Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 250 Become the LCD screen boss? Not a dream!

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Just let Lu Hui arrange it.

Jiaxin and Avida signed a contract of intent in a friendly and peaceful atmosphere.

Finally, Li Tianyu shook hands with Cao Huaming, and met to find a time to eat, drink, and chat together.

Then Cao Huaming took someone away.

Xie Tao and Jia Yan didn't know when they disappeared.

Li Tianyu didn't bother to control them.

In the face of strength, all conspiracies and tricks are paper tigers, and they are self-defeating.

Then, Li Tianyu held a small meeting with Lu Hui and other key staff of Jiaxin.

In addition to Lu Hui, there are six other people eligible to participate.

Three or four of them saw Li Tianyu for the first time and were quite curious about him.

It is a winner in life to have such a big factory at such a young age!

Li Tianyu didn't care about anything else, so he asked first: "Xiao Lu, what is our profit this time?"

Lu Hui is an experienced business background, and the estimated number should be close to ten.

Lu Hui pondered, and said, "According to the situation we talked to Mr. Cao just now, Ivida placed the order three times, and each time the order quantity was the same, our unit price could not be determined. They accepted it all. ..."

As Lu Hui said, he picked up his mobile phone and started to calculate with the computer.

Li Tianyu didn't worry, he twisted the lid and took a sip of mineral water.

Lu Hui finally figured it out. He smiled and said, "Boss, we can make a profit of 50 to 60 million yuan per batch."

Li Tianyu asked: "Pure profit?"

Lu Hui nodded: "Although there may be some errors, this is pure profit. Three batches can definitely make more than 150 million yuan."

Li Tianyu: "What about the production time of each batch?"

Lu Hui: "The construction period is estimated to be two months, but our schedule is not full. If we arrange one more team, it can be shortened by about 40 days."

Li Tianyu nodded, this kind of feedback did not surprise him.

If such a large factory cannot make more money in a short period of time, what is the use?

Lu Hui added: "Unfortunately, the raw materials have risen a lot now, otherwise, Jiaxin could make more."

At this time, another person named He Junxia said: “Mr. Lu is right. It’s not a good time now. If it were a few months ago, the materials were generally very cheap. It didn’t take long. It's nearly doubled."

With that, He Junxia shook her head and sighed.

She is the head of Jiaxin's purchasing department. She is careful and capable, so she was retained by Lu Hui.

Li Tianyu sat up straight: "If we ignore the purchase price of these materials, how much more can we make?"

He Junxia glanced at Lu Hui and said, "Mr. Li, a conservative estimate can make 15% to 20% more profit."


Li Tianyu patted the table: "Okay!"

Everyone was shocked, what was the nerve of Boss Li?

How about making so much less money?

Regardless of other people’s opinions, Li Tianyu said to Lu Hui: "Let’s do it, Xiao Lu, you can sort it out and send me a list of the more expensive materials, and write clearly the name, amount, and specific model of the material. , Must be specific."

Lu Hui was startled, "Boss, you mean, you can get these materials?"

Li Tianyu nodded.

He Junxia thought it was amazing: "Mr. Li, do you use a cheaper price?"

Li Tianyu: "Of course, don't worry, for me, these are not difficult, just do it as soon as possible."

Lu Hui lifted his spirits and said, "Okay."

Li Tianyu: "That's right," How much capacity of our factory will be occupied by the order from Avida?"

Lu Hui thought for a while and said, "After the production line is upgraded, our production efficiency has improved a lot. Ivida's orders are about 20% of the production capacity."

Li Tianyu nodded: "That's okay. If necessary, we should expand the factory as soon as possible, so as not to get orders and watch the money slip away."

Lu Hui: "Understood, we will meet with the production department to discuss, if necessary, we will report to you."

Having said that, this meeting is almost over.

Everyone looked at Li Tianyu, are there any other instructions?

At this time, Li Tianyu's prestige had been established in everyone's hearts, and he appeared increasingly "tall and mighty."

