Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 252 Qin Xuetong, interesting enough

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The activity is good, but the knowledge of how to promote it is great.

Either distribute flyers offline, or promote them online, or both.

But no matter which method is used, the effect is not necessarily good.

After all, there are so many bars in Wulitun, and every day there are pubs engaged in activities to increase popularity.

Although "Oktoberfest" sounds very popular, the effect is not necessarily good.

Later, Du Gengqiang was shocked when he heard that Qin Xuetong had come once, and then he thought of a very popular advertisement.

Li Tianyu was stunned: "What advertisement?"

Han Lei hesitated and said, "We all love Qin Xuetong, and Qin Xuetong only loves beer."

Guo Guang added: "Doll Bar Oktoberfest, the Oktoberfest that Qin Xuetong will also come to."

Li Tianyu was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

This ad is too nonsense, right?

Li Tianyu: "So the effect is so good?"

Guo Guang smiled: "Yeah, we didn't expect that so many people came all at once, but it was a bit annoying. Everyday people came to ask us where Qin Xuetong is? When will he come."

Han Lei: "Yes, there are so many people, there are all kinds of birds, and some are deliberately asking for trouble. Fortunately, Cao Chunwen is hired. If someone makes trouble, he will be sent away."

Li Tianyu pondered for a while, and felt something was wrong.

Suddenly, he thought of a big or small problem.

"If we do this, there will be no suspicion of infringement, right?"

Guo Guang: "Boss, that's why we rushed to find you and discuss this matter."

Li Tianyu was startled: "What's the matter?"

Han Lei: "Didn't you have a good relationship with Qin Xuetong, invite her over to show her face."

Guo Guang: "Lest someone always make irresponsible remarks."

Li Tianyu: "Make irresponsible remarks? What did you say about us?"

Guo Guang: "It's like we're playing the side ball, fighting out, and making money to be shameless."


Li Tianyu laughed loudly: "What's the matter with this, if you want to make money, what kind of face is there?"

Han Lei: "That doesn't matter, I'm afraid that the media will trouble us. If it comes to us that we have infringements, we won't stop cooking."

Li Tianyu: "Have you taken down that advertisement?"

Han Lei: "Take it down."

Li Tianyu: "If you pull it down, you will be fine?"

Han Lei: "Some people took photos of the advertisement in advance, and it is now available online."

Li Tianyu pondered for a while and felt that this was indeed a problem.

Fortunately, the Oktoberfest is finished in two days, and the risk is not that big.

Li Tianyu: "How much is our daily turnover?"

Han Lei immediately replied: "Under normal circumstances, it is still between 200,000 and 300,000. In the past few days, the turnover of the Oktoberfest has doubled every day."


That's incredible.

One day's turnover can reach up to eight or nine hundred thousand soft sister coins.

It shows that this risk is worth taking.

However, taking precautions before they happen is the true creed of Li Tianyu now.

So he immediately took out his cell phone and dialed a person.

Guo Guang and Han Lei are very curious, don't know who Li Tianyu will call?

Wouldn't it be Qin Xuetong directly?

This is very possible.

When Qin Xuetong came to the doll bar before, although he was very tightly wrapped, and also wore a hat and sunglasses, many people still recognized it.

Especially the waiter, see quite clearly.

The boss is really unfathomable, and he even knows such a big star.

Later, Ai Heping often came to the bar to play, and the first and second went to get acquainted with the waiters.

Only then did the people in the store know that Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong had an extraordinary relationship.

However, Li Tianyu really didn't fight Qin Xuetong.

In fact, he doesn't have Qin Xuetong's contact information, and he can't even call her.

He dialed Ai Heping's number.

"Hey, Ai Xiaoer, is it convenient to answer the phone? Yes, there is no inconvenience for you."

"That's it, you ask Qiu Jian to call me, tut, isn't there just Qiu Jian? How many do you know?"

"Oh, I'll just tell him something, it has nothing to do with you."

"Okay, I'll tell you later, okay? Why are you like a brown candy."

"Hurry up, don't let me wait too long."

Li Tianyu finished speaking, hung up the phone, and then drank mineral water again.

Guo Guang and Han Lei looked at each other, Ai Heping and the others knew, but they didn't understand who Qiu Jian was.

What did the boss ask Qiu Jian for?

A few minutes later, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang.

It was from Qiu Jian.

