Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 161 What is it like to live in the sky? (For subscription)

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There are also a lot of cars parked in the open-air parking lot, which occupy about seven or eighty-eight positions. Li Tianyu took a visual inspection and found that Quante is a luxury car.

Needless to say what Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, there are even many Maybach, Punch, Rolls Royce.

At a glance, there are almost no cars under 500,000.

At this time, Hua Meng Zhizun had just opened, and these wealthy people had come to see the house.

Li Tianyu looked up at the building again, and sighed again, it was too high.

In the past, there was no concept of a one-hundred-story building at all, but now it is quite shocking to see it up close.

The name "Hua Meng Zhi Zun" is not a fool. This building is designed by Gu Zun.

Of course, it is a very huge respect.

Today's sun is a bit poisonous, Li Tianyu looked dizzy, and quickly gathered his mind and started looking for a sales office.

Found it soon.

The sales office is in the side building.

For such a large and luxurious project, the sales office must be decorated in a magnificent manner.

As soon as Li Tianyu entered, he felt a sense of exquisiteness and luxury.

It is not a gorgeous decoration style, this kind of luxury comes from the creation of atmosphere.

The ceiling is very high, almost all visible places are marble, and embossed decoration, just like a palace.

The lobby is very large, so it seems that there are not many people, but in fact there are still many customers who come to see the house.

Moreover, the sales staff here are really not average, and they are almost all beautiful women in professional wear.

Li Tianyu was looking around, and a beautiful salesperson greeted him.

"Mr., are you here to see the office building?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "I heard that you are open for sale here, I'll come over and take a look."

Beauty sales reached out: "Sir, your last name."

Li Tianyu shook her hand, but did not use the ability of the "intelligence master".

The freshness has passed.

Although this ability is strong, Li Tianyu is not always necessary to use it.

"I am Mr. Lee."

Beauty Sales handed Li Tianyu a business card: "Hello, my name is Yao Li, this is my business card, you can call me Xiao Yao."

Li Tianyu nodded and put away the business card.

Yao Li is very young, very beautiful, small and exquisite, she should be a southern girl, she should have just started working.

Yao Li: "Mr. Li, please follow me."

Li Tianyu followed Yao Li to the rest area, and then asked him to sit down.

Yao Li: "Mr. Li, do you want coffee or juice?"

Li Tianyu: "Coffee bar."

Yao Li brought a cup of coffee, and put the sugar milk carefully as requested by Li Tianyu.

Then Yao Li said to Li Tianyu: "Wait a minute, I will get you a copy of the information."

Li Tianyu nodded, then looked at Yao Li's slim figure in a daze.

It feels good now.

Now Li Tianyu is wearing a business card and a famous watch, and he is also a proper way of the rich. Of course Yao Li is very attentive.

It's just that, like Li Tianyu, there are still relatively few people who come here alone. Most of them come together.

This is also normal. Even if you have a wealth of large projects, you will definitely need to shed your skin when you buy them. Naturally, you need to consult with reliable people.

At this moment, a voice rang from the side.

It was a man, and he was not too young.

And Li Tianyu is very familiar with this voice, he must have heard it.

Li Tianyu looked back and found that he was an acquaintance.

It is Wu Guoqiang, the boss of Yuntian Technology.

Of course, he is also Li Tianyu's former boss and the big boss.

What is Wu Guoqiang doing here?

Is that still necessary?

Look at the office building.

It seems that the charm of Hua Meng Zhizun is so great that a boss like Wu Guoqiang can't sit still.

Wu Guoqiang didn't come alone either. There was a man and a woman beside him. Li Tianyu had never seen him. It seemed that he was not too young. They were all 40 or 50 years old. I don't know who they were.

In fact, this man and woman are married.

The male's name is Du Huaishan and the female's name is Luo Jin.

These two people have a lot of backgrounds, it can be said that they are rich members and partners of Wu Guoqiang.

