Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 167 This guy is an evil god (super chapter, please subscribe)

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Let alone Li Tianyu's identity-Aihua Real Estate Planner.

The president personally appointed.

Although Qian Zhao took the class, he had never been in the class, but if he had this position, these people would surely have to confess.

It doesn't matter if there are one or two who are not stingy or long-eyed.

Are you a fool?He Li Tianyu can move out at any time.

Needless to say, Ai Baoquan, the spire of the Aihua Real Estate Pyramid, just to get Yang An out is enough for them to drink a pot.

Just then, the sign-in started.

This community is not small. It is divided into two districts, one hundred small multi-storey houses, and at least 10,000 households after careful calculation.

However, the "Household Requisition and Resettlement Understanding Paper" was distributed into several distribution points, and each distribution point stipulated the scope of the building number. The order on the scene was good, but it was carried out in an orderly manner.

Although Li Tianyu's three houses are in three buildings, he needs to run two distribution points. Fortunately, his parents, Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping, can act separately.

About an hour later, the three "Understanding Papers for Household Requisition and Resettlement" were collected.

Ye Cuiping and Li Guohua were very happy looking at the paper.

Because it says that the resettlement housing is really compensated at 1:1.5.

Li Tianyu's three houses can add up to 400 square meters, so it can be divided into several houses!

Ye Cuiping: "Oh, it's beautiful now, Xiaoyu, didn't you say you want to get a big house for your grandparents? This time it will definitely work!"

Li Tianyu nodded and replied, carefully scanning the three clear papers, one by one.

His face gradually darkened.

Li Guohua looked at something wrong and couldn't help asking: "Are there any errors in the statistics above?"

Li Tianyu sighed: "These guys are dark enough, and only paid 2,000 yuan per square meter."

Li Guohua was startled: "Can I give more of the basic compensation?"

Li Tianyu: "Only for the decoration of our three houses, only 2,000 yuan per flat was given. That's for the begging!"

When Ye Cuiping heard it, she felt that it made sense, and she echoed: "It is said that although there are resettlement houses, the decoration of those three houses is so good, 2000 yuan is indeed too cheap."

Having said that, Ye Cuiping's voice became louder: "No, we have to talk to someone from the demolition office!"

Li Guohua's temperament was not so fierce. He hesitated and said, "Or, let's ask others first to see what their basic compensation is?"

Ye Cuiping: "Old Li, you are stupid! Are their decorations comparable to ours!?"

Ye Cuiping is very comprehensive. Although the demolition office does not disclose the judgment standard, the compensation is indeed related to the decoration.

However, this standard is completely equivalent to no.

If you have nothing to do with them, no matter how well your home is decorated, they can also be said to be simple decoration.

If it does matter, it will be different. No matter how bad the decoration is, the person in the demolition office can tell you it is fine decoration or luxurious decoration.

They were the judges anyway, they made a mistake, and they still judged behind closed doors. No one knows how to judge.

It is not just a matter of basic compensation, but also the allocation location of resettlement houses.

The name of the community is "Chengxi Jiayuan".

Damn it!Li Tianyu really wants to know the talents of this community in a moment.

It's really simple and clear, and people can understand it at the first hearing, this is especially a suburban community, and it is the kind of LOW to violent broken residential area.

At this time, the staff of the demolition office next to it shouted with a loudspeaker: "Look carefully, if there is no problem, sign the words at the sign-off office and hand it in."

Someone nearby shouted: "What does it mean to sign on this?"

Staff: "It means that you understand what is on the paper, you know."

The staff also said: "If you can sign, you can sign early. Whoever signs early can choose the apartment type and floor early."

Li Tianyu shook his head, this staff member is really sloppy.

I'm afraid I signed this clear paper, and it's useless to talk to them.

Because at the end of this understanding paper, Li Tianyu saw a rather inconspicuous line of text, to the effect that he signed it, which was equivalent to agreeing to the above compensation plan.

That's a thief!

However, most people didn't care, thinking that it was enough to get to know the staff as they said, so they looked for places to sign.

After all, the demolition is eager, and I signed it early.

Floors and apartment types are very important. If a good house is robbed, what a big loss!

Of course, there are also some people who are more "stingy" and more cautious. They are worried that there is something tricky, so they want to talk more with the staff and ask them clearly.

Li Tianyu didn't want to be so passive, so he walked up to the staff member and got straight to the point.

"I don't quite understand this understanding paper. Can I talk to your demolition office?"

