Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 172 Buying Empty Shells and Building Advanced Factory

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Peng Jianbai was a little angry. After so many years of hard work, he had saved such a large family property. Xie Xiangdong said that it was like a pile of rubbish, not worth mentioning.

Peng Jianbai: "Why is it so awkward when I listen to you. Although the scale of the factory I set up is not large, it is not comparable to a small workshop. It is also a bit famous in the circle. Why is it that no one wants it? "

"I'm telling you, yesterday there were two friends from the south who said they wanted to come and have a look."

Xie Xiangdong smiled: "Lao Peng, don't fool me, even if someone really comes to see it, it's probably curiosity to let them buy it for real money? That's impossible, they are not fools!"

At this time, Xie Tao said: "Uncle Peng, don't like to hear what I said. Our circle is not big. If you ask a little bit, you will know your Jiaxin's situation. You really can't sell it."

The reason why Xie Xiangdong wanted to buy was mainly because of the land used by the enterprise and the production procedures.

In the past, the Langzhou Economic Development Zone gave many preferential policies to attract investors to set up businesses here, such as providing free land for enterprises for 30 years and tax exemption for production and business activities for 20 years.

Today, these policies have long been cancelled.

Xie's Technology Group, run by Xie Xiangdong, has the same land area as Peng Jianbai's Jiaxin Company.

Now Xie Xiangdong is already full of factories, and if you want to expand later, there is no place for you in the development zone.

If Jiaxin can be acquired here, the big problem will be solved.

Peng Jianbo regretted that all his bowels came out.

A few years ago, I should listen to Lu Hui and spend money to update the production line.

Why did Peng Jianbai refuse before?

First, I think it is expensive. To update all the production lines to the latest machinery and equipment, it cost 30 to 40 million.

The second is that there is not much need. At that time there were still a lot of orders and the work could not be finished. Why do we need to spend a lot of money to buy new equipment?

And to update the production line, it needs to stop work for debugging, which is costly and laborious.

Now Peng Jianbai has paid the price for his shortness and shortness at the time. The competitors who were once incomparable all rode on his neck to pull SHI.

To be honest, the operating conditions of Xie's Technology Group in the past few years are not much different from Jiaxin.

But in the past two years, Xie's Technology Group has renewed nearly half of its production lines, so it gradually grabbed all orders.

From this point of view, Xie Xiangdong's vision is much higher than Peng Jianbai.

Peng Jianbai is angry, what can he do if he is not happy?

The Xie family's father and son spoke bad words, but there was no problem.

It's not like ten years ago.

Investors are more willing to invest in projects such as finance and the Internet, and are not keen on entities.

Jiaxin is a mess again. It is really difficult to transfer it out in a short time.

Xie Xiangdong saw that Peng Jianbai was not talking, and he said with a smile: "If you don't, you can think about it for a few days, then contact me, let's talk again."

With that, Xie Xiangdong stood up and was about to leave.

Just listen to Peng Jianbai asking: "Xie Xiangdong, I want to sell for 30 million, can't you make it?"

Xie Xiangdong stopped and shook his head: "Lao Peng, what do we have to say, you sell for 30 million, unless the money is not worth it, you can't sell it in this life."

Peng Jianbai's face flushed red, endured and endured, "Then how much do you want to pay?"

Xie Xiangdong didn't speak, just extended a finger.

Peng Jianbo's expression changed: "You only want to spend ten million? Are you crazy? Ten million wants to buy such a large-scale production enterprise?"

Xie Xiangdong laughed: "Lao Peng, there can be no more, what kind of a manufacturing company are you? Your equipment, now no one wants to sell scrap iron, too heavy!"

Xie Tao: "Uncle Peng, 10 million is already a lot. Even if someone wants to buy it, they may not be able to give you 10 million. With this money, you can make a comeback. It's better than letting Jiaxin suck in his hands. "

Xie Tao's words once again hit Peng Jianbai's weakness.

He was really reluctant to sell this production-oriented enterprise for 10 million, after all, it was his years of hard work.

However, if you don't sell it now, you won't be able to sell it in the future.

There are fewer and fewer orders now. After producing this batch of goods, it is likely to face the dilemma of stoppage, and the workers can only be laid off.

Don't say ten million at that time, I'm afraid no one wants five million.

