Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 192 To be a boss requires hard power!

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Shi Ming pushed away from the crowd and came to Lu Hui: "Director Lu, has the boss come? He will be messy if he doesn't come."

Lu Hui pointed to the young man beside him: "He is the boss."

Shi Ming showed a stunned look: "Huh? He is?"

Li Tianyu smiled and took the initiative to shake hands: "Hello, this is Li Tianyu, I just took over Jiaxin Electronics."

Shi Ming recovered, and shook his hand quickly.

However, there was a whisper in his hand, it turns out that Peng Jianbai really sold the business to a young man.

Isn't this young man really going to lay off all the workers like Song Guang said?

Shi Ming and Lu Hui have a very good relationship.

At this moment, he pulled Lu Hui aside and whispered his concerns.

Lu Hui couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this: "What do you think, how can it be such a thing."

Shi Ming: "Don't lay off workers?"

Lu Hui: "No decision."

Shi Ming believed Lu Hui's words.

Shi Ming: "Fuck! Song Guang, the bastard, is here to spread rumors!"

Lu Hui was startled: "Are you from Xie's Technology?"

Shi Ming: "Yes, Song Guang is not the only one here, but he has the most fun."

Lu Hui immediately pulled Shi Ming to Li Tianyu's side and asked him to truthfully tell the rumor made by Song Guang.

After Li Tianyu listened, he didn't think much.

This kind of thing had long been his expectation.

Lu Hui: "Boss, what should I do?"

Li Tianyu: "It doesn't matter. Let's just announce some according to the negotiated. It's you or me."

Lu Hui smiled: "Of course it's the best for you."

Li Tianyu: "Make arrangements."

Lu Hui immediately found someone to come over and whispered to him.

Then the man left.

Although Shi Ming didn't know what Lu Hui and the young boss were going to do, he had some countermeasures.

Shi Ming walked back and was immediately surrounded by Zhang Feng, Huang Dashu and others.

Zhang Feng: "Old Shi, what did Lu Hui tell you? Tell us about it."

Huang Dashu: "Yes, it also gives us a bottom line. Should we go to the Guo family?"

Shi Ming glared at Huang Dashu: "Fuck you! I want you to go! Anyway, I won't go!"

Huang Dashu was embarrassed, and just about to speak, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a large truck slowly approaching.

The rear bucket of this large truck is flat and is used to pull large cargo.

The van stopped in front of the crowd.

The workers were still talking about it, but they were stunned when they found the truck.

Don't understand what this is going to do.

Seeing that the young man who came with Lu Hui held up his hands, he turned on the flatbed.

Li Tianyu is condescending, majestic, and quite a general.

Lu Hui found an electronic amplifier from somewhere and handed it to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu turned on the switch, said something into the loudspeaker, and immediately heard a deafening voice: "Ah...ah..."

Lu Hui was so close, he covered his ears with discomfort, and then asked Li Tianyu for a loudspeaker.

Li Tianyu couldn't help but handed it back.

Lu Hui debugged it a few times, tried it, and passed it up again after confirming that it was correct.

Li Tianyu coughed slightly, and then he began to give a speech.

"Comrades! Dear brothers and sisters! I am your new boss, Li Tianyu!"

The audience was in an uproar before the words fell.

I didn't expect the new boss to be so young.

Seeing him like this, he doesn't seem to be a boss at all.

Song Guang laughed and said to the workers around him, "Did you see? This person is not reliable at all!"

Just listen to Li Tianyu starting to say.

"Today I would like to convey a few things to you. These few things are very important and are related to your future and your livelihood, so you must listen carefully!"

The audience fell silent, their eyes sparkling and curiosity arose.

"I know that everyone has doubts about me in this way, that my new boss is not very reliable, and there are some competitors with ulterior motives who come over to discredit me and make you quit."

Having said that, Li Tianyu looked around, and the workers couldn't help lowering their heads.

Song Guang sneered and murmured to himself: "Huh, bluffing, the guy who doesn't have the same hair, frighten anyone!"

Li Tianyu: "Here, I can tell you a few pieces of information first."

"First, anyone here thinks that Guo's Technology Group is better than Jiaxin, and you can leave at any time. Jiaxin will not stop you. If you leave today, you can leave today."

The audience was in an uproar, staring at each other, looking from left to right, silent and at a loss.

"Second, I can assure you that if you are willing to stay in Jiaxin, Jiaxin will treat you well, and will provide a new contract for salary increase and promotion based on your personal ability in the future."

The audience was in an uproar again, there was a lot of discussion, a little joy, and a skeptical expression, shaking his head in disbelief.

Li Tianyu: "Is there anyone in question here? You can tell."

Someone shouted: "What does it mean depends on individual ability? Who has the final say!? You are not writing a bad check, are you blind?"