The staff member looked at Li Tianyu a few times: "What do you don't understand? Isn't it written very clearly?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "I'm stupid and don't understand. Tell me, the basic compensation is 2,000 yuan. Is it the same for everyone?"

The staff member stagnated, hesitated, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Li Tianyu again.

Li Tianyu: "My buddy, you'd better let the person in charge come and explain to me that if you do your job, you have said the wrong thing, but you have to bear the responsibility..."

Li Tianyu's words were not hurried, but his tone was very strong.

And it can be seen from Li Tianyu's manners that this guy is not a fool.

The staff member was really bluffed for a while.

"Then...that's OK, wait for me here."

With that said, the staff member entered the community service center and should have gone to ask the leader for instructions.

In fact, the people in the demolition office should have been prepared for this kind of thing.

It is quite normal for demolition to encounter "stabs" and nail households. At this time, we must do ideological work.

After a while, the staff member came out and let Li Tianyu's family in.

The three of them entered the office of the demolition office, and one of them approached them.

It is Liang Yihua who wears glasses.

Liang Yihua was also stunned when he saw Li Tianyu, as if he didn't expect the thorn to be this kid.

"It's you, come with me."

Liang Yihua led the way and led them to a room.

The layout here is very simple, with only tables, chairs and benches, and two laptops on the table.

Apart from Liang Yihua, there was a person sitting.

The man looked a lot older than Liang Yihua, with a square face and a bit of a leadership style. He was probably one of the people in charge here.

The man stood up and reached out to shake hands with Li Tianyu.

Liang Yihua introduced next: "This is Director Xu."

Li Tianyu also introduced himself with a smile: "Hello Director Xu, my name is Li Tianyu, and my parents are also up."

Director Xu laughed and said, "Hello, hello."

At this time, Li Tianyu had obtained Director Xu's basic information through the "intelligence master".


chapter 2

Xu Fangzhi was actually a person sent by Aihua Real Estate to take charge of the relocation.

Aihua Real Estate has its own requisition department, which specializes in solving problems encountered during demolition and promoting the process of project relocation.

And this Xu Fangzhi is actually the backbone of the department. Although he is not a department manager, his level is quite high.

However, Xu Fang traveled all over the country for many years and rarely returned to the headquarters, so he did not meet Li Tianyu when he became a planner.

At this time, Xu Fang showed a gentle smile on his face and asked Li Tianyu's family of three to sit down, and then he personally poured tea for the three.

Li Tianyu knows that these are all negotiation skills. This person has an old fox, otherwise he would not sit in this position.

Xu Fangzhi: "I heard, do you have any questions about understanding the content on the paper?"

Li Tianyu: "There are indeed doubts, and there are still many questions."

Xu Fangzhi's expression did not change, and he already had a judgment about Li Tianyu in his heart-he was more anxious.

Li Tianyu was more direct than he thought, it can be said to be straightforward.

Xu Fangzhi has met many people, and there is no shortage of impatient.

This kind of person is easy to deal with, as long as he insists, he has nothing to do.

Xu Fangzhi: "Then if you have any questions, please mention them and I will answer them for you."

Li Tianyu looked at Xu Fangzhi and smiled.

This smile made Xu Fangzhi a little uncomfortable, as if his mind was seen through.

Li Tianyu: "That's it. I heard... the basic compensation, that is, the unit price per square meter is set at three levels. Is that the case?"

Ye Cuiping and Li Guohua listened to them with surprise expressions.

Ye Cuiping: "There are three levels? What do you mean?"

Li Guohua: "It turned out to be like this, which means that some give more, some give less!"

Xu Fangzhi's expression changed, and he immediately relaxed again: "Where did you hear the gossip?"

Li Tianyu: "The source of the news is confidential, but absolutely reliable. I think Director Xu should know it better than me."

Xu Fangzhi is not a fool. Seeing that Li Tianyu's expression is so determined, he knew that he couldn't be fooled, so he had to say, "Yes, it is divided into three levels."

Li Tianyu: "Then Director Xu, can you tell me more specifically, how much are these three gears and how they are divided?"

Xu Fangzhi laughed and said haha, "Brother, it's not that I don't want to say it, it's because this is the standard for internal judgment and cannot be passed on."

Li Tianyu knew that Xu Fangzhi didn't want to leave others behind.

If you think of dripping, there can be no definite answer.

Li Tianyu: "Can't be spread? Then how did I know?"

