Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 218: Watching and Helping Later?

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!For Qin Xuetong, Li Tianyu felt that she was not bad.

More importantly, it looks really beautiful.

But what does Qin Xuetong's mother do?

There was no impression in Li Tianyu's mind.

Before, he used the ability of an "intelligence master" to "test" Qin Shaoyuan.

But at that time, I consciously obtained the situation of Qin Yuenian's father.

As for Qin Yuenian's eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law, Li Tianyu didn't have much income, but knew that Qin Xuetong's father Qin Sisong was a high-ranking official and worked in other provinces.

Wait, if Qin Sisong is a senior official, then his wife can do business and become the big boss?

In addition, Li Tianyu often sees the word "Zhu Yun" recently.

It seems to be a big jewelry company.

A large number of advertisements related to Zhu Yun can now be seen not only online, but also offline.

At present, Zhu Yun seems to be at home in China, not beating the old brands like Chow Tai Fook and Chow Sang Sang, even compared with Swarovski.

If Qin Xuetong's mother was Zhu Yun's big boss, it would be amazing, and she would be a big boss in the domestic jewelry industry.

However, what kind of business do these two people want to make with Qin Xuetong's mother?

Li Tianyu was really curious.

At this time, I heard those two people started talking again.

Bald man: "Old Xiao, what time is it? Why isn't she here yet? Isn't it just letting us dove out?"

Fat man: "Be safe, don't worry, it's not the appointed time yet. Such a big boss has a strong sense of time and will definitely not miss the appointment."

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong."

The two were talking, the door of COSTA cafe opened and a bell rang.

The fat man looked up and was a little excited: "Here, here comes."

Li Tianyu also glanced at the door, only to see a woman walk in.

At first glance, this woman's face really resembled Qin Xuetong.

It seems that this is Qin Xuetong's mother herself.

Her mother is tall and well maintained, even when she looks closely, she doesn't know her true age.

He has a good face and outstanding temperament. He shows a very strong aristocracy in every gesture. Obviously he is not ordinary.

Said to be Zhu Yun's big boss, it seems there is no difference.

Li Tianyu was right. This is Qin Xuetong's mother, Zhou Xirong, the boss of Zhu Yun Jewelry.

Of course, such a big person as Zhou Xirong did not come alone, and there were two people behind him.

One is female and the other is male.

The woman was very young, in her twenties, named Lu Min, who was Zhou Xirong's assistant.

The man's name is Tian Ji, he seems to be quite young, wearing small glasses, and looks like an old-time intellectual.

Anyway, this man named Tian Ji is definitely not a bodyguard. With that small body, Li Tianyu hits him ten times like a little chicken.

If you are not a bodyguard, you must be a so-called expert.

It's just that Li Tianyu still doesn't know exactly what kind of expert Tian Ji is.

At this time, the fat and bald men stood up after seeing Zhou Xirong.

Zhou Xirong immediately understood, and brought two people to the opposite of the second man.

The fat man immediately stretched out his hand: "Ms. Zhou, I am Xiao Qiming, and this is my partner named Mao Yunyi."

Zhou Xirong didn't take a stand, and directly shook hands with the fat man Xiao Qiming.

A few people sat down.

The fat man immediately signaled Mao Yunyi to buy coffee.

Zhou Xirong stopped the two of them: "Mr. Xiao, just let my assistant go."

I don't know when, Lu Min had been to the front desk and was ordering coffee with the waiter.

Xiao Qiming smiled: "It's really not as well known as seeing each other. Ms. Zhou is indeed a great person, and she is worthy of the four words of talent and appearance."

Mao Yunyi nodded: "Yes, yeah, you are not an ordinary woman at first sight."

Xiao Qiming pressed Mao Yun with his elbow and said, "What are you talking about? This is not an ordinary person, including women."

Mao Yunyi: "Yes, yes! It's my stupid mouth!"

Zhou Xirong's expression did not change: "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Mao, you have to see me, isn't it just to say these things?"

Xiao Qiming said "Oh": "Of course not, we are indeed here for business."

Zhou Xirong: "That's OK, then let's get into business."

Xiao Qiming: "No problem, Maozi, get things out."

Mao Yunyi let out a "hey" and immediately turned around and searched for it in the bag beside him.