Of course, Wu Guoqiang not only has Yunguang Technology, but also several companies, and the couple also participates behind them.

Wu Guoqiang also saw Li Tianyu, and he was immediately stunned, how could he have thought of seeing him here again.

Wu Guoqiang: "What are you doing here?"

Li Tianyu didn't stand up, but smiled and said, "I'm here to see the house?"

Wu Guoqiang: "Look at the house? Do you know where this is?"

Although Li Tianyu has changed a lot now, from dress to temperament has been completely new.

The degree of transformation is as great as changing from a beggar to a noble son.

Wu Guoqiang is not a fool, as long as he is careful enough, he can definitely see this difference.

However, Wu Guoqiang did not adapt to this change. In his mind, Li Tianyu was just a former company employee with some cleverness.

Li Tianyu shouldn't have come to places like the sales department of Huameng Zhizun.

Li Tianyu: "I know, Hua Meng Zhizun sales department."

Wu Guoqiang frowned, just about to speak, but was interrupted by Du Huaishan: "Old Wu, who is he? Have a holiday with you?"

Only then did Wu Guoqiang come back to his senses, thinking about what to do with such a small person, maybe he came here to cool off.

Wu Guoqiang: "He is a former employee of the company, it's nothing, let's go there, I will call my Weiwei sales."

With that, the three people went to the other side of the rest area.

Li Tianyu shook his head, not paying attention to Wu Guoqiang at all, and continued to drink coffee there and watch mobile news.

After a while, Yao Li came over, holding some books.

She sat opposite Li Tianyu and handed the booklet to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu took a look. It was a color leaflet of Huameng Zun. There was not much text, mostly pictures.

However, the above are all real pictures, not the renderings made out.

At this point, the sales department of Huameng Zhizun is full of confidence.

Yao Li started to introduce at this time: "Mr. Li, I will give you a brief introduction to the project, can I?"

Li Tianyu nodded.

Yao Li: "Our Huameng Zun project is located in the prime area of ​​the Imperial Capital, which is the International Trade Area, with obvious advantages..."

Yao Li's introduction is very detailed, methodical and logical, and should have received professional training.

Li Tianyu wasn't too troublesome, and almost listened to it.

It mainly introduces the advantages of Huameng Zhizun, in short, there are the following aspects.

First, the location is good, the international trade area, this is beyond doubt.

The second is the outstanding design, which is jointly designed by multiple domestic and foreign design teams.

Thirdly, it is the world's largest amount of steel, combined with the design of Niubi, has the world's strongest earthquake and fire resistance.


chapter 2

After patiently waiting for Yao Li to finish the introduction, Li Tianyu still asked his most concerned questions.

"I want to ask, which floors are we selling now?"

Yao Li took out a form and handed it to Li Tianyu: "These green floors are on sale, mainly on floors 15-35."

Li Tianyu was startled, "Are higher floors not for sale now?"

Yao Li: "Sorry, some floors have not been refurbished yet, so they will not be sold for the time being."

Li Tianyu knew that this was just a sales rhetoric.

Most of the high floors have been renovated, but they will not be sold out for the time being.

The basic principle of office sales is to first sell the floors that are not easy to sell, and to leave the most popular floors behind for sale.

The 15-35 floors are a bit too low for a commercial building with a ground floor of 108 floors.

However, Li Tianyu didn't plan to spend real money to buy it today, it doesn't matter.

Seeing that Li Tianyu hadn't spoken for a long time, Yao Li thought he was hesitating, and quickly said: "Mr. Li, do you need me to take you to take a look on the spot?"

Of course Li Tianyu said "OK".

He just wanted to see the situation and see what the top office building in this country looks like.

Yao Li took Li Tianyu out of the sales department and walked towards the main building of Huameng Zhizun.

At this time, Li Tianyu happened to see that the three Wu Guoqiang, under the guidance of another salesperson, also went to the main building and went to see the house on the spot.