Xie Xiangdong knew that Peng Jianbai had been shaken, so he sat back again: "Old Peng, don’t hesitate anymore, time is waiting for no one, you don’t know that, in our business, the cash flow is very tight, ten million , I did my best to get it together."

Xie Xiangdong's trick is very powerful, it is called both soft and hard.

Let me talk a bunch of cruel words to attack Peng Jianbo, so that he loses confidence in himself and Jiaxin Technology Co., Ltd.

Of course, he should not be forced to submit.

Now Xie Xiangdong would say some soft words. Anyhow, he could give Peng Jianbai a step down and make him feel more comfortable.

It really worked.

Peng Jianbai's expression is no longer as firm as before, and there are already signs of submission.

Xie Xiangdong knew that this matter could be settled today.

Just as Peng Jianbai was about to speak, he saw the door of the opposite meeting room opened.

He was startled: "I didn't expect someone to come over this weekend."

It's Lu Hui.

After he came out of the conference room, he said to Peng Jianbo: "Peng, can I go in?"

Peng Jianbai nodded: "Xiao Lu, come in."

The door of the office has not been closed just now, and Lu Hui should have heard it all in the conference room.

It doesn't matter, the company has already reached this point anyway, and there is nothing to let others know.

What's more, Lu Hui is the backbone of the company and a great hero. If the company is transferred, he should be told why.

Xie Xiangdong smiled. For Lu Hui, he has always been thinking about soliciting.

This person has strong professional skills, flexible brains, and clever vision. He is a rare talent.

Xie Xiangdong had previously found an opportunity to suggest that Lu Hui could move to their Xie's Technology Group and double his salary.

But Lu Hui didn't know how to promote, and always ignored Xie Xiangdong's kindness.

I'm all right now. I bought this company directly to see who is more embarrassed.

Xie Xiangdong smiled and said, "Yeah, Xiao Lu, so you are here. Have you heard everything we said?"

Lu Hui: "Yes, I heard it all."

Xie Xiangdong: "Then what do you think?"

Lu Hui: "How can I feel?"

Xie Xiangdong: "I don't mean anything else. I just want you to rest assured that if I buy Jiaxin, you can stay here and continue working."

Lu Hui did not respond to Xie Xiangdong, but turned around and said to Peng Jianbai: "Peng, I received a friend just now. He said that he is also interested in Jiaxin, and would like to talk to you."

When Peng Jianbai heard this, he couldn't help standing up: "He is here?"

Lu Hui: "Yes, he is in the conference room."

Peng Jianbai glanced at Xie Xiangdong.

Xie Xiangdong still squinted his eyes: "It's okay, Lao Peng, let him in, let's talk together."

Xie Xiangdong didn't believe it anymore, who would be interested in Jiaxin's empty shell.

Even if a fool wants it, it is impossible to pay too much.

Everyone is a veteran. Whether it is a real intended customer or not can be known in a few words.

Lu Hui turned around and went to the conference room to call out.

Two people came in, it was Li Tianyu and Wang Liang.

In the conference room, they had listened comprehensively and carefully to the conversation between Peng Jianbai and the Xie family.

It had nothing to do with them, but Li Tianyu suddenly told Lu Hui his thoughts.

Lu Hui was startled after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, Li Tianyu also wanted to buy Jiaxin Technology Co., Ltd.

No wonder Wang Liang brought Li Tianyu over today, because it turned out to be stepping on.

However, Wang Liang was also very innocent. He did vaguely guess that Li Tianyu had this idea, but he didn't expect to be so decisive that he had to make a decision all at once.Ziwei Novel

I just don't know, how much will Li Tianyu pay to buy this manufacturing company?

And, why does he want to buy here?

Xie Xiangdong is right. Although Jiaxin Company is not a shell company, it is not far from a shell company.

Of course Li Tianyu's intentions, "mortals" would not understand.

What about the shell company?

All he wants is a shell.

As long as there is land, factory buildings, and employees, that's enough.

As for those production line equipment, advanced technology machines and the like, Li Tianyu can completely handle it with the system.

If you can't make a bullshit, then make a few more.

Those machines can always be fully equipped.

This is not super high-tech machinery and equipment, and it will not exceed the 500,000 tax limit for the "gentleman" level.

As long as the shell can be successfully bought, Li Tianyu can quickly build an advanced electronic product processing factory.

There is a more important point.

Because Li Tianyu bought the factory directly with his own money, he would not occupy the system's industrial quota.