You need money and money, you need equipment and equipment, especially equipment that you can't easily buy.

Almost omnipotent, all-encompassing.

Where to find such an amazing boss?

It's just Doraemon!

You can't find it even with a lantern.

Li Tianyu just thought about it quietly, and the others didn't bother him.

A few minutes later, Li Tianyu suddenly asked: "You said, is the LCD panel easy to make now?"

Everyone was startled and couldn't help looking at each other.

The LCD panel certainly refers to LCD and OLED.

That investment is not so big!

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "I just ask casually, let's brainstorm and chat casually."

Lu Hui pondered for a while and said, "Boss, I will tell you the truth. LCD panels are very difficult to make. In the past, there were a dozen or twenty companies in China. Now they are almost dead, and only three or four are left. It's possible."

Li Tianyu nodded.

Even a layman knows this. The best representative in China is BOE, which has the top panel technology.

There are other things like Huaguan, Chinese Picture Tubes, Tianma, etc., which can only be said to be okay.

Now let Jiaxin do LCD panels, it is indeed a bit shocking.

The amount of investment in this industry is calculated in tens or tens of billions.

But Li Tianyu has his own considerations.

Nowadays, high-tech mobile devices are so popular, the key technologies are so different, and it is nothing more than chip technology and LCD panels.

The LCD panel is difficult to do, but it is still insignificant compared with the chip.

As long as the equipment, materials, and talents are in place, good things can be made.

This is also to meet the upgrade conditions of the bragging system as soon as possible.

He has a strong curiosity about the reward that cannot be bought with money.

Li Tianyu is not worried about the production of LCD panels, equipment, and materials. It is nothing more than a waste of bragging about the system.1800 Literature

The only difficulty is that there are no relevant talents.

Li Tianyu has tried bragging to get scientific research talents, but his system also has a bottom line, and he just brags.

Therefore, it takes luck and contacts to find the manufacturing team related to the LCD panel.

Of course, the conditions still owe some, at least the cash in hand is not enough.

Li Tianyu thought of this and said, "Xiao Lu, let's do that. Please study it. If we increase the LCD panel business in the future, we need to list all the conditions."

Lu Hui was stunned, but he didn't expect Li Tianyu to come back for real.

"...Boss, let me ask first, which grade of LCD panel do we plan to make?"

Li Tianyu pointed to the sky: "High-end, the highest-end, it's best to kill Samsung."

As soon as this was said, everyone was so shocked that their jaws fell on the conference table.

This tone is too arrogant.

Samsung is the world's top LCD panel manufacturer, and the domestic BOE has worked hard for so many years and dare not say that it can beat it.

Don't talk about Samsung, don't be the second-in-command LG. They are all giants and it is difficult to overload.

It's impossible for Jiaxin to be a medium-sized technology foundry.

Li Tianyu laughed and waved his hands and said, "I'm just kidding, I mean this is where we are working hard."

When everyone heard this, they were relieved.

However, the goal set by Li Tianyu is too big. It is not as simple as earning one hundred million first.

Having said this, Li Tianyu announced the adjournment of the meeting.

After speaking a few words to Lu Hui, Li Tianyu drove out of the conference room.

Watching Li Tianyu's back, everyone was a little surprised.

None of them left the meeting room and started talking about it.

Xie Changgong: "This boss has a big heart. He actually wants to make LCD panels. How can ordinary people afford this investment?"

He Junxia: "Old Xie, you are really old-fashioned. Now that you are engaged in this kind of high-tech, you are looking for venture capital and pulling investment. How can you use your own money to invest?"

Guo Ping: "He Junxia is right. The amount of investment in LCD panels is too large. Even if the boss has money, he can't hear the investment. He must be looking for investors."

Xie Changgong: "You are all right, but what time is it now? Is there any investor or investment company that will appreciate a new player with LCD panels? That is either a lunatic or a fool."

At this time, everyone found that Lu Hui had been silent and silent.

