Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 215 This kid is too capable!

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Xu Zhongshi quickly wrote the quotation.

In addition to the purchase price of 83.5 thousand yuan, there is a purchase tax of about 65,000 yuan.

For large-displacement luxury cars, the purchase tax must also reflect the “ho”.

There are also some miscellaneous expenses, which add up to about 920,000 yuan.

Damn it!

This is really a millionaire car.

Upon seeing this list, Li Guohua looked straight.

It hurts too much. He wants to spend a small million to buy a car. This is too exaggerated. What's wrong?

Li Guohua: "Xiaoyu, let's think about it again, it's not a small amount of money."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Dad, what else are you thinking about? No problem."

Although Ye Cuiping's personality is relatively straightforward, she can't help but feel shocked when she sees such a "huge" car purchase.

But looking at Li Tianyu's expression, he was still calm, and gradually relieved his heart.

If the son dares to spend money, it means that he has made a lot of money and is capable.

Feng Changchun looked straight and licked his tongue.

If it is less than 500,000, then he can still afford it, but it is painful for a car of 800,000 to 900,000.

It is too expensive, completely beyond Feng Changchun's price ceiling.

Needless to say, Gao Hongli rolled her eyes.

She stared at Li Tianyu to see if this kid really dared to make a decision to book this car.

It's incredible.

This is not eighty-nine million, or eighty-nine million, but more than 900,000!

No matter how rich it is, it is impossible to buy Chinese cabbage.

Xu Zhongshi finished the list and handed it to Li Tianyu, with anticipation in his expression.

Imported cars have high prices and few discounts. Relatively speaking, the commission paid to sales after the transaction is also the highest.

Xu Zhongshi: "Sir, I suggest you take a loan. We have cooperation with several financial institutions. We have fast loan approval, low interest rate, low pressure, and a variety of combinations of plans. There will definitely be one suitable for you."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "We don't take loans."

Xu Zhongshi was stunned: "If you take a loan, we can apply for some concessions for you on the car purchase. If you don't take a loan, there will be no concessions."

Li Tianyu felt like hehe, again this kind of trick.

Some car 4S stores, including Mercedes-Benz, just want to allow customers to take out loans, and they are not happy to repay them.

Li Tianyu shook his head: "No, this little money is nothing. I don't need your discount on the three melons and two dates. I will pay the full amount directly and don't need a loan."

Xu Zhongshi hesitated: "This..."

Li Tianyu stood up: "Stop this and that. If you don't do it, I will leave."

When Xu Zhongshi heard this, he quickly stopped Li Tianyu: "Do it, I'll do it for you right away!"

With that said, Xu Zhongshi quickly got up to get the contract.

Originally, he wanted to earn more commission on commercial loans.

Who knows that this has encountered a big money.

This big order is about to run away, and you will regret it.

The contract was brought, and Xu Zhongshi handed the pen to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu pushed to his father Li Guohua.

"Dad, come and sign."

Li Guohua's hands were shaking with the pen.

He has only bought a car worth tens of thousands of dollars, and this change is a good one, and directly changed to a one million car.

The jump is a bit too big, this small heart is really a bit unbearable.

Under Li Tianyu's repeated urging, Li Guohua signed all the characters.

Then comes the payment link.

Ye Cuiping took out a bank card, where more than two million demolition funds were deposited.

Li Tianyu: "Keep the money in there first, and you can use it in case something happens."

Ye Cuiping and Li Guohua were both stunned.

What's wrong?Can't use the demolition funds?

I saw Li Tianyu took out his bank card and followed Xu Zhongshi directly to swipe the card.

Ye Cuiping glanced at Gao Hongli who was dumbfounded, and said with a smile: "My son is filial, so we don't need to pay at all. Everything is done."

Gao Hongli could only smile: "Yes, yes, really filial."

Ye Cuiping: "Hey, by the way, don't you and Lao Feng also want to buy it? How about you buy it together."

Gao Hongli looked at Feng Changchun, Feng Changchun sighed: "Let's talk about it later."

Originally Feng Changchun's heart was quite high, so he could mention a Mercedes-Benz GLC anyway.

Four to five million, which is a bit expensive, but acceptable.

But Li Guohua mentioned a GLE in a blink of an eye.

GLC is one letter short of GLE, but the difference between this car's grade is not small.

The gap between 900,000 and 400,000.

Li Guohua's new guy can top him two.

Moreover, Li Guohua's GLE is still an imported version, while GLC is made in China, which is totally two concepts.

Let alone the problem of compulsion, even this quality cannot be compared.

At this time, Li Tianyu had already returned.

Ye Cuiping: "Xiaoyu, how is it? Have you done it?" Jiu Sihaoshu website

Li Tianyu nodded: "It's done. The salesman has gone to help us with the procedures. After the procedures are completed, we can drive the car away."

When Li Guohua heard it, his eyes shone.

"So, is this car ours?"

Li Tianyu: "Of course, it must belong to our family. You can drive this car and take your mom for a drive when you turn around. That's a thief."

"Oh, yes!"

