Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 226 Who has the money? Who can pretend to be better?

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In fact, this person is Dong Yan who bought a house with his girlfriend in the VIP room of Jin Jingmei and Garden not long ago.

At that time, he and his girlfriend witnessed Li Tianyu's arrogance and bought three sets of 408 square meters of large flats, which was really sour.

That's not a big deal. After he got home, he was criticized by his girlfriend Tian Mengman, and he didn't sleep all night.

Therefore, Dong Yanzhayi met Li Tianyu in this American club and was really surprised.

"Ah, why is he here?"


Dong Yan was afraid that Li Tianyu would hear it, so he hissed quickly, dragged the people around him to find a deck farther away and sat down.

He came with two friends.

That is a man and a woman.

The man's name is Lin Zhuang and the woman's name is Han Xiaolan.

Lin Zhuang is violently pursuing Han Xiaolan.

Therefore, the relationship between the two is slightly subtle now.

Lin Zhuang and Han Xiaolan found Dong Yan's appearance quite strange.

Lin Zhuang: "Dong Yan, what the hell is wrong with you? How come it looks like hell?

Dong Yan pointed to Li Tianyu: "I saw that kid in Jinjingmeihe Garden."

Lin Zhuang rejoiced: "Jin Jingmei and Garden, that's not a tall neighborhood, why are you going there?"

Lin Zhuang came from a developer family, and his father was the chairman of Fangyang Real Estate.

This real estate developer is also quite famous, mainly in North China and the Imperial Capital. Lin Zhuang also helps in the company. Naturally, he is no stranger to the Imperial Capital.

Dong Yan: "The real estate is the school district room of Xindidu No.4 Middle School. So Man Man and I bought a house."

Han Xiaolan: "What then? What does this have to do with that?"

Dong Yan: "I saw that buddy in the VIP reception room. He bought three houses at once."

Lin Zhuang: "Three houses? What's all the fuss about then? It's outside the Fifth Ring Road. How much can it cost?"

Dong Yan: "You don't know. The three houses he bought are all large flats. A set of 408 square meters costs almost 80 million yuan at once! And ah, it was paid in one lump sum."

The three sets of 408 square meters of houses were paid in one lump sum.

Isn't it necessary to spend seventy to eighty million soft sister coins!?

The financial resources are indeed stronger.

Han Xiaolan glanced at Li Tianyu who was drinking coffee again: "It's rare to be so rich. Which family's elder brother is he guessed?"

What Han Xiaolan said made Lin Zhuang disapproving.

Lin Zhuang: "I don't think it is necessary. Maybe it is a real estate speculator or a demolition household, who gets rich overnight. Small farmers think that they want to buy a big house when they see it."

"Why does he only buy three sets, instead of four or five sets? I think he only has enough money to buy three houses."

Han Xiaolan: "I don't think it is right, real estate speculators, how can demolishers come to this place?"

The Royal American Club is a high-end private club, a gathering place familiar to the upper class.

Although it is not a membership system, the reception management is also very strict.

Most people may not even hear the name of this club.

Even if you have heard of it and you have money, you may not be able to come in, let alone come here for consumption.

Of course Lin Zhuang was not convinced.

But there is no proof, he said to the two of them: "Go, I will meet him."

Dong Yan was startled: "How come?"

Han Xiaolan: "Lin Zhuang, don't mess around, you will definitely be kicked out if you fight here."

Lin Zhuang shook his finger: "Xiaolan, don't you know me? I'm a civilized person. Civilized people have civilized duel methods." Pythagorean library

With that, Lin Zhuang changed seats.

It happened to change to the scattered table adjacent to Li Tianyu.

Han Xiaolan and Dong Yan couldn't help but followed.

I don't know how Lin Zhuang planned to meet that rich buddy.

Several people sat next to him, and Li Tianyu turned his head and glanced at them without speaking.

Of course, Dong Yan recognized Li Tianyu, but Li Tianyu did not recognize him.

He hadn't looked at anyone at all in the VIP reception room in Jinjingmeiheyuan.

Therefore, Li Tianyu turned his head back and continued to drink coffee and look at his mobile phone.

Lin Zhuang cleared his throat and said, "Since we are here, drink something expensive. Don't be like some people. You only know that drinking coffee is too dirty."

Lin Zhuang's voice is not loud, but Li Tianyu can hear it clearly.

He didn't understand how he lay down the gun.


Can't even drink coffee here?

What to drink?

Just listen to Lin Zhuang recruited a waiter and said: "Open me a bottle of red wine."

The waiter replied respectfully: "Okay, sir, I will get you the wine list."

Lin Zhuang: "No, take out your most expensive red wine here."

Waiter: "Okay, wait a minute."

With that, the waiter turned and left.

After a while, the waiter came back with a wine rack in his hand.

Of course there is a bottle of red wine on this wine rack.

Judging from the style on the bottle label, it is obviously a bottle of foreign wine.

The waiter put the wine rack on the table.

Lin Zhuang: "Introduce, what kind of wine is this?"

The waiter started to introduce Barabara.

"Several guests, this is a bottle of Romani Conti Monthachet Grand Park White Wine. This wine is the only Grand Park white wine of DRC on sale. The annual output is only 2,000-4,000. bottle."

"Speaking of the deeds of this wine, it is the 1986 Romane Conti Monthachet Grand White Wine, which has received 100 points from Robert Parker and is the only one that has won Parker so far. Burgundy white with perfect score."

This waiter obviously has undergone long-term and strict language training.

Speaking of these, it is methodical, fascinating, and honest.

"In addition, the 2012 vintage was recognized by the world-class wine critic Jesse Robinson, who is known for his discerning taste buds, with a super high score of 19 points. By the way, the maximum score is 20 points."

Lin Zhuang smiled faintly: "Then which year is this bottle?"

"Sir, this bottle happened to be produced in 1986 and is the top bottle."

Lin Zhuang: "What about the price?"

The waiter replied: "The price of this bottle of wine converted into soft sister coins is 66,666. I wish you all the best."

Dong Yan and Han Xiaolan were not surprised when they heard this.

Lin Zhuang himself has money. Even though a bottle of red wine is worth 60,000 yuan, even if it is a bottle of 160,000 yuan, he will not blink his eyes.

At this time, Lin Zhuang pretended to say: "Red wine is not the more expensive the better. What you drink is a culture. When you drink it, the aftertaste is not the aroma of the wine, but the history and stories related to this bottle of wine. ."

Hearing these inexplicable words from Lin Zhuang, Dong Yan and Han Xiaolan also understood that Lin Zhuang just wanted to demonstrate to that buddy.

It is not who is richer, but who is more compelling.

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