Wu Guoqiang's group was in front and did not see Li Tianyu and Yao Li.

Anyway, it depends on each, the well water is not flooded with river water.

After entering the legend of the Chinese Dream, Li Tianyu has finally seen what a high-tech, modern business building is.

The whole building is quite transparent.

The steel frame supports the five-hundred-meter-long mansion like ribs, a bit like a raised bird's nest.

Between the skeletons are all glass curtain walls, and no concrete can be seen, so the sense of transparency is so strong.

However, the sunlight will not make people feel very hot, because the material of this glass curtain wall is heat-insulated and translucent.

Yao Li was still introducing as she walked.

"There are as many as 96 high-speed elevators in the building, and there are more than 30 on the first floor, leading to different floors."

Having said that, the two entered one of them.

Yao Li: "Mr. Li, which floor do you want to see?"

Li Tianyu answered without hesitation: "Thirty-five floors."

It is indeed a high-speed elevator, so fast, it only took a few seconds to reach the thirty-fifth floor.

Yao Li took Li Tianyu's office area for a good tour.

I have to admit that it really exceeded Li Tianyu's expectations.

It is hard to imagine what kind of company can work in such a luxurious and stylish office building.

Yao Li looks very professional and is still introducing.

"The building is equipped with the latest ecological ventilation system, which has the function of automatically adjusting the temperature, which is energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and will not cause air-conditioning diseases."

"There are more than a dozen restaurants, large and small, in the building. In order to ensure the quality of catering, they are all operated by the building."

"For every thirty floors, there will be one floor for public leisure areas, which are designed according to the standard floor park."

Hearing this, Li Tianyu was somewhat interested, so Yao Li asked Yao Li to take him to the so-called "public leisure area".

The nearest public recreation area is on the 30th floor and will be here soon.

As soon as Li Tianyu entered, it really opened his eyes.

Except for the corridors, almost the entire floor is a park.

Inside is a greenhouse, planted with various trees, and also arranged with streams, rocks, and even fish and shrimps in the streams.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Li Tianyu still felt a breeze.

It's so cool here!

At this moment, the sound of music sounded from Yao Li's cell phone.

Yao Li said "I'm sorry" and walked aside to answer the phone.

At this time, Li Tianyu wondered, should he see how high taxes are needed for office buildings here?

Look, of course.

Li Tianyu whispered.

Then I opened the system interface, entered the order center, and I saw a series of tax items.


[Office building name]: Hua Meng Zhi Zun

[Office location]: East Third Ring Road CBD

[Office floor]: 19108 floor Ranwen Novel

[Office area]: 3200 square meters

[Tax amount]: 2000000 yuan soft sister coin


[Office building name]: Hua Meng Zhi Zun

[Office location]: East Third Ring Road CBD

[Office floor]: 22108 floors

[Office building area]: 1000 square meters

[Tax amount]: 1020000 yuan soft sister coin


[Office building name]: Hua Meng Zhi Zun

[Office location]: East Third Ring Road CBD

[Office floor]: 19108 floors

[Office building area]: 1200 square meters

[Tax amount]: 1050,000 yuan soft sister coin


[Office building name]: Hua Meng Zhi Zun

[Office location]: East Third Ring Road CBD

[Office floor]: 21108 floors

[Office area]: 900 square meters

[Tax amount]: 850,000 yuan soft sister coin


Li Tianyu took a rough look and found that these taxes were astonishingly high.

Even the 900 square meter office building, the tax amount has reached 850,000!

And that's the lower floor of the 21st floor.

To know that a super high-rise office building like this, the higher the floor, the greater the value.

Floors 2-30 are so expensive, let alone more than 100 floors, it must be a sky-high price!

Li Tianyu even suspects that the office buildings on higher floors are not for sale.

At this moment, Li Tianyu randomly refreshed it again, and there were also several tax items for the office building of Huameng Zun.

