Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 244 He is the VIP of the company! ?

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Not only Jiang Peng, but other people in the reception room also felt baffled.

The people here should know whether the stores in Jiade Fashion Plaza are sold, where they can be sold, and where they cannot be sold.

How could it be wrong?

It is the first time for Li Tianyu to come here. Is there any reason for the staff in the square to confirm?

Or is it just because Jiang Peng's attitude is so bad that he deliberately caused trouble for him?

The latter is more likely.

Wu Mingzhe can indeed be regarded as a good friend of Li Tianyu, and he immediately replied: "Yes, don't always be self-righteous. You have to repeatedly determine your work. In case of a mistake, it is a small matter to be ashamed and troublesome. You guys, don't you have to waste time dealing with it."

Jiang Peng was originally unwilling to confirm, and he was sure about it.

But as soon as I heard these two men, I was very energetic and said: "That's OK, I'll check it out, but I'll make it clear first, if anyone wants to rent the B-205 during this period. If the shop is robbed, don’t blame me."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "It's all right, don't talk nonsense here, the capital is so big, is it possible that your family can rent a shop? Go ahead!"

The fat on Jiang Peng's face twitched a few times, and he wanted to attack, but the other party was a client after all, so out of a professional attitude, he still held back.

Jiang Peng gestured towards Li Lanyue, and the two left the reception room.

Li Lanyue: "Brother Jiang, do you need to be sure?"

Jiang Pengmu said with a face: "I'm sure, what is there to be sure? He is not willing to rent them for a while and let them leave!"

Li Lanyue was stunned: "Manager, are you sure you want to do this?"

Jiang Peng calmed down all of a sudden: "Then you go to the company management system to make sure, and get the contract if there is no problem."

Li Lanyue nodded: "Okay."

At the same time, the reception room.

Except for Li Tianyu and Wu Mingzhe, the other three waited a little.

Ding Zhiyuan: "Tianyu, in fact, you don't need to ask him to investigate, it shouldn't be wrong."

His girlfriend Liu Caining also said: "Yes, sign the contract early and be sure."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "If you wait patiently, there may be surprises."

Liu Caining and Meng Xiaoyan looked at each other, puzzled.

What surprises will there be in such a thing?

That obnoxious fat Jiang Peng, wouldn't he change his mind suddenly, should he lower the price for them?

Meng Xiaoyan whispered to Liu Caining.

Meng Xiaoyan: "Who is that man?"

Liu Caining: "My husband's college classmate, I heard that it's pretty good."

Meng Xiaoyan: "How powerful is it?"

Liu Caining glanced at the other person: "You'll know if you try."

Meng Xiaoyan twisted each other.

In fact, Li Tianyu was not sure just now whether the shop Liu Caining wanted to rent belongs to him.

So he didn't speak rashly.

Later, when I heard that it was 205 on the second floor of Zone B, Li Tianyu only remembered that among the five shops that he had obtained with the bragging system just now, one of them was indeed No. B-205.

Li Tianyu has the confidence to go to Jiang Peng.

It just so happens that Jiang Peng can check him, how come no one has sent a title certificate or something for so long.

At the same time, Manager Jiang Pengjiang was sitting in the manager's office blowing up the air conditioner, and taking time to play with his mobile phone.

"It's over again, what a shit!"

Jiang Peng threw the phone on the desk and began to wonder what to eat at night.

He had already put Liu Caining and Meng Xiaoyan aside.

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door outside.

Jiang Peng frowned: "Come in!"

The door opened.

Li Lanyue walked in.

Seeing her expression was not quite right, Jiang Peng sat up straight.

"Xiao Li, you were kicked by a dog? What's the rush?"

Li Lanyue hesitated and said, "Brother Jiang, something went wrong."

Jiang Peng: "What's the problem? Say it quickly."

Li Lanyue: "That shop in B205...really, really was bought."


Jiang Peng couldn't help but hiccup.

He stood up with a "swish": "What did you say!? It was bought? Impossible! Didn't it mean that Zones A, B and C are not sold!?"

Li Lanyue responded with a wry smile: "I am also very surprised, but the company's management system does show the status of'sold'."

Jiang Peng: "No, no, how can this be possible? Quickly call the sales department and ask what's going on?"

Li Lanyue: "Okay, Brother Jiang."

Li Lanyue was about to leave, but was stopped by Jiang Peng: "Wait, wait, I'll fight."

Li Lanyue: "What about those customers?"

Jiang Peng was a little annoyed and waved his hand: "Let them go first."