Li Tianyu answered the phone slowly again.

"Hey, Xiao Jianjian, yes, I am Li Tianyu."

"I have something to tell you, give me your cousin's phone number."

"Nonsense, Qiu Kexin, how many cousins ​​do you have?...What? Six?"

"Okay, I don't care how many you have, just one named Qiu Kexin? Okay, then send me the call."

"...What's in your mind? It's so nasty, I don't need your help. I didn't want to pick her up. How dare I? I have something to ask her for help."

"Okay, send it to me, bye."

Li Tianyu hung up the phone, thinking that Ai Heping's group is so unethical and it is too difficult to communicate.

Guo Guang couldn't help asking: "Tianyu, what do you want to do?"

Li Tianyu: "What else can I do? Of course I'm looking for Qin Xuetong, so I don't get any problems in time."

Guo Guang and Han Lei looked at each other, both very surprised.

Although I knew that Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong could be related, it was only heard after all, and seeing it with my own eyes is still very shocking.

After all, Qin Xuetong is a popular actress, the dream lover of thousands of men, and a cool idol in women's hearts.

At this moment, Li Tianyu received a text message from Qiu Jian with Qiu Kexin's contact number written on it.

Li Tianyu dialed Qiu Kexin's mobile phone number.

Soon, the other party answered.

Qiu Kexin: "Who?"

Li Tianyu: "It's me, Li Tianyu."

Qiu Kexin smiled over there, "Yeah, why are you? Where did you find my mobile number?"

Li Tianyu: "Where is your cousin."

Qiu Kexin: "What are you doing? You don't want to give me a treat?"

Li Tianyu quickly said, "No, I don't have this idea, I am looking for you if I have something to do."

Qiu Kexin "cut": "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

Li Tianyu: "How can I contact Qin Xuetong?"

Qiu Kexin was startled: "You don't have her contact information? No way!" Heyuan Book Bar

Li Tianyu: "Why not? Why do I have her contact information?"

Qiu Kexin: "Don't you two have a leg?"

Li Tianyu felt like he was going crazy: "Can you take responsibility for your words? We are innocent people and we do things clearly!"

Qiu Kexin: "Okay, it doesn't matter whether you two have legs or not. You send you her private number. By the way, don't say I told you."

Li Tianyu stayed for a while: "Then who did I tell me?"

Qiu Kexin: "Just say you got it by fortune-telling."

Damn it!

Qiu Kexin's mind is not so big!

However, with Qin Xuetong's personality, most of them would never ask who gave him his mobile phone number.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Li Tianyu soon received a text message from Qiu Kexin.

So Li Tianyu dialed the mobile phone number.

He felt that he was too busy, so he made three calls and answered one call after a while.

This dazzling operation is too showy.

The phone was answered quickly over there.

Few people should know this phone number, so Qin Xuetong's tone was a little strange.

Qin Xuetong: "Hello, who are you?"

Li Tianyu: "It's me, Li Tianyu."

Qin Xuetong was even more surprised: "Li Tianyu? How did you know this number?"

Li Tianyu made a mistake, but Qin Xuetong would really ask.

Li Tianyu had to answer: "I did a fortune-telling."

Qin Xuetong probably was speechless over there, but she didn't ask further.

Li Tianyu immediately said: "By the way, I'll tell you something, is it convenient for you?"

Qin Xuetong: "Convenient."

Li Tianyu: "That's it, remember I have a bar?"

Qin Xuetong: "Remember, what's wrong?"

As a result, Li Tianyu made it clear about the Oktoberfest with doll wine and accidentally using the name "Qin Xuetong" as an advertisement.

Qin Xuetong didn't seem to care much after listening.

Li Tianyu: "Don't tell me, your name is very easy to use. A lot of people came here at once, and now the business is very good."

Li Tianyu: "So, I called you just to ask you, do I need to say hello to your brokerage company? If necessary, I can pay for it."

Of course, Qin Xuetong understands that Li Tianyu is worried about any infringement lawsuit.

Qin Xuetong: "No, my portrait rights were not signed out, and you just used the name'Qin Xuetong'. As long as you don't use my portrait, there shouldn't be any trouble."

Li Tianyu: "That's good, then I can rest assured."

Qin Xuetong: "Well, but it is not ruled out that someone will take the opportunity to make trouble. You can call me and I will help you solve it."

Li Tianyu: "Yeah, that's great, then I will invite you to dinner later, thank you very much."