It's the best of both worlds!

Li Tianyu admired his ingenuity more and more, and almost kneeled to himself.

As for how much profit this production company can make?Will it lose money?

Li Tianyu is not worried at all.

There are factory buildings and office buildings. Production equipment can be "obtained at low prices" from the system, and even the production materials can be solved by the system in the future.

The only major cost is the wages of employees.

There is no reason to lose money.

The only question is, what is the profit margin?

How fast can you make money?

These can be left for later study.

Now, Li Tianyu is ready to quickly take down this production enterprise.

When I saw Li Tianyu, Peng Jianbai was a little disappointed.

How much money can such young people have to buy a factory?

Even if his family has money, I'm afraid he can't be the master, right?

But anyway, one more person, one more choice.

Peng Jianbai asked Li Tianyu and others to sit down.

Tea will be exempted, and polite will be exempted.

At this time, it is best to go directly to the topic.

Peng Jianbai: "How do you call this?"

Li Tianyu: "My last name is Li."

Peng Jianbai: "Mr. Li, are you interested in my business?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, or I wouldn't come over to talk."

Xie Tao couldn't help but said, "Man, do you know how much it costs to buy a factory?"

Li Tianyu: "How do I know, this needs to be discussed."

Xie Xiangdong chuckled, "Little brother, I've already talked with Mr. Peng just now. I'm going to spend 10 million to buy this factory."

Lu Hui turned to look at Li Tianyu.

He was a little nervous and didn't know how much Li Tianyu could pay.

To be honest, Lu Hui really didn't want Jiaxin to be acquired by Xie Xiangdong.

It's not how loyal Lu Hui is, but Xie Xiangdong, who has a poor reputation in the circle.

It is a trivial matter to deduct wages and force workers to work long hours without paying overtime.

A few years ago, a worker was injured at work and was admitted to the hospital. Xie's Technology Group didn't even report the medical expenses, and expelled the worker afterwards.

If Xie Xiangdong became the boss here, Lu Hui decided to leave immediately.,

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "Well, Mr. Peng, I will pay out 15 million."

"What, what!?"

The expressions of the Xie family's father and son changed, and Li Tianyu unexpectedly took a stand.

Xie Xiangdong: "Brother Li, I have been in business for so many years, and I have never seen such a casual decision-making. Do you really understand the business of electronics production?"

Li Tianyu: "I don't understand, but it doesn't prevent me from making a decision."

Xie Xiangdong was speechless for a while, this kid is really shameless!The cards are played out of common sense.

Xie Xiangdong turned to Peng Jianbo again: "Old Peng, this kid obviously doesn't understand anything. You'd better think clearly too, don't be fooled by others."

Peng Jianbai: "It is better to be cheated by others than by you."

But to be honest, Peng Jianbai was really hesitant.

This young man is willing to pay 15 million, which is really not easy.

But it's still a bit small. After all, Peng Jianbai wants to sell for 30 million.

Besides, can he really pay it off?Do you still have to go through the loan process?

Peng Jianbai is short of money, he can't afford it.

Peng Jianbai: "Mr. Li, how do you pay if I agree?"

Li Tianyu: "I promise to pay in one lump sum."

When everyone heard this, they were all shocked.

Never thought that Li Tianyu was so rich and powerful.

That's 15 million!Not 1,500 yuan!

However, Peng Jianbai is still very entangled, always feel that there is something else.

After a long time, Peng Jianbai said: "Or else, let me think about it for two days. I, I will give you an answer as soon as possible. Is this okay?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "18 million."



"real or fake!?"

Everyone looked at Li Tianyu in surprise, some staring, some opening their mouths, and some sweating.

What kind of show operation is this?

I have never seen such a business talk!

This is too simple and rude!

Don't use money as money!

Peng Jianbai swallowed: "Mr. Li, are you want to buy Jiaxin for 18 million?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, pay in one lump sum and never delay."

Xie Xiangdong is going crazy, wondering where this servant came from, it's so annoying!

I saw Peng Jianbai finally sighed, stood up and shook hands with Li Tianyu: "Deal!"

Xie Tao didn't want to give up, so he said quickly, "Uncle Peng, think about it again. Is he a liar?"

Peng Jianbai waved his hand: "Xiao Lu, send these two unrelated people away, and I will have a good chat with Mr. Li."

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