Seeing Xu Fangzhi wanting to speak, Li Tianyu stretched out his hand to stop him: "Director Xu, or let me talk about it, you see if what I said is right, okay?"

Xu Fangzhi did not speak. He felt very bad, as if Li Tianyu had taken the initiative all of a sudden, and he was led by his nose.

Just listen to Li Tianyu said: "The compensation unit prices for the third gear are 2000 yuan, 3000 yuan, and 4000 yuan."

Ye Cuiping was startled: "So much difference? Really!?"

Xu Fangzhi was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Liang Yihua.

Liang Yihua was not much better, his face was stunned.

You can see from the expressions of these two people, Li Tianyu is right.

Li Tianyu went on to say: "Moreover, how are these three gears judged? It's a bit ridiculous to say it is based on the decoration standard."

Liang Yihua couldn't help saying: "Where did you hear it?"

Li Tianyu: "Don't worry about where I heard it, don't you dare to say it's not like this here?"

Xu Fangzhi waved his hand to Liang Yihua: "Brother, I don't care where you know it from, I just want to ask you, do you have any questions about understanding the content of the paper? Or, what are you dissatisfied with?"

"Let's just say it if we have something to say, don't talk about the useless."

Li Tianyu was very happy: "Dr Xu, you have asked the point. I just want to ask, why are my three houses classified as the lowest grade, and the basic compensation per square meter is only 2000 yuan? "

Xu Fangzhi chuckled, "Because your three houses... are simple decorations."

Ye Cuiping couldn't help but wanted to curse, but was stopped by Li Tianyu.

Don't be anxious on this occasion.

The more anxious, the more passive.

Li Tianyu: "How do you evaluate the decoration of a house?"

"In addition, as far as I know, there are two allocation plans for resettlement houses, one is in the suburbs, which is what the west homes are written on here, and the other is relocation in place. How is this allocated?"

Liang Yihua: "Relocate in situ? You even know this? Let me tell you clearly. Only three buildings are relocated in situ, and there are only more than 500 households in total. Most people have to go to their homes in the west of the city."

The requisition involves more than 10,000 households, and only more than 500 households can enter the original site to relocate buildings.

Only five percent.

Li Tianming: "What are the evaluation criteria? How were these 500-odd households selected?"

Liang Yihua was speechless for a while.

Li Tianming: "It's not always selected by you guys?"

Xu Fangzhi still chuckled: "We naturally have our evaluation criteria, and this cannot be told to non-inside personnel."

Next, Li Tianyu's words made Xu Fangzhi unable to laugh.

Li Tianyu: "I'm not a non-internal person."

Xu Fangzhi: "What do you mean? The demolished households are non-internal personnel."

Li Tianyu: "Although I am a demolition household, I am also an employee of Aihua Real Estate. Can't I say that I am not an insider?" Hot search novel



Not only Xu Fangzhi, Liang Yihua is also from Aihua Real Estate.

Both of them were taken aback.

How would they think that in the demolished community in Yanyun City, there are actually employees of Aihua Real Estate.

Although Yanyun City does have a subsidiary company of Aihua Real Estate Group and a small number of staff on site, Xu Fangzhi is very clear about these people.

Even if there is, they still don't know at all, how is this possible?

More importantly, how did this kid named Li Tianyu know that Xu Fangzhi is from Aihua Real Estate?

Although Aihua Real Estate led the relocation this time, the local government came forward to the outside world.

People who don't know can't think of Aihua Real Estate.

Judging from Li Tianyu's expression, he not only knew, but also knew very clearly.

Xu Fangzhi: "Then, which department do you work for?"

Li Tianyu: "I am the president."

Xu Fangzhi and Liang Yihua looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Ye Cuiping looked at it and was quite upset: "What do you mean? What's so funny? My son works in Aihua Real Estate."

Xu Fang waved his hand: "Auntie, don't worry, don't we have to be sure."

Xu Fangzhi turned his head to look at Li Tianyu again: "You said you work for the CEO? Then you often see your boss?"


Section 3

Li Tianyu: "Of course."

Xu Fangzhi: "What is the name of the boss?"

Li Tianyu: "Ai Baoquan, President of Aihua Group, are there any questions?"

This is not surprising.

Even if he is not an employee of Aihua Group, as long as he has a little common sense in the real estate industry, he knows Ai Baoquan.

Xu Fangzhi: "Even if you know Mr. Ai, it can't prove that you are working at Aihua Real Estate. Tell me about your job number."

