some racing skills, but he is still in the amateur range, and it is impossible to compete with real professional racing drivers.

In other words, Feng Hao was determined to win without any suspense.

Cheng Ken shook his head helplessly: "I only squeezed you by one million. I am still too cautious. If I knew it, I would squeeze all the belongings in, and I would make more money."

Feng Hao patted Cheng Ken on the shoulder: "You don't have any money, it's useful to make so much money. Okay, I'm going to play. I will end early. I will arrange a place in the evening. Let's have a good time."

After speaking, Feng Hao went to Li Tianyu.

"I said, have you had enough rest? It shouldn't be that tired after a lap?"

Li Tianyu didn't look up, but stood up: "Okay, let's do it."

Feng Hao squinted his eyes and looked at Li Tianyu, the other party had no intention of stage fright.

The ignorant is really fearless. This kid thought he could be called a racer if he could drive such a lap on the track smoothly?

The frog at the bottom of the well, laughs generously!

The battle is about to come, everyone cheered up and wanted to see how exciting the real tens of millions of supercars are.

Li Tianyu walked to his Pagani Huayra, the famous "Son of the Wind."

When Li Tianyu started the car, the roaring sound spread, and then slowly stopped in front of the starting line, everyone's eyes were bright.

The son of the wind is indeed famous, but it is rarely seen in China.

Although there are all car players who have mines, most of them are watching related videos on the Internet to explain their greed. I did not expect to see the real car at this time.

Let the population drain!

Hu Haoxuan was a little excited: "Fuck! Son of the Wind! Where did you get it? You borrowed it!?"

Ai Heping glanced at the other person: "Look at you for this talent, of course the boss."

Hu Haoxuan just woke up, no wonder Ai Heping obeyed his words, turned out to be a rich man!

Let alone other people, even Cui Caiyi's eyes shined when he saw this Pagani Son of the Wind.

This car is really eye-catching.

Then, an all-black supercar with a domineering side-leaking front stopped beside Pagani Zonda.

Everyone exclaimed again and again.

"That's Veyron! Veyron vs. Zonzi! It's really a top supercar race!"

"Yeah, it's really not in vain today. Watching such a game for free is simply a pie in the sky!"

"There are not a few tens of thousands of supercars in the entire imperial capital. Two cars came in at once. What is the situation?

"By the way, hurry up to take a video and post it on the Internet. It will definitely be crazy likes!"

Hearing this sentence, many talented people reacted and quickly took out their mobile phones and began to video and photograph the two top supercars, for fear of letting go of every detail.

No wonder it caused such a sensation.

You should know that in the top international supercars, Pagani Zonda and Bugatti Veyron are competitors who often come over to chat together.

Whether it is expensive price, strong performance, or the so-called heritage in supercar culture, the two cars are almost on the same level.

Bugatti Veyron, 8.0LW16 four-turbocharged engine, can reach a top speed of 434km per hour, and the maximum horsepower can reach an astonishing 1,200 horsepower!

It's an acceleration monster!

Pagani Zonda, 6.0L twin-turbocharged V12 engine, although the top speed is only 363km compared to the Bugatti Veyron, and the maximum carriage is only 700 horses, the peak torque has reached 1,000 Nm.

This means that Pagani's instant explosive power is not weak at all.

The most important thing is the corner performance, Pagani Zonda is far more than Bugatti Veyron!

The two cars stopped at the starting line at the same time, and the difference in style was quite obvious.

Needless to say, the Bugatti Veyron has a sleek body and a big body, especially the front of the car, just like the black warrior in "Star Wars", with domineering side leakage.

In contrast, Pagani’s son of the wind is much more delicate, just like a white helmeted knight riding on a white horse, revealing perseverance and bravery, waiting to slaughter the dragon.

Such a comparison made some onlookers who are obsessed with super running screamed with excitement.

It was still Cui Caiyi, and she walked to the middle of the two cars tingly, carrying the silk scarf in her hand.

Cui Caiyi first looked at Li Tianyu and then at Feng Hao, her eyes were quite attractive.

Her enchanting figure also attracted the onlookers to howls.

"Fuck! And the racing girl!?"

"This figure is really strong! It's hot!"

"It's like making a movie, it's amazing!"

"Beauty! Look here! Look here!"

Where would Cui Caiyi pay attention to those people and lift the silk scarf in her hand high.

The two top supercar engines continued to roar, and the vigorous sound made everyone excited.

The silk scarf flew up.

call out!

call out!

Cui Caiyi clearly felt the air wave of the supercar rushing out, and then looked around. The butts of the two supercars were already the size of peas.

Many onlookers could no longer see the two supercars with the naked eye, and immediately shifted their attention to the big screen.

Unsurprisingly, Feng Hao's Bugatti Veyron took the lead, leading a full position.

The Black Samurai’s turbo engine not only has a larger displacement, but also has 16 cylinders. Its explosive power is not comparable to a normal supercar.

Of course, Feng Hao also knows that although the Bugatti Veyron cannot be said to be "the king of straights and die in the corners", the performance of the corners is far from that of Pagani.

But so what?

Feng Hao just likes the pleasure of turning people straight.

Competing against people in the country is enough to get rid of them on the straights!What's more, with his racing skills, even if he was given a donkey cart, he had the confidence to turn it over.

Zhao Hongfei was excited and shouted: "You have won, you must have won! Li Tianyu's weak chicken is not an opponent at all!" I love novel website

Cheng Ken also kept clenching his fists. Although it is too early to make a conclusion, it is not normal for Feng Hao to win.

