Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 238 Call A Name, 30 Million

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!It is not surprising that Ai Heping is not familiar with Qin Xuetong.

Although Qin Xuetong is now one of the big stars, she has been in the name for a short time and has not yet reached the level of being well known.

Especially those who play blindly all day long like Ai Heping, never watch TV or watch the news online, have even fewer opportunities to meet recent actresses.

The last time Ai Heping provoked Qin Xuetong and got into the game, the chick in the same car told him.

Zhou Xirong: "Who is this fat guy? He's very energetic."

Gu Junmai said quickly: "He is Ai Heping."

Zhou Xirong obviously heard the name: "Yo, Ai Baoquan's son?"

When Ai Heping heard this, he straightened his chest: "Yes, Auntie knows my dad?"

Zhou Xirong smiled and nodded: "Of course, Mr. Ai is a great celebrity. You look a lot like him, you look like a model carved out of him."

After hearing this, Ai Heping felt quite helpful, and he couldn't help but become proud.

Zhou Xirong raised her wrist and looked at the time: "Strange, why isn't Xiaotong coming up yet?"

Gu Junmai immediately offered his courtesy: "Aunt Zhou, or I will go down and take a look."

Zhou Xirong: "No, no, you play first, I'll go down and pick her up."

With that said, Zhou Xirong left.

Ai Heping was still thinking about asking Gu Junmai to sing about conquering, but when he was about to speak, he was suddenly pushed aside.

Looking up, he was startled.

It turned out that many people surrounded Gu Junmai.

These people talked about each other.

"Gu Shao, Gu Shao, isn't Qin Xuetong the same Qin Xuetong, right?"

"Don't make trouble, how many Qin Xuetong can Shao Gu know?"

"So, is it really the big star who is coming?"

"This is amazing. I have to take a photo with someone and ask for more autographs."

"Come on, you, who doesn't want to take a photo with Qin Xuetong for autographs here, can so many people come together?"

"Why can't I get together? Just take a big group photo!"

Someone gave a thumbs up to Gu Junmai: "Gu Shaoniu is still criticizing, and even actresses like Qin Xuetong can get along."

Someone echoed: "Isn't it? I heard that Qin Xuetong is very cold, and even many big media can't find her figure."

Others were quite surprised when they heard it: "So awesome? Isn't it true that the current actresses only need to give money?"

Immediately someone ridiculed: "Cut, those you are talking about are 18-tier starlets. How much money can you give to first-tier and second-tier actresses? Isn't it okay?"

Gu Junmai was also a little proud, and immediately recovered the face lost in the gambling game.

"Okay, Qin Xuetong will come up for a while, don't talk nonsense around her, she is actually more afraid of life."

Everyone agreed again.

Qin Xuetong rarely appears in public, so even these rich kids find it very fresh.

In addition, Qin Xuetong is indeed beautiful, and her cold and beautiful temperament is even more impressive.

It is even called the most glamorous actress of the new generation by some mainstream entertainment media, not one of them.

Most people can only see Qin Xuetong on the TV screen, and being able to see the celebrity deity here is of course exciting for these people.

Of course, there are also people who are thinking of "cracking counterfeiting".

Nowadays, there are quite a few actresses in the entertainment industry who can't live without the lens filter.

To put it bluntly, it is a face of a passerby, but after filtering and P-picture processing, it immediately becomes a stunning face.

Qin Xuetong has always been low-key, and this low-key may be because of his average quality, so he can't do it if he doesn't dare to see too much light.

Ai Heping sang the opposite at this time: "Isn't it just a female star? What's so great, I know several, let them come over and have fun together."

Gu Junmai waved his hand, showing a dismissive expression.

Someone immediately retorted: "Ai Heping, don't be stupid, those you know are actresses, they are Internet celebrities."

"That's right, last time I saw Ai Heping carrying one, it was not pure natural, just a facelift."

Ai Heping was unable to refute after hearing this.

In fact, those people are right.

There is no serious girl who can go shopping and date with Ai Heping.

At this time, Qiu Jian whispered a key message to Ai Heping: "Brother Li also knows Qin Xuetong."

In fact, Qiu Jian also knew some of the intersections between Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong from Qiu Kexin's mouth.

Of course, it's not very detailed, just know that they probably know each other.