Suddenly, Li Tianyu saw an "extremely special" entry.

[Office building name]: Hua Meng Zhi Zun

[Office location]: East Third Ring Road CBD

[Office floor]: 101108 floor

[Office building area]: 1000 square meters

[Tax amount]: 2850000 yuan soft sister coin

It’s strange, isn’t it said that all sales are now on the 15th-35th floor?

Why is there a 101-story office building listed?

However, this tax payment is really high enough, and it has reached a small three million. If it is real money, it must be a sky-high price.


Section 3

At this time, Yao Li came back after the call.

Yao Li: "Mr. Li, do you still need me to show you where?"

Li Tianyu: "By the way, I want to ask. I heard that the 101st floor office building is also on sale. Is there such a thing?"

Yao Li was stunned: ", how did you know?"

Li Tianyu felt strange: "What's the secret? Is there anything I can't tell?"

Yao Li: "It's not impossible to say that the 101st floor is the only high-level sales now, but it is only for... VIP customers."

Li Tianyu: "VIP guest?"

Li Tianyu also roughly understood.

Even if the people who come to see the house in Huamengzhizun are rich people, the sellers are also divided into three or six grades.

The so-called VIP guests are those top VIPs.

These people not only have money, but also have a certain social status.

Yao Li added: “However, there is no discount on the 101st floor. The price itself is very high. The price/performance ratio is not as good as that of the publicly sold floors..."

This is just sales talk. It must be much better on the 101st floor, otherwise there will be no VIP guests rushing to ask for it.

Suddenly, Li Tianyu's inspiration flashed.

Yao Li mentioned the term "discount" just now, which reminded him of an important thing.

Li Tianyu remembered that he also faced high taxes when he obtained the "intelligence master" ability, but the system gave him a discount.

At that time, the system also told Li Tianyu that there was a discount opportunity for each level.

At that time, Li Tianyu was still at the "rookie" level, but now he has been upgraded to a "gentleman".

In other words, Li Tianyu can now request a tax discount!

However, after all, there is only one discount opportunity for each level, which is very precious. Li Tianyu hesitated to use it at this time.

Yao Li saw Li Tianyu in a daze, so she called him again.

"Mr. Lee?"

Li Tianyu came back to his senses: "...Well, can you take me to the 101st floor to have a look?"

Yao Li was startled: "But according to the regulations, you must be a VIP customer to go up and see..."

Li Tianyu: "VIP shouldn't be written on your customers' foreheads? Am I a VIP customer? Who can tell?"

Yao Li was right after thinking about it.

In fact, it is only possible to bring VIP customers to the 101st floor, which is very imaginary.

Many salesmen will take acquaintances up to take a look at them, opening their eyes.

But now the sales department does not allow public publicity, most customers do not know that they can visit the 101st floor, so fewer people go up.

Yao Li hesitated for a while, and agreed to take Li Tianyu upstairs, but it shouldn't be too long.

Li Tianyu nodded, he just wanted to go up to see the situation, is it worth using the tax discount opportunity once per level.

Yao Li took Li Tianyu to another elevator.

Yao Li told Li Tianyu that the elevators here can directly lead to the 80th floor of the building.

When I entered the straight cabin, it was really different from the one I took just now. The decoration was more luxurious and the area was more spacious.

This elevator can also be used for viewing, the other side is transparent brown glass, you can see the landscape outside the building.

With the rapid climb of the elevator, the entire Guomao area was under the nose and gradually disappeared.

This is really going to heaven.

After a while, the elevator finally stopped and the 101st floor arrived.

The layout here is different from that of the lower floors, it looks better and more transparent.

Floors, ceilings, walls, and glass curtain walls have been carefully carved and decorated to make them more luxurious.

Yao Li took Li Tianyu to the writing room on one side. At first glance, he didn't think much, but when he looked down the French window.

Oh my god, it feels like stepping on Yunxiao.

