You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Sun Life Supermarket is a well-known brand in the domestic supermarket industry.

It is also divided into two major businesses: civilian supermarkets and high-end supermarkets.

The so-called Sun Life Supermarket is a high-end supermarket, and all the things sold in it are imported and high-end products.

Targeting consumers are also high-income white-collar workers.

Wang Hui saw that Li Lanyue still didn't want to give the key, so he urged: "Hurry up, we will return it to you after we finish reading it. This manager Zhang is very busy. How can I spend all the time here?"

Mr. Zhang's name is "Zhang Yuan", and he is responsible for the development of boutique supermarket branches in Imperial Capital.

If he is very busy, I can understand it, but looking at his size, it seems that he is not so busy.

Zhang Yuan: "This girl, let me tell you that I have to run several places today, so please cooperate."

Now Li Lanyue didn't give the key, it really couldn't make sense.

After all, the identity of this customer is not ordinary.

If this boss Zhang Yuan is asked to complain to the head office, saying that Li Lanyue is lazy in reception, it will be difficult to guarantee the consequences.

Li Lanyue's work is currently on the rise, so she dare not take this risk anyway.

As a result, Li Lanyue found the key and access card of shop A02 from the drawer and handed it to Wang Hui.

Li Lanyue: "Wang Hui, come back as soon as you finish reading, don't delay my client."

Wang Hui got the key, chuckled, and did not respond, and left the office with Zhang Yuan and other people.

Xu Xiaoguang was stunned and said anxiously: "Sister Li, Wang Hui is going to grab an order, what should I do?"

Li Lanyue replied helplessly: "Let him go, maybe Mr. Zhang will just come and take a look."

Li Lanyue's ideas are too ideal.

After half an hour, Wang Hui returned with Zhang Yuan and his party.

Wang Hui asked Zhang Yuan and others to sit down and behaved very diligently.

His diligence is nothing, the key is to motivate others to be diligent.

"Who, pour hot water for these VIPs."

"By the way, do you have coffee? Tea is fine too."

"That who" is of course Xu Xiaoguang.

Xu Xiaoguang answered rather unwillingly: "Not at all now."

Wang Hui immediately glared at Xu Xiaoguang: "Nothing? Then go and pour water, is there no water?!"

Xu Xiaoguang muttered a few words, but didn't dare to go back again, and went to pour water.

After all, it's a probation period, so it's better to obey.

Li Lanyue said displeased: "Wang Hui, this is the Fashion Plaza, not your Jiade Center."

The Jiade Center is the project where Wang Hui is located. It is in the Chaoyang area, where there are basically no vacant shops.

Therefore, Wang Hui had to find food outside in order to look good.

Wang Hui: "Whether it's the Fashion Square or the Jiade Center, it's not all of our Jiade. The leaders of the headquarters said last time, everyone should not have hilltopism, Comrade Li Lanyue, hasn't it been a long time?"

Li Lanyue didn't bother to entangle with him: "Have you finished reading it? Where are the keys and the access card?"

Wang Hui: "Don't worry, I'm just about to tell you about this."

Li Lanyue was startled and had a bad feeling: "What's the matter?"

Wang Hui: "Mr. Zhang looked at this shop and was very satisfied, so... Mr. Zhang, maybe you are more convincing than me."

Zhang Yuan explained with a smile: "Yes, I think that store is not bad, the location is very good, you can see it as soon as you get out of the escalator, there are two doors, which can be used as the entrance and exit of the supermarket, and the layout inside is not required. How to reform."

Having said that, Zhang Yuan glanced at Li Lanyue: "I heard that this store has been sold to others, right?" 187 Novels

Li Lanyue nodded: "Yes, Mr. Zhang, the property right now is not here in Jiade."

Zhang Yuan: "Well, you can give me the contact information of that owner, and I will have a good chat with him."

Li Lanyue calmed down and replied solemnly: "Mr. Zhang, I don’t want to hide it from you. Now the owner has contacted a client and we are going to negotiate today. I think you should wait until the negotiation is over and you will talk to the owner. ."

Zhang Yuan smiled and asked, "Which customer did you contact?"

Li Lanyue: "This...I have to keep it secret for now."

Zhang Yuan said disdainfully: "What big client is so mysterious?"

Wang Hui: "Yes, no matter how big it is, is there our Yongming Boutique Supermarket as big?"

Li Lanyue thought to herself, it was really bigger than it.

Although Sun Life Supermarket is a veteran powerhouse in the super business sector, its operating conditions in recent years are quite ordinary.

Fresh Hema is an upstart, with a strong momentum. The two are almost incomparable.

Li Lanyue didn't want to say, Wang Hui didn't ask further.

In fact, he just got the news yesterday that customers will meet with the owners today just for the largest shop on the first basement level of the Fashion Plaza.

So rushed to grab the time and brought Zhang Yuan and his party over.

If the other party signs the contract, it will be useless.

Wang Hui: "Well, don't they meet today? Let's wait here for a while."

Xu Xiaoguang couldn't help but said, "Aren't you busy? It's still early for them to meet, and they may have to wait until the afternoon."

Wang Hui glared at Xu Xiaoguang again: "What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think I don't know? The appointment time between the owner and the client is the morning."

Li Lanyue showed a wry smile.

It seems that Wang Hui knows all the other information except for not knowing who the customer is.

This is no wonder.

Under normal circumstances, these information will be entered on the company's system, as long as there is a high level of authority can be viewed.

Wang Hui's authority is not enough, but his boss Manager Lu can see it.

Moreover, Wang Hui is a bad guy, and he knows how to put things off.

Li Lanyue couldn't deal with it, so Wang Hui cast his anger on Xu Xiaoguang, which was a demonstration with Li Lanyue.

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside.

Li Lanyue opened the door and saw that it was Li Tianyu who had arrived.

It is ten o'clock in the morning, and Li Tianyu is coming sooner than expected.

Li Lanyue: "Mr. Li, you arrived early."

Li Tianyu laughed and said, "Neither did I expect that the road was unexpectedly smooth today without traffic jams."

Li Lanyue welcomed Li Tianyu into the reception room, and then went to pour water.

When Li Lanyue returned to the reception room with the cup, Wang Hui was already sitting opposite Li Tianyu with Zhang Yuan and the others.

Li Tianyu is also at a loss, why does it feel that the atmosphere is not right?

Just as Li Lanyue was about to explain, Wang Hui grabbed Bai again.

"Sir, are you the owner of shop A02?"

Li Tianyu was startled: "Yes, I am, who are you?"

Wang Hui took no time to introduce himself, and then introduced Zhang Yuan's identity and purpose.

Li Tianyu turned to look at Li Lanyue, and found that her expression was a little uncomfortable, and he seemed to understand something.

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