Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 196: A Wonderful Work in the Rich Second Generation

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!From the perspective of Liu Hui and Wang Wanping, the automatic door that had never been opened suddenly slid open to both sides, which inevitably frightened them.

At this time, the two people reacted, that Li Tianyu actually had the permission to enter.

Liu Hui: "Jerry, did you just say that you have to be at the senior management level, and people with an annual salary of one million can enter?"

Wang Wanping was startled: "This...maybe he borrowed the bracelet."

Wang Wanping seemed to spit out a lot of lemons, his mouth was full of sourness, even Liu Hui could smell it.

People who can borrow this kind of bracelet are probably not the ones who are waiting for a while, right?

At the same time, Li Tianyu entered the VIP area of ​​the gym.

Compared to the public fitness area outside, this place is more professional, all of which are compartments.

The items in the compartments are a bit the same, and some are different. There are roughly yoga, bodybuilding, aerobics, boxing, and Muay Thai.

And there is a private tutor, which can serve VIP members.

In addition, Li Tianyu saw a rest area inside, offering free coffee, juice and small desserts, and even various sandwiches and hot dogs.

Li Tianyu suddenly had a very thoughtful thought, and it would be nice to come here for breakfast.

There are really few people in the VIP area now, anyway, there are more private tutors than members.

There are only two types of these personal trainers, either beautiful or handsome.

Of course, Li Tianyu is only interested in personal education of beautiful women.

Li Tianyu turned around and came to the door of a training room with a sign saying "Yoga Body".

I have heard of yoga class and body class.

But Li Tianyu has never heard of yoga class.

Could it be something new?

With the door open, Li Tianyu walked in in such a wicked manner.

The beauty personal trainer here is named Chen Lu, she is very beautiful and her figure is perfect.

In addition, there are no other VIP members in this training room.

Chen Lu was using her laptop to sort out member information. When she heard the movement, she put down her work and greeted her.

"Sir, are you here for the first time?"

Li Tianyu looked around and looked around: "This...what is it called? Is it yoga or physical form? Maybe it's not suitable for men to practice?

Chen Lu smiled: "Of course it fits. I have many male members here."

While speaking, Chen Lu was also looking at Li Tianyu.

It's really rare for people like him to be able to enter the VIP area.

Li Tianyu: "Well, do you need to pay for it?"

Chen Lu: "We have free public classes for VIP members every day. Of course, if you still need private instruction, you need to pay."

Li Tianyu: "Private guidance? Just you and me?"

Chen Lu: "Of course, if you are interested in private instruction, you can give you an experience class."

Li Tianyu: "Okay, I would like to see how a man should practice his body."

Thus, Li Tianyu and Chen Lu started a unique yoga class.

Originally, Li Tianyu thought it would be like acting on TV, and he needed to writhe and roll around in yoga class, but he was wrong.

This is really different from yoga. In addition to writhing and rolling, you also need to jump up and down, and somersault.

It's a bit exaggerated. Anyway, the purpose is to integrate the characteristics of yoga, to train sitting and walking postures, to face other people's appearance, and to pretend to be criticized all the time.

The purpose of women is how to be elegant and show soft curves.

The purpose of men is to be handsome, to be handsome, and to leave no trace.

To be honest, Li Tianyu has no interest in this yoga class itself.

But in class, he inevitably received some physical friction and collisions from Coach Chen Lu, which made him feel that it was necessary to use the color next time.

Therefore, after the end of this free class, Li Tianyu graciously spent 10,000 yuan to buy a course of private instruction.

For such a neat local tyrant-level member, Chen Lu was of course respectful, arranged for the next class time, and sent out all the way.

After wandering in the Huameng Zhizun Mansion all morning, and finding a place to have lunch, Li Tianyu drove to the bar.

Li Tianyu can hardly remember the last time he came to the bar, anyway, he shook his hand at the shopkeeper very thoroughly.

However, with Guo Guang and Han Lei sitting in the battle, the bar is working well, and there is even a trend of getting better and better.

Li Tianyu pretended to "patrol" for a while, then sat on the bar chair again, and began to greet the bartenders to thrive.

Zhuang Xingwang was still wiping the cup when he heard Li Tianyu's voice and quickly came over: "Boss, what's your order?"

Li Tianyu: "Give me a glass of wine, make it delicious."

Zhuang Xingwang: "Okay,... By the way, boss, when shall we raise the salary?"