Li Guohua sat in the driving seat and felt the driving feeling of a luxury car, not to mention it, it was particularly sensational.

Li Guohua was reluctant to bear it just now, but now, he completely wished that he would drive away right away to get a better fit.

Li Guohua's excitement came up, and he waved to Feng Changchun to experience it.

Feng Changchun’s Harazi had dropped to the ground a long time ago, and he hurriedly stepped forward to pull Li Guohua aside, to experience what it was like in the main driving position.

Li Guohua had no choice but to take the passenger seat.

Turn left and right to see what storage spaces are in the compartment.

"Oh, the luxury of this car is really strong."

"The hand feel of this convenient plate is good, the gear handle is also good, it is really comfortable to hold."

"Heh, I like this large central control screen, so long and integrated..."

At this time, Li Tianyu had already brought the car key.

With that, Feng Changchun clicked the start button.

The moment the big screen lights up, it blinds the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of Feng Changchun and Li Guohua.

"Fuck! It's so cool! This is so exciting!"

"Old Li, how about you let me drive this car for two days, so I can enjoy it too."

Li Guohua laughed and said, "This can't be done, there is a saying, daughter-in-law and car, don't borrow it!"

Feng Changchun thought, does your son borrow money?

The service of the Mercedes-Benz 4S shop is also quite good, coffee and snacks are on offer, and a few people waiting here are quite comfortable.

Gao Hongli's psychological quality is quite strong. After being hit by Li Tianyu's heroic spirit, she quickly eased up.

But now she didn't dare to have any more thoughts of competing.

What are you kidding about, Li Tianyu's current posture, this style, if you say that the richest man in Yanyun City is believed to be.

In short, comparing this with him is just two words-"looking for shit".

Gao Hongli rolled her eyes and pulled Feng Changchun aside.

Feng Changchun was looking at the car with enthusiasm: "What are you doing, crazy..."

Gao Hongli gave a "tsk": "You know that you are watching the car, and you don't think about business."

Feng Changchun was startled: "What business is it?"

Gao Hongli lowered her voice and said, "Our Xiaolan, do you want to introduce her to Li Guohua's son?"

When Feng Changchun heard this, his eyes widened: "Are you crazy? Didn't Xiaolan have a target?"

Gao Hongli curled her lips: "That's different, eight years older than Xiaolan! Not much younger than you! I can see it now, it's not as good as Li Tianyu, the guy looks pleasing to the eye, and it's our Yanyun local Yes, and know the bottom line..."

Feng Changchun's bull's eyes glared again: "What did you do early!? I said at the time to let them meet, can you say otherwise, what did you say at the time, what did you say about it, and the conditions of his family? I don't like it."

Gao Hongli slapped Feng Changchun on the arm: "What are you doing? Be quiet! Who knows that Li Tianyu is so powerful now, at that time he really wasn't worthy of our Xiaolan!"

Feng Changchun "cut", "Then what's the use of regretting now? People might have an object."

Gao Hongli: "Where is it? I asked, there is no target!"

Feng Changchun is still reluctant: "Then you should ask Xiaolan first, how can you be? Xiaolan is getting along well with people, what are you tossing about!"

Then Feng Changchun added another sentence: "It's really long hair, short knowledge!"

Gao Hongli glared at Feng Changchun, but didn't say anything. Anyway, she started to work slowly.

The efficiency of this Mercedes-Benz 4S store is good.

After waiting for a while, Xu Zhongshi took all the formalities and materials to complete the handover.

Li Guohua happily picked it up, and then started to check in and out of the car.

No problem, he wants to drive away.

Xu Zhongshi stopped him: "Mr. Li, we still have to hold the car picking ceremony."

So, Li Guohua and Xu Zhongshi, the salesman, stood in front of the car beamingly and took a photo of Zhang Xiang, and he was playing rock music.

Finally the car can be driven away.

Li Guohua was sitting in the driver's seat, rubbing his hands in excitement, and then starting the ignition with one button.

Slowly drove out of the parking lot of the 4S shop.

At this moment, Ye Cuiping was sitting in the passenger seat, also quite excited, looking left and right, turning up and down.

Li Tianyu sat in the back seat.

As for Feng Changchun and Gao Hongli, they went to drive their own cars.

Originally, when the four people came, they opened Feng Changchun's old crown.

Originally, Feng Changchun thought about buying a car by himself. If Li Guohua didn't buy it, he would let him drive it back.

It's better now, I'd better drive this old car and leave by myself.

Li Guohua can be regarded as an old driver. After driving for a short distance, he fully adapted to this Mercedes-Benz GLE.

"Don't say it, a luxury car is a luxury car. It's easy to drive, quiet, and full of power. It's really exciting!"

"Call Xiaoli and Shi Feng over tonight, let's go out, I'll treat you!"

Ye Cuiping glared at her husband: "Are you a treat? Didn't you say that Xiaoyu's money was spent?"

Li Guohua: "I spend my own salary!"

With that said, Li Guohua was about to run happily, but Li Tianyu hurriedly stopped him.

"Dad, my car is still in front of the hotel!"

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