It was Song Guang who shouted, this guy was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

But Song Guang did say what most people said.

Who can tell whether personal ability is high or low?

Li Tianyu raised the loudspeaker again and said loudly, "Do you believe in Lu Hui?"

Someone shouted: "Believe! He's pretty reliable, but does Lu Hui count?"

Li Tianyu: "In the future, Lu Hui will be the general manager of Jiaxin Electronic Technology Company. He will exercise the greatest management power and report directly to me! He will lead an evaluation team to fairly, openly and fairly set the abilities of all personnel in accordance with a certain Grades are used to determine salary and position."

The audience was a sensation, shocked, inexplicable, extremely happy, and complex.

Hearing what Li Tianyu said, the new boss will definitely not lay off staff, and some workers with outstanding ability can even get a raise or promotion.

However, some people are still happy and some are worried.

Those workers who mess around all day are probably going to have a hard time.

Shi Ming laughed: "Okay, I'm finally out of my head."

Shi Ming is a recognized technical master and his loyalty is also high.

But the previous supervisor kept pressing him, and a lot of credit was taken away.

This time Lu Hui is in power, he and Shi Ming have a good relationship, and should be able to fairly evaluate his abilities.

Shi Ming's spring has finally arrived.

Li Tianyu went on to say: "The third point, I now officially announce that, except for the necessary skilled workers, all other employees will be off for two weeks. The company will upgrade, install and debug all production lines in the factory. During this period, wages are paid according to the basic salary."

The audience was even more sensational.

Although I heard that the production line will be upgraded before, not many people believe it.

But Li Tianyu is the boss after all, and what he said is quite significant.

Most of the workers showed expressions of joy.

With the new production line and the command of a big business man like Lu Hui, orders will follow one after another, and there is no need to worry about the factory closing down.

Song Guang saw that the momentum was not good, and something must be done.

Turning his eyes twice, Song Guang immediately shouted: "How do you upgrade the production line and how much investment? Are you buying a new model of equipment? Do you know how much it will cost!?"

Li Tianyu did not respond to Song Guang, but shouted loudly: "Anyone who is near the gate will give in. The machinery and equipment will be delivered soon!"

After Lu Hui heard this, he was startled.

Is it here now?

impossible?That's too fast.

Many core machinery and equipment have to be ordered with manufacturers, and some more high-tech equipment is imported directly from abroad. It takes at least one month for transportation and customs clearance alone.

Of course, Lu Hui did not include these imported high-tech equipment in the production line upgrade during the two weeks.

However, just a few minutes after Li Tianyu shouted, a booming voice came from outside the factory yard.

The workers turned their heads and looked around, shocked and dumbfounded.

Some people even took a few steps back.

It turned out that a long queue of trucks was slowly driving into the factory compound.

The bodies of these trucks are almost all containers, and some of them are covered with rain cloth.

Leaving aside others, even Lu Hui showed an incredible expression.

He did ask Li Tianyu to order the equipment as soon as possible and send it to the factory for installation.

Li Tianyu was happy, and asked Lu Hui to arrange a holiday for the whole factory.

Lu Hui said at the time that even if he ordered the machine now, it would not be possible to deliver it so quickly, but Li Tianyu waved his hand and said that he would leave the rest to him.

Since the boss said so, Lu Hui can only do it, only when time is tight, but two weeks is probably enough.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of the "official announcement", these equipment trucks would arrive.

The trucks' containers were all printed with the manufacturer and machine model numbers. When Lu Hui saw the words clearly, he was even more surprised.

Also surprised, there are other more skilled technical supervisors and workers.

"Fuck! That's Mitsubishi's universal frequency conversion automatic platform F91! The second-hand ones cost three to five million!"

"F91? Really? That's the most advanced model! Isn't Mitsubishi restricted exports!?"

"Look, look, is it Schneider circuit breaker IC65N? Are we all going to get this kind of advanced stuff!?"

"What's that! Look at what is written behind!"

"Fuck! Siemens programmable control center computer! Isn't it true? I remember there are not many such things in China!?"

"Hey hey, look at the back, there is another behind, that is Omron's dust-free experimental workshop module! The real top equipment!"

Lu Hui was also looking at the text of the trucks behind one by one, dazzled and dumbfounded.

Unconsciously, all of Lu Hui's halal sons came out.

"Old, old, boss, imported equipment...all, all here?"

Li Tianyu laughed: "It's better to be earlier than later, it's time to come!"

Shi Ming was stared at first, but later he got more excited as he watched, and finally danced like a naughty child.

Looking at Song Guang again, he looked at his white hair and sweat. It is light to describe it as dumbfounded.

These are the latest imported equipment, and some of them cannot be obtained even if they are rich. Xie's Technology Group has no way to compare!

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