Li Tianyu shook his head: "I don't have a job number."

Liang Yihua couldn't help but said, "There is no job number? What a joke, if you are really in the company, how can you not have a job number?"

Xu Fangzhi also squinted his eyes and said: "You pretend to be an employee of Aihua Group. We have the right to hold you accountable."

Li Tianyu was annoyed, and didn't want to talk nonsense with these two people, so he took out his mobile phone directly.

"I have President Ai's number here, Director Xu, do you want to talk to him directly?"

Xu Fangzhi was startled.

Ai Baoquan's call?

Ai Baoquan is such a big man, he will not give others mobile phone numbers casually.

Is this person really the person who runs the president?

Or is he just fooling people?

Even Xu Fangzhi had difficulty making judgments about Li Tianyu.

Xu Fangzhi didn't have Ai Baoquan's phone at all, and he couldn't tell the truth from the number.

Can't Li Tianyu really make a call to Ai Baoquan?

If this mobile phone number is real, isn't Xu Fangzhi trying to die?

Xu Fangzhi licked his lips: "What is your purpose?"

Li Tianyu: "Director Xu, let's stop going around in circles. It's not interesting. I'll just tell you directly. I only have two conditions."

"First, the unit price of the basic compensation, I want the highest grade, which is 4000 yuan in soft RMB."

"If you have seen the decoration of my three houses, you should know that my request is not excessive at all, it is reasonable."

"Second, the resettlement house must be resettled in the relocation building here."

Li Tianyu: "These two conditions are not excessive, right?"

Liang Yihua's eyes widened: "This is not too much!?"

Xu Fangzhi: "The first condition, we can meet you as appropriate, but we need to send someone to your three houses to see if the decoration really meets the regulations."

Li Tianyu: "Yes, what about the second condition?"

Xu Fangzhi: "The second requirement... Frankly speaking, the quota for moving back to the building is now full, so there is no way to meet your requirements."

Li Tianyu: "It's full? I ask you, how did these five hundred households be selected?"

Xu Fang was speechless for a while.

This kind of thing cannot be said explicitly.

In such a good location, the quota has long been allocated by relevant internal personnel.

Must be demolished households?

Nothing, as long as there is a relationship.

Xu Fang said categorically: "Even if you are really an employee of Aihua Real Estate, there is no way to arrange for you to move back to the relocation building. There is no need to mention this.

"However, I can guarantee that in Chengxi Jiayuan, the best house will be arranged for you, how about it?"

how about it?

Of course not so much.

Who is Lao Tzu who will be fooled by shrimp soldiers like you?

Li Tianyu snorted and dialed Ai Baoquan's mobile phone number directly.

Xu Fangzhi's eyes widened, thinking that this kid really beat President Ai?

But will Ai always pick it up?

President Ai is very busy, so how can I take care of the company's employees?

Even if he is really the president, it is impossible!

Who knows, it didn't take long after I dialed out that the phone was connected.

Li Tianyu: "Hey, Mr. Ai, are you busy?"

"Oh, it's nothing big, but it's also quite annoying. It has something to do with Aihua Real Estate Group!"

"Remember what I told you about the demolition and relocation, right?... Yes, I'm on the scene. I didn't expect it to be a project led by Aihua Real Estate."

"...That means, as an employee and planner of our Aihua Real Estate, I don't want to give preferential policies. Why don't I act according to the rules?"

"That's right, not only gave me the lowest level of basic compensation, but also allocated my resettlement house to the wasteland where birds do not shit. I wanted to move back to the building, but they said that the quota was full! How full the quota is, there is no guarantee!"

"Mr. Ai, I was so angry that I was bleeding. Are you going to care about it?"

"...This person's surname is Xu, okay, I'll turn on the speakerphone, you can tell him."

Xu Fang looked at him, looking at this momentum...

Li Tianyu will click on the hands-free button and put it on the table.

Ai Baoquan's deep voice came from the phone, and it also carried a thunderous tone.

"Who is the person in charge? Say your name!"

Xu Fangzhi was taken aback. He had seen Ai Baoquan and remembered this voice.

It is indeed Mr. Ai!

Xu Fangzhi: "I...My name is Xu Fangzhi. I belong to the Relocation Affairs Department. Mr. Ai, I..."

Ai Baoquan: "What are you!? Do you want to do it!?"

"I'm telling you! Li Tianyu's words are mine, so you can solve his problem to me quickly!"

