Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 230: Let You Kneel Down and Sing Conquer

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu shook hands with Gu Junmai just now, and from this he also knew the basic background of this guy.

Gu's family actually started as a coal mine in the early days, and it is the coal boss that is uglier.

However, mining coal mining was indeed a way to make money every day.

Later, after accumulating a large amount of cash, the Gu family began to invest in catering.

From general restaurant to high-end restaurant.

From Chinese-style meals to both Chinese and Western restaurants.

From home cooking, to seafood, to high-end buffet.

Anyway, Gu's various mid-to-high-end restaurants are scattered all over the country.

Of course, in recent years, there has been great competition in the catering industry, and Gu's position has also been shaken.

But even so, it did not affect Gu's status as the country's top wealthy family.

In fact, if you look at financial resources, the self-made Ai Baoquan has long surpassed the Gu family, but at their rank, it is not enough to have money, but also have "foundation."

"Background" is the most mysterious thing, not clear, but it's really useful.

It can be seen that Gu Junmai is a big boss who can arouse the atmosphere.

Since he arrived, the original scene of scattered sand has disappeared.

Li Tianyu drank a lot tonight, and soon became urgency, so he couldn't help but went to the toilet.

When I was washing my hands, I received another call.

It was from Guo Guang.

It wasn't a big deal. First, I reported on the recent bar business conditions, and then asked Li Tianyu to take a trip.

Li Tianyu agreed.,

It's true that I haven't been to the bar for a few days, and it's a bit too much to throw my hand at the shopkeeper.

When Li Tianyu returned to the meeting place, he found that almost everyone was surrounded.

What activities seem to be going on in the middle.

Li Tianyu looked away from the crowd and saw that Ai Heping was playing cards with Gu Junmai.

Looking at Ai Heping's expression, it was quite solemn, as if he hadn't finished stool.

Li Tianyu saw that Hu Haoxuan was next to him, so he pulled him over to ask about the situation.

It turned out that Gu Junmai specially engaged in a card game and asked Ai Heping if he dared to challenge.

Ai Heping couldn't play anything else, but he had two tricks in playing poker, so he naturally accepted the challenge.

This is certainly not a simple one-to-one.

Gu Junmai suggested that the two sides can send up to three people to fight, and each side has 30 cigarettes as a bargaining chip. If the other side's chips are all won, it is the winner.

The reward for the winner is of course not money.

After all, in China, it is impossible to set up a real gambling game.

Besides, these people are the rich second generation, and there are mines in the family, and money is meaningless to them.

Of course, except Ai Heping.

This guy is so poor that he is definitely worse than the beggars on the street.

What can you win if you win?

It is also simple, that is, the loser will be the younger brother of the winner for a period of one year, and he must kneel and sing to conquer in public.

Of course, the cigarette as a bargaining chip is not bad, it is the Yellow Crane Tower, commonly known as the "Big Golden Brick."

The market price is between 20,000 and 30,000 a box, and the price is quite unreasonable, much more than the real gold bricks.

In fact, let alone the grievances between Ai Heping and Gu Junmai.

Such games can be said to be for the atmosphere, and the effect is definitely good.

But how dare Ai Heping lose? Losing is equivalent to being completely stupid. He has no face in the circle and can no longer hold his head.

Even the buddies who brought Ai Heping had to suffer.

As for what the two parties are playing?

It's bullfighting.

The rules of bullfighting are simple.

A deck of playing cards, minus the king and the king, a total of 52 cards.

Each player is dealt 5 cards.

If 3 of the 5 cards add up to a multiple of 10, it is considered "bull".

If any three cards add up to not a multiple of 10, it is "no bull".

"There are cows" is bigger than "no cows".Literary Theory

The three cards of J, Q, and K are calculated as 10.

If both sides have cows, they will be bigger than whose cows.

Calculate based on the remaining 2 cards. The total number of the remaining 2 cards is the "best number". If the total is greater than 10, the single digit part is taken.

For example, the five cards of 3, 5, 2, J, and 2.

The three cards of 3, 2, and 5 add up to 10, which means there is a bull.

There are two cards left, J and 2, 10+2=12. If it is greater than 10, 10 will be subtracted, and it will become 2.

This deck of cards is called "Niu 2".

In addition, in each round, both sides have a chance to exchange cards, they can exchange any number of cards, or all five cards can be exchanged.

Therefore, bullfighting cannot be said to be pure luck, it still has some technical content.

Looking at Ai Heping now, the situation is very unfavorable for him.

Li Tianyu asked Hu Haoxuan: "What's the situation now?"

Hu Haoxuan: "Now the score is 4 to 10, and Brother Heping won 4 games."

The gap is still huge.

Bullfighting is a fast-paced game. The more you lose, the greater the psychological pressure.

Looking at Ai Heping at this time, he was already sweating profusely.

This is the 15th round.

It was Cheng Lu who acted as the "dealer" to deal with both sides.

The little girl is quite clever in her hands, and the cards are very stable, but she has some croupier qualities.

Having said that.

The Cheng family siblings Cheng Ken and Cheng Lu do not stand on either side, and maintain a neutral attitude towards Ai Heping and Gu Junmai.

Ai Heping got five cards.

Li Tianyu saw that it was 3, 7, K, 5, Q.

Well, there is a bull, and it is bull 5.

Ai Heping still has a chance.

After he caught such a card, he was finally relieved a little. He didn't change the card, just in case the more he changed the card, the smell would get worse.

Cheng Lu: "Show your card."

The rule for showing cards is to show three cards first.

Ai Heping showed 3, K, and Q.

Gu Junmai showed A, J, and 6.

From the three cards on both sides, there is no bull or bull.

Gu Junmai sat in the village, he threw three cigarettes: "Add three, follow?"

Ai Heping saw that they were two bargaining chips. Gu was very confident.

Soon he thought that Gu Junmai was probably bluffing.

In the last few games I lost, Ai Heping was almost always played by Gu Junmai.

Ai Heping gritted his teeth: "Follow!"

Cheng Lu: "Continue to show your cards."

Ai Heping and Gu Junmai both revealed the other two hidden cards.

Ai Heping's five cards: 3, K, Q, 7, 5.

Gu Junmai's five cards: A, J, 6, 3, Q.

Everyone was boiling.

Ai Heping couldn't help but murmured, "Fuck!"

Ai Heping is "Bull 5".

Gu Junmai is "Niu Niu".

What is "Niu Niu" means that the remaining two hidden cards are added together, which is also a multiple of 10, which is Niu 10.

Of course Niu 10 is bigger than Niu 5!

"Ai Heping lost again, and lost four cigarettes at once."

"Gu Junmai is amazing. This bullfight looks simple, but it's actually quite difficult to play."

"Yes, at this speed, Ai Heping will soon sing to conquer."

Ai Heping slapped the cards on the table and shouted: "Substitute! Substitute!"

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