You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ai Heping: "Don't, we are about to lose here, just wait for you to save the field, if you don't go, we will kneel and sing to conquer!"

Li Tianyu: "Don't ours, it's you, you, understand?"

Even so, Li Tianyu kept walking towards the meeting place.

Ai Heping and Hu Haoxuan trot all the way, following him, as if they really became two little brothers.

At this time, looking at the field again, the "onlookers" were really in high spirits, watching them attentively and forgetting to sleep and eat.

From time to time, there were bursts of cheers, exclamations, and roars.

Ai Heping was a little anxious. He saw an impenetrable crowd surrounded by three floors inside and outside.

"Start and start, I am a contestant!"

"Make way, don't block the way, we are going to play!"

A person looked back at Ai Heping and said with a smile: "I think you will wait a while before you play. Prepare your throat first. Don't yell when you sing to conquer."

Ai Heping was angry: "Fuck you! Xiaoluzi, you are a kid playing, I can't sing to conquer! If you want to listen, let Gu Dashao sing, he looks like a vomit!"

Ai Heping scolded while opening the road, and finally squeezed to the center.

When I looked at the table, I was so scared that I was bleed and lost all my three souls.

In front of Qiu Jian, there were only three cigarettes left.

Ai Heping: "Fuck! Qiu Jian, you are really amazing, so efficient!?"

Qiu Jian took out a tissue from the tissue box and wiped the sweat from his face.

His hands are shaking.

"Peace, I tried my best. There was a hope of winning just now, but a momentary negligence ruined a great future."

Sitting opposite Gu Junmai laughed loudly: "Ai Heping, where did you go just now? Aren't you going to practice your voice?"

The people behind Gu Junmai were almost all his "followers" and burst into laughter.

"Speaking of which, I've heard Ai Heping sing. It's okay, you can listen!"

"You have heard a fart, last time KTV, he was singing in lie!"

"This time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Let's see if Ai Heping's voice is the same when singing."

When Ai Heping heard this, he said angrily: "Fuck off, Shao Te said that there are none of these, this has not yet been determined!"

Gu Junmai: "Oh, it's all like this, are you still not convinced? Okay, why don't you change you?"

Ai Heping: "I've been on it, so it's not bad to behave, and I'll change to someone else."

Gu Junmai was startled: "Others? Who?"

At this time, after seeing Li Tianyu, Qiu Jian immediately stood up from his seat.

"Sorry, there are three more cigarettes."

Li Tianyu was happy: "It's okay, enough smoke."

With that said, Li Tianyu sat down facing Gu Junmai.

Gu Junmai was stunned. He didn't expect this person to be "sent" by Ai Heping to fight.

Is it possible that Ai Heping was prepared long ago, and this man named Li Tianyu is still a master of poker?

Gu Junmai then shook his head.


Gu Junmai organized this bullfighting poker tournament, and he never mentioned it to others. Ai Heping could not have guessed it in advance.

Even if he guessed it, it would be impossible to find a master player.

If he is only good at playing cards, then he is not Gu Junmai's opponent.

Gu Junmai has been lingering in Macau casinos all year round. He has participated in all kinds of large and small card games, and he has also received professional training.

The reason why Gu Junmai was among the four youngest in the imperial capital was not because the family had money.v5 novel

In the imperial capital, the rich are like crucian carp who cross the river.

To put it bluntly, if you just put a fart on the street, you might be able to kill two rich people.

Gu Junmai belongs to the top rich second generation. Although he is not as low-key as the other three of the Imperial Capital Four, he is more active in his mind and learns quickly.

He got a degree in economics from Columbia University at the age of 20.

Of course, later he felt that studying was boring, so he completely gave up his efforts in this area and became fascinated by all sorts of side stances.

Therefore, Gu Junmai's prestige in the circle is also accumulated step by step.

The same goes for playing cards, at least Gu Junmai rarely loses in the game.

He is not an old man, but is good at observing words and colors.

As long as the opponent gets the card, even if he deliberately pretends to be calm and calm, Gu Junmai can see some clues from some small movements and make his own judgment.

Generally speaking, these judgments are normal.

Of course, if the opponent is a master, then Gu Junmai does have a terrible loss.

But here is the imperial capital. Gambling is illegal. Ordinary people have never even seen a casino. At most, it is a fun for small or small people to play with relatives and friends at home.

How could the masters appear here?

Therefore, the guy in front of him named Li Tianyu, like Qiu Jian, was probably pulled over the bar.

But the dealer Cheng Lu couldn't help but widen his eyes when seeing Li Tianyu sitting here.

Cheng Lu was very impressed by Li Tianyu's performance on the racing track last time.

For this reason, she also deliberately investigated, where did Ai Heping find Li Tianyu?

Later, nothing was found, anyway, this guy seemed to pop out suddenly.

Seeing Li Tianyu's determined expression, Cheng Lu couldn't help thinking, could this guy not only be able to race cars, but also play cards?

Li Tianyu also saw Cheng Lu: "Yeah, beauty, are you a croupier?"

Cheng Lu recovered, smiled, and said nothing.

Li Tianyu picked up a cigarette, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it: "It's really a big golden brick, it's incense."

Gu Junmai chuckled, "You only have three cigarettes, so why not smoke."

Li Tianyu: "It's a pity, you can't smoke indoors."

Gu Junmai: "It's okay, it's actually smoking here. Can you see the exhaust from above? No smell of smoke will remain."

Li Tianyu glanced upward.

Really, there are many exhaust ports on it.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear the sound of the fan.

In full view, Li Tianyu really raised a yellow crane tower.

Then he took out the ZIPO lighter from him.

There was a "click" and it lit.

Ai Heping was stupid on the spot.

Damn it!

There were only three cigarettes, but Li Tianyu also smoked one!

Everyone also recovered from their consternation, and began to talk a lot.

"Damn, this is too big, I have drawn all the chips, what else to play cards?"

"That's right, this is the second product that Ai Heping got from, it's an undercover agent!"

"Ai Heping is dead, ready to appreciate kneeling and singing to conquer."

Let alone other people, even Gu Junmai was shocked by Li Tianyu's hand.

Too great, too chic!

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