Yao Li smiled and said, "Mr. Li, what do you think?"

Li Tianyu: "I think I have become Monkey King."

Yao Li: "Then don't make trouble in the palace."

Li Tianyu looked to the other side, where there was a door.

"What's in there?"

Yao Li: "There, it's actually a suite."

Li Tianyu: "Suite? Isn't this an office building?"

Yao Li took Li Tianyu and opened the door. It turned out to be a corridor. The corridor was not long, and there was another door at the end.

Open that door, it is really a suite.

This suite separates the living room, bathroom, open kitchen, and is equipped with various furniture and household appliances.

However, the area is not too large, probably about 100%.

But this suite is one of the most impressive, that is, all the floor-to-ceiling windows.

It's too bright.

Sitting here, looking out the window, there is a small view of the mountains...No, it feels like a king over the world.

Li Tianyu licked his lips, very envious.

Yao Li started another professional introduction.

"Here is a junior suite presented to customers. The area is about 95 square meters. There are two bedrooms. There is a dedicated elevator to the suite. There is no need to go through the office area, so privacy can be guaranteed."

"Up from the 80th floor, there are two public rest floors. In addition to the ecological park configuration just seen on the lower floor, there are also facilities such as gymnasiums, swimming pools, and high-end restaurants."

Li Tianyu: "Then what is the selling price of this 101-story office building?"

Yao Li: "The 101st floor is divided into five business office areas, each area is about 1,000 square meters, each equipped with a junior suite, the price of each office area is about... more than 300 million."

Li Tianyu had been mentally prepared for a long time, but he was secretly shocked when he heard such a sky-high price.

But when I look back and think carefully, the price is actually not high in the Imperial Capital, only more than 300,000 per square meter, and a super high-rise small suite is also included.

On the 101st floor, in the palace of more than 500 meters high...

More than three billion, worth having.

What's more, Li Tianyu doesn't need 300 million at all.

Open the system interface directly, enter the order center, refresh the button, and find this tax information on the 101st floor.

"System, I want to use tax discount opportunities."

[System Assistant]: Understand, the tax will be recalculated, please refresh and check.

Li Tianyu refreshed the list and felt happy. After the tax discount, it changed from RMB 2.85 million to RMB 285,000.

The discount is huge.

Li Tianyu quickly clicked on the entry to confirm the tax.

account information

285000 soft sister coins-deduction successful

Real Estate Information

Huamengzhizun 1000 square meter office building-success

Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

The dust settled.

And looking at the asset information, there is no deduction for the number of houses.

This shows that the super high-rise small suites donated are not included in the real estate quota.

This 1000 square meter office building is priceless, and it is bound to be leased at a good price!

Li Tianyu was imagining happily, but he heard Yao Li's voice again.

"Mr. Li, we should go down now, or we won't be able to say anything when we meet a colleague later..."

Li Tianyu said "Oh": "Okay, let's go down first."

Anyway, Li Tianyu could immediately come up as he pleases.

At this moment, the voice of conversation came not far away.

When Li Tianyu heard it, one of the voices was Wu Guoqiang, who had just met.

"I said, Xiao Zhang, the price is still a bit high, are you sure there is no discount on the 101st floor?"

"Mr. Wu, how dare I lie to you, there is really no room for discounts, not at all, you don’t know. Now that the price is caught up with the national policy limit, the price itself is not too high. , Just boast."

"Loss? You really can be joking. I'm not a friend who hasn't been a real estate agent. I believe that I have lost money in other places, but it is absolutely impossible for the Imperial City."

The voice was getting closer and closer, it should be coming over here.


I saw a book friend saying that the author is slow to update, but it’s really not

Each chapter has been lengthened in recent days, and one chapter is basically equivalent to the two chapters before the shelves

This chapter is longer, equivalent to three chapters

There is something today, only this chapter, strive for more tomorrow

I hope you will support the author and try to follow up the order. Thank you.

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