"If you can't solve it today, you will go directly to the headquarters tomorrow to complete the resignation procedures!"

Xu Fangzhi was stunned by the scathing scolding.

His mind was blank now, as if it had been short-circuited.

Liang Yihua was shocked to hear it beside him.

Who is Li Tianyu?Actually let Mr. Ai say such a thing.

That status must not be low.

But Liang Yihua also went back to the headquarters quite a lot, but he had never seen this person.

This is not to blame Liang Yihua thinking.

Li Tianyu always said he was a planner, but he just put a name on him, and he has never been to the headquarters several times.

Properly mysterious legend.

At this moment, Ai Baoquan did not hear a response, and yelled again: "Xu Fangzhi! Did you hear that!?"

Xu Fangzhi shivered, and quickly said: "I heard, President Ai, I heard, Li... President Li's business is my business, I, I will do it well, please rest assured."

Ai Baoquan: "That's all right, you treat Brother Li well, and then let me hear bad things, I will let your entire working group get out of here! Don't keep one!"

Xu Fangzhi can only say "yes, yes, yes" continuously.

When Ai Baoquan hung up and Xu Fangzhi looked at Li Tianyu more importantly, he felt unfathomable.

How big is the background for Ai Baoquan to call "Brother Li".

Ai Baoquan's roar made Xu Fang stay silent.

As for Li Tianyu's parents, the more they listened, the more comfortable they were. The unhappiness of being treated unfairly just now completely disappeared.


Section 4

Li Tianyu put away his mobile phone: "Director Xu, then we can have a formal and good talk, right?"

There was sweat on Xu Fang's forehead, and he quickly smiled: "Mr. Xu, look at what you said, what else is going on, don't worry, we unconditionally meet your two conditions! We will not be sloppy!"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Well, but I want to mention one more condition, I don't know if it's okay?"

Xu Fang sat up straight and said, "Okay! No matter how many conditions are available, please mention it. As long as we can do it, we will do it. If we can't do it, we must find a way to do it!"

Xu Fangzhi, who was still like a smiling tiger just now, has completely turned into a pug.

The speed of this change is staggering.

Liang Yihua was next to her, her mouth wide open, and her chin was about to fall to the ground. He had never seen Xu Fangzhi put such an attitude towards others.

At this time, Li Tianyu thought about it and said: "This house is going to be demolished. I wonder if the company has arranged a temporary resettlement house?"

After Xu Fang listened, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, President Li, this is too simple. Aihua Real Estate has several projects in Yanyun. The vacated house can be used by you."

Li Tianyu: "Then I will mention a few more conditions for the temporary resettlement housing, okay?"

Xu Fangzhi: "Okay, just mention it."

Li Tianyu: "First, convenient transportation, preferably near the city center."

Xu Fangzhi nodded first, and then said to Liang Yihua: "Xiao Liang, why are you in a daze? Remember!"

"Oh! Oh! Okay!"

Liang Yihua quickly took out the small notebook and started to remember with a pen.

While memorizing it, I also read: "The location is good, the city center..."

Li Tianyu was very satisfied with the attitude of these two people and began to talk about his conditions.

"There must be an elevator, and the floor should not be too high or too low."

"The layout of the house should be good, and it is best to have a transparent north-south. Elderly people like it. If there is no one, then it should be all south-facing. Ming kitchen and bathroom."

"Of course, the house should be as big as possible, preferably more than one hundred square meters, so that the house is spacious."

After Liang Yihua finished his memorization, Li Tianyu said again: "As far as these conditions are concerned, try your best to make arrangements."

Xu Fang nodded eagerly: "Yes, you can rest assured that we will definitely meet these conditions."

Li Tianyu stood up, and took the initiative to reach out and shook Xu Fangzhi and Liang Yihua.

"Okay, you can contact me if you have anything, as for this form..."

With that said, Li Tianyu glanced at the "Clearance Paper for Household Requisition and Relocation" placed on the table.

It stands to reason that it should be printed again and Li Tianyu signed again, so that it is foolproof.

Xu Fangzhi: "Mr. Li, you don't have to worry about it. Someone will arrange it. When the time comes, we will send you a backup receipt."

Now that Xu Fangzhi said so, Li Tianyu was relieved.

When Li Tianyu's family left the relocation office, Xu Fangzhi slumped in a chair.

Liang Yihua endured and endured, still asking aloud: "Director Xu, who is this Li Tianyu?"

Xu Fang replied irresponsibly: "This is an evil god..."

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