After Li Lanyue left, Jiang Peng picked up the phone from the desk and dialed the number of the person in charge of the Jiade sales department.

"Hello, Manager Wang, is it convenient to answer the phone?"

"That's right, I'll make sure of something with you."

"It's Shop No. 205 in Area B. Isn't it not for sale? But how does the current state show that it is'sold'? Is something wrong?"

"What? It's really sold out? What, how did this happen?"

"...Don't you know? Are you not the sales director? How could you not know?"

"Sold directly from the headquarters? How could it be in this kind of thing? ... OK, that's OK, let's talk later."

Jiang Peng hung up the phone, still at a loss, even more inexplicable.

The point is, why did that person just ask him to come over to check this?

Could it be that the kid knew that the shop had already been sold?

Impossible, that person is always a troublemaker.

It's mostly a coincidence.

At this moment, there was some noise outside the office.

Jiang Peng pushed out the door, frowning and shouting: "Who? Can you be quiet at work!?"

At this time, Jiang Peng showed a look of surprise.

"Zhao, Mr. Zhao!?"

Zhao Hongtao, Sales Director of Jiade Imperial Capital Headquarters.

The rank is several grades higher than Jiang Peng.

Zhao Hongtao: "Oh, Manager Jiang, you are here."

Jiang Peng: "Mr. Zhao, why are you here? Is there anything wrong?"

Zhao Hongtao: "I'll find a customer and give him something."

With that said, Zhao Hongtao also raised the yellow paper bag in Yang's hand.

Jiang Peng: "Oh, you have to do this kind of thing yourself? It's outrageous."

Zhao Hongtao: "This is something the boss deliberately confessed. It is a major customer of the company. VIP-level ones must be delivered in person."

Jiang Peng asked suspiciously, "A big customer? Who is it? On my side?"

Zhao Hongtao: "Yes, it is said that it is here now. You can help me find it."

With that said, Zhao Hongtao glanced at the label on the yellow paper bag: "It's called Mr. Tianyu Li."

Jiang Peng frowned: "Li, Li Tianyu? Don't you remember receiving this person."

Zhao Hongtao was simple and rude, yelling directly: "Is Mr. Li Tianyu and Li there?" Yunnan Novel Network

The rental center of the Jiade Fashion Plaza is not too big, this voice can be heard in almost all rooms.

A door opened.

A man poked his head out.

"Who is looking for me?"

Jiang Peng saw that it was the annoying man just now, thinking that he was making trouble again, and couldn't help saying: "Why haven't you left yet?...Li Lanyue! Li Lanyue!"

Li Lanyue also came out quickly: "Brother Jiang, what's the matter?"

Jiang Peng: "Why is this person still here? Don't you let them go!?"

Li Lanyue was startled, and immediately responded: "I am explaining the situation to them, and I will let them go immediately."

Jiang Peng thought that he really couldn't drive people out bluntly. That would be unreasonable, so he waved his hand immediately: "That's it, hurry up, don't waste time."

Li Lanyue: "Ah, good."

Li Lanyue is also difficult.

She was apologetic to Liu Caining and Meng Xiaoyan.

After all, what she had told these customers was the unit price of 18 yuan per square meter per day, but Jiang Peng overturned it all in one sentence.

Originally, the price was raised, but the negotiation was settled. Jiang Peng was about to drive people out again, making it even more difficult for Li Lanyue.

No matter how difficult it is, there is no way, who made her Li Lanyue be Jiang Peng's subordinate?

Therefore, Li Lanyue found a reason and was talking to these customers.

It just started, someone outside shouted the name of "Li Tianyu".

Who knew that the person in the guest room actually opened the door and went out.

At this moment, Li Lanyue was about to "invite" people back to the reception room, but heard that person say: "My name is Li Tianyu."

Jiang Peng was stunned, and countless monsters rushed past, feeling extremely shocked.

Zhao Hongtao smiled: "Yeah, Mr. Li, hello, I just said you are here."

With that, Zhao Hongtao took the initiative to reach out and shook Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu said "um": "Who are you?"

Zhao Hongtao: "I am Zhao Hongtao, the director of the sales department at Jiade headquarters."

Li Tianyu: "So it's Mr. Zhao, what can I do with me?"

Zhao Hongtao: "That's it. I have some certificates related to shops that need to be handed over to you."

Li Tianyu immediately understood that the person who gave him the property certificate of the shop finally arrived.

"Come in and chat."