"Mr. Lu, you come to express your opinion, is this idea of ​​our boss feasible?"

"Yes, Mr. Lu, or you should persuade the boss, or stop doing these difficult projects, it will be difficult to succeed."

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, you are saying something!"

Lu Hui finally recovered, he smiled: "I think the boss's idea is quite good, this matter is very feasible."

When everyone heard it, they all vomited blood and died.

Boss Li is crazy. This is terrible. Why is the general manager Lu Huilu crazy?

This is simply scary.

"Mr. Lu, are you serious? Open LCD panel project?"

Lu Hui raised his eyebrows: "Why not? Do you think Jiaxin is weak?"

Xie Changgong: "But that can require a large sum of money. I don't know how much money the boss has, but even if it is several hundred million, it is definitely not usable. A high-end LCD panel production line requires a few machines. A hundred million!"

"We Jiaxin just updated the production line and the situation is very good. There is really no need to take this risk."

The sentence after Xie Changgong resonated with others.

Now Jiaxin has obtained several big orders from Avida. As long as there is no defect in the production, even if the reputation is hit, the future big orders of science and technology will continue to sweep in.

At this critical moment, it is really inappropriate to spread energy to "tall" projects.

Lu Hui shook his head: "I understand your concerns very well. I felt that this idea was not very reliable when I heard President Li's idea at first, but President Li also said, not to do it now. It will take a long time for the project to be established and actually operated."

Having said that, Lu Hui looked around at you: "Everyone, don't you want to make Jiaxin bigger and stronger?"

He Junxia's eyes lit up: "It depends on how big and strong it is."

Lu Hui pointed to the sky: "Didn't you hear what the boss said, to be world-class."

The expressions of the people were different, some showed heartbeat expressions, and some had incredible faces.

Lu Hui also said: "Do you really think that Li is always so lofty and imaginative? That's OK, now I ask you, how many domestic manufacturers have these new machines introduced in our factory production line?"

Everyone looked at each other.

At present, several CNC intelligent machine tools, automatic cutting equipment, and those high-tech analyzers in the dust-free laboratory are indeed difficult to see in most domestic manufacturers.

Only in some first-tier factories can it be equipped.

Some even restrict exports in foreign policies, and only have a small export quota every year.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but wonder, where did this young boss Li get these machinery and equipment?

Lu Hui: "So, Mr. Li's strength is unfathomable, and those LCD panel production line equipment may be a piece of cake for him."

He Junxia's eyes lit up again: "Yes, if the problem of the production line is solved, then the materials and R&D personnel will be lost, and the R&D personnel will dig from other places if the problem is serious."

"The materials are better. Now if you have money, what can't you buy?"

He Junxia's character is quite open, and immediately fills up a series of possibilities.

It is concluded that if the production line equipment is solved, it will not be regarded as a first-class LCD panel supplier, at least second-rate is completely possible.

After listening to everyone, they couldn't help but have a look of hope.

Lu Hui patted the table: "Well, since the boss wants a plan, try to organize it as comprehensively as possible, mobilize your contacts, ask for suggestions and opinions, and I will write it down and send it to the boss as soon as possible."

Lu Hui was really excited now.

The more I think about it now, the more I feel that Li Tianyu may really be able to get the most advanced production line of LCD screens.

In this case, let alone ordinary LCD screens, even OLED, QLED, and even foldable flexible screens can be produced.

In that case, Jiaxin Technology Co., Ltd. can really take off.

At the same time, Li Tianyu left Langzhou in a Porsche Cayenne, speeding on the highway.

Although a little tired, he can't go home yet.

Li Tianyu hasn't been to the doll bar for a long time, so he must show up and brush up on his presence.

And now it’s business hours. It’s not bad to drink a few glasses of wine to relieve fatigue and chat with beautiful women.

Along the way, it was already five thirty in the afternoon.

The bar is now open.

Damn it!

Li Tianyu found that the small parking lot at the entrance was full.

It stands to reason that the sky hasn't darkened yet, and now there are not many customers.

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