When Ai Heping heard it, his eyes brightened, and he said loudly, "Isn't it Qin Xuetong? My boss knows her!"

Gu Junmai was startled: "Your boss? Who?"

Ai Heping: "Li Tianyu, the man who won you just now."

Gu Junmai was happy: "Oh, he, it's not uncommon for your boss to know Qin Xuetong, she is very famous, but it's possible if Qin Xuetong recognizes your boss or not."

Ai Heping: "Why maybe? Gu Shao, let me tell you, the relationship between my boss and Qin Xuetong is called closeness."

With that said, Ai Heping put the ring fingers of both hands together.

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help laughing.

Li Tianyu was indeed in the limelight just now, but to talk about how close the relationship with Qin Xuetong was, it was pure bragging.

Ai Heping is indeed talking nonsense. If anything comes to his mouth, he will be added to his mouth, and it will be completely changed.

Most people also know Ai Heping's problem.

So his words are the same as the jokes after a meal.

Li Tianyu was rather helpless, why did he get him in again?

But he didn't want to give Ai He Pianzi here, so he endured not going to kick his ass.

At this time, I just listened to Gu Junmai chuckled: "Or else, Qin Xuetong will be here in a while. Let your boss come over and say hello to her, not to mention how close the two are, if Qin Xuetong can call your boss. Name, then I will..."

Having said that, Gu Junmai stopped and glanced at Li Tianyu, feeling a little restless.

Ai Heping: "How about you?"

Gu Junmai: "I'll just sing the song Conquest, okay?"

Ai Heping is of course dissatisfied: "That won't work, you have to sing to conquer, and you have to sing on your knees, so let's not worry about it, so I will make a small request."

Gu Junmai: "Oh? What's the request, let's listen."

Ai Heping: "If that Qin Xuetong can really call my boss's name, then you will tell my boss and call out'Boss', and then give him 30 million, okay?"

When Li Tianyu heard this, the idea was really good.

Ai Heping finally said something human.

Gu Junmai was happy: "Then what if Qin Xuetong can't name your boss? What do you lose?"

Ai Heping laughed: "This is not easy? I will let my boss give you 20 million then!"

Damn it!

When Li Tianyu heard this, he almost slammed the cup in his hand on Ai Heping's head.

Is Ai Heping crazy?

He blows up the bull, and in the end, he has to pay for it.

Fortunately, Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong really knew each other. If they didn't know each other, they would be scammed by Ai Heping.

Really is a pig teammate.

After Gu Junmai listened, naturally he readily agreed.

Thirty million yuan of soft sister coins is really nothing to him, drizzle!

What's more, Gu Junmai didn't think he would lose.

It's also a good side show for this party.Yudi Bookstore

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the door.

More than one person arrived, everyone immediately "settles each", ready to see the face of the big star.

Sure enough, it was Zhou Xirong, who had just appeared, who walked in first.

As she walked, Zhou Xirong said to the person behind him: "When I passed by here just now, I ran into your Uncle Gu's son."

The person behind just gave an "um" and did not speak.

But that voice was obviously a female.

Then, a tall girl with a beautiful face and a cold temperament appeared.

Although Gu Junmai had told him just now, everyone present couldn't help but cheered.

"Oh! It's really Qin Xuetong himself!"

"Beautiful, beautiful indeed."

"Yeah, look. That face is the same as the sculpture. She herself seems to be more beautiful than on TV."

"The whole face is natural, it really doesn't look like plastic surgery."

"Nonsense, this kind of face is not easy to make."

At this time, Gu Junmai greeted him.

"Aunt Zhou, Xuetong, please sit inside and be quiet inside."

Zhou Xirong turned her head and said to Qin Xuetong: "Girl, then sit down for a while?"

Qin Xuetong nodded: "Okay."

With that, Gu Junmai gave the two of them to the back of the hall, where there was a set of sofas, where you could sit down and relax and drink tea.

Gu Junmai had already asked the waiter to prepare drinks, coffee, tea, snacks, all kinds, everything.

Gu Junmai exchanged greetings with Qin Xuetong for a while, and then said to Qin Xuetong: "Xuetong, how many friends I have here, want to take a photo with you, do you mind?"

Qin Xuetong: "It's okay, don't mind."

Gu Junmai breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately someone rushed over to take a photo with Qin Xuetong, asking for an autograph by the way.