With that said, Li Tianyu gave up a position.

Zhao Hongtao quickly walked in.

Jiang Peng is still making various assumptions in his mind, including the following:

The first is that this person has the same name as "Li Tianyu".

The second is that this person is still making trouble, so nonsense here.

In the third type, Zhao Hongtao, Mr. Zhao misread the name.

Fourth, this person is indeed the "Li Tianyu" that Zhao Hongtao was looking for.

"Manager Jiang!"

Jiang Peng was taken aback. He looked up and saw that "that person" was calling him.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

Li Tianyu: "You come in and listen to it together."

Jiang Peng gave a ghostly reply: "Oh, good."

The fat body also squeezed into the reception room.

This time it was Li Lanyue's turn to be confused, and she had no idea what was going on now.

Li Lanyue's rank is relatively low, and I haven't met Zhao Hongtao.

When these people came in, Liu Caining, Meng Xiaoyan and others also stood up.

It feels like something big is coming.

Today was really a twists and turns. Liu Caining and Meng Xiaoyan thought that they could directly sign the contract after another look at the B205 store. Who knew that Manager Jiang had a price increase drama.

If the price goes up, then the price will be increased. Anyway, I will lower the price for them, and the conditions have been negotiated. I can always sign the contract this time?

Who knows this is another problem.

Even though Li Lanyue had just started, Liu Caining, Meng Xiaoyan and others felt that something was wrong again.

Looking at Li Lanyue's expression, the contract could not be signed again.

It's good now, why is there another person who can't hit eight.

Seeing that the style is pretty good, I don't know which leader it is.

Seeing everyone at a loss, Li Tianyu explained: "Mr. Zhao, these are all my friends. Just talk about it if you have anything."

Zhao Hongtao nodded and smiled and asked everyone to sit down.

Wu Mingzhe was okay, after all, Li Tianyu had already criticized him several times.

Ding Zhiyuan is different. In his impression, Li Tianyu is still the way he was in college.

To put it bluntly, it's the kind of hanging silk.

At this time, I was a little surprised to see Li Tianyu interacting with that very stylish figure, and even faintly gaining the upper hand.

Only then did he remember that Wu Mingzhe had said that Li Tianyu was doing quite well now, and it seemed that what he said was true.

At this time, I just listened to Zhao Hongtao: "Mr. Li, I don't know if you have an ID card. I need to check your identity information."

Li Tianyu nodded, took out his ID card from his handbag and handed it to Zhao Hongtao.

Zhao Hongtao checked the ID number seriously and handed it back to Li Tianyu with a smile: "Mr. Li, no problem."

When Jiang Peng saw this situation, the last line of defense in his heart collapsed.

Unexpectedly, this person is actually a major customer and VIP of the company headquarters!

Only then did Jiang Peng think about it. No wonder Li Tianyu asked him Jiang Peng to check whether the property right of the shop was still in the company. The co-author was because he bought the shop.

At this time, I only heard Zhao Jiangtao say: "Mr. Li, this is the case. All the property rights certificates of the five shops you bought are here. Take a look."

With that, Zhao Hongtao opened the yellow leather file bag and took out the contents.

Everyone's eyes could not help being attracted by the bright red notebooks.

Ding Zhiyuan couldn't help asking: "Tian, ​​Tianyu, did you buy a store here?"

Li Tianyu responded with a smile: "That's right."

Liu Caining: "Five shops?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes."

Meng Xiaoyan seemed to have a premonition: "Which five are those?"

Li Tianyu glanced at Jiang Peng who was dumbfounded: "Why don't you let Manager Jiang confirm for us."

Jiang Peng woke up like a dream: "Huh?"

Li Tianyu: "Manager Jiang, you can help us find out which shops are my property certificates."

Jiang Peng said "Oh", but turned to look at Zhao Hongtao.

Zhao Hongtao: "What do you see me doing? Mr. Li lets you see you just see, are you not familiar with this place?"

Jiang Peng: "Yes, I'm familiar with this..."

Therefore, Jiang Peng began to check the property certificate of the store, reading it while reading: "Mr. Li's five stores are B103, A02, A03, A113, B2..."

Jiang Peng swallowed and then continued: "B205."

When Liu Caining and Meng Xiaoyan heard it, they all couldn't help but yell.


Liu Caining: "Is it the one we want to rent!?"

Meng Xiaoyan: "Yes, is it 205 on the second floor of Zone B!?"

Jiang Peng nodded helplessly: "Yes, that's right, that's the shop."

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