Li Tianyu: "If you grow up your sister, work hard, you will naturally rise, hurry up."

Zhuang Xingwang agreed and started to operate dazzlingly, and finally the finished product finally appeared.

Through the glass, you can see that the liquid underneath is the color of black and autumn, the more it goes up, the whiter it is, and the top is even similar to white beer foam.

Li Tianyu: "Xiao Zhuang, what the hell is this? Are you sure you won't die if you drink it?"

Zhuang Xingwang said with a vivid expression: "Boss, this is the result of my latest research. It's called the essence."

Li Tianyu: "Essence? It sounds a little dirty, but I don't have any hope for your name..."

With that said, Li Tianyu took a sip of the foam on it.


"Xiao Zhuang! What is this special? This is the essence of a fart, like stinky water!"

Zhuang Xingwang said mysteriously: "Boss, the above is called dross. The more you drink it, the better it tastes. The dark thing at the bottom is a mixture of whiskey and dark plum juice. It is nutritious, sweet and delicious. That's the essence...If you don't believe me, continue to drink it to make sure it will explode."

With that said, Zhuang Xingwang was still a little complacent.

Li Tianyu uttered "Oh", turned his head and shouted, "Lao Guo, Lao Guo, reduce Xiao Zhuang's salary by a bit. He currently has only the value of dross."

This really exploded!

Zhuang Xingwang rolled his eyes and confessed his mistake quickly when he said something nice, and almost knelt down to beg for mercy.

Li Tianyu glared at Zhuang Xingwang and said, "I've found out that the cocktail you created is not serious, so please give me a serious one!"

Zhuang Xingwang said, "Hey", if he was amnesty, he started to get busy.

The bartender tank flew up and down again, shaking left and right.

After a while, Zhuang Xingwang gave Li Tianyu a normal cocktail.

Li Tianyu was drinking while looking at his mobile phone, feeling a gust of wind.

Turning his head again, Li Tianyu found a fat man beside him.

Li Tianyu: "Ai Heping, do you have a dog nose? You came here as soon as I came back."

Ai Heping: "I'm not here to find you. I have come every day, every day."

Li Tianyu stood up, turned his head and left.

Ai Heping hurriedly took Li Tianyu's arm again: "Boss, don't tell me, how long have my brothers been there? Yin and Yang are separated, the sky is different, I think my brother is sick, let's talk hard."

Li Tianyu slapped him with a big slap, and Ai Heping hurriedly avoided.

The two sat down again.

Ai Heping snapped his fingers at Zhuang Xingwang: "Xiao Zhuang, come to a glass of wine." Novel website

Li Tianyu: "Don't you drive back? Still drinking!"

Ai Heping: "I came by subway."


Li Tianyu sprayed a sip of old wine directly on Ai Heping's face.

Zhuang Xingwang handed the tissue over, and Ai Heping wiped his face.

Li Tianyu: "Where is your big cow?"

Ai Heping waved his hand: "Don't talk about the big cow, all the cars in my house are locked by my parents and drove away. I can't even touch the steering wheel during this time."

Li Tianyu suddenly realized that Ai Heping has started to suffer again recently, and Ai Baoquan is rectifying him.

Li Tianyu: "Then why don't you come by taxi?"

Ai Heping was startled, like a sand sculpture.

This cargo obviously did not expect to take a taxi.

Li Tianyu: "Are you really a fighting chicken in the rich second generation, what about your brain!?"

Ai Heping smiled awkwardly: "Boss, let's not talk about these unimportant things, I am here this time to... find a time to invite you to dinner."

Li Tianyu swallowed, "Talking about people."

Ai Heping touched his head: "Boss, it's like this. Next week... Yes, there will be a small party in the circle next Saturday. There won't be many people, so I want you to come over and suppress me.

Li Tianyu: "Don't go."


Li Tianyu turned his head and took a look, shocked.

Ai Heping knelt there directly.

Damn it!This big weird flower!Is there such a rich second generation??

All the people around looked over, and then showed shocked expressions.

Li Tianyu couldn't laugh or cry: "You don't feel embarrassed, get up quickly."

Ai Heping resolutely replied: "Boss, if you do not agree, I will kneel here for the night today."

Who is the strength of this brown candy?

Li Tianyu is really helpless, he can't really let Ai Baoquan's son kneel here, right?

Anyhow, he is also the son of a real estate tycoon.