That bag is quite special. It is a yellow canvas bag with zipper from the 1980s and 1990s.

That's a nostalgia.

The bag was so big that Mao Yunyi spent a long time in it, and finally took out something.

The thing was wrapped in newspapers, it looked casual, but it was wrapped thickly, indicating that he cherished it quite a bit.

At this time, Lu Min had brought five large cups of vanilla latte, and had already added sugar in advance.

After giving everyone a good deal, Lu Min sat down quietly.

Li Tianyu was watching the situation over there while drinking coffee.

He was rather curious about what was in the newspaper.

No matter what it is, it is not small, it is about the size of a football.

Moreover, the thing is not light, like a stone.

Mao Yunyi and Xiao Qiming worked together to open the newspaper outside.

Open one floor, then another, and then another. Four or five floors were opened, finally revealing the stuff inside.

It turned out that it was really a stone.

Li Tianyu suddenly understood.

This is a rough stone.

Li Tianyu is not an insider, just guessing that it is either a rough jade stone or a rough gem stone.

Anyway, it must have nothing to do with jewelry and jade.

After all, Zhu Yun is a jewellery company, which makes luxuries like jewelry.

These two men must have used this rough stone to cheat Zhou Xirong's money.

Of course, it is not easy to lie to such a big boss.

At least the appearance of this rough stone must be quite good.

Sure enough, the stone opened the window.

The so-called "opening a window" is actually like buying a watermelon. You can open a hole in the outer skin of the rough stone to see what's going on inside.

And the "window" of this rough stone showed a green area.

Reflecting the sunlight coming from the window of the coffee shop, even reflecting the green light.

It's both gratifying and dazzling.

When Zhou Xirong, who was still serious, saw this green, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he was obviously surprised.

Even laymen like Li Tianyu know that this rough stone is absolutely the best.

At least it seems so.90 look at the novel

Zhou Xirong finally smiled: "No wonder you must see me, it turns out that there is such a baby."

Xiao Qiming and Mao Yunyi looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other's eyes.

"Big Fish" really took the bait.

It’s no wonder that as long as you are in the jewelry industry, as long as you see such rough stones, you must be very excited.

Because the green that comes out of the window is the so-called "Emperor Green"!

Zhou Xirong: "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Mao, where did you get this stone?"

Xiao Qiming smiled: "Let me tell you, this is something from my brother Maozi's house."

Zhou Xirong was startled: "What's at home? What do you mean?"

Mao Yunyi said, "It's the stone that used to press the pickle jar in our house..."

The two of you told me the "ins and outs" of the matter.

It turned out that Xiao Qiming usually likes to play rock betting, has won and lost, and is considered a senior player.

And Mao Yunyi, who lives in a small village in a remote mountainous area, is a farmer who works all day long.

Mao Yunyi's clothes now can indeed confirm this, anyway, it exudes a strong local atmosphere.

In fact, Xiao Qiming and Mao Yunyi are hometowns or distant relatives.

Mao Yunyi: "He is the nephew of my mother's aunt's third uncle's second sister-in-law."

Listening to the headache, Zhou Xirong waved her hand to let them talk down.

It has been more than ten years since Xiao Qiming left his hometown to go out and wander around, and occasionally he would go back and have a look during Chinese New Year.

Just a month ago, Xiao Qiming went to Mao Yunyi's house as a guest, and happened to see this big stone in the pickle jar.

Xiao Qiming pointed to the stone and said excitedly: "When I looked at the outer skin of the stone, I felt something was wrong. The color was very abnormal. This is not an ordinary mountain rock at all, but a rough stone."

When Zhou Xirong heard this, she took a sip of coffee and said flatly, "So, you are an expert?"

Xiao Qiming: "Hehe, it's not an expert, but I often play this and I still have basic vision."

Xiao Qiming saw this stone and wanted to buy it from Mao Yun.

But Mao Yunyi is more stubborn. This stone has been used in his pickle jar for many years. Why should he sell it?

Zhou Xirong: "He doesn't sell it because you don't pay enough money."

Xiao Qiming shook his head: "That's not true. My brother is not stupid. He won't sell if the money goes out. If it goes out, he starts to doubt again."

Mao Yunyi: "Yes, why did he spend so much money on my stone? There must be some doorway in it!"

