You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu quickly scanned these tax items.

There are still four abilities.

"Tea lovers" and "tea ceremony masters" are purely tea-related skills, and they are relatively cheap and can be easily obtained by paying taxes.

However, looking at the last two items, Li Tianyu was a little surprised.

For example, the last item is called "Sheng Shou". The name does not seem to have the slightest relationship with the tea cooking technique. At first glance, it shows that it not only includes tea ceremony skills, but also Chinese medicine tea soup therapy.

This is too versatile.

However, this "sacred hand" is so powerful, the tax amount must not be low, more than one million properly, Li Tianyu sighed.

Looking at the above item again, the "tea ceremony master" looks good, and the description also mentions that the tea made may have tonic effects and be beneficial to health.

And similar to the previous situation, the tax amount of the "tea master" is 230,000 soft sister coins, which is just within the taxable range of Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu did not hesitate and clicked on "Master of Tea Ceremony".

Determine tax!

account information

230,000 soft sister coins-successful deduction

Ability Information

Master of Tea Ceremony-Success

Li Tianyu's head sank again, as if being bitten by thousands of mosquitoes all at once.

Fortunately, after many experiences, he was psychologically prepared.

The time was not long, only a few seconds, enough to make Li Tianyu bear it without changing his face.

At this moment, everyone saw Li Tianyu lowered his head, motionless, as if thinking about something.

Ai Baoquan couldn't sit still.

Originally, Li Tianyu had a guarantee, so he should feel at ease, but this occasion is especially important today.

Let's not talk about the other members of the Qin family, just talk about the temper of the big man Qin Yuenian, Ai Baoquan also heard some hearsays.

Don't look at Qin Yuenian on the surface now, but he is actually a very temperamental person.

Whether it is right or wrong, Qin Yuenian always pays attention to seeking truth from facts.

Yes, yes, no, no.

Good is good, bad is bad.

What Qin Yuenian didn't particularly like was the big talker.

Just like this cooking tea.

Li Tianyu can be said to be too high-profile just now. If he can't make a move for a while, then Qin Yuenian can't hold back his temper, it's hard to say.

Under all eyes, if Li Tianyu messed up and Qin Yuenian got angry again, the scene would be ugly.

Ai Baoquan now especially wants to have a good relationship with the Qin family, especially Qin Yuenian.

Today was a good opportunity.

But for Ai Baoquan, even if you don't get Qin Yuenian's favor, don't feel bad, otherwise there will be no chance to approach the Qin family in the future.

Now it's up to Li Tianyu, I hope he can be as reliable as ever.

Ai Baoquan: "That... Tianyu, Tianyu, have you figured out how to do it?"

Li Tianyu finally recovered from the "impact" and looked up at Ai Baoquan.

At this time, Qin Shengjie laughed and said, "How do I feel that he is not thinking about things, but that his mind is blank?"

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "There is a blank in my mind, it is better than a mass of paste."

Qin Shengjie's expression changed, and he did not expect this kid to be so sharp on this occasion.

We must know that Qin's family are mostly people with faces and faces. If they are ordinary people, they will not speak too succinctly on such occasions.

Unexpectedly, this kid named Li Tianyu could sneer.

Qin Shaoyuan probably felt that the atmosphere was a little stiff, so he glared at his son Qin Shengjie: "Holy Jie, don't always bluff, today is your grandfather's birthday, pay attention to influence."

Qin Shengjie originally wanted to go back, but when he heard this, he had to shut up temporarily.

At this time, Li Tianyu picked up the purple clay pot in the middle of the coffee table and said with a smile: "Old Qin, this set of purple clay is not simple. It must not be the utensils in this restaurant. Who gave you a gift?"

Qin Yuenian was startled: "Oh? Why do you say that?",

Li Tianyu: "From the perspective of the shape and sand color, this is the purple sand from Shajiang in Yizhou, even in this Yufu restaurant."

Indeed, as Li Tianyu said, a set of Yizhou Shajiang Zisha, the cheapest one has to exceed 10,000 yuan in soft sister coins.

Qin Yuenian chuckled, "I can't tell, the young man is quite expert, he can recognize it at a glance."

Li Tianyu: "I also know that this is not ordinary Yizhou Shajiang Zisha, but Zheng's top grade Zisha. This set will cost no less than 100,000."

When Qin Yuenian heard this, he looked at his elder son Qin Shaoyuan, and his face was surprised.

Seeing this, Li Tianyu was right.

Qin Yue has come to the city with interest: "Young man, then tell me, how did you see it? Isn't it a foolish guess?"

Guessing is possible.

Anyone who knows some tea sets knows that Yizhou Shajiang Zisha is the best.

In Shajiang, Yizhou, the Zisha tea sets produced by the Zheng family are the most outstanding.49 e-book

Qin Yuenian's identity?The person who gave him the gift must weigh it up, it is impossible to fool him with the general merchandise.

Can Li Tianyu guess?

Of course not.