Golden knees, it won't work if you really wear off some scum.

"Okay, let's get up first and talk about what's going on."

Ai Heping just jumped up and started to talk endlessly.

In fact, the so-called "circle" is nothing more than a group of rich second generations.

Although this gathering was only a small group of the rich second generation of the Imperial Capital, many "heavyweights" gathered.

One of the most popular is Gu Junmai.

When Ai Heping said this, he showed a look of resentment: "The surname Gu is particularly disgusting. Whenever he comes to this kind of gathering, he will try to make me embarrassed!"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "... Ai Xiaoer, wait a moment, what's his name?"

Ai Heping: "Gu Junmai."

Li Tianyu thought for a while: "Why do I hear this name so familiar? I seem to have seen it before."

Ai Heping: "Hey, they just put money on themselves and called them the Fourth Young Master of the Imperial Capital. Gu Junmai is the one who can win you the most. It is very annoying."

Li Tianyu finally remembered that in the Fourth Young Master of the Imperial Capital, there was indeed a Gu Junmai named Gu.

I remember that Li Tianyu had a conflict with Gu Junmai's younger brother Luo Sanyang before, but fortunately, he was witty and confused.

Li Tianyu: "It's hard to handle. Who can't you provoke, why provoke the Fourth Young Master?"

Ai Heping: "Where did I mess with them? Actually, I can get along well with the other three young masters. Gu Junmai always cannot pee in the same pot with me."

Li Tianyu: "Why? You two have hatred?"

Ai Heping waved his hand: "How is it possible? I guess, he is always afraid that I will take his position."

Li Tianyu was startled: "The throne of one of the four youngest of the Imperial Capital?"

Ai Heping snapped his fingers: "Yeah."

Li Tianyu "cut" and said, "Just you? Gu Junmai thinks too much, right?"

Ai Heping became proud: "Boss, I am not bragging and criticizing. I am in our community, and that is a well-known figure. You have seen my little brothers. You have also seen them. They dare not say no to me Words."

Li Tianyu: "That's fine, you just need to kill with your little brother, what are you doing with me, a civilian?"

Ai Heping said with a bitter face: "They are really bad, unreliable, I can only rely on you."

Li Tianyu: "Forget it, I think more is worse than less. Since others can be called the Four Young Masters of the Imperial Capital, it means that there are some ways. If you are afraid of making a fool of yourself, can you just not go?"

Ai Heping: "That's not okay. If you don't go there, it would be tantamount to admitting counsel!"

Li Tianyu thought to himself, you are so scared now, do you still need to recognize it?

Ai Heping said: "Boss, I will definitely invite you to dinner when I turn around. I didn't spend much for the money you helped me make last time."

Li Tianyu was happy: "How much is left?"

Ai Heping stretched out two fingers: "Two hundred thousand."

Li Tianyu: "How much did you make before?"

Ai Heping stretched out two more fingers.

Nima!Earned two million at the beginning, but only a few days?It cost only one tenth left.

Li Tianyu sighed, "Okay, I will go if I have time."

Ai Heping was overjoyed: "Boss, don't worry, you must have time, don't you have such a plan, time or something, just squeeze."

To be honest, Li Tianyu really doesn't want to care about Ai Heping's bad things.

Their rich second generation circle is too complicated.

Like Gu Junmai, the four youngest ranks of the imperial capital should not be weak. If they pass by, it is easy to step on thunder.

However, the relationship between Li Tianyu, Ai Heping, and his father is no longer what it used to be, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is "a raccoon in the same place".

Regarding Ai Heping's affairs, it still has to be managed.

Not to mention Ai Heping himself, at least Ai Baoquan and Ai Heping's mother Zhao Ya also have to remember him as an adult, Li Tianyu.

Half-pushing and half-situating agreed, Ai Heping was quite happy, asking for wine again and again.

Li Tianyu suddenly thought of Yang An.

Before, he was thinking about asking Yang An if he was a suitable person to serve as a security guard. He missed it many times, so it is better to ask today.

Li Tianyu said, took out his mobile phone and dialed Yang An's number.

Yang An quickly picked it up.

Li Tianyu asked where he was.

Yang An said he was staying at home.

Li Tianyu: "Just right, you come to my bar, let's have a few drinks."

Yang An: "I'm sleeping."

Li Tianyu couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't be nonsense, when can't you sleep? Come here, I have something to ask you."

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