Zhou Xirong: "So you just said it?"

Xiao Qiming: "Of course I said, Ming people don't do secret things, and I am not a liar, so I told him my thoughts directly, so we opened a window and wanted to see the situation inside."

"No, it really didn't disappoint me, this time it's a baby."

"Zhou, you can also see that this is definitely not an ordinary green jade, it is the best ice jade, and it is also an emperor green!"

After saying this, Xiao Qiming and Mao Yunyi fell silent.

With big eyes and small eyes, it depends on how Zhou Xirong reacted.

Of course Zhou Xirong would not believe these two people so easily.

She pondered for a moment, then turned to Tian Ji and said, "Tian teacher, look at this stone."

Teacher Tian is of course referring to Tian Ji. He is Zhou Xirong's "Queen Expert".

Tian Ji let out a "hey" and took out some tools from his carry-on bag.

Strong flashlight, and magnifying glass.

These two things are used to identify rough jadeite.

An expert is an expert, and Tian Ji's movements are called a profession.

First, I used a flashlight on the outer skin of the rough stone. I saw almost every piece of it, especially the green piece. I looked at it again and again, very seriously.

I watched it for ten minutes.

During this time, other people just watched, no one spoke, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

Finally, Tian Ji put down the flashlight.

Mao Yunyi was about to speak, but saw Tian Ji pick up the magnifying glass again.

He pointed the magnifying glass at the green again and looked at it for seventeen or eighteen minutes, during which time he kept shining with a flashlight.

Li Tianyu couldn't help it, and went out to the toilet.

Come back and have a look.

Damn it!

This frog is still watching.

Brother, if you keep looking like this, we won't have to do anything this afternoon.

Finally, Tian Ji put down the magnifying glass and the bright flashlight.

Mao Yunyi clutched his chest and said, "What, how? Isn't it a good thing?"

Tian Ji did not answer, but looked at Zhou Xirong.

Zhou Xirong: "It's okay, Teacher Tian, ​​just say it directly."

Tian Ji nodded: "This is indeed a good stone, and judging from the light transmittance of the outer skin, the jade inside will not be too small, and the integrity is good. I think I can ask for it."

Zhou Xirong: "If you just want it, then it's not necessary."

Tian Ji was stunned, and quickly explained: "It's the best grade, the best ice seed, the emperor green is undoubtedly."

Zhou Xirong nodded, her face was calm and calm.

Li Tianyu secretly admired Zhou Xirong's qi training.

He really deserves to be the big boss, and he can't tell the woman's true thoughts from his face.

No, this expression is quite like Qin Xuetong.

Is it possible that there is a genetic element in this character?

Zhou Xirong nodded and said, "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Mao, I am curious about something."

Xiao Qiming: "Zhou, if you have any questions, just ask, as long as we can answer, we will definitely answer it for you."

Zhou Xirong: "Since you got such a good stone, why don't you just untie it and look at the condition inside?"

The name Zhou Xirong said was "Jie Shi".

Just use special cutting equipment to cut the stone as a whole, and you can see the full picture of the jade inside.

Xiao Qiming was startled, hesitated for a moment, and replied: "Zhou, this question is actually not easy to answer, but since you asked, then I have nothing to hide."

"In fact, we don't dare to understand. We must know that this stone bet is risky. If the solution is as I guessed it, then of course it's good. It can be sold at an absolutely good price."

"But if there is a piece of lump inside, and only the outer layer has green, wouldn't we lose money?"

Zhou Xirong: "Losing? Didn't you not spend any money?"

Xiao Qiming: "You think, we don't cut it. This stone looks promising to become the best king. You will definitely buy it at a high price, right?"

Zhou Xirong: "Yes."

Xiao Qiming: "If we cut it and the situation is bad, would you still buy it?"

Zhou Xirong: "No."

Xiao Qiming said, "It's just such a situation. It's not that we don't want to cut it, or we don't dare to cut it. We are not rich and can't afford to lose."

This explanation is reasonable.

Zhou Xirong's face finally calmed down, as if she had let down her guard a little.

This guy named Xiao Qiming is indeed a master of deception.

Come prepared.

Li Tianyu felt that Zhou Xirong might really be fooled.

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