Hu Haoxuan's face was not so good-looking.

Although Li Tianyu won Cheng Ken just now, it was not happy at all.

Compared with small shrimp like Cheng Ken, Feng Hao is a big crocodile.

Want to beat him?In Hu Haoxuan's consciousness, it was like winning the lottery, and the success rate was not high.

At this point, the two cars are already at the first corner.

Here, you can see how big the gap is between Li Tianyu and Feng Hao.

Almost everyone didn't think Li Tianyu could win.

Except for one person.

Ai Heping bought a bottle of Coke from nowhere, and sat down and drank it leisurely.

He didn't even look at the situation of the game.

"It's really a bunch of silly critics." Ai Heping whispered while drinking, "The result will be in a while, now stretch your neck to see what it is."

As the saying goes, you have a wide heart and a fat body.

Ai Heping should grow fatter in the future.

At this time, the two supercars entered the corner one after another.

The Bugatti Veyron was simple and rough, and the speed was a little slower, but due to the relationship between the inertia and the performance of the car, it was suddenly thrown to the outer ring.

However, Feng Hao's technique was really hard. The car did not lose control, but turned abruptly.

The crowd onlookers exclaimed.

"Oh... awesome! You can turn around at such a fast speed!"

Then, Li Tianyu's Pagani Son of the Wind entered the corner.

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at the screen in disbelief, with their mouths wide open without exception.

When Pagani Zonda had already crossed the curve and rushed out of the curve, many people reacted.

"Fuck! What happened just now? How did the Wind Son turn around?"

"No, I didn't see clearly, the speed didn't drop at all, it just passed like that..."

"I've observed it! The front of the car is facing inward, and it's completely past the inward curve!"

"What are you talking about!? Is it drifting?"

"It's not drifting! It's completely different from drifting, it's passed safely!"

Everyone came back to their senses, looked at the screen again, and was shocked again.

Pagani Zonzi, driven by Li Tianyu, actually caught up.

Almost with the black Bugatti Veyron, go hand in hand!

Li Tianyu looked at Feng Hao from the car window.

Feng Hao was also taken aback. He didn't expect Li Tianyu's cornering skills to be so good!

During the game with Cheng Ken just now, did this kid stay?

Due to the Bugatti Veyron slowing down in the corner, the speed will not reach the best condition for a while after exiting the corner.

The Pagani Zonda is different. This car comes out of the corner at the fastest speed, and the engine is always at the best speed.

Li Tianyu smiled at Feng Hao.

Feng Hao was startled, this kid could still laugh?

Li Tianyu quickly changed gears, the engine's noise became louder, and the maximum torque output.

call out!

Feng Hao watched as Pagani the Son of the Wind rushed out of his position, leading the Bugatti Veyron!

When the onlookers looked at it, they exclaimed even more.

"Fuck! It's over! Pagani Zonda of the Wind is amazing!"

Cheng Ken was stunned. He never thought that Li Tianyu could still lead in the face of Feng Hao's Bugatti Veyron.

This is incredible!

Of course, Feng Hao is not a vegetarian.

He also immediately changed gears and forced the engine to output maximum horsepower.

Bugatti Veyron caught up!Finally went hand in hand with Pagani Son of the Wind again.

At this time, it was already the second corner.

The corner performance of the Bugatti Veyron is not outstanding in supercars.

Feng Hao had to slow down.

At this time, Pagani Zonda still showed no signs of slowing down.

Feng Hao opened his eyes wide and showed an incredible expression.

how is this possible?

Isn't this Li Tianyu afraid of death?

Turning at such a fast speed?

Li Tianyu smiled lightly and stepped on the brake pedal lightly.

Many onlookers roared again.

"Fuck! This time Drift didn't run away!"

"Drifting at such a fast speed? Isn't he afraid of flying away!?"

"Oh my God, it's thrown out... Huh? Close to the ground..."

On the screen, Pagani Zondazi flicked his tail lightly, lasting only a second or two, then stabilized his posture again and rushed straight out of the curve.

"Too great, this is too great, right? I have never seen such a thing in F1 competitions!"

At this time, when the Bugatti Veyron rushed out of the corner, it had already been thrown far away.

This kind of competition seems to be no different from Cheng Ken's...

When Li Tianyu drove the Pagani Zonda to the parking space of the starting area slowly, onlookers gathered around.

Some applaud.

Some repeated compliments.

Some even take photos together.

Li Tianyu returned home in triumph like a hero.

Look at Pagani's lap time again.

57 seconds.

Cheng Ken rubbed his eyes and murmured: "How is it possible... how is this so possible..."

Cheng Lu couldn't help asking, "Is this fast?"

Cheng Ken: "Of course it's fast, no one has run this track within 1 minute..."

Feng Hao finally came back.

Bugatti Veyron's lap time: 1 minute 05 seconds.

This is already quite a remarkable achievement, but compared to Li Tianyu, it is nothing short of a big deal.

Hu Haoxuan jumped up happily, then turned to find Cui Caiyi.

But I didn't find it after searching for a long time.

Hu Haoxuan pulled Ai Heping over.

This kid is doing math problems with the calculator in the phone.

This time he invested 10,000 yuan, how much money can he collect...

"Peace, where's Caiyi?"

Ai Heping didn't lift his head either: "Go to the boss."

"Huh? What!?"

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