If Qiu Kexin heard it, he would definitely tell Li Tianyu that he still owes them two meals!

Qin Xuetong: "No, you helped my mother last time, so we should thank you."

Li Tianyu was happy: "That's OK, then you can invite me to dinner."

Qin Xuetong also smiled: "My mother will arrange it."

The two ended the conversation in a relaxed atmosphere.

Li Tianyu threw the phone on the conference table and heaved a sigh of relief.

Guo Guang couldn't help asking: "How about? Will we be held accountable?"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "No, if there is a problem, she will come forward and solve it."

Guo Guang and Han Lei were relieved when they heard this.

At the same time, they also lamented that Li Tianyu's face is so great that he can actually get a big star to endorse him.

I don't know what is the relationship between Qin Xuetong and Li Tianyu?

Li Tianyu: "It's okay now? Can I go down for a drink?"

Han Lei: "It must be possible, boss, have you forgotten? This entire bar is yours!"

As a result, Guo Guang and Han Lei became busy again, and Li Tianyu finally took a seat at the bar.

When Zhuang Xingwang saw that the boss was coming, he quickly greeted him with good wine and water.

Zhuang Xingwang: "Boss, how long have you not been here? I have researched out several new drinks."

With that said, Zhuang Xingwang also made a soaring movement, which was quite exaggerated.

Li Tianyu warned quite seriously: "You can just bring me regular drinks, don't fool me with your own homemade ones."

Zhuang Xingwang was stunned: "Boss, are you really not trying? This is the result of painstaking research, and it will definitely allow you to steal from you... No, it's not right. You are ecstatic."

Li Tianyu turned his head and shouted: "Lao Guo, Xiao Zhuang said that his salary is too much and he wants to cut it in half!"

Zhuang Guangwang's expression changed, and he almost knelt down.

"Don't, boss, I was wrong, I won't talk nonsense anymore, I will make a few good drinks for you right away."

Li Tianyu: "It's pretty much the same."

Soon, a light cocktail was served.

Li Tianyu yelled very refreshingly, and gave Zhuang Xingwang a thumbs up: "That's right, the level has improved."

Zhuang Xingwang: "Can the wages rise a little bit?"

Li Tianyu glared at the other person: "It's just an improvement, but I didn't say it well, but it's infinitely close to the level of a salary increase. Keep working hard!"

Zhuang Xingwang rolled his eyes. Boss Li is already a typical capitalist.

At this moment, Li Tianyu saw four...No, Qiqi, one of the three golden flowers, was chatting with someone not far away.

This should be working.

This Oktoberfest, it is estimated that Qiqi's sales of these drinks will make a lot of money.

Qiqi felt Li Tianyu's gaze and smiled at this side as a greeting.

There was something strange in Li Tianyu's heart, thinking about waiting for you to get off work.

But where are the other two golden flowers?

Li Tianyu wanted to ask about Zhuang Xingwang, but at this time the kid was mixing drinks with other customers, so Li Tianyu had to leave him alone.

Although it is a bit crowded and crowded, it feels good.

The advantage of clearing it is that it is relatively light, quiet and not noisy.

At this time, the night has fallen outside, and the streets are getting more and more lively.

Many barbecue restaurants and crayfish restaurants are full of voices and enthusiasm.

Li Tianyu couldn't remember calling out a few glasses of wine. Just as he wanted to ask for another drink from Zhuang Xingwang, a table not far away came out of noise.

"How did you do this bar? I think it's a liar bar!"

"What else is Qin Xuetong coming? Where? Where is it?"

"Yeah, we drove here for two hours. If we don't see Qin Xuetong, I will smash your broken shop!"

Li Tianyu turned his head and looked around. A table of people was making a big noise.

There were three men sitting at the table, one woman, and the men were all five big and three thick, and they all looked quite vicious.

The lady dressed in gorgeous looks, looks a bit charming.

At the table, standing a young man, wearing the uniform of the clerk of the doll bar, belonged to the waiter, Han Lei's subordinate.

The man looked embarrassed and kept explaining.

"Several guests, Qin Xuetong has indeed come to our store to shout for wine, and stayed there for a long time."

"Qin Xuetong has indeed been here, but she is not always old at all times, and she doesn't work here, don't you?"

"Our advertisement is a bit exaggerated, isn't it withdrawn now..."

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