Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 247 Superficial skill, quite enough

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Xie Xiangdong heard only a few words about what the Jiaxin factory's production line has been upgraded to, the tip of the iceberg.

Not to be afraid, Xie Xiangdong thought for a while and came to this conclusion.

Even if Cao Huaming went to Jiaxin with the Avida delegation, I believe he will be back soon.

However, Xie Xiangdong would not be careless, so he said, "Mr. Cao, Mr. Jia, can you let my son Xie Tao accompany you in this way? If anything goes wrong in the meantime, I can solve it."

When Cao Huaming heard this, he showed a strange expression: "No need, what can be wrong with this?"

Xie Xiangdong: "Mr. Cao, you may not know that the boss at Jiaxin just left and was bought by a young man. Now the management may be messy."

Xie Xiangdong said it very tactfully, but the meaning was obvious, just because he was afraid that Cao Huaming and his party would be at odds with Jiaxin's people.

Cao Huaming is still at a loss. Even if he changes his boss, how could the other party do anything illegal in broad daylight and in a bright future?

At this time, Jia Yan persuaded in a low voice: "Mr. Cao, anyway, if you have one more, you have one more. Don't be afraid of ten thousand in case. We don't know the situation in Langzhou very well."

Cao Huaming was noncommittal: "That's OK, isn't it just multiple people anyway, just follow along."

Xie Xiangdong nodded, then whispered a few words to Xie Tao.

So, Cao Huaming and his party left the Xieshi Technology Group and went to the next door Jiaxin.

The itinerary has indeed been set long ago, and I have also booked hello with Jiaxin’s people.

Cao Huaming is a very pragmatic person. Choosing a partner has always been based on the reputation of the most suitable partner.

Although he also heard that Jiaxin's plant conditions are not good and have fallen far behind competitors such as Xie's Technology, but based on the principle of seeing is believing and hearing is not, he still needs to conduct a field inspection to draw conclusions.

At this time, Jiaxin Technology Co., Ltd. has "opened its doors", which seems to be to welcome the arrival of Avida and his party.

Jia Yan called in advance to contact the matchmaker at Jiaxin.

Someone soon came out to greet him.

There are also several people in Jiaxin who are in charge of reception.

The leader is a young man, who is in his thirties.

The young man walked to Cao Huaming, smiled and stretched out his hand and shook his hand: "Hello, are you President Cao?"

Cao Huaming: "Yes, I am Cao Huaming. Are you...?"

"My name is Lu Hui, the general manager of Jiaxin Technology Co., Ltd."

When Cao Huaming heard this, he was quite surprised: "Are you the boss? Too young."

Lu Hui waved his hand: "I am not the boss, I work for the boss, but the boss is also very young."

At this time, Lu Hui shook hands with Jia Yan and others.

When seeing Xie Tao, Lu Hui was stunned: "Why are you here?"

Xie Tao chuckled, "It was Mr. Cao and Mr. Jia who asked me to follow, lest there be any problems in the middle."

Lu Hui showed disdain, knowing that the Xie family's father and son had no good intentions.

But it didn't matter, even if Xie Tao followed, he couldn't do much.

Lu Hui also stopped talking to Xie Tao, and invited Cao Huaming, Jia Yan and others to the lounge.

Cao Huaming waved his hand: "We have already taken a break just now. Mr. Lu will take us around for a while. I don't want to hide it from you. We need to place an order urgently, and the time is really running out ."

Cao Huaming said humorously, Lu Hui laughed, and immediately agreed.

Jia Yan said, "Mr. Lu, can you do such an important matter without your boss?"

Lu Hui: "Mr. Jia, don't worry about that. I am the general manager at any rate. In the more popular term, I am equivalent to the CEO. The boss has given me the management power."

Cao Huaming nodded.

This kind of thing is quite common.

The real boss is just an investor and doesn't understand the specific business, but just finds someone who knows how to manage it.Moxue Literature Network

However, this combination has fewer successes and more failures, which is not very reliable.

At this moment, Lu Hui's cell phone rang.

Lu Hui said "I'm sorry" to Cao Huaming, and then took out his mobile phone to see that it was Li Tianyu.

So he immediately pressed the answer button.

"Hey, boss, I'm in the company."

"Are you coming here? That's right, there are very important customers here, you can also meet."

"Okay, that's great, we will wait for you."

When Lu Hui hung up, Cao Huaming asked, "What? Your boss is coming?"

Lu Hui: "Yes, I really mean Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here, and our boss will be here soon."

Jia Yan showed a look of embarrassment: "It will be difficult, our time is tight..."

Lu Hui was about to speak, but heard the sound of a car engine outside.

Then, a sky blue Porsche drove into the yard.

Lu Hui smiled and said, "The boss is here."

I saw a young man stepping out of the car door.

Of course, this person is no one else, but Li Tianyu, the boss behind Jiaxin Technology Co., Ltd.

When Li Tianyu saw this group of people, he felt that he was not insignificant, and he was indeed an "important customer."

Lu Hui immediately introduced Cao Huaming and Jia Yan to Li Tianyu.

In fact, even if Lu Hui didn't introduce him, Li Tianyu would know who they were. After all, he had the ability to be an "intelligence master", just shaking his hand.

After the greeting was over, Cao Huaming asked to do "business."

Li Tianyu made a "please" gesture and asked Lu Hui to show everyone around Jiaxin's factory.

Of course Li Tianyu also found Xie Tao, but he didn't say anything.

No matter what intrigue Xie Xiangdong had, he was vulnerable to the new Jiaxin.

This large force entered the workshop area mightily.

Now Jiaxin has two factories.

Lu Hui first led everyone to the door of No. 1 Plant.

Xie Tao said at this time: "Cao, Jia, don't look at the outside of this place is clean, in fact, the inside is very messy, they are all rusty old machines."

Jia Yan laughed when he heard the words: "What is it called? The surface of the donkey dung marbles is understandable."

Lu Hui also didn't care, pointing to the door and said, "Everyone, this set of safety doors is only recently upgraded by us. After opening, it does not enter the factory immediately, but enters the dust removal room first."

Cao Huaming: "Dust removal room?"

He certainly knew what the dust removal room meant, but he didn't expect that such a medium-sized company would have something like this.

Lu Hui swiped the access card, and the door opened automatically.

Everyone really entered a sealed room.

The room is extremely clean.

Lu Hui said that this is a negative pressure room, and no dust and bacteria can escape.

There are a lot of cool dustproof clothes hanging in the room.

When Xie Tao saw this, he showed a very surprised look.

With such a well-equipped dust removal room, even Xie's did not have it.

This "superficial skill" is also too exaggerated, too good?

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