Some people really don't just have one.

Here are a few of Gu Junmai's friends, obviously dozens of friends.

Fortunately, these people are the children of the rich who have seen the big scenes, so they don't understand the rules and mess around.

Gu Junmai said again: "By the way, there is someone you need to see. It is said that he knows you very well."

Qin Xuetong was startled, she didn't remember anyone who knew her well would come here.


Gu Jun stepped to a corner behind him and pointed.

"That's it."

Qin Xuetong looked over, and it was Li Tianyu who was sitting there.

At the same time, Li Tianyu waved his hand at Qin Xuetong.

Qin Xuetong was startled: "Li Tianyu? Why is he here?"

Now that he had seen the other party, Li Tianyu could not shrink there, so he simply walked over.

As for where Ai Heping went?

This kid was thinking of pulling Li Tianyu over, but when he saw Qin Xuetong's appearance, he screamed.

Isn't this girl the beauty star who sent him Ai Heping into the bureau?

Only then did Ai Heping know that when he heard the name "Qin Xuetong", he would feel familiar. It turned out that he had heard it more than once before.

If it is an ordinary "old enemy", Ai Heping will definitely provoke and verbally insult.

But Qin Xuetong is different.

Last time Ai Heping suffered a lot from this beautiful woman.

Therefore, Ai Heping hid in the dark while the other party did not find him.

He opened a pair of mung bean eyes and spied secretly, watching the situation here.

Qin Xuetong called out the name "Li Tianyu" naturally.

I saw Li Tianyu beckoning at Qin Xuetong.

Gu Junmai's expression changed and he was panicked.

Looking at the reactions of Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong, it is clear that they are acquaintance, and the relationship does not seem to be shallow!

That's it!Thirty million yuan of soft sister coins really won't be beaten.

The other people responded in the same way.

Who would have thought that Qin Xuetong really called out "Li Tianyu"?

At this time, I saw Li Tianyu walking over at a pace that his six relatives did not recognize.

What was even more surprising was that Zhou Xirong actually stood up and said in surprise: "Oh, who did I say, it was him."

This time it was Qin Xuetong's turn to show a look of surprise: "Mom, do you know Li Tianyu too?"

Zhou Xirong immediately pulled Li Tianyu over and asked him to sit down.

"Xuetong, you have such a friend, why don't you tell mom?"

Qin Xuetong didn't know how to answer for a while.

She met Li Tianyu, and some were unclear. The first time she met was at the police station, it was a peaceful meeting.

But then I met several times inexplicably and seemed to become familiar without knowing it.

In this situation, Qin Xuetong didn't know how to take her away from her mother.

Zhou Xirong: "By the way, I haven't told you yet, this classmate Xiao Li helped me yesterday."

Qin Xuetong was even more surprised: "How did he help you?"

Zhou Xirong smiled and waved her hand: "I will tell you this later. I heard Xiao Li say that you two are very good friends!"

Qin Xuetong was speechless for a while.

The two of them are indeed familiar, but if you want to say "it's better", it doesn't seem to be good.

Li Tianyu responded with a smile: "Auntie Zhou, don't say this in front of outsiders. It is easy to misunderstand."

Zhou Xirong: "Hey, what's the misunderstanding? You are young, how can you have so many worries."

Li Tianyu thought, Zhou Xirong's thoughts are rather open this year.

Gu Junmai was completely confused.

Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong are very good friends!?

When did it happen?

He Gu Junmai has no news in this regard.

Gu Junmai's father Gu Xuekai and Zhou Xirong are business partners and have a good relationship, so Gu Junmai often hears news about Qin Xuetong.

Gu Junmai's interest in Qin Xuetong's affairs is not a secret.

But even he can't say that he is a good friend with Qin Xuetong.

In fact, every time Qin Xuetong sees Gu Junmai, it is neither lukewarm nor hot, which makes people very itchy.

Unexpectedly, the boy in front of him was even better than him.

At this time, Zhou Xirong's cell phone rang.

She answered the phone, responded in a low voice, and then said to Qin Xuetong: "Daughter, Mr. Sun is here, let's go over."

Qin Xuetong nodded and stood up.

"I will give it to you."

With that said, Li Tianyu naturally followed Zhou Xirong and Qin Xuetong.

Gu Junmai was like a goose, and he didn't know if he should follow it together.

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