He smiled and put the teapot in his palm, and then began to talk.

"This Zheng's purple sand is actually not difficult to distinguish. There are three characteristics."

"First, the weight is moderate, what is moderate? It is held in the palm, neither floating nor pressing down."

"Secondly, I don't touch my hands, just touch this purple clay pot, it is round and meticulous, without discomfort."

"Thirdly, it is not new. This is the most difficult to do. The newly made pot is of course brand new, but this Zheng's top-grade pot can be made neither old nor new, which makes people look particularly comfortable. , It has a special texture."

When Li Tianyu said this, he took another look at Qin Yuenian who was fascinated: "If these three points are abstract, they are more reliable."

As he said, Li Tianyu would light up the handle of the pot: "The inner bend of this pot handle will be engraved with two small characters..."

Qin Yuenian let out an "Oh", and leaned over to see that there were really two words.

Those two characters were obviously engraved with a carving knife, and they were crooked, and you would think it was a slight scratch if you didn't look closely.

Qin Yuenian did research on purple sand, but he didn't know that there would be a "pattern" in the inward curve of the teapot, and he couldn't help feeling quite magical.

Of course, Qin Yuenian can't be ignorant. In fact, these two-character small paragraphs are secrets of the Zheng family that are not disclosed to the public. They are a "trick" used by family members to identify the authenticity.

If it hadn't been for Li Tianyu to acquire the abilities and knowledge of the "tea ceremony master", it would be impossible to know this.

The two characters were "Zheng Chuan", Qin Yuenian said in a low voice.

Qin Shaoyuan couldn't help asking: "What does this mean?"

Li Tianyu: "Simple meaning, heir of Zheng Dakai."

Qin Yuenian suddenly realized: "So, Zheng Dakai is the founder of Zheng Zisha, young man, you are really not easy, you know so much."

When everyone heard it, they were a little surprised.

There are really few people who can be so praised by Qin Yuenian.

Qin Yuenian's character was well understood by everyone present, and he would not say anything polite or contrary to his will.

He said that Li Tianyu is not simple, so he really thinks this kid is good and worthy of praise.

Ai Baoquan breathed a sigh of relief for the time being, Li Tianyu really had some ways to stabilize the "situation".

Could it be that Li Tianyu didn't look proud, but he arched his hands quite neatly: "In front of Mr. Qin, just move the door and make an axe."

Qin Shengjie was not happy anymore. Unexpectedly, this kid HOLD lived in the audience with a few words.

"You Rory talked a lot, is this tea still brewed?"

Qin Shaoyuan glared at his son: "Don't talk nonsense, how can you speak?"

Li Tianyu was not annoyed, and he smiled: "There is such a saying in tea art that the fragrance of tea is important and the skill is second."

"It means that the technique of making tea is important, but the tea set must be in the first place. The tea ceremony is also the way to relax the mind. Knowing the tea set to be used is the basic requirement of a tea master."

Qin Yuenian nodded: "Well said, so young, not only is knowledgeable, but also very stable. It is really rare."

Hearing Qin Yuenian's praise of Li Tianyu, Ai Baoquan was mixed with joy and sorrow, and his heart fell again.

Li Tianyu was bluffing, and pretending to be criticized, which made people stunned.

The effect is good, but you have to work harder!

These two or two sentences lifted people's appetite, and the tea fart that came out after turning around was not the same. Doesn't it make people laugh?

Fortunately, based on Ai Baoquan's understanding of Li Tianyu, this kid not only pretended to be good at it, but was also quite capable.

Even the unbelievable son said that he was the omnipotent man and the savior.

It just depends on whether Li Tianyu can hold him.

Li Tianyu is finally about to make a move.

He picked up the tea pot next to it, opened it, and praised: "Nanhu Silver Needle, good tea."

Then Li Tianyu picked up the tea stove and started to operate it.

Li Tianyu uses Gongfu tea.

Don't think this Gongfu tea is easy. In fact, there are so many steps to complete authentic Gongfu tea. It takes at least 40 minutes to an hour to complete.

However, Li Tianyu has acquired the ability of a tea ceremony master and has an epiphany about the tea ceremony. Many steps can be simplified, and the effect is not bad at all.

As the saying goes, the expert knows if there is any.

Just look at Li Tianyu's movements, every step is in place, lifting the weight lightly, as if this tea planting set has become a part of his body.

Li Tianyu's movements are stretched, smooth, and not restricted to external forms, just like dancing.

It can be described in one word, and that is "impeccable."

Everyone saw their eyes straight, but Li Tianyu was so proficient in tea art at a young age, even more proficient than the teahouse master.

No, it should be described as "elegant", which is more appropriate.

Even Qin Shengjie, who wanted to ridicule, opened his mouth wide and couldn't say a word.

Qin Xuetong looked at Li Tianyu and seemed to have an incredible expression.

Then, the fragrance of tea permeated, and the whole box seemed to be turned into a fairyland.

Qin Yuenian couldn't help